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Private Girl's Night

TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"...I haven't really had the chance to get to know anyone that well in the order." Jonyna admitted. "Always been busy with one thing or another. Other than you and Cora, I don't...actually have a lot of friends. Well, friends who aren't my padawans." She blushed, letting out a small chuckle. "I just think everyone is cute. Like...that librarian lady! Can you imagine what those tentacles could-" Hic. "I just..." Groan. "...yeah, I'm talking with him. He took me out for drink last week. Why?" She couldn't hold back a dumb smirk. "Do you have a crush on him, Mrs. Noblé?"

For some reason, she decided to pronounce Val's last name the same way Stomme had, in a really silly french accent.


Jonyna was a lightweight.



Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring

"Well, maybe that's a good start, then? Get to know the other Jedi in the Order a little better. Have these girl nights with them or try to meet up outside of Jedi duty. It's how I've gotten to know many of them." It'd also help her find a suitable partner, and give others in the Order a good chance to get to know her.

Most weren't going to jump into a date before that.

On the topic of Rik, Valery grumbled and turned her eyes away, clearly somewhat embarrassed, "Shaddup," she said before taking another quick sip from her drink.

"If you two hit it off, I think he's a good one. But not an easy catch."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"You think? Maybe..." She whispered, "...It's funny, I spent so long trying to become a jedi master. That was simple. I trained, I fought, I won. I didn't really need to...put myself out there for that. Now, I'm trying to find true love and it''s scary. I'm not used to being scared. Usually my fight or flight reflex is just...well, a fight reflex. Stand your ground, hold the line. Fighting is easy for me, fun even. This? This is spooky."


Jonyna looked onto the bar, frowning. She didn't like all this moping. Being this vulnerable, even to Val, all it did was make her realize how uncomfortable she was. " wanna take a couple drinks to go? I dunno, get out of here? I wanna know more about you, not sit here and whine about me..."



Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring

"It's scary but the things that are worth most in life are never easy to get. You have to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. My advice is to get to know people better. Not just one or two, but as many as you can. Even if it's not romantic, building connections helps as well. You'll be a better leader within the Jedi if you get to know the people you lead, and it gives you better insight for suitable partners."

Valery chuckled and raised a hand through her hair, "Or you'll make friends who might hook you up with someone." Maybe Valery herself could even help her find someone.

It'd start with Jonyna getting to know some Jedi, though.

"We can go somewhere else. Maybe get you to dance with some fun people you never met before. Not exactly material for long-term relationships, but you need to get out of your own head first."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"...yeah, I know, you're right..." Jonyna sighed, standing up from the barstool. "...I'm not even really scared of putting myself out there. I'm just scared of being abandoned again. But enough moping. Let's go dancing!" Jonyna perked herself up, clearly trying to stuff her sorrow down and bring the mood back up. "...thanks for the hug Val." She smiled, going over and hugging her once more. "And...thanks for putting up with me all these years. I know I'm a mess right now, I didn't mean to get weird about you and Kahlil. I just...I dunno, I look up to you both, and there's a bit of hero worship there. And...well, ya know..." She blushed, her face now flush from the booze. "Hero worship comes with a bit of affection. You two are the perfect couple, and a girl like me? Girl like me would kill to be a part of that."

She paused, letting out an abrupt snort.
"Who knows? Maybe one day I'll find my own Valery Noble. Or Kahlil!" She couldn't help but giggle. "I get it...yeah?"


Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring

Valery returned the hug and chuckled along to what Jonyna said. The Cathar was clearly drunk, so her choice of words came without filter, but they were still genuine, "I get it. What Kahlil and I have is great, and well, he's pretty hot." She smirked and kept an arm around Jonyna's shoulder to nudge her along. She only looked back once, to toss a few credit chips onto the counter, and then left with her friend to have fun somewhere else.

"Come on, let's get you dancing."

Valery herself wasn't too fond of dancing with strangers. They usually get touchy, especially when they're drunk, and she wasn't going to a club to find herself someone to spend the night with. She was there to help Jonyna get out of her own head. So, as they entered one of Coruscant's many night clubs, Valery was quick to nudge her to the floor.

"Why don't you get started already? I'll grab us drinks and we'll go from there."


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Jonyna gave Val a goofy smile and a thumbs up, before she went off to the dance floor.

The thumping music could only hide so much, and given the Cathar was already tipsy, her movements were primal at this point. Still, just from how she moved, Val could see that Jonyna was actually quite the dancer. Moving with purpose, every motion some way to link to the last.

For a moment, Val could see the other dancers pause and her move. Jonyna had always had a bit of a magnetic personality, but now Val could see why this was the Cathar’s preferred way to unwind. She was a natural.

As soon as Val got back with drinks, Jonyna’s first response was to give Val just the most…genuine smile Val had ever seen on her. “Thanks Vally!” Jonyna giggled, “You should take a shot first! Loosen up!”



Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring

With some locally favorite drinks in her hands, Valery walked to the dance floor, her hips swaying in alluring patterns, but never daring to cross any lines. She was tipsy and wanted to have fun, but she wasn't inviting anybody to touch her. She left that kind of temptation to Jonyna, who she wanted to have a good night.

"Here, these are supposed to be pretty strong!" Valery called out over the loud music, as she offered a glass. Along with them, she had a few shots and Jonyna was quick to urge her to take the first.

So, she did.

Valery tried to hold back a cough and already felt her world starting to spin. Either the drink was very strong, or their earlier drinks were catching up to her.

"Come on, tell me. See anybody you fancy?"


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"Other than you?"
Jonyna joked over the music, twirling in place as she belly danced next to Val, truly sloshed at this point. "Uhhhh..."

The crowd was full of different species, people and creatures from all over Coruscant wanting the same thing. To get away from thoughts on what came before. Coruscant was still rebuilding, and people wanted relief.

"That Shistavanen girl is kinda cute. Oh! And that redhead over there!" She pointed to a human man over at the bar, sipping a martini. "He's hot..."



Outfit: Dress | Wedding Ring

Valery rolled her eyes at the joke, but also swayed around in a more seducing way, purely to tease Jonyna before she called out the people she had noticed. A shistavanen woman, dancing to the rhythm of the music, and a human man who stood at the bar, sipping from his drink. He was observing the floor and stood somewhere quieter.

Perfect to draw him onto the dance floor.

"Well, go talk to him!" Valery placed her hand against the back of Jonyna's shoulder and nudged her towards him. A big grin spread across her lips.

The guy would have definitely seen that.


TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble


The nudge was enough for Jonyna to nearly fall on her face as she pushed forward, just catching herself. as she walked towards the man. "" She giggled. She couldn't help it, practically everything was funny at this point.

"Hey." The man snorted, sipping his martini, "You're the new jedi master they crowned, yeah?"

"Y-yeah. Jonyna~"

"Cute." He smirked. "And the grandmaster is your wingman? Shouldn't you two be doing...I dunno, jedi things?"

"We're off duty." She smiled, sitting down at the bar. "Looking for some trouble~"

The man looked the Cathar up and down, letting out a chuckle. "Well, you certainly found it. Looks like you're more interested in her though."

"She's-" Hic. "Married."

"Yikes. And I'm your fallback?"

"I'm just lonely..."

"...well, I can certainly fix that." He downed his drink. "You wanna dance, jedi?"

"Y-yesh..." She slurred, swaying to the beat. "Dance with me stranger..."

The two came back to Val, and Jonyna shot Val a very drunk smirk as she began swaying against the man. She didn't even know his name, she just knew he was putting his arms around her, and that felt like safety to her. A passing comfort in a cruel world of heartbreak.

Even if she really did wish it was someone more permeant.


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