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Ghost Planet [Mando Dominion of Generis]

Ori'Alor Tal'Verda

Leader of the True Mando'Ade
@[member="Rach Kol-Rekali"]

"Thank you honey." Alliera said, spearing the steak with a spare throwing knife "I owe you."

Alliera took off her helmet and got too eating her steak, making sure to keep her mind on her surroundings, and a hand near a weapon holster the whole time. After a bit, Alliera was down to the last morsel, and popped it into her mouth, cleaning off the Trowing knife shortly after.

@[member="Emberli Garett"]@[member="Bard of the Hyperlanes"]
"You want some?" Allliera asked, looking at new arrival and Mandalore "We got plenty."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Rach finished chewing on his steak, left others cooking, and put his helmet back on.

"Yeah," he said, eyeing the Bard, "there's something here drawing the tuk'ata, probably something older than this station. Or maybe this station was built to hide it. I won't ask how you know about Mimban crystals, friend, but I think I'll go with my gut. I spied a place back there where the foundation fell away, or where the tuk'ata might have clawed their way out. Either way, I'm not comfortable planting a flag on this little world without knowing what's down there."
Mia moved away from the fire, shaking her head at the married couple as they cooked there steaks. Sitting around and eating wasn't on high on her priority lists just after being attacked by Tuk'ata. She moved to one of the tuk'ata, adrenaline and excitement coursing through her at the prospect of finding a sith artefact. She despised the Sith, in fact she disliked the majority of force users, but their artefacts held a power that no one could resist, not to mention they looked good on her shelves in her house.

"I don't think this is the last of them." she said softly as she ran her hands along the creatures body "This is just the first line of defence, the second generation if you will." she paused standing up and poking the beast with her foot "These things are only pups. And I'll bet whoever sired them, just had the nastiest wake up call of their life." As sith hounds were force sensitive she imagined the mother of these creatures had felt every death. Head snapping round at Rach's suggestion she let out a low laugh of excitement. "I love a good tomb raiding." She replied rising to move to where he had indicated the foundations had fallen away.

The hole was big enough for one person to get through. Lying on her belly she peered into the oppressing darkness beyond. Her tongue clicked loudly as she thought about her next move, before sitting up and sliding feet first into the hole. She slid a several feet down a small slope before her feet hit solid ground again. Dropping into a crouch se broth her rfile up and scanned te aea arooud them. "Seems clear. Its a tight fit, two abreast at most. Though I think the bear might have to march alone." she said, mocking the mandalore's stature. "You gonna come and play ner vods or are you gonna leave me to reap all the glory?"
Despite his childhood and barely scraping by on the streets, which would have made any sane being conservative about action, Verz decided within a nanosecond to explore. What was life without adventure? If he died, he died. Hopefully he would meet his ancestors, but for now, he planned on living to see the next day.

He raised his standard issue Assault Rifle, loaded another Tibana gas cartridge, and re synced his HUD to it. "I'll tag along ner vod, just to keep you frm keeping all the glory." he said, jokingly.
Today had started out seeming to be very tame and routine, though a Mandalorian knew to expect nothing to be so simple. Still he found himself thirsting for action merely to impress Mandalore and his superiors as for now he was effectively the runt of the litter. His force senses gave him a certain feeling of unease as they marched their way through the relatively deserted planet. He understood the Mandalorian language but because of his old mission, had spent so much time away that speaking it fluently at least was beyond him. The planet would serve the purpose of strengthening him by the advanced gravity that made everything heavier and his own body as well.

Caedo found himself checking himself, running inventory on the sharpness of his knives and blades. He had twin standard issue blasters but rarely checked him as he wasn't the best shot. No, his talents laid in swordplay and more notably as of late with the Force. However, he promised himself today he would gain the Mandalore's approval and prove himself to the others. He cursed below his breath as Rach was taken under by a Tu'kata. Drawing his twin vibroblade's he found himself leaping after Rach as did his fellow brothers and sisters. He found himself at home when he was in battle, it spoke the Mandalorian upbringing but called out to the Echani blood running through his veins.

Rejoining the group, he heard a call for glory and he stepped forward answering Mia saying "Well it's time for me to start earning glory, so I'll be at your side till glory or death whichever comes first."

It was like a dance at first, dodging and side stepping the beasts. And finally the awarding feeling of feeling his blades break skin and parting of flesh. That was until a Tu'kata blind sided him and he was forced to the ground given his relatively small frame considering he was still just became a man in Mandalorian culture. It gnashed its teeth before attempting to bite at Caedo's neck which was thankfully covered by his beskar. Caedo kicked the beast back before rolling backwards to his feet, sheathing one of his vibroblades and pulling out a vibro-knife. He threw it with almost stunning clarity as it sunk home in the beast's gullet as he flew toward Caedo.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Rach slipped into the hole with Mia, Verz and Caedo, his knives ready. The second wave of tuk'ata might have been the parents of the first -- their size, their toughness and their sense of intelligence certainly indicated that. As Caedo tangled with them, the Dark Master flicked on his night vision. There wasn't much he could do, not with a tunnel this narrow, and his Force specialities had little to offer.

Apart from a cursory examination of Monroe's posterior, Rach kept his eyes and his mind on the job, and when the tunnel opened up he lunged to face one of the remaining tuk'ata. The hound was a monster, easily eight feet tall at the shoulder, and fast.

A weird glow in one hand, knife in the other, Rach got in on the action.

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
The Bard tilted his head as the sounds of violence percolated up from the building's foundation.

"Y'know," he said to nobody in particular, "there might be another way in. I'm thinking there's an odd little depression over thattaway that might be amenable to some creative renovations..."

He trundled inside the mapping skiff and emerged with an ultrasonic amplifier. Positioning it about thirty metres from the overgrown comm station, he touched his sonic servodriver to a certain component and activated everything. Dirt rumbled and collapsed, and he tumbled down into, well...

A crypt. Or a catacomb, anyway. Old, old, old. Through ranks of dead tuk'ata and irksome Mandos, he spied a shock of red hair.

@[member="Mia Monroe"]

"Hey!" he called. "We've got another passage down here, and I'm betting it goes somewhere. You in?"
Mia cursed as another Tuk'ata leapt at her from the shadows, into jaws clamping down on her rifle. A sadistic laugh escaping her she pulled the trigger filling the beats mouth with blaster fire. Shoving the body of the creature of her she looked up at the shout from the Bard.

"Alright, lets split. Verz, Caedo and Rach you go that way." She said pointing in the opposite direction to the Bard "I'll go with the..." she glanced at him for a moment "whatever he is. Open comms." Climbing over the bodies of Tuk'ata she joined the Bard peering into the new doorway.

"After you." she said with a smirk.

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
The Bard grinned, holding up his sonic servodriver for a little bit of light. Alongside Mia, he tromped down the dark passageway.

"Warm air. Fresh, too. There's something odd down here. See, if I was a pirate -- well, I sort of am a pirate -- and I found an abandoned planet with a horde of tuk'ata, I'd set up shop and take advantage of the natural defenses. Because...I smell motor oil. Or something greasy, and it sure isn't tomo-spiced Karkan ribenes."


Reliable recovery for a reasonable price
The sound of footfalls was getting closer. Was his pray closing in on him? No that was impossible he was the hunter here. Nothing would get in the way of his credit reward. Turning he ducked into a nearby alcove pulling his pistols from the holsters. He lowered his hat to cover his optical receptors to prevent the glow from giving away his position. He aimed the blaster down as two humanoids worked their way up the hallway. They weren't his target, they were potentially innocent. As they approached him he saw one of the great tuk'ata beasts lunge at them from around a corner. This was unacceptable, his second directive was to protect organics, but then again there was no money it in it. The debate raged for an eternity, a whole nanosecond. And then he jumped into action firing his two blasters rapidly at the creature putting it down. The creature fell at the humanoids feet and the droid approached. "I reckon you all owe me now," the droid said in his outer rim accent. He tipped his hat the two. Maybe he could complete his primary directive, and get paid.
Mia clipped her rifle to her back, switching to the two small pistols at her hip, for faster movement. She wasn't entirely sure if the Bard was armed and she needed speed over power in these tunnels.

But even that didn't make her fast enough for the tuk'ata that lunged at them from around the corner, twisting she brought both blasters up, but it was not her shots that dropped the beast. Eyes widening in surprise she regarded the robot silently for a moment, exchanging a glance with the Bard. "You have a good nose." she said training both pistols on the robot.

"Maybe we do, but we can't save your life now can we? So why don't you tell us what a tincan like you is doing in a place like this?"

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
"Simple enough, isn't it? The carbon scoring and the gear tell me you're a self-sufficient sort, and self-sufficient droids with guns, well, there aren't too many of those. A guard unit for whatever hidden pirate hangar is down there would kill us rather than the tuk'ata. So my bet is, you're here for whoever's down there. You're a bounty hunter."


Reliable recovery for a reasonable price
If Ranger could have squinted he would have, but instead he dimmed his ocular receptors. To be polite he took his hat off and looked at the man and the woman. "You reckon correctly," he said in his echoing voice. "There is a nasty character down there, he's a wanted men, and the reward is high." And then he saw Mia. His mechanical eyes glanced over her several times and he analyzed her for future reference. Yes his studies showed that people would find her attractive. "Why Missy there is no need for violence now." Holstering his pistols he took a step forward and placed a hand on her blasters. "My primary directive to make my money, there is no profit in eliminating a pretty thing like you." Without warning his head twitched twice to the side. "Speaking of money, I'd like twenty credits for services rendered." A mechanical hand pointed to the tuk'ata hounds corpse on the ground... "Price of blaster bolts used, power, and of course my fee...."
Mia blinked unsure of which part was more bizarre, being called 'pretty' by a robot, or being asked for money after being saved by a robot. She lowered her pistols but she didn't holster them, not yet. Mia preferred mechanical company to the living and breathing kind, but this thing was...well...something between the two.

"I'm not paying you for what I didn't ask for." she responded with a small laugh "But, I can offer something else in payment for saving our lives. Four guns are better than two and I'm not interested in taking any of the credits, just in wiping the scum from our new plane."


Reliable recovery for a reasonable price
The droid refused to budge as he looked at the woman. He shut his right optical receptor off "winking" at the woman, "Well for such a pretty lady, I'd have to say fifteen credits then." He nodded his head comically. "It's only fair. I saved your soft skin." Or was it hide? Humans didn't really have hides...

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
The Bard fished in his belt pouch, the one that served him for a wallet, and poked his finger through a hole. A moth fluttered out. "Yeah, fresh out of creds. Tell you what, friend. You, me, and the lady go down there and deal with this nefarious specimen, thus securing this portion of the planet for the Mandalorian forces. I'm certain various skins will be saved and posteriors pulled from the fire over the course of this operation. At the point of completion, we'll tally our respective rescuings and see who owes who. Shall we?"


Reliable recovery for a reasonable price
Ranger looked over the man. He was scruffy. "If we do this we do it right." He pulled out his blasters twirling them in his hands before holstering them again. Some strange Echani named Cai had said it was what the holovid heroes did. Ranger didn't know what that meant, but he found it impressed people at odd times. "Like my father said, when trying to drive a nail don't do nuthing fancy, but hit the little fella on the head as hard as you can."
The droid winked at her. Winked. At. Her. She blinked.

"Are you sure you're a droid? Because if you are, someone's been playing with your circuits." She finally holstered her pistols, coming to the conclusion that whatever the messed up machine was, he wasn't dangerous, not to them anyway.

"Properly." She agreed "You prefer a stealthy approach and a shot from a distance or are you going for all guns blazing?" she nodded down the corridor "Walk and talk tincan, before the stink of this guy attracts more." she said kicking the tuk'ata's dead form.

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
Down one of the tunnel branches, warm air gave way to light and the scent of machinery. Connory squatted at the edge of the tunnel, high on the wall of...what appeared to be an underground hangar. Old Koensayr starfighters and ferociously painted transports sat in a quiet little landing pad. The ceiling was segmented durasteel and sensor-reflective material. A nice little hidden base, potentially the sort of hidey-hole that could come in very, very handy for the occupying Mandos.

"I think, perhaps," said the Bard, "I'll leave the combat to you. I'm not one for guns. Now, if I manage to get over there to the control shed, there's good chance I can open up the ceiling and expose them to Mando scanners. They might have to evacuate."


Reliable recovery for a reasonable price
Ranger nodded to the bard and then looked back to Mia and he winked again. "I don't need him alive. He's a horrible person, a murderer and a pirate." It was a statement of fact. He trotted toward the edge and looked down. "Now little lady, you stay behind me, you may have a metal shell but underneath you're still fleshy." Twirling his blasters he aimed down at the group. "So I want you to go around the side, I'll distract them." The droid jumped down into the den of pirates making a large clanking noise. All eyes went to him and he suddenly started shooting at the group.

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