Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
[member="Alyisa Mithel"]
Sala'dine was ready for many things.. she was prepared to threaten, to reason, to try and figure out if they knew what was happening.... but she was not prepared for them to literally announce they knew who they were and that got a look from her face of confusion for a moment. She was moving and Alyisa saying this was about business she motioned for them to look and sit down with them. She motioned and insisted that they sit across from the table when the admiral closed the doors and locked them. "Well I wasn't expecting that but please we would be so honored if you would join us." She was looking at them and trying to best handle it without unleashing Alyisa.
Hell she wanted to, she could feel the woman and once they were say down she took a seat. "So you know who we are... now perhaps you can understand what we want to and why we are here. That recordning of us was taken without our knowledge and we would like it back. All copies of it please." She was getting some looks but stayed there for a moment. Allowing the force to feel their minds and she could be persauvise but the threat of Alyisa could be there. "Well given how much you have gone through we could do that." he spoke looking at her. "But are you certain you want it back, this could be worth a lot of credits."
Sala'dine was workign to suppress her anger now but she tapped the table keeping both hands up there. "No, we want it now and anything on the people you have exploited in this. WHo knows how many of those recordings you have sold were gained in this manner." THe one seemed to be looking at the others with shock but the other four were calm. She could at least tell he hadn't been expecting this or was so new he couldn't hide his expression. "Fine fine, it is cheaper to pay you off like this then lose out on everything we have. We'll just have to find new footage for hardcore brides.... but seeing some of it we really don't know how you survived being on the receiving end."
Sala'dine looked at them and she spoke turnign her head towards Alyisa. "I think I got everything we needed right?" She asked it and gave a chance for Alyisa to add things on while they were transferring and deleting files to her chevron. INformation mostly being destroyed for all of them to be safer but she crossed her arms. They couldn't get off this easy.. but she also couldn't justify just arresting them wihtout the information getting out about what they had done.. that wouldn't solve anything and cause problems. So. "Well I suppose you want to keep this quiet right?" The man looked at her. "Yes." Good she thought standing and tapping Alyisa's shoulder. "No killing please."
Sala'dine was ready for many things.. she was prepared to threaten, to reason, to try and figure out if they knew what was happening.... but she was not prepared for them to literally announce they knew who they were and that got a look from her face of confusion for a moment. She was moving and Alyisa saying this was about business she motioned for them to look and sit down with them. She motioned and insisted that they sit across from the table when the admiral closed the doors and locked them. "Well I wasn't expecting that but please we would be so honored if you would join us." She was looking at them and trying to best handle it without unleashing Alyisa.
Hell she wanted to, she could feel the woman and once they were say down she took a seat. "So you know who we are... now perhaps you can understand what we want to and why we are here. That recordning of us was taken without our knowledge and we would like it back. All copies of it please." She was getting some looks but stayed there for a moment. Allowing the force to feel their minds and she could be persauvise but the threat of Alyisa could be there. "Well given how much you have gone through we could do that." he spoke looking at her. "But are you certain you want it back, this could be worth a lot of credits."
Sala'dine was workign to suppress her anger now but she tapped the table keeping both hands up there. "No, we want it now and anything on the people you have exploited in this. WHo knows how many of those recordings you have sold were gained in this manner." THe one seemed to be looking at the others with shock but the other four were calm. She could at least tell he hadn't been expecting this or was so new he couldn't hide his expression. "Fine fine, it is cheaper to pay you off like this then lose out on everything we have. We'll just have to find new footage for hardcore brides.... but seeing some of it we really don't know how you survived being on the receiving end."
Sala'dine looked at them and she spoke turnign her head towards Alyisa. "I think I got everything we needed right?" She asked it and gave a chance for Alyisa to add things on while they were transferring and deleting files to her chevron. INformation mostly being destroyed for all of them to be safer but she crossed her arms. They couldn't get off this easy.. but she also couldn't justify just arresting them wihtout the information getting out about what they had done.. that wouldn't solve anything and cause problems. So. "Well I suppose you want to keep this quiet right?" The man looked at her. "Yes." Good she thought standing and tapping Alyisa's shoulder. "No killing please."