Sic transit gloria mundi
- Intent: Submit the company Glory is in charge of.
- Image Credit: Here. Photograph of Nigerian soldiers, from a news article on
- Role: Dahomian light infantry company as part of Firemane's forces.
- Links: Glory, Dahomey, Firemane Industries & Technology, Abregado-Rae Guild of Hammers, In Time.
- Unit Name: 1st Company, Dahomian Rangers Batallion. The Glory Hounds.
- Affiliation: Glory, Siobhan Kerrigan, Firemane Industries.
- Classification: Light Infantry Company.
- Sentinel Battle Armour
- Combat De-Ioniser
- Portable Shattergun Rotary Cannon.
- Shatterbolter
- Lance Missile Launcher
- ARGH Flamethrower (Wrist variant)
In terms of ground transport, they can call upon speeders and, if something heavier is required, Yazgid IFVs. However, they do not have any heavier armoured fighting vehicles than those.
- Availability: Unique
- Deployment: Mass. The unit is a single company of 120 soldiers, but the entire unit tends to be deployed into combat.
- The Glory Hounds are a rapid-deployment light infantry formation. They are well-trained, highly mobile and experienced soldiers. Furthermore, their Dahomian heritage makes them good trackers. Skilled marksmen, they empathise discipline and precise fire over blazing away at anything that moves.
- Their arsenal includes potent anti-Force-user gear and they are trained in tactics to efficiently fight the space wizards that populate the galaxy.
- Being light infantry, they emphasise speed, mobility and rapid strikes over armour and firepower. This can be a disadvantage, especially in prolonged battles or against heavy armour.
- Lack of heavy combat vehicles.
- Their duraplast armour offers decent lightsabre protection, but is only really effective against glancing blows. A direct, heavy impact will cut through it like butter.
- Their dedication to the cause gives them a strong morale, but their zeal can become a double-edged sword in battle.
The denizens of this rather remote, primitive planet wield a disproportionate amount of influence in the megacorporation. This pre-industrial world regressed during the Four Hundred Year Darkness due to isolation and strife. Many of its natives lived as hunters and gatherers, while warlords fought for control. Outsiders were attracted to it due to it by its gold and, sadly, its people, who often ended up as slaves. It was liberated first by the fledging Omega Pyre. Tegaea Alcori, at the time Vice President of the mercenary company, and her associate Siobhan Kerrigan led the liberation forces. Both forged strong bonds with the planet, which was developed by both the Pyre and the Omega Protectorate.
Though there was some understable resentment about being a foreign power's colony, many Dahomians were eager to grasp the opportunities offered by their colonial overlords. Thus many Dahomians joined the ranks of the Protectorate's soldiers, and signed up for Firemane Industries after it was founded. The small planet has supplied Firemane with soldiers, general officers and administrators.
The Glory Hounds Company is one of these units. It derives its name from Captain Glory, its current commander and a veteran of Dahomey's tribal wars and many Firemane campaigns. Speaking of the name, the Dahomians have a curious way of naming their children, since around their tenth birthday they assign them a descriptive name that embodies their personality and is different from their birth name. As a result, the Hounds have a bit of a reputation for being prideful and fixated on martial glory, though their courage cannot be doubted.
Like its parent battalion, it is a highly mobile light infantry formation that can be deployed rapidly into conflict zones. The Hounds are trained to carry out raids, personnel recovery missions, spearhead operations by securing bridgeheads and performing airborne assaults into enemy territory. Due to their Dahomian heritage, many are excellent trackers and are skilled in asymmetrical warfare. Their equipment and training also increase their ability to combat hostile Force-users, despite their lack of preternatural powers. The company has also assumed a bit of a mentoring role for Qadiri Sepoys serving Firemane, and Hounds have often been assigned to train them in the use of modern weapons and tactics. Despite the growth of a Dahomian Diaspora, ties are very important to Dahomians and this is reflected in the composition of the Hounds, who tend to be recruited from the same clans.
In terms of size, the Glory Hounds are comprised of 120 soldiers, divided into three platoons with 40 soldiers each. While each mission profile can require a different weapons' loadout, every squad has an automatic rifleman equipped with a shattergun rotary cannon or a repeating blaster/rotary blaster cannon, a heavy weapons specialist and a sniper or designated marksman. The common Hound tends to carry a rifle, a sidearm, a couple grenades and a vibroknife. Their Sentinel Battle Armour is made out of duraplast, which offers good protection against a variety of attacks, though it can only really resist glancing blows from a lightsabre, which can prove an issue in close combat with hostile Force-users.