Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Girl with Ghost Eyes


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
[member="Alyisa Mithel"]

Sala'dine was ready for many things.. she was prepared to threaten, to reason, to try and figure out if they knew what was happening.... but she was not prepared for them to literally announce they knew who they were and that got a look from her face of confusion for a moment. She was moving and Alyisa saying this was about business she motioned for them to look and sit down with them. She motioned and insisted that they sit across from the table when the admiral closed the doors and locked them. "Well I wasn't expecting that but please we would be so honored if you would join us." She was looking at them and trying to best handle it without unleashing Alyisa.

Hell she wanted to, she could feel the woman and once they were say down she took a seat. "So you know who we are... now perhaps you can understand what we want to and why we are here. That recordning of us was taken without our knowledge and we would like it back. All copies of it please." She was getting some looks but stayed there for a moment. Allowing the force to feel their minds and she could be persauvise but the threat of Alyisa could be there. "Well given how much you have gone through we could do that." he spoke looking at her. "But are you certain you want it back, this could be worth a lot of credits."

Sala'dine was workign to suppress her anger now but she tapped the table keeping both hands up there. "No, we want it now and anything on the people you have exploited in this. WHo knows how many of those recordings you have sold were gained in this manner." THe one seemed to be looking at the others with shock but the other four were calm. She could at least tell he hadn't been expecting this or was so new he couldn't hide his expression. "Fine fine, it is cheaper to pay you off like this then lose out on everything we have. We'll just have to find new footage for hardcore brides.... but seeing some of it we really don't know how you survived being on the receiving end."

Sala'dine looked at them and she spoke turnign her head towards Alyisa. "I think I got everything we needed right?" She asked it and gave a chance for Alyisa to add things on while they were transferring and deleting files to her chevron. INformation mostly being destroyed for all of them to be safer but she crossed her arms. They couldn't get off this easy.. but she also couldn't justify just arresting them wihtout the information getting out about what they had done.. that wouldn't solve anything and cause problems. So. "Well I suppose you want to keep this quiet right?" The man looked at her. "Yes." Good she thought standing and tapping Alyisa's shoulder. "No killing please."
This was such a bad situation. The Blond Corellian sat down in a chair, when everyone else had sat down. She kind of leaned back with her legs crossed. She stared at her boot moving back and forth. She was doing her best not to reach a boiling point she would not be able to hold herself back.

Every time she heard this or that, she even tried breathing exercises. Hearing the title of the move, well their punk shebs almost got shot.

Getting tapped on the shoulder? Alyisa was not in the mood to be touched but she did nothing about it. She did stand up however and looked at the man who was doing most of the talking. “Well if everything goes right there will not have to be any killing”, the impact of her threats was parent on the faces in the room. She just bluntly just said in a colorful way that she would kill them if things did not go well. No one in the room believed she may have been bluffing. If they had they would have been wrong.

Like a hawk she watched making sure ever last bit was deleted. She was not happy at all.



Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
[member="Alyisa Mithel"]

Sala'dine looked at her and was a little surprised by the lack of reaction.. more anger because she had seemed to.... well be willing to let her let out some of her aggression. The admiral was standing there and looking at it now. Where she stood seeing all of the information. She was walking and crossed her arms. "That was not as informative as I wanted to learn.. really trying to figure this out and your anger will only get us so far Alyisa. We need to think about this the smart way. Investigating it runs the risk of alerting others if we make an impression and I want to learn what else we might have done. I don't want to hurt you but..." She said it looking at her. "Find a good outlet for that anger please."
This whole situation did not fall under regulations. None of it!

Well some of it did by Imperial regulations. Intimidation was a skill taught too many Imperials. However Alyisa was reaching her limits. She wanted this over with.

She did hear Sala’dine but did not answer. Nope she casually walked over to the man who was doing most of the talking. Many people in the room were a little more then nervous. If there was security in the room more than likely they would have drawn blasters.

“Take a deep breath”, the blond said to the man. A little more then terrified he did not. He was more than a little shaky. He may even wet himself. “Please, don’t hurt me”, he pleaded and his words barely audible over his whimpering.

“If you don’t wish me to hurt you then listen”, her voice was calm but did anyone believe she was?

“I don’t ever wish to have to come back here again. I don’t wish to find out latter on there is anything else I should know about or find out you tried to lie to me. So if you don’t ever wish me to come back I suggest you talk to Sala’dine and tell her anything you might have missed. No wants me to come back here again. So see that it does not happen and be more honest than you ever been in your life.”

“Go on”, Alyisa motioned with her head, for the man to go talk to Sala’dine.



Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
[member="Alyisa Mithel"]

Sala'dine was listening and raised an eyebrow but she just let them blubber for a moment... not giving into the threats but showing they really had given up everything they could. Offering more compensation but she didn'r want that and spoke. "We aren't here to extort millions of credits out of you but this has to end. This is zeltros surely you could easily do this the legal way." They gave some nods to their heads but explained it was easier to use the video's as product catalogues.... the girls who were taken could show up and those who wanted go to a private server in the holonet bidding on them." Sala'dine stayed there until she crossed her arms leading and letting Alyisa come with her out fo the room. Calling in the investigators coming to clear things up with them. She was leading the way back towards the speeder. "Well with all fo this, fly us back to the ship pelase."
Did she want credits? No Altisa did not so she said nothing when they offered or when Sala’dine refused them. Alyisa just wanted to be done with this. She followed Sala’dine out of the room upon request.

When out in the hallway, Sala’dine mentioned flying back to the ship. Alyisa stopped in the hallway. “Leave”, Alyisa asked musingly.

Did Sala’dine stop or did Alyisa have to air their drama as she walked away? “Life is a battle field”, what was she talking about? “And war is a game of deception”, she added a clue and what she was driving on about.

“How well do you know me Sala’dine”, there was no anger in Alyisa’s eyes right now, only sadness. “Was I truly angry back there or I’m the tactician the Empire trained me to be?”

“The crazy truth is you don’t know me very well. To put in mildly you were drugged into marring me. There was no consent. Those options were not given as they were taken away from us. There was neither romance nor memories to share with each other for the rest of our lives. You deserve better then that Sala’sine. That is why we should go file for annulment here today. Afterwards if you’re still interested in crazy Alyisa then you have the option to get to know here. If there is ever a time when we decided in a conscious way to get married we can.”

Alyisa was hoping to have this talk in the speeder with a little more privacy but it sounded like it could not wait any further.



Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
[member="Alyisa Mithel"]

She was taken aback standing there in the hallway. The thoughts and ideas of her playing it up and at a role when the question of what did she really know about her came up. "I know your records." She moved standing up for a moment and coming closer. Alyisa wasn't wrong they hadn't gotten a choice.. they hadn't had the clear heads for it and by all right the smart thing to do was just what she was suggesting... it was the non crazy thing to do. "I know the mauler named for her father a clone. I know you have talent as an imperial commando, that you are in charge of for now what will be a new inferno squadron. I know that when I offered you position and power in a very unimperial like manner you turned it down because you didn't know if you had the respect of the men. Never losing confidence in your abilities but more looking at what you had with the people around you. I know that you have bonded with the crew, that you have found a place among the shadow in a short time because you have a talent of making people comfortable around you."

She stood there looking at her and the blonde corellian tie jockey was crazy... it was partially a pre-requisite to fly tie fighters. Sure they were safer now in many cases but there was still a whole level of crazy to the tie pilots. "I know that from the moment I saw you, felt you in the force on Jakku... I felt something. I won't call it love, I am not that moon eyed about it and I am not going to say we were meant to be. It could be we'll simply drift apart or we might become much much more. I know you have a strong sense of professionalism and care as you have shown with this and in having to interact with Draven." Sala'dine stayed where she was though just looking at Alyisa and leaning her against the wall a little. Arms going around her shoulders. "I know that no matter what I want you to be happy. I want you to smile and be silly. I want you to enjoy yourself and above all I know that I must be the officer, be the one with honor who doesn't try and influence or control you but oh.." She looked at her and moved to give her a small kiss just simple. "Oh I want to be so so selfish, I want you to be all of that with me and I want to be a little crazy and not do the smart thing here breaking this up."
Maybe at that moment she should have denied the kiss but she did not. She was unsure why.

“To be far Imperial records are not always truthful. We both know this. They put down what they wish people to know. To bend a truth they wish to be. There are plenty of times where records were fudged to fit this narrative. Like the time I was charged to arrest a superior officer. He was unarmed but a real sleaze ball. I happened to shot him in his happy sack and dragged him in. Granted the blaster was set for stun but they were many who were not pleased with what I did. There were plenty of times I bent the rules but it was over looked because of my usefulness.”

“Not being married to me will be a boon to you. You will need to keep your distance from me so you do not get in trouble with Silver Command.”

“Then there is the fact of the little things. You don’t know the first thing I do in the morning, when I wake up. As far as we know those little things could drive you nuts. Or for that matter what you do might drive me nuts. It is not easy being married and it is nothing to rush into. There might be some things that will not fit and it will clash making this more painful then what it could be now.”

“If you’re truly interested in making it work then we should move slowly into a relationship. I might rush into combat blowing things up but not a marriage.”



Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
[member="Alyisa Mithel"]

Again she was being perfectly sensible and Sala'dine didn't want to be... something that was very different between the two of them as Alyisa seemed like she would normally be the impulsive one. "Alright." She said it and was somewhat defeated but... she agreed with it. She had to agtee with it, it was the best coure of action. "But this does mean I have a chance to try and sweep you off your feet Alyisa." Silver command would be important but her fleet was the ghost fleet they moved around places no one else really went and no one actually paid them attention unless they wanted something. Even then she still pretty much had to tag along with the others so... she wasn't too worried about that.

"We'll go now while we can." She moved out disentangling herself from Alyisa and lingering with on hand in hers for a momen t. Nothing big she just wanted to remember the closeness of it. They might have gotten like this from unusual or dangerous circumstances but well she was not against the results. She was heading to the speeder and getting the information for the two of them on how to annul a marriage on zeltros and mostly it was simple. The ceremony they had taken place in was less official then on many other worlds and only binding legally here if they wanted it to. Seemed they did it for tourists but were against the idea of settling on one person for life.

Sala'dine was giving the paper work a once over with the datapad as she signed it and let Alyisa do the same before sending it off. To the government and they would be able to get to the landing pad as the runabout to take them back up to the ship was prepped and waiting. "There we are." She said it getting inside while her chiss officer was standing there. "Admiral, welcome back... we thought you might have bought a bar and retired on us." She gave a look. "Status report?" THe officer remained professional. "Supplies are restocked, crew is recalled, Mauler starfighter's construction has been completed but we are awaiting Captain Mithel to test out her ship."
So that was not easy, so Alyisa had thought. She did not know how that would affect their ongoing relationship. She was unsure how that would affect work. However it was something that had to be done. Alyisa signed that paper data pad.

Later onboard the Jedi Shadow…

Alyisa was half listen to the report from the officer to Sala’dine. That is until she heard there was a new starfighter. There was still a proper chain of command and Sala’dine was the ranking officer. That and the Chiss Officer was not directly under Alysia command, so Alyisa remand silent for the moment.



Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
[member="Alyisa Mithel"]

"A ship." She asked it and the officer gave a nod of her head. "Yes Admiral, a week ago you asked us to start making a ship for Officer Mithel using a tengu but combining it based on her records and skills with an Imperial TIE fighter. We managed to create the Mauler in the limited time with resources that she would be able to use better. Improving upon a couple systems so that she would be able to preform in a tengu squadron." Sala'dine started reviewing the information and gave a nod of her head. "Very good, you are preforming well without me Proceed and I want to have a meeting with senior staff in my ready room later." Sala'dine looked at Alyisa as she left and spoke walking into the hanger to see the ship. The Mauler was an ugly with it being a mix match it seemed but it was an elite ugly type. "Looks good, do you want to test it out?"
[SIZE=9pt]Alysia clearly heard what was being discussed but said nothing. It was not her place to interfere in the current discussion between ranking bridge officers over the other. Yes she was part of the focus of the discussion. That did not mean it was right for her to speak and disturb the atmosphere needed to run a Starship’s bridge.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]It was a neat thought making a unique ship just for her. Taking the design of an X-wing and a Tie Fighter, well she was unsure how she felt about that. To design the ship to work unison with a Tengue Squadron, that was just wise. That is for when Alyisa is flying with the Tengue Squadron.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]For when she is flying with a stealth team this ship makes so much sense. How well will it fit with Alyisa’s style of flying though? She had to wait to find out that though. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“Yes, I think I should”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] she answered Sala’dine’s question.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Alyisa walked over to the starfighter and ran her fingers across the hull, as she walking closer to the cockpit. Through the Force she was already getting a sense of the ship.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Sala’dine had only asked if she should give it a spin. However it was just a question and not authorization. The ship was made for her to fly but there was nothing saying the ship was her’s to do with as she pleased. Not to mention what would it mean if she accepted a gift like this?[/SIZE]



Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
[member="Alyisa Mithel"]

Sala'dine was looking at her and looking at the ship itself. Alyisa's reaction to it seemed to be one of acceptance but she seemed to be thinking about something else. The admiral was looking at her and stood next to her. "You should get your flight uniform Officer Mithel, don't want to wear your dress in the cockpit." She said it offered a smile on her face though while straight backed she was curious about it. "I will make sure it is fully armed and prepared for testing." The shadow was moving out of position in orbit but not out of the system. the deep orbit would let them test it and remain as she was seeing orders about the Silver Jedi flet coming towards zeltros.
[SIZE=9pt]Alyisa was just about to wear her dress into the cockpit. Just about but she knew better. The flight uniform helped to keep you warm from the coldness of space. It was so damn cold some of it could bleed through the shields and the hull of the ship.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Ok, be back in a moment”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Alyisa started to trail off through the hanger. She left Sala’dine behind to take care of the arrangements of getting the starfighter ready. Sure there were people doing various things in the hanger around Alyisa. Not all of it had to do with the new Starfighter. If it was not a danger to herself… Alyisa did not pay that much attention to them as she walked through the hanger.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]She would return in a while, stripping down and getting re-suited takes time. [/SIZE]



Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
[member="Alyisa Mithel"]

Sala'dien was workign with the flight crew as they were making sure it was all armed and fueld up. They had moved off to a place to practice and train. THe Admiral was in her uniform as the seals were set on it. THankfully it was made like a vac suit when you needed it to be and the cap she could wear roll over her face like a helmet as she stood there seeing Alyisa come out with a smile on her face. "Ready to go." She said it while standing there an watching the rest of the crew head off as they had cleared it all. The cockpit opening to reveal the two seats wihtin it. The small tract that went into the bubble of a small living area. room enough for a pilot and co-pilot to survive. The systems were all lit up and functioning as the joshua concverter could make air, food and water for them, a small refesher and twin bunker that were small and going to be tight to most wookiee's but could fit easily. The polymer exterior gleaming and ready for nightshadow polymer over the synthmesh plating. She went in towards the co-pilots seat.
[SIZE=9pt]Shortly after getting suited up Alyisa had made her way back out to the hanger. She was excited about the new starfighter, but she was still really worn out form Zeltros. She was smiling though with her helmet tucked under her arm.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“I hope so”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] she jested with Sala. Maybe because her mind was still all grey TV static from all the drama back on Zeltros. Joking was a good way to hide your emotions.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Alyisa climbed up to the pilot’s seat and started by putting her helmet on. “It seems a bit roomy in her”, she noticed there was a co-pilots seat and a small living quarters? It seemed a little off being that this was supposed to be a military starfighter. The only thing she was supposed to be doing in it was killing the bad guys.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]She began to flip several switches and toggles starting up the ship. She was thinking it reminded her of some of those old pictures of big truck that hulled many goods over long distance on planets. [/SIZE]



Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
[member="Alyisa Mithel"]

Sala'dine looked at Alyisa and noticed her looking around. SHe knew the well more unique design but one fo the major problems with the old model stalth x wings that they had seen to countering was use. Recon was good but if you could only recon a few hours and then had to power down and use a hibernation trance to survive it could be a problem. So they could use a few other things here, systems to make sure a pilot had plenty and sensors that would pick up while they slept. "One of the older problems, jedi kept having to go into hibernation traces to avoid using all of the power or supplies if they were going to spend more then a day in the ship reconning a location. That can be alright but anything can change quickly." Still she sat in the second seat waiting for it with everything set up.
[SIZE=9pt]The engines roared to life. Not just a little. The Mauler really did reeve up those engines and the hanger crew jumped back away just out of self preservation. “Beep, beep”, the crazy blond made sounds over the com to command and control. This was typically where she was supposed to say her call sign and permission for takeoff.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Captain”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] a surprised female ensign spoke over the com system. “I’m not familiar with that code. Let me look it up real quick”, there was a shuffling sound on the end of the flight control officers comlink. Then her male superior officer speaking up, “There is no code for that. The Maluer just thinks she is funny.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Hay, I heard that”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Aly raised her voice over the com.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Chit”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] the man’s panic voice came over the com and the ensign started to laugh.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“What are you laughing about”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] the flag officer asked. “Nothing Sir”, the ensign tried her best to stow her laughter.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Kark this”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Aly pulled back on the throttle and the star fighter began to lift off the flight deck. Completely ignoring proper flight speed within the hanger she hit the throttle and starfight bolted out of the hanger. The starfighter did not bump into anything. The levels of the speeds reached in the hanger kicked up lose objects and a few people feel over from the guest of wind it produced. [/SIZE]



Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
[member="Alyisa Mithel"]

Sala'dine sat ther eint he seat when it was going on and she raised an eyebrow with a look at Alyisa there before she was moving in her seat. Secured and ready to go and check the systems but more then that when they really started to go. The ship ripping out of there and Sala'dine spoke less worried but she was more wanting her to be careful. "Careful now please, we don't want to be crashing into the ship." Looking where she could and where the screens were filling up wiht information. All fo the stealth systems that were set up to conceal them, where the stealth plating was holding up and the wintrium were all set up. To get older and keep the ship how she might be wanting to do. "The ship is strong and made to not be detected."
[SIZE=9pt]Be careful while flying a starfighter? Alyisa would have laughed but she was to engrossed checking just how much she could push the ship. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]After the starfighter tore out of the hanger the starfighter did a barrel roll and dipped downward towards the Jedi Show. The ship had increased to dangerous speeds heading straight for the much larger ship and then near to the last moments the starfighter pulled up leaving about six meter between the two ships.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]This was danger close and Maluar was skillfully weaving the ship around obstacles like laser turrets and com towers. It was extremely reckless and not suitable flying for just average flight test. [/SIZE]


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