Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Girl's Night

Coruscant Jedi Temple
After Hours


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Jonyna stepped into the temple hall once more, looking for the person she had arranged to meet outside the council elevator that led to the meeting chamber. Why here? Because she wanted others to assume this was something official.

It really wasn't.

Despite being part of the order for over a year, Jonyna rather sparsely got time to know her fellow jedi outside of the temple. With her new appointment to the council, she really wanted to fix that. To be a friendly face to all in the order that they could, perhaps, grab a beer with.

And of course, that started at the top. So, she waited outside of the council chamber, robes over a casual outfit only to hide her intentions.

She wanted to take Val out on a girl's night. To really get to know the woman she called Grandmaster, beyond the mask she knew Val put on as the master of the order.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

Valery ran a hand through her hair and sighed, as the turbolift made its way down into the Temple hall. It had been a busy day, but not an exciting one. Reports were flooding in from across the Alliance border and she had plenty of paperwork to get through to cover her own recent assignments. It was part of her duties, she knew, but she would much rather be out in the field, directly helping people affected by all this war and conflict.

Every day, it seemed to escalate further. First, it had just been border skirmishes against the Sith Order, then the Dark Empire began its invasion. Now, the war against the Sith Order was growing in intensity and Mandalorians were also raiding planets along the borders again.

Sometimes, she wondered if they could last against so much evil.

The elevator came to a stop and Valery forced thosr thoughts aside. She had one last meeting with a fellow Council Member and then she'd be heading home to her family. That prospect was already putting her mind at ease again.

"Master Si," Valery said when she stepped out of the turbolift.


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Master Noble." Jonyna smiled back. "I take it you got my message. I set up a taxi for us. Should be outside."

Jonyna had messaged Val beforehand. She wanted to let her pick the destination. Given that Jonyna's normal hangout spot was currently being rebuilt from the ground up, Club Retro wasn't exactly an option. So, she let the grandmaster pick their new hangout spot. Where would they go? Who knows.

All Jonyna knew was that she had some interesting questions to ask Val once they got there.

What did Valery Noble do for fun?



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

Valery blinked and slowly reached for her belt to grab her comms unit. She looked down at its display, now finally seeing the message for the first time. The idea seemed fun and Valery wasn't at all opposed to going out with Jonyna for a night. But having missed it earlier, she wasn't prepared for it at all.

She couldn't just walk into a restaurant, bar or club wearing her Jedi jumpsuit, right?

Valery smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck, "I uh, left my dress at home. But we can grab a city and head into the city? I'm sure we'll find something we like." She wasn't going to cancel the plans Jonyna had tried to make for them.

It was time to adapt.


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"We could swing by your place first if you want. I've never actually seen where" Jonyna paused at the thought. It was one of those moments where you realize the teachers don't live in the school. "Ya know, it just occured to me that you Don't actually live in the temple..."



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

"Sometimes, it does feel like I live here," Valery joked before she snickered, "But we could make a quick stop. I already have an idea for what I'll wear, so it won't take too long." Though, right as she said that, she began to think about the implications of bringing Jonyna to her home.

The Noble homestead was not am empty one.

"I'll warn you, though. The little ones are home and, well, they'll probably not leave you be." Valery flashed Jonyna a smirk and began heading for the exit of the Temple.

"So I'll leave it to you. Either we grab something from my place, or we'll have to maybe buy something on the way to the city."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Jonyna just let out a snicker. "I can handle some kittens."

Part of her wanted to see it just to get a feel for Valery's home life. A lot can be gleamed purely by how one organizes their house, how they choose to live.

Another part of her wanted to see it because...well...

She wanted to know what it was like to be a mom.

The thought had always glanced by her. The idea of a family. Of her own legacy. Long ago, she thought about having one with Giran. Half-Cathar running around the Tenacity after they had taken down the Empire. Then she thought about it again with Taam. The idea of having kids, of being a mother...

It was always something that eluded her. She wanted to see a life she could've, and might someday live.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

Valery smirked and walked outside to head for a shuttle. The kids were fantastic and she loved nothing more than coming home to them. But they were also loud and they wanted a lot of attention. She was used to it, Kahlil was used to it, but visitors sometimes got a bit overwhelmed by just how chaotic a Noble could be.

Especially the little ones.

Soon enough, the two were on their way to Niv Hani and arrived not much later. It was luckily a short trip because getting changed into a dress would also take some time. She'd have to do her hair, get her make-up fixed just right, and get herself changed into something a little more appealing.

After touching down, Valery guided Jonyna towards the Noble homestead. It was a few miles out from the closest town — a large home that stood alone and truly fely like home.

Even before they reached the door, it flung open and three little Nobles came running out side, "Mommy!" They chirped in unison. As always, Valery crouched down and let herself be surrounded by hugs.

But one Noble was quick to look up at Jonyna. Aurra, the little blonde with blue eyes — the only Noble without a connection to the Force — was staring at the Cathar.


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

The trip there was quiet, the cathar watching the speeder's path as they got close. The Noble home was clearly isolated for a reason, but she wanted to see it.

As they arrived, Jonyna was quick to follow the woman, but then...

Children, sudden children.

And one was staring at her.

Jonyna couldn't help but chuckle, getting down on a knee and offering a soft paw to the child. "Hey kiddo. I'm a friend of your mom's."



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

"Kitty," Aurra said, not just as a statement, but as a reminder. She had seen Jonyna before when she was younger and gotten to play with her tail. Now, the kitty was back and she loved it! A bright smile pulled at the girl's lips, and both of her siblings soon joined to surround the Cathar Jedi.

"Hello!" Aeryn chirped with great excitement. She was a mirror of her mother, both in energy and appearance. Brunette hair, fiery orange eyes and quite the attitude for a toddler.

Adam, however, was a little more quiet and just observed this time.

"Can you keep an eye on these three?" Valery asked Jonyna. "I'll head inside and quickly give Eryx a kiss before I get changed. I won't be gone for long."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Uhhhh...sure." Jonyna looked to the three, snickering. "You guys wanna see something cool?"

Jonyna looked to the three, individually making a note of each of them in her head. She met a lot of people, and Jonyna made an effort to remember every single one of them. She remembered Aurra. Blonde, slightly grabby. Then there was the one in front of her, a spitting image of her mom. And finally...the boy. She hadn't heard his name, and he seemed shy. Hopefully she could win him over with 'something cool'.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring

"Yeah!" Adam chirped, suddenly just as loud as Aeryn seemed to be. While sometimes quiet, Adam was absolutely not shy. Together with Aeryn, they were the real troublemakers at the Noble household. Not enough to drive Valery crazy, having already raised someone as difficult as Vera, but it certainly made the house...


"What is itttt?" Aeryn insisted, eager and impatient to find out what this cool thing was!

Aurra just remained quiet, ignoring the energy of her siblings to instead watch Jonyna closely. Last time, the big kitty had already drawn her attention, so she was extra curious today.


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Jonyna snickered. "Alright, alright. Lemme show you."

Jonyna sat down, before suddenly rising above the floor. She was balanced only on her tail, still cross-legged as she did. "I am the great Jonyna Si, master of the tail~" Her tone was playful, but clearly trying to emulate some sort of mystical being.



Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring

"She flies!" Aeryn called out excitedly, but Aurra took a closer look and noticed the tail that Jonyna used to balance herself above the ground and began to giggle. She pointed at it and hopped up, "It's the tail!" she called out, which drew the eyes of her siblings to Jonyna's tail as well. Aeryn just seemed even more excited.

Adam looked down between his own legs, suddenly wondering if he had a tail to do that too!

"I'm hearing a lot of giggling~" Valery said with a sing-song voice, as she stepped back into the room, wearing her green dress. She had also curled the ends of her ponytail and bangs and applied some make-up. Just to look her best for a fun night out.

"Look, mommy!" Adam rushed over to grab his Mom's hand and pointed at Jonyna's tail. Valery just smirked and looked at Jonyna with an appreciative smile for entertaining her kids.


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"You are granted one wish each~" Jonyna said in a silly voice. "Choose wisely~"

She wiggled on her tail, Jonyna giving Val a look of coy amusement. She was always a bit of an entertainer at heart. Years of trying to pay for herself while on the run let her pick up some...interesting professions.

But she always loved doing party tricks. Even if stuff like this never paid well, seeing smiles from those ignorant of the evils of the world reminded her why she did this.



Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring

"I want a pony!"

"I want a guitar!"

She had done it now — both Adam and Aeryn made it very clear what they wanted and they didn't take any time to think about it. It was the exact same stuff they'd ask for their birthdays or for Life Day. Valery just snickered, but also turned to Aurra, who was humming to herself and clearly deep in thought.

A single wish? She had to make a good choice.

"I want... Mommy and Daddy to be home always." She nodded to make sure that Jonyna knew that was her wish. But as cute and innocent as she meant it, Valery looked down at her little girl and felt herself tearing up a little. Jedi duty — especially during wartime — often kept her and her husband away.

Did she miss her parents?

"Sweetie..." Valery crouched down and pulled Aurra into her arms, before kissing the top of her head.

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TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

The silly Cathar paused, looking to the kid with a genuine, honest smile. "I can't stop your mom and dad from having work, but, as a fellow member of the Council, I can help them get it done faster and be more resposible with how much they take on. That way they can be home sooner, yeah?"

Jonyna looked to Val with a 'stern' look. "Master Si is gonna make sure Mom gets home by 7 a clock sharp from now on, gotcha?"

She then paused, looking to the other two and rubbing her chin dramatically, wiggling on her tail as if she was floating. "As for you two, I think I can work some magic. I got a guitar at home I can help teach you how to play and...a pony, I can figure out with your mom where to keep that, right Val?"

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Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring

"We'll make it work," Valery promised when it came to getting home a bit earlier. While the war was still ongoing, most of the Alliance was preparing for its next move. It gave Valery some time away because most were busy handling their own preparations. Perhaps she could make it home before 7, at least for a while.

Until the front lines called for her.

"Thank you, Master Si." Aurra smiled at her and moved away from Valery to wrap the Cathar into a hug. This meant a great deal to her, but with a promise made, it was important to follow up. Jonyna had given Valery a stern look, but she was given one as well. They could not mess this up.

"As for these two..." Valery sighed. "A guitar and pony aren't too bad, I suppose. Just don't tell your dad yet, alright?" Valery smirked and turned to Jonyna.

"For now, I think it's time we head out, though."

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TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Yes!" With a push of her tail, Jonyna was back on her feet again, picking Aurra up with her in a hug, before putting her down and continuing with her dramatic speech. "Onward!" She proclaimed, striking a pose. "For we shall see you all tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow!"

For a moment, Jonyna cast off the shackles of being a Jedi Master, the weight of responsibility, and just acted goofy again for the kids. She paused, looking down to Aurra again. "Now all I ask to make your wishes to come true is to be good while I go have some fun with your mom, okay?"



Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring

"Okay!" The triplets chirped together. They then turned to their Mom and ran to her to surround her. She was allowed to leave and have fun with a friend, but not before she gave them a big hug. Crouching back down, Valery wrapped her arms around all three and pulled them close.

Each triplet got a kiss on the head, and they all eagerly rubbed their cheeks up against Valery's.

"Alright, my little love bugs. I'll be home again soon, so be good." She gave them another round of kisses and opened the door to let them back inside the house

"Bye, mommy!" They exclaimed before rushing back inside to bother their other siblings.

"Well, shall we?" Valery asked Jonyna. "I think we either go to a bar for a drink or maybe a club if you want to go dancing as well."


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