443 Well, we'll see. :P
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Jun 5, 2019 #1,541 443 Well, we'll see.
Mauda Well-Known Member Jun 5, 2019 #1,542 444 Fat Lady* Back to Monologues, [member="Dax Fyre"] , this lady damn near made me kill her with her silly chatter. In regards to Friends.. we should speak, perhaps.
444 Fat Lady* Back to Monologues, [member="Dax Fyre"] , this lady damn near made me kill her with her silly chatter. In regards to Friends.. we should speak, perhaps.
Aubrey Landcaster Forgetful Fighter Character Bio Jun 5, 2019 #1,543 Fat Man, Fat Lady, what’s the difference? Them singing has no effect on if something ends. 445
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Jun 5, 2019 #1,544 444 Orex and friend are like vinegar and oil...they don't mix so you know.
Dax Perl The Reaper of Won Shasot Character Bio Jun 5, 2019 #1,545 446 [member="Orex Mauda"] I'm willing to set up this meeting if you're up for it. As far as I'm concerned, things are only over when your enemy has either surrendered or lies dead at your feet.
446 [member="Orex Mauda"] I'm willing to set up this meeting if you're up for it. As far as I'm concerned, things are only over when your enemy has either surrendered or lies dead at your feet.
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Jun 5, 2019 #1,546 445 Well, THAT's not in my plans. How about I look on to your victory dance with a frown on my face? :huh:
445 Well, THAT's not in my plans. How about I look on to your victory dance with a frown on my face? :huh:
Tathra Khaeus THE UNDEFEATED Character Bio Jun 5, 2019 #1,553 462 This will be my victory. I've been here since the start!
Dax Perl The Reaper of Won Shasot Character Bio Jun 5, 2019 #1,554 463 I just kinda popped in *shrug*
Tathra Khaeus THE UNDEFEATED Character Bio Jun 5, 2019 #1,555 464 Just rubbing it in on [member="Marina DeVoe"]
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Jun 5, 2019 #1,557 464 Didn't figure to be the singing FAT man, Matador
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Jun 5, 2019 #1,558 Grrr... 'you'.. Didn't figure you to be the singing... OH shush!
Marina DeVoe Not a flight attendant... just a risk. Character Bio Jun 5, 2019 #1,560 465 It's too clean for your taste. -_-