Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Gift of Light



Mercy Mercy



Finally, after more Task Force Xesh missions than she could count on her fingers, Maijan was free.

After New Aldera, when Djorn Bline Djorn Bline had seen through her illusion and shot her, she nearly died. In her delirium, a number of things had happened. Primarily, the nano-bomb in her neck had been removed. Secondarily, her Force-connection had been severed.

The rest, as they say (whoever they were — though at this point, Maijan highly suspected they was just IVI IVI ) was history.

It was like every single thing she’d learned at the academy on Carratos was out of reach now. The Fallanassi, she failed to see. The White Current, she couldn't strum it. It hurt, deeply, ached more than she'd ever anticipated. More than she could have imagined.

To get over it, the only way she'd found was to shove man-made-snow deep into her nose, inhale, and YEOW straighten in her seat. Deathsticks paled in comparison to the rush running in her veins on this merry, merry, day.

“And you got out of there u n t o u c h e d ?” Maijan asked, feeling crisper and more present than before. It was as if Mercy’s retelling of Remembrance Day on Coruscant were happening around her.

She could see it, the silhouettes, the new statues, the manufactured clouds…

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Teshi Ocano Teshi Ocano | Mylo Thorne | OPEN


“Jus’ imajun us in a sleigh, like the stories you heard as a kid.” Osarla yawned and stretched. The rippling through her arms and obliques felt good, and the crack between her shoulder blades felt even better! “This is our last outpost anyway. We’ll be here for a bit while we climb back through the corridor.”

Sleepily, the pilot nodded. It was just a shuttle for a few passengers, Osarla and her most trusted companions from the Tortuga Company — Tech, Reporters, and a few others that were seasoned marines of the 222nd. She’d lost so many on Ilum, the ones that survived were near-magnetised to her now.

And she loved this — just her and the soldiers.

Although, she felt a little guilty feeling so grateful to be among her own battle-minded kind. But only briefly.

She’d asked her Padawan, Sion Lorray Sion Lorray , to stay on Coruscant. Stay with the crowds, stay with all the emotion. For the first time since she’d rescued him on Lao Mon, he might be saturated in joy — and she didn’t want to take him away from that, and risk the angst at each of the barracks, outposts, and stations she visited through her Life-Day tour.

It was a bad name, Life Day tour. Mostly because it spanned the entire month — and on the actual day, she was…

In...a red and white outfit that was such a far cry from her typical armour that it was...awful.

Normally, Osarla was proud of her montrals. They were tall, at least a foot above her head, beautiful, and shapely. Right now though, as she wrestled to find a spot where the santa-like hat would sit, they were sort of annoying. The white and red fluffy hat was made for sentients with smooth skulls. And she ended up piercing through the pom pom.

Her pilot handed her a flask just as she grunted out her frustration.

It was that sort of unspoken understanding among soldiers, comrades, that made up for not having a family of her own.

“What is it y’all say? —” and then she tried to make her best Rodese sound for cheers.

The pilot just…nodded and accepted the attempt for what it was. An attempt.

The General grinned, satisfied, and straightened. With another swig each, the pair entered the outpost.

Ridor missed everything Major Ocano said. And…everything Captain Thorne had in kind.

But they were the first two that caught her here. With a gesture, the company that had travelled with her dispersed among the brothers in arms, handing out randomised communicators with a few jokes.

“Captain, Major,” The General greeted, a sharp toothsome grin flashing through her rose-coloured nose and cheeks (a mixture of the temperature and drink) “Merry! Life Day!”

She sidled up, using her sheer size to secure a spot near the pair.

“Y’all got a tree out here or..?”


Such is Life Day...
CLOSED WITH Samuel Exel Samuel Exel

'Twas the night before Life Day, when all through the range
Not a creature was stirring... except Dominik and his Mauser.

Dominik set the empty magazine on the counter infront of him and stepped on the pedal that brought his target back up the range to him. He inspected it and sighed. His aim wasn't improving as fast as he'd like. Sure, he was still hitting well enough to win marksmen trophies, and he was using an outdated DL-44 to do it. The scorch marks from his blaster pistol were touching, and all were within the various bullseyes on the target at seventy meters. But he could get those groupings even closer, he thought. Just needed more practice.

The shooting range was dark aside from the soft white lights inside the shooting range on Dominik's aisle. The shooting range wasn't even open during Life Day, but Dominik... well, he didn't have anyone to really be with today. No one that was available, anyway. No family, those were dead lifetimes ago now. Friends were somewhat hard to come by in his line of work. So he spent his time doing what was as comfortable to him as reading a book infront of a fire was to some other people. Shooting guns. He may have let himself inside and got himself some Life Day presents in the way of free ammunition and weapons to shoot. Or maybe he was allowing the range owners to grace him with the Life Day spirit and give him these gifts. Of course they'd make that decision when he was long gone.

So he stood alone in the otherwise dark shooting range, changed his target, and began to practice some more.

Samuel Exel Samuel Exel
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Objective 3: Such Is Life Day
Writing with: Dominik Borra Dominik Borra !​


This year was a ‘first’ of many things for Samuel. For one, it was the first time he’d been to the Core for anything that wasn’t business-related. Secondly, he actually had a stable source of income that was not from illegal contracts from now long-dead Cartels. He was able to take delight in his job once more with the knowledge that it was no longer solely limited to the more unscrupulous activities. And thirdly, many of these firsts were of a newfound desire to do new things.

He knew there was a ‘Missing Person’ out and about. Usually, the pursuit of such a target was his forte, and he would’ve gladly taken it on. Unfortunately (or rather fortunately), he had other plans for the day. In short; he was far too busy! He had never properly celebrated Life Day before, but today he intended to do it right for the first time in his life. He browsed the Holo-Net, looked up recipes, got a shopping list, all the essentials! Now the only issue was actually getting everything, namely in time to get back to the person it was all for. Should be no issue for a professional Bounty Hunter, right?

Woe unto him, however, because while he had hunted targets with ease, he somehow found the task of hunting down the right commodities at the right prices in a rush-hour sale a more difficult endeavor. It did little to help that he was still wearing his armor for personal reasons of which many people would find foolish. That, and he didn’t realize walking around kitted out with your gear was not the norm in the Core Worlds, compared to the Outer Rim.

Having gone back-and-forth some, frantic as he tried to locate the next item on his list, he decided to swing by a shooting range and (legal!) weapons store that he frequently would visit - just to have a brief moment of respite. When the door to it swung open, his boots against the metallic floor seemed to reverberate across the place, causing him to curiously peer. It was closed? Odd, he could’ve sworn he saw a light in here-

The next sound of a blaster shot caused him to instinctively tense and turn his gaze to the source of the noise, only to relax some as he realized it was just someone at the range. Sure, it was a little odd to be doing so at this hour, but he would’ve frankly have done something similar more or less. What surprised him more, however…

“Well, I’ll be damned.” His modulated voice quipped, calling outwards to the familiar man as the armored individual lazily made his way forwards to the range. “Didn’t think I’d bump into you, here.” Despite its distortion, Samuel did his best to convey the light-hearted tone of voice to Dominik, of whom he only rarely had the chance to speak to without business of various kinds interfering.


Ariana Du Couteau, Jedi Padawan
Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Objective Two: Grandpa got runover by a Reindeer
Action: Begin the Hunt
Tag: Open


Ariana smiled brilliantly as she gazed around the many decorations, especially with all the dazzling lights. The emotions of the younglings, Knights and other Padawans were quite cheerful and a rather true sense of happiness. It all reinforced Ariana’s musings that such holidays can bring out the good in all beings, regardless of how it comes out. Well most of the time. . . The young Du Couteau thought as she mindlessly wandered the halls of the Jedi Temple, taking in the joyous sensations all around her.

Though something did begin to sting the general mood, nothing too intense but a group of Younglings weren’t expressing their best selves at the moment. Ariana walked over to the small group and listened in on their conversation, their small worried voices carried an air of uncertainty. A strange sensation but as Ariana listened she realized that not all was moving according to plan. Well, I mean, maybe ole’ Saint Varo’ got lost. . . Or overslept. She kept her laugh to herself but her smile remained large as she approached the group of younglings.

“Hey, hey, hey!” Ariana spoke, her voice matching the harmony of a distant song barely heard from down the hall; “-Don’t look so gloom! The Masters are certainly going to keep the Saint safe and quick to deliver your gifts.” She continued to encourage the younglings as Ariana bent low to not stand over them.

She kept her left pressed on top of her knees and nodded happily as she continued to listen to the worried youngling’s concerns. News that the Masters were on the case for the missing Saint gave them a certain sense of relief, which was immediately felt in the Force, but some had skeptical expressions. Ariana for her own part had made sure back on Teta that her brother organized the Gift Drive and Charity, so it appeared the galaxy wouldn’t let relax and work free for Life Day.

“But if it helps, I’ll go ahead and look too. So keep your tears dry and your smiles wide okay?” Ariana offered before straightening as she stood back up.
The game’s afoot as they say.


Tag: OPEN to passengers or pvp
Location: A large ruinous area filled with anow
Objective: Engage the enemy!

Poor Hex hears voices in her head

Hex speech to others
Hex speech to herself

Hexes inner voices

Coloured '.....' are also words that Hex can hear , but I decided not to write them to reduce clutter


Twas the night before lifeday...
...when all through the house...
...not a creature was stirring...
...cept Hex in her Maus.


Where did Hex get a hundred ton metal monstrosity from an age before repulsors made tracks obsolete and shields made foot thick steel plates an unnecessary embellishment? Who is to day, but she had one, and her andnher team trundled forward through the snow at a snail's pace. Inside the metal monstrosity was a small screen that showed the vague direction of their enemies, beyond a series of metal canyons and copses of electricity pylons. Hex stood out of the tank commanders cupola for a better view of her surroundings and smiled to herself. Next to her was confetti, ready to go at a moment's notice, temporarily converted to carry a very special and exceedingly deadly cargo for those alliance dogs.

'...Where are they?...'
"You tell me, you are basically made of brain"
she teased the voice in her head.

Not far from her was another vehicle, a much lighted and faster vehicle with several of her buddies in it. She waved at the guy operating the turret mounted machine gun what he had been affectionately calling Rurik's buzzsaw, that was probably more useful in a firefight, but Hex hax practically giggled herself silly when she saw the 5 inch gun of her vehicle sticking out of the scrap yard.

"Approaching their position, battlestations all" came a shout from the navigator below and Hex cheered, pulling herself inside the vehicle so she could sight the main cannon, her loader was ready and itching to go, it was down to hand signals now over the cacophony of the massive fossil burning engines, but the smell was intense and Hex's nostrils flared with excitement.

Smoke sounds drifted across the battlefield and Hex caught movement, a long, low slung dark blue vehicle passed down a road, it looked like a bus, no doubt packed with targets. Hex grinned as she signalled to the loaded to prepare and she sighted the gun ahead of where the target, packed full of unsuspecting innocents trundled past. "...steady...steady..." click.

Hex pulled red and lever time stood still for a moment, a gout of white left the enormous tank and moments later a massive WHOMP could be heard as the 5 inch snowball slammed into the bus, showering its occupants with frozen slush! The battle had begun.
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"The last time I went I was introduced to churros while following after Dagon and Yula on what I now know to be a date. .. Also I learned that money is a thing."

The first and last time she'd really gone out for Life Day. The years since then were just her. Sometimes with Valery, but never something like this. Her gaze traveled and just watched the others around. Their colors were bright. At least the party was nice for those here. It brought a smile to her face as she let herself get lose in those colors. At least for a little while, anyway.

"Busy. You? Throw anymore darts?"

Starlin Rand Starlin Rand

Mylo Thorne



Such is Life Day

Objective: Enjoy life Day
Equipment: Credit Chip
Tags: Teshi Ocano Teshi Ocano | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor


"Captain Mylo Thorne. Raider Squadron. Three Oh Three, Foreign Service Wing, sorta experimental if you will. I used to be in Revenant Squadron, I believe we gave you some assists on Tion a while ago?" He mentioned evenly, albeit with some amount of pride he managed to smother. Mylo gestured over to around two tables across from them, where his pilots chatted amicably and passed around a worryingly large pitcher of Jawa Juice. A slight dip of the eyebrow indicated his concern, but he promptly returned to the conversation.

He'd heard of the 222nd, a Marine then. Famous for their legendary Jedi commander, and being a pain in the backside to the Maw. Mylo took the handshake in earnest, a tired yet warm smile appearing at the corners of his mouth.
"Offending? No not at all, Major, and of course, I won't tell if you wont." Accompanying the statement with a chuckle, he cast his mind back. He'd heard of Osarla Ridor too. Having froze in the biting cold on Ilum with her unit and kept them safe in the skies over Tion, he was very much familiar with the yellow armour.

"AA, awaiting reassignment. You know how it is. They slap an AA on your unit and the next day you're out sweating your socks off on some hellhole you've never heard of." Sober, with a note of casual humour, he explained the simple reason why they'd been stuck on the space station. Mylo hated sitting around, the mind-numbing feeling that you were melting into your bed as the numbers on the chronometer just above you felt a few years slower. Maddening. But it was something he had to get used to, especially now that had been given an office.

The office setting, the bane of every trigger-happy starfighter jockey who'd been given some measure of responsibility in the unit. Now he was commanding the unit and writing one after-action report after another till you doubted whether it could be called action felt like slow death. She probably understood the feeling, being in a similar position to himself. Perking up with nascent curiosity, he watched what looked to be a Mandalorian approaching their table. Nodding to his new acquaintance at the new arrival, he raised his glass in turn.

"Nice to meet you, Minerva, I'm Mylo and no that's fine." He answered, allowing Teshi to introduce herself. Peering off into the distance, the pilot allowed himself to zone out for a moment, letting the voices around him melt into simple noise, and listened to them like faint music. He scanned the room, and for a while he made sure to take in the happy air, the tight-bear hugs from friends not seen in years, the sub-par food that tasted delicious with the jolly atmosphere. A break from hectic schedules of battle-to-battle for everyone.

Then a sudden noise made his heart leap as he spun his head to see the aforementioned Jedi commander sidle up next to them.
"Emperor's Black Bones." He remarked, placing his palm on his chest. "Scared me there Ma'am. And a Merry Life Day to you too."

"No I don't believe so. I'm sure they will though at some point."

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"They know snow is cold, right? It's cold."

She didn't like the cold. It was just.. Too cold! Why'd everyone have to be so excited over snow of all things. She huffed as she tugged up her jacket. Whether it was actually cold or not, the Padawan had bundled up anyway. It was one of the things she liked about coming to the Coruscant temple. No snow, not like back at the other. And now it was here. She grumbled, pouted, stared off in the distance as she hung by her master.

".. Least it's pretty here, I guess."

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el


Senate Plaza
Outfit: Casual Coat
Appearance: Link

"Don't run off too far and stay in sight," Valery said after letting go of her daughter's hand, who had been bouncing on her feet since they left their apartment to attend the festivities. Of course, Vera couldn't care less about anything official — she just wanted to mess around in the snow and drink hot cocoa all night long, and Valery didn't mind. It was the perfect distraction for the little Noble, who had been struggling recently now that Valery and Aldric weren't living together anymore and spending time apart.

She'd be lying if she claimed that it hadn't been difficult on her either.

Her first life day after being rescued out of stasis had been spent with her late husband, who she had been with only for a short while at the time. A year later and she was pregnant with Vera during the festivities, and every year after that was about being close to her family.

This was the first year where she felt a little lonely.

But Vera using snowball fights, candy, and hot cocoa as a distraction from the lesser things in life is what gave Valery her distraction. She'd always have her kid, and even though she was going through difficult times, she could still find comfort in the joy her daughter was having.

"Look mom!" Vera called out, snapping Valery out of her daydreaming for just a moment. She had been working on a big snowball to throw at her enemies (the other kids) and wanted to show it off to her mother before it was time for the attack. Valery chuckled at the sight and waved over to her before her gaze turned to some couples walking around with kids of their own. She let out a soft sigh and wrapped her hands around her cup of hot cocoa.

It still didn't feel the same as it used to.

Senate Square
Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | OPEN​

Amani hummed agreeably as they watched a group of kids playing in the snow, "If only…" She sighed, and rested her head against his arm. Enjoying these moments were what brought so much appeal to the season. Snippets of life, joyful and unhampered. A chance to forget worries, for just a little while. "Nothing wrong with a plus-one, right?" She looked back up at him and smirked, "You might as well be an honorary member by affiliation."

"Otherwise, after a while, I wouldn't mind going home and... warming up."

Her smirk grew more mischievous, "Iiiii'm sure we can make time for both…" She leaned in closer, only to revert right back to her innocent self when he mentioned the movie he rented, "Love that one," Amani chirped, "Guess we've got a busy night then."

She spent a while longer relishing in his company, before she rubbed her hands together, "How about some cocoa or something? I'm starting to freeze just standing around," Already Amani was looking around to find the source, shuffling onward with the Count in tow.
"The last time I went I was introduced to churros while following after Dagon and Yula on what I now know to be a date... Also I learned that money is a thing."

Iris' response was so matter-of-fact, Starlin couldn't help but laugh. It came out louder than he intended, and he quickly stifled himself with a hand over his mouth. "You... you didn't know that money was a thing until you had to buy churros?" he asked. "That's a pretty good first purchase, I'd say." As for not realizing that she was the third wheel, Starlin had been there and done that.

"Haven't been throwing anymore darts lately, no. But Eliphas is back." He turned to her. "He's still easing into things a bit. His body is still really weak. But I at least was able to get the hospital to let him go." He seemed to remember that Iris and Eli were pretty good friends, so if anyone ought to be the first of his old Jedi peers to see him, it was her.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Location: Coruscant
Objective: Find Saint Varobalder with Thelma
Tag: Thelma Goth Thelma Goth


It was that time again, life day had finally come back again to offer those in the alliance a day of peace and gathering with loved ones that were living or deceased. Silas was thinking of doing that and taking time off to chill out with the friends he had made along the way, but instead, something had gained his attention. Saint Varobalder, the legendary figure amongst the younger Jedi had gone missing. Before the time of peace had ended, Silas was determined to find him again.

However, he wasn't going to do it alone.

Early in the day, Silas left Thelma a message to meet him in the hall of fountains. There were reports of snowy tracks leading through it, if that wasn't a good place to start he didn't know what was. Taking his time, he found himself at the front entrance of the hall and knelt down to try and spot the tracks as he waited for Thelma to arrive.

Where in the galaxy could he have gone?

My roll
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Extending out a hand, Eliphas focused on the blue glowing pyramidical relic which lay atop his dresser. He was sitting cross-legged on his bed, hidden away within the depths of the Bright Knight, restless. Though Life Day festivities were happening on the world beyond, he certainly hadn't felt up to the task of mingling with so many strangers, and the last thing he needed was for old acquaintances to see him confined to a hover chair. He should have been in a medical bay, the droid back on Prosperity had been very clear about that, and no doubt showing his face would see him tossed back into one.
What was one Life Day missed? He'd already missed the previous one.
The Force flowed timidly through him, and though the holocron wavered some it wasn't compelled into his grasp. With a sigh he let up and dropped his hand back to his side. He'd never been the strongest when it came to telekinetic endeavors, no doubt hindered by the fact that it had been an entirely self-taught skill, but that didn't mean he'd ever been this useless with it. First his lame legs, now even the Force saw fit to laugh at him.
"Again" he mumbled sternly to himself. It was easy to give up, to lay back and roll over. But if he was going to play dead he might well have just remained on Prosperity with the healers. His hand rose once more, and he focused his efforts on calling for the holocron.

Thaddeus Wyse was walking around inconspicuously.

As much as he could anyway flanked by two guards. The new position was already chafing at him. But apparently people had jokes and one of the jokes was that Supreme Commander Wyse looked suspiciously a lot like a certain Jedi Master. Thaddeus needed to see this for himself. Apparently the Jedi was playing some sort of game.

This didn't seem particularly Jedi-like, but Wyse wasn't close with many Jedi.

"Wait here."

To the two guards with a tone that brokered no discussion. Then he stepped into a nondescript hallway. Which lead to an equally nondescript corridor. Which concluded into a thirdly nondescript passage.

"Jedi Master Asmundr." He'd greet the man doing his best imitation of a house plant. "They say we look alike, so I had the Director track you down for me."

This was presumably not exactly what the SIA was for. However. Sometimes duty called in strange ways. Thaddeus looked the man-shaped house plant up and down. He was rather... red right now. Was that a santa suit? Since when did Jedi Masters wear Jedi suits. It was so... funny looking. It was kind of distracting.

"I don't see it."

But maybe that was because of the Santa suit.


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