Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Gift of Light


Location: Coruscant
Objective: Find Saint Varobalder with Silas
Tag: Silas Westgard Silas Westgard


Clad in a red dress trimmed with white fur, Thelma showed up in the Hall of Fountains, trailing a small army of determined younglings in her wake.

"One of the masters heard where I was going, and she told them to follow me," she explained sheepishly, gesturing over her shoulder at the children. "They really, really want to find this Saint Varobalder guy."

One of the tougher looking kids cracked his knuckles.

"So, uh... are these the footprints?" Thelma pointed to the snow tracks on the ground. "Shall we follow them?"
Cordé Sabo Cordé Sabo

"Well I am quite a lot, Cord." She muttered over the rim of her glass with a relaxed smile. Her voice pitched the same quietness, even though the lad was already gone, because it would be amusing to her.

Then again.

When she was this many drinks in? A lot of things were amusing.

Such as when Cordé poked her in the neck. It made Verin slight backwards just a bit. The inertia of gravity and a poke. Then she laughed when the question (both of them) actually reached her mental processing unit. "Ah... the fist one, I will tell ya another time. I need control of all my limbs to properly articulate and..."

She waggled her feet.

They waggled back at her.

"Yeah, I ain't doing any dancing right now." Or she'd land on her face, which was less than ideal. "Anyway, as for dis." And she gently pulled Cordé's hand up to her neck and tapped at the tattoo with Sabo fingers et al.

"That's whatcha call a black mark." Tone hushed and conspiratorily, but Verin didn't look all that worried. "It makes it clear I made an enemy out of a powerful Huttese Crime Lord... and ain't welcome in Hutt Space no'mo." She shrugged and stretched as she fetched her beer glass again, taking another lingering sip there.

"Wha that meansssss is that at any time a band of bounty hunters might rush through the doors to try an' take me in."
Maijan Paisea Maijan Paisea

"Hey, leave some for me."

And then Mercy unceremoniously pushed Maijan to the side.

It was... supposed to be a little push, but it practically shoved her out of her seat. The only thing that saved the golden girl was Mercy yanking her back by her shirt and settling her right back in place. "Soz, darling dear, I dun' know my own strength." Then she planted her face into the snowy pile and breathed in deeply.

meatmeatmeatmeat. me--aaaat?

The connection faded between herself and the trees. This was good. They didn't enjoy liquid poison and there was no meat in sight. With a grunt Mercy pulled her head out of the pile and shrugged while looking down at Maijan.

Her face currently looked like half a skeleton with the sticky white exterior pressed there. It didn't really kick as hard as it ought to. Courtesy of being only half human. Her body was already filtering through the chit before it could properly wreck her. Otherwise this would have hit her like a mule. "Anywayyyy, I wouldn't say untouched."

Mercy husked with a smirk growing out of the grin.

"I did steal a kiss from the prissy Jedi after all. Now that made her erupt. I am not much about Sense, but even a brick like me felt it."

It wasn't that great a kiss anyway.

Like making out with a frozen popsicle. Little pop, lotsa frost.

"You ever made out with a Jedi? They all so wooden and unemotional?"


Tags: Maran Maran


"They know snow is cold, right? It's cold."

".. Least it's pretty here, I guess."

"It's not the worst thing ever," Jasper shrugged. "Even if it is a little tacky."

What snow and Life Day had to do with each other, Jasper couldn't say. He had spent his entire life on Coruscant. Whatever that purpose was, it was certainly lost on him.

"You holding up okay?" he asked. "I know you've got a lot on your mind, so I wanted to check in on you."

He wasn't going to dance around the truth. Jasper liked honesty, or maybe he had been scolded by Iris enough times that her bluntness was starting to rub off on him. Regardless, he saw no reason to be koi about what he was thinking. Maran was smart enough to figure it out.

"Besides, holidays are no good spent alone," the knight added with a smile.

Jasper learned that the hard way.




Iris followed, mostly keeping quiet. Keeping her expression blank. Emotions under control. There were too many to process. Too many thoughts. How was he? Why wasn't he still in the hospital? Why didn't he reach out? Was he still.. Him?

Was he okay?

Worry was the core of it all.

"Room service!"

The door opened and.. There he was. Eliphas. Sitting up. Awake. Not like the last time she'd seen him, stuck in bed. He had color. Real color. Not in his skin, but the Force around him. He was there. She said nothing as she sprinted forward to throw her arms around him and just hugged him as tight as she could. Probably too tight, but she wasn't thinking right now. She was just happy to see him again.

Lief Lief | Starlin Rand Starlin Rand




Cordé physically deflated to enunciate her disappointment at the cliffhanger.

"Jawline ruined Life Day." She pouted. But, fair enough. If the story couldn't be told right, she would wait until justice could be done for the theatrics.

And! There was another story to be told. Cordé pressed against the tattoo, as if secrets would leap from Verin's skin and onto hers. No such thing happened, but she was squinting at the black mark anyway, and spiked her brow up when Verin proclaimed what it meant. An appreciative ooooo cooed out, and she gave her pal's neck a quick, final tap.

Bounty hunters busting through the door! On Life Day?

"You'd be someone's best Life Day present, I'm sure." She grinned, and signalled for some water to help counter the influence of the alcohol that was still burning in her esophagus. "What do you have to do to tick off a Hutt that much?

Unless they're just sensitive 'n you just looked at 'em wrong because you're

quite a lot,
Verin Verin
"Soz, darling dear, I dun' know my own strength."

"Yes you do." Maijan muttered grumpily.

Mercy then took the stage of a full-on maniac. Sometimes, she wore her makeup to be startling and white. But when she did that, it was intentional, careful, and shapely. Like death and bones coming to claim what belonged to them. This puff of white was messy and funny instead. What was funnier, or sadder, was that for all that Mercy'd consumed, it'd feel less than half as good as Maijan felt.

Without The Force, this stuff felt much better.

But even then, it wasn't strong enough to dull the phantom pang of what she should have been feeling.

Her growing sigh quickly turned into a sputter.

"You what?" Disbelief dominated her tone, unsure if the statement was meant to conjure the trill of unpleasantness on her trip or not. Her cheeks felt hot, and a ripple of rose rushed through the gold of her cheeks.

It wasn't at all what she expected the Sith to say. A fight, a brawl, a murder, a massacre, perhaps, but a makeout?

"You ever made out with a Jedi? They all so wooden and unemotional?"

"No, no." Maijan shook her head and swat dismissively at the air. The golden bangles around her wrist clinked together noisily. "Neverrr gotten so cozy with any Jedi." She leaned back in her seat again, wiggling to get comfortable and more solid and heavy so Mercy wouldn't knock her from the spot once more. Annoying, that.

"And no plans to eitherrrr." She sighed, happily.

"Nice not to have plans though. Been a long time."

Alora Davani


Alora held the cup of hot chocolate in her hands and brought it up for a quick sip. It was richer than she was used to, but it was quite delicious. There were little Life Day cookies, too. Naturally, she couldn't resist.

As Alora turned, she happened to spot a rather stately form dressed in purple. She took in the woman's appearance, there was something... meticulous about it. The Jedi healer approached with a smile.

"I like your parasol," she said to Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx . "Not a fan of the snow?"

She, herself, had snowflakes melting in her blonde locks and even on her lashes.

"I'm Alora Davani," she said, shifting her cup of hot chocolate to her left hand, so she could offer her right in a friendly shake to the woman.

"Again" he mumbled, as the holocron shifted just a few inches on the dresser. He didn't even lower his hand, just tried once more to get the damned thing to move. At this point it would have been less effort for him to stumble his way over there himself, even on his unreliable legs. But that wasn't the point, was it? He sighed, feeling a built up of sweat line his forehead as he exerted himself more than before.
The holocron lifted up, Eliphas' eyes widened, it started to float toward him...
Then it dropped as a voice rang out on the other side of the door, a door which just as swiftly opened. "Empress" he breathed, eyes wide as he worried over whether or not he'd just damaged one of Nimdok's belongings. It was a loaner, that meant he wanted it back!
Of course that was almost immediately set aside by the quick pattering of feet, and before he could turn his head toward them both he was engulfed. It took him just a second to realize who it was, to recognize that distinctive smell, and her presence in the Force. "Iris?" he whispered in dumbfounded relief. He wanted to ask what she was doing here, how she'd found him, but he didn't. Instead he wrapped his arms around her and buried his face against her shoulder.
The tightness of her grip certainly pained him, but beyond a slight wince he tried not to let it show. When he opened his eyes again he spied Starlin in the doorway, and his questions were immediately answered.

Objective 1: ROCKIN'
Location: Senate Square, Coruscant


Yes, Dominique found herself staring across a distance at a feminine figure with a youth dashing all about with those of an age. Valery Noble Valery Noble , the quinessential Jedi mediator and enforcer herself. The one that had sought to plumb Denon's "troubles" and found some for herself. What the woman had made of her little 'adventure' amongst the terrorists, though... Oh, yes, that could still entice Vexx to become quite cross after the time that had passed. To think Darkwire had largely snubbed her invitation to escape, relieve themselves of Valery, and continue with being the boogeyman. Well, that hardly matter now. Perhaps tomorrow.

Still, Dominique was tempted to try and get closer to the woman, if the opportunity presented itself. How to do so organically...?

Then a voice cut through the murmur of the crowd. One near. Dominique's golden gaze fell to Alora Davani as the woman offered a compliment. And a question that served for two. A small smile touched the Senator's lips. "Snow, yes. Melting snow. Frozen snow. No." A position Alora didn't seem to share with the flakes clinging to her blonde locks. Perhaps when enough chilled moisture began to leech the heat out of her head, the other woman would come to understand.

Dominique extended a hand to take that of Alora's. "Dominique Vexx." Normally she might have dropped her title as well, but that might shut someone down. Someone that wasn't already perfectly aware of who she was, anyway. Dominique did want to learn what held their interest. "Enjoying the evening? Lights, chocolate, people... were there were so often a reason to gather in celebration." A pleasant platitude, of course. If such a thing were common place then there'd be nothing special to bring out such enthusiastic cheer.
"Hey hey, careful! Don't squish my Padawan, thanks." But Starlin was quite pleased with the scene he'd just created.

Wanting to afford the two of them some privacy, he was about to step out, when the sight of the holocron on the floor caught his attention. He stooped to pick it up. It was undamaged, thankfully.

He knew what it was, of course. The holocron Professor Nimdok had given Eli. Starlin wondered if Miri might want it back, now that her father was gone. He set it back in its place on the dresser, then turned to face Eli and Iris, carefully hiding any more negative emotions the holocron may have stirred up in him.

"Don't worry, she's the only one who knows so far," he said. "Happy Life Day."

Iris Arani Iris Arani Lief Lief


Iris just squeezed. At least a couple seconds more before she realized she was actually hurting Eliphas. There was a brief stint of panic before it turned more to shame and nervousness. So he wasn't as okay as she thought? Should he even be here? She glanced to Starlin and frowned. Probably not. What was it with Jedi not wanting to be in hospitals? Well, fine.

She could help if they needed it, at least.

"Sorry. I just-" She cleared her throat, looking back to Eli. There were quite the mix of emotions on her face. Relief, worry, excitement, sorrow. Joy. Mostly joy.

"It's really good to see you away. .. Thank you, for telling me he's here Starlin."

Lief Lief | Starlin Rand Starlin Rand

"Well three's a party," Teshi noted greeting Minerva. "But four's a riot."

The grin dissolved into chuckles at her CO's bubbly demeanor. It seemed even the roughest and the toughest weren't immune to the Life Day spirit... or spirits. Chuckles grew louder at Mylo's fright.

"What's wrong, Thorne? Scared your boys gonna see you lose your nerve with three pretty women?"

"No I don't believe so. I'm sure they will though at some point."

The stroll to the bar had proven that entirely untrue. The armory had a tree - of sorts - fashioned out of rifles. If you squinted really hard, they truly did look like branches. There was talk that the lighting of orbs would be quite a boom.

"Nope," Teshi agreed. "No tree yet. But..."

Hands pull the false flame away from the centerpiece. The hologram flickered out before coming back to life, and the Major looked rather pleased when she set it back down again.

"There we are."

Cyan twinkled as the make do tree spun on the pad.

"A flyboy, a mando, and a twi'lek walk into a bar...." She squinted, her cheeks reddening. "Lemme at least buy the next round so I can fit into this bad joke. What'll you guyses have?"


Jedi Temple
Cailen Corso Cailen Corso
"I think we've actually met,"
"At the gala... on Hapes?"

"Oh yea!" Aiden said with a big smile as he clinked his mug against his fellow Padawans. "That's right! Glad we are able to run into each other again, given how the night ended." Aiden trailed off as he took a sip from his mug and looked back towards the younglings. "Did you all decide what sort?"

"Sugar!" "Chocolate chip" "Jogan filled fruit cookies!" "More hot chocolate!"

"More!?" Aiden exclaimed, as he looked at the youngling at the far end who had clearly finish his mug. "By the force young one." Aiden said with a small laugh as he looked over to Cailen.

"So, what do you need help with?"

"Can you believe that?!" The Padawan said with a small laugh as he couldn't help but shake his head, yet he still poured some more for the youngling. "You could help that side, prepare their cookies. And I'll take the other group?" Aiden inquired as he looked to Cailen.


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Maran Maran


"Do you normally spend these things with other people? Can't say I have."

"Not for a while," Jasper admitted. "I didn't have anyone to spend time with before."

A product of his own fear. Of failing, of losing people, of his own value... There were a lot of reasons why he had been alone before his return, and not just because he was born in a tube. It was lost time he regretted not spending.

"But now I do," he shrugged, "So I make sure that the people I know have at least one person to spend time with. Being alone sucks. I don't want that for anyone. Not if I know I can do something about it."

He especially didn't want that for his student. Jasper very much understood her fears and anxieties, at least on a level of what they caused. He knew how easy it would be for her to remain alone, as he had. She didn't deserve that. Nobody did. He hoped that maybe she could learn from his mistakes.

"I grew up thinking that the only value in a Jedi was skill and accomplishment," Jasper explained. "I had to do everything on my own, friends were a liability, that sort of deal. Maybe I was really just afraid to fail people. My views have changed since then. We're organic by nature, not machine. You can't give without receiving. Maybe that goes against the old ways... but I think they're dumb and old, and the geezers who decided what they were all died anyways."

Jasper leaned a little more into the balcony. He always sucked at talks like this.

"That's my long winded way of saying that I care about you, kid," he told her. "I don't want you to spend a day like this alone."

A laugh escaped him.

"Cheesy as hell, I know," Jasper chuckled. "But I wouldn't say it if I didn't think it. I've never been a good liar."


Such is Life Day

Mylo Thorne Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor Teshi Ocano Teshi Ocano

Pleased at their welcome she took a seat opposite of them, placing the helmet on the left side of her. She snipped some of her beverage when Mylo cried out in suprise. Looking at Minerva blinked at the sight of the towering Torguta in a festival outfit.

The hat really doesn't fit her at all.

At Teshi's jest at the pilot's expense the Mandalorian rolled eyes in amusement and chuckled some. She nodded at Osarla in quiet greeting before drinking more of her cinder when the marine handled the hologram close by. In the back of Minerva's mind she couldn't help feeling that a real fire would be better. Shrugging her shoulders she finished the cinder just as one of her new acquaintances declared she's buying the new round for all of them.

That marine must be really drunk if she's mistaking a Torguta for a Twi'lek.

She laughed at the thought before answering the major's question.

"I'll have more circuit cinder."

Turning to Mylo and Osarla she commented.

"Usually I spend most of my life day celebrations in a cantina and sometimes in the barracks with my vod but this is the first time I'm having it with you Alliance folk heh."

Then she paused looking at the hologram.

"Life is full of surprises."


Jem Fossk Jem Fossk


Tinsel was strung across archways, mistletoe hung in corners, hot coco brewed, and younglings chittered happily. Warmth and jubilence swelled within the temple’s pillars, and even for the emotionless, it was hard to fight off a smile.

Ishida rubbed her face, and blamed it on the itchiness of the hand-knitted sweater with a cheesy holiday pun on it. Henna Ashina Henna Ashina had organized the outfits for the younglings and presumably found it funny to offer Ishida one. And with manners like the young Ashina’s, she couldn’t refuse. It was only polite to accept such a generous gift.

Accept, and try and ask for two. One for her, and one for Jem Fossk Jem Fossk

Henna had seemed subtly pleased that Ishida’s explanation was that it was a gift for someone, and when pressed on it, Ishida’d found herself using the word friend.

Only because she had to though. Henna Ashina Henna Ashina was a sucker for that kind of stuff, and Ishida wasn’t about to suffer the indignities of The Core’s fascination with tacky décor on Life Day alone.

So when Jem arrived to the temple, ready to do whatever it was Core-worlders preferred to do on Life Day, Ishida greeted her with two outstretched arms. Two of her own, and two of the sweaters. The design facing the half-Firrereo.

“Merry Life Day.”


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