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Private Girl's Night

TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"We Shall." Jonyna nodded, offering Val her hand. "Bar sounds nice first. Something quiet to talk and get to know each other, then we hit the dance floor and boogie down. You got somewhere in mind? By the way, love the dress. Very foxy~"



Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring

"I know a decent place," Valery said, already with a few ideas in mind. She had places that she'd take people to for drinks or dinner in a more formal setting. Other bars and clubs were entirely to let loose and have a good night. Perhaps get drunk or wasted if that was on the menu.

Tonight, it was definitely going to get wilder.

When Jonyna complimented her dress, Valery smirked and looked down at her own body, "I quite like it, too. It's a bit revealing but for a night like this? Why not?" She grinned and flashed a wink before guiding Jonyna towards the shuttle again. "You look great as well, of course." Valery looked Jonyna over and nodded approvingly.

Certainly going to draw some eyes, hers included.

"Do you often go out like this? Or is it a rarity for you as well?"


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

...was Valery Noble checking her out?

Sweet Sylvar, that's certainly a confidence booster.

Jonyna couldn't help but blush slightly. "Y-yeah, I got out at least once a week. Helps me unwind, ya know? I'll show you my regular spot sometime, when it's not in the middle of being rebuilt. Used to go out to clubs all the time in my old days, mostly to gather intel on the Imps. Really easy to figure out where the local bucketheads are going when they're throwing credits at you in a private booth."

Normally, info like that about Jonyna's past would be kept in a lock box in her room. But...

Val was a friend. She trusted her not to spread nasty rumors about a fellow Council member...



Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring

Valery's eyes flicked back up, noticing the sudden heat passing through Jonyna's cheeks. It made the Keshian smirk a little, though she said nothing of it. She was more interested in the answer to her question, and the one Jonyna provided was interesting, to say the least. With an even bigger grin — with a teasing edge to her eyes — Valery tilted her head curiously and hoped to make eye contact with her friend.

"Private booths, hm? Interesting."

She flashed Jonyna a wink to tease her and finally turned to face the ship. She lowered the ramp, guided her inside and they'd be on their way again in minutes for the short trip back to Coruscant.

She was excited to go out.

"Don't worry though, your secret is safe with me. But I will say — I wasn't expecting such tactics from you."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Oh trust me, back in the day, I did what I needed to. Sometimes that meant working for a Hutt and shaking it for your money's worth, sometimes that meant-" She let out a cough "Befriending Han Solo, for one night only. This little cat has plenty of secrets, trust me."

Jonyna smirked back. "I'm sure you've got your own secrets too, yeah? Cathar have good ears, tell me something I don't know Master Noble?"



Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring

"Wowww," Valery laughed and teasingly nudged the Cathar's side, "Alright, I didn't expect that at all, but I can't really blame you given those times. And, well, Han Solo was quite a looker, hm?" Valery smirked, clearly not quite done yet with teasing her dear friend. These stories were rather wild already, and they hadn't even reached the bar yet.

They were getting close, though.

"A secret of mine?" Valery pursed her lips and chuckled. "Well, a lot of people think I've always been with Kahlil. But he wasn't my first if you know what I mean. He was also believed dead for years, and during that time, I... you know." She left it at that for now, unless Jonyna decided to prod more.

"I guess those aren't really secrets, but just things people don't know about it. I don't have many other secrets that are all that interesting."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Jonyna paused, looking back to the Grandmaster with a genuine curiosity. "What would you do if he came back?" She paused, her eyes going wide for a second. "Or....she?"

Good lord, she was asking Valery which way she swung. She definitely was gonna need a drink for this.

"...I mean, I know you're married, but..." She let out a cough. "You ever...?" She made a hand gesture, hoping that Val would understand her meaning.



Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring

Valery smiled sheepishly, "I've never been with a woman." Not that she wasn't interested in them, but she typically preferred men and she had met Kahlil not long after getting out of stasis. Ever since, she hadn't even considered a life with someone else.

She loved him and she was happy to be married to such a good husband and father.

"If he were to return, I'd like to talk to him but I wouldn't get back with him or do anything." She chuckled and raised a hand up through her hair as Jonyna asked her questions, "I've not. When I thought Kahlil was dead, I did... You know " she had met a few men but ended up with a boyfriend for a while.

Untik Kahlil returned.

Looking out the window, Valery noticed they were already approach the landing area on Coruscant, which was close enough to the city and their destination.

"We're almost there."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Jonyna paused, snickering before catching herself and blushing. "Sorry, just...was counting in my head how many women I've slept with. Kinda stopped keeping track back in the day. Living day by day has it's benefits, but...ya know, it's not fun to have to sleep in the back of a cargo freighter." She let out a cough. "But...I've only really ever had two longstanding relationships. Both...well, didn't end well. First I thought I lost Giran, the padawan I was with, but then he came back, survived the freeze like I did, but..." She sighed as she looked out the window. "'s weird. He changed when we finally got to the temple. Before, we were a scrappy group with nothing to go by, no resources, no training. But then we came here, and suddenly he wanted to pick back up where he had left off before the Purge. Becoming a Consular. He...became more distant. More focused on studying the temple records. Eventually he decided to go off on his own quest to seek new knowledge. And...while I was happy for him..."

She paused, looking to Val as they landed. An honest, vulnerable look. "I always kinda wanted what you and Kahlil have. A partner in battle. Someone to rely on in the darkness of the night. then Taam came, and...for a moment, I had that...then he disappeared again..."

She let out a sigh, "...It's lonely, ya know? You go from a full crew, to just yourself. And that's not even mentioning Sevs..."



Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring

"I understand," Valery said, only after Jonyna had finished speaking. She was making herself vulnerable, so she wanted to give the Cathar the chance to first get everything off her chest. The feeling of loneliness was one Valery could relate to. It helped her understand just how much it could hurt.

Especially if several relationships had failed.

"I grew up during a time when relationships were forbidden for Jedi. For 30 years of my life, I had all these feelings, but I was too afraid to express them. I felt lonely and I constantly struggled, trying to force myself not to grow attached to someone. It made me feel cold and distant, and I longed for that connection."

Valery smiled, "Then I met Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble . 30 years of feeling that way, believing that I'd never meet someone who would love me the way I loved them, and there he was."

She paused and briefly focused on their bond, savoring the warmth of his presence. No matter where she was in the Galaxy, he was always with her.

"So, my point is... don't give up. You never know who you meet tomorrow."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Walking into the bar, Jonyna looked to Val with a pitiful expression. The next part she didn't want to say, but she knew she had to eventually.

"...I've always been jealous of you two. You made it work, the thing that I've always wanted. A healthy, loving relationship that lasts. Kids, a home to return to every night. Back before I went into the ice, I thought me and Giran would do that, but..."

She let out a defeated sigh, her head hanging low. "Sometimes I wish I could just be a part of yours. That'd be easy, ya know?" She let out a chuckle, taking a seat at the bar, casually ordering a the fruitiest drink on the menu. "Maybe I'll find something someday. It's just...I miss having someone to wake up to. Achieved my own personal dream of being on the Council, and now...all I have left is to find someone who I can share that with..." She paused, looking to Val with that signature look of humor in her eye. "What'da think? Kahlil wouldn't mind a second wife, would he?"

It was clearly a joke, if a desperate one. She was clearly just wanting someone at this point.



Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring

Valery offered an understanding smile when Jonyna mentioned being a little jealous. For someone still looking for the one, it was a feeling that wasn't too strange. What she had with Kahlil and the kids was special, but it wasn't unique. Jonyna could find her own love and be just as happy.

She just couldn't lose hope.

At the bar, however, she made a joke that got Valery to snort, "Well, Kahlil and I don't exactly share, no." She chuckled and waved over the bartender. "You know, even if you're married, you can still see others and think they're attractive. Or even have a crush," Valery said, still watching the bartender from the corners of her eyes.

"But I've never even seen Kahlil look at someone else. He shows no interest in anybody but me."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Sylvar, what I'd do to have that be me." She groaned, sinking into her arms on the bar. "...I just miss Taam. He was nice, ya know? Used to call me Lithka..." She could only really pout at this point. "You're lucky, ya know? Having someone who looks at you like you're the only woman in the world. Kahlil is cute though. Got that silver fox look." She let out a snort. "In my culture, usually Cathar mate for life. But...that never means you can't add another to the pride, ya know? I used to have two, then"

Soon, the Bartender came back, with Jonyna's drink, pausing and looking to Val with a concerned look.

"She gonna be okay? Don't wanna let a girl like her get wasted on a lonely night."



Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring

"He's pretty cute, yes." Valery chuckled and fidgeted with her wedding ring. A subconscious little thing she always did whenever she was thinking about him again. But the moment lasted only a few seconds. With Jonyna clearly feeling a little down, Valery reached over and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Heartbreak is some of the worst pain, but give it time and put yourself out there. Even if it doesn't happen tomorrow, you'll only find that special one if you keep trying." This was a girl's night to let loose, so it perhaps wasn't the best opportunity to find genuine love. But some fun as a distraction never hurt.

And there were plenty of good-looking people in this bar, and she doubted the club would be any different.

Turning to the bartender, Valery offered a warm smile, "She'll be alright, and I won't leave her alone. We'd like some strong drinks though, just to loosen up a little."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

The bartender, a Shistavanen man with an eyepatch, just smiled. "Couple of strong drinks, comin' up. Just keep an eye on her, I see her kind a lot and it's always my policy to make sure sad and lonely drunks don't get too hammered. Leads to bad decisions." Without another word, he went off and got to those drinks.

"...I can't help it." Jonyna whimpered, sipping her first drink. "I'm too open. I put my heart out for everyone. It's what I was taught to do. By mom, by you..." She pouted. "That's what a hero does. Shows the world that you don't need to be a cynic in this cruel world. That there is a chance for happiness for everyone. You show us all that just by having what you have." Jonyna gave Val a kind, clearly vulnerable smile. "The jedi wouldn't be the same if you two weren't in charge. You...mentioned having crushes..." Jonyna let out a cough, and a slight hiccup as she sipped her drink. "...I'm pansexual. I don't care what species you are, what gender, fark I don't even care if you're organic. All I care about is that you care about me and everyone around you...but especially me." She whined, taking another sip. "But because of that, I can't help but...seeing everyone that way. Everyone in the order is so pretty..."

The Cathar's tail flicked, reaching for Val's hand. It wasn't something Jonyna was even really aware of, she just wanted the security of Val's touch. At this point she sounded a bit whiney, but she didn't really care. She knew Val wouldn't judge her for being a pitiful mess, even if that meant a bit of venting.

Last edited:


Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring

Valery snickered, "Don't worry, we'll both get hammered." That was a promise, both to the bartender and to Jonyna. Not because she wanted to drink away sorrow, but because lingering on it wouldn't help the Cathar. She needed to be out there! With a good spirit and willing to have some fun. It's what'd make her attractive to others.

A sad and depressed appearance wasn't going to look inviting to most.

"I know that I preach to have an open heart, but it's not easy. But in the end, it is what will bring you joy. To find true love, you have to step out of your comfort zone a little." Or, well, be a little bit lucky meeting the right person at the right time, and in the right place. It's how she met Kahlil and got together with him, but she still liked to think that it only happened because she was open to it in the first place.

That night at the falls, they had both expressed their feelings and without that step, nothing would have ever happened. Not their first kiss, not little Vera, and not the rest of their beautiful family.

At the mention of having a crush, Valery cleared her throat and tried not to think about him. Or mention him, unless asked. Instead, she focused on Jonyna and tried her best to offer a comforting smile. Her hand shifted to gently rest atop the tip of the woman's tail and her other hand shifted her drink away a little.

"The best advice I can give is to be patient and to be willing to take some risk. Approach people you like who might also be looking and keep putting yourself out there."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Jonyna let out a grumble. She understood the words that Val said, agreed with them, even.

It was just a lot harder than she wished it was. Jonyna let out a slight hiccup, growling. " sure Kahlil wouldn't go for me? That'd make this a hell of a lot easier. I'm a really good cuddler. Soft fur, nice butt, I got the whole she-bang."

This time it sounded a lot less like a joke, and more like a genuine question. She was just...tired of it. Dating, one night stands. She wanted commitment. A lasting relationship.

Love. Real love.



Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring

Valery smiled and reached out to place her hand over the Cathar's hand, "Kahlil and I aren't exactly in an open relationship, and I don't think he's ever remotely interested in anybody. Nothing personal. It's just... the way he is." He didn't look, he didn't flirt, and even got annoyed or angry when people tried to flirt with him.

It was heartwarming, but also quite unique. Even in established relationships, people could feel attracted to others. Acting on it or not was what made the difference.

Leaning forward, Valery decided to pull her friend into a hug, "But don't worry. There are countless others like Kahlil out there. You'll find the one, I'm sure of it." She tightened the hug briefly and met her gaze with a smirk again, "You're not going to tell me that you've not seen any other attractive Jedi, right?"

"No crush at all? Anybody who makes you look twice?"


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Jonyna let out a groan. "That's the prooooblem Val. I have a crush on basically everyone. I mean...hell, if Efret and Elias weren't already crushing on each other, I'd be making passes on both of them. I thought Jasper was cute for the longest time until he left, but we never really had the chance to get together. Fuck, I still have a crush on you-" She paused, her face going red. "But...uh..." Change the subject changethesubjectchangetheSUBJECT

She paused, letting out another, much louder hiccup. "I ran into Rik Perris a while ago. He's cute..."



Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring

Valery blinked.

Jonyna had told her that she was basically attracted to most within the NJO, but it was still surprising to hear that she had a crush on her. It didn't make her uncomfortable or nervous, having been open and honest about her relationship with Kahlil and the lack of openness there.

But it was still a little awkward.

"Well, are you attracted to these people because of appearances? Or do you also know them well? I'm sure that when you really get to know all of them, you'll have your preferences, no?" Valery asked seriously, though the moment Rik Perris Rik Perris came up, Valery blushed and quickly reached for her drink.

She took a long sip and set the glass back down.

"Yeah, he is. You uh, talking to him?"


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