Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gladiator (tug-of-war +500 -500)


Well-Known Member

From a man who has indulged in certain temptations and consumed a soul or two. I can tell you there is no taste. There is an experience. Primarily, it is one of relief. All your pains, all your suffering. all go in an instant. For a moment you are in bliss. And as quickly as it came, it goes. And all your ailments return with much greater intensity than before. The 'Taste', for want of a better word, is an experience tainted by the soul itself. Consume a man of Darkness, and you will experience darkness within your relief.

The hunger grows, and so too does the addiction. I can speak from experience.
The Reaper of Won Shasot
[member="Marina DeVoe"]
Cotton Candy tastes amazing, how dare you.

[member="Orex Mauda"]
...That's a little too real my dude, no one needs to hear that, and I've experienced the damn thing.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

So... now I'm confused. :huh:
One says cotton candy is great, the other says it's not?

Ok, so maybe a soul doesn't taste like cotton candy, but just has the consistency of a cotton ball?..??

Help me out here... :(
The Reaper of Won Shasot

[member="Orex Mauda"]
Again, how dare she diss cotton candy. it is unacceptable.

And well, the first time was during Kaeshana. I didn't really realize what was going on at first, but it felt good. I'm sure your first experience was similar?

[member="Marina DeVoe"]
No, no, not a cottonball...just something very satisfying, for a moment.


Well-Known Member
[member="Dax Fyre"]


I once located Darth Nihilus' Holocron on Korriban. After that, I took an expedition to find his Mask. All was successful and I brought him back to Coruscant. My first contact with Nihilus' Raw Spirit was through meditation with his Mask. He tore open a wound in me very similar to the one he had. In the Force.

Anyway, my first time I think was on Rakata Prime. I'd gone there to observe. It's a technological grave yard and so it held interest to me. Unfortunately, an old enemy of mine arrived and needless to say, we fought. She brought a few troopers with her, it was a somewhat desperate situation. I pulled one too me and simply gave in to the Temptation Nihilus had been poking me with since we became one. I devoured the man and I was conscious I was doing it. It brought me relief. The greatest thing I had ever done. But I can't do it so often, otherwise I'll suffer the same fate Nihilus did. One of infinite, raging hunger.

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