Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Good Vibrations


After two mando raids in a row, Jonyna was raw to the bone on stress. She wanted to move past it. She wanted to see the Mandos as a culture she could co exist with.

Maybe that wasn't the case. Maybe they genuinely did need to die out.

But she couldn't bring herself to hate them. She couldn't bring herself to hate anyone. Not anymore.

She wanted to see the good in everyone. To see the world for how beautiful it was, not for the filth that came up from the depths.

Today wasn't a day for philosophy though. She needed a break.

That's why she was on Corellia. Back on the beach.

That's why she was currently standing atop of a City-tree wooden board surfing a 15 foot wave.


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | Flip those fins; get social

One day, Jenn would finally buckle before the weight of her responsibilities.​
They would catch up to her. Drag her down, and ask of her to make an impossible choice of some kind - and she would fail, just as she saw in her nightmares. The Clan would be scatted to the four winds, and her dream of a brighter future would be shattered in a million pieces. There would be no chance for her to show the Galaxy that the Mandalorian people could be more than merely faceless raiders who thought themselves great, seduced by their own delusions of honor.​
But not today. No matter how the stars she adored so dearly sought to test her again with word of Neo Crusaders prowling on those worlds at the edge of Alliance space, all too glad to test how far they might be able to go before the hammer was brought down on them at last... if it ever was.​
No, today was a day of relaxation. Corellia was no Scarif, but it remained a beautiful world nonetheless, and the water beckoned to her all the same. Any opportunity to flip her fins was welcomed, really, and the massive waves provided her with a chance to follow them along, shoot out of the water with one mighty kick of her tail - only to readjust her trajectory with her jetpack mid-air, crashing back into the water with grace!​
It was then that she first saw the Cathar, boldly surfing the kind of waves even experienced surfers might think twice about riding. The next time she crashed back under the waves, the Mandalorian found herself following that surfing board with curiosity; and when she emerged from the water as spectacularly as ever, the siren gave this bold soul something of a wave, all too glad to keep on following along!​

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

The waves were choice today, but even the Cathar couldn't ride one forever. She broke off as they got close to the beach, paddling out to the side to take a break for herself, rolling over and laying on her back in the water.

"Oh sweet Sylvar that was nice..."

She paused, her ears twitching at the sound of churning water. She turned onto her side, the woman spotting the woman waving at her.

A Mandalorian.

One that wasn't immediately trying to murder her.

Jonyna sat up on her board, tilting her head and waving cautiously.


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | A seaside chat

If there was a more glorious feeling than that of onrushing water against her iridescent scales as she bathed in the warmth of the sun, then Jenn was yet to find it! The only thing she was missing, perhaps, was a glass of tihaar to sip from lazily while resting on the shore... and perhaps a new friend to share it with. A few lazy strokes of her mighty tail were all she needed to close the distance between the Cathar and herself, stopping just short of the surfing board, with naught but her helmed visage and her shoulders remaining out of the water.​
"I have to say, I've never seen anyone riding the waves as confidently as you do", spoke the siren warmly. Slowly, tentatively, she swam just a little closer, folding her arms over the edge of the board to stabilize herself, her tail lazily swishing behind her, sometimes breaching the water. "And trust me; I get to see a whole lot of surfers from below. The name's Jenn - Jenn Kryze."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

There was a moment of hesitation as Jenn touched the board. A mandalorian touching city-tree wood. There was a cultural trauma in that. But...

Jonyna wasn't here to start a fight.

"Jonyna Si..." She said, a clear sign of hesitation in her voice. "Yeah, I...I'm used to surfing trees, so waves aren't all too different. Just a matter of finding the equilibrium. You're a...water mando?" Jonyna inquired, curiosity filling the void of hesitation. "I can't imagine that does your armor any favors..."


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | A seaside chat

Unaware of the significance behind her resting against the board as she was, Jenn was far from blind to the shift in the woman's demeanor. The hesitation she felt in the stranger's voice left her with a certain touch of guilt; the legends of her people spoke of the great glory they had won for themselves... and the great evil they had visited against their foes. The deeds of warlords long dead were not her own, but a measure of guilt still founds its way into her mind.​
"Jonyna", repeated the Mandalorian softly, her voice taking on the enchanting quality the Ersansyr had been made for. "Elegant. I like it." A warm chuckle escaped her, then, as she abandoned her more morose thoughts behind, lifting her tail from the water until her fin hung above her head, dripping water down onto her helm.​
"You'd be surprised! I've remade this armor from the ground up when I was changed." Silence followed, if only for a moment... before the siren brought her scaled, clawed hands to rest upon her helm, removing it with that characteristic hiss of depressurization. Beneath it, lay the intense, if captivating visage of the Alor; scales dotted her cheeks, and covered the area around her eyes - shifting from one shade of blue to the next with each passing moment. Slowly, carefully, the helm was handed over to the curious Cathar. A way to sate her curiosity, and a display of goodwill, both.​
"I didn't really choose to become... all this. I was human, before a Sith decided to test some alchemy on me." A slow roll of her shoulders followed, as if she sought to shrug off the half-remembered horrors that came with being stuck inside of an observation tank for... stars only knew how long. "I've come to embrace it. Made the circumstances imposed onto me... my own. If that makes sense."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

A mando was handing her their helm.

Jonyna thought back to Mia Monroe Mia Monroe and Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad , as she took the helm and inspected it. Jonyna herself was a master of the forge herself, and knew her way around metal. Still, beskar was foreign to her. What she could tell, was this was designed for the water.

"Impressive work..." Jonyna said, before looking up. A sith experiment. "I'm sorry. I've seen that kinda thing before. I had a padawan very briefly who was similar. Glad to see you're making it work."

Jenn made a note about her name, and it gave Jonyna a pause. Maybe it was time to let go. "It means Great Flame in my culture, after the local gas giant in our system. Ever been to Cathar?"


| Location | Corellia
| Objective |A Seaside Chat

Without the faceless gaze of her Y visor, the careful dehumanization Mandalorians were so renowned for was lessened; there was a face for Jonyna to associate with the name given to her, rather than merely knowing her by the pattern of markings left on her helmet. And, for all of the differences between the pair, the siren offered her a small, yet meaningful smile.​
"Thank you. I take pride in my work; I can only hope that I am remembered by my talent as a Forgemistress, if nothing else." The helmet, finely crafted as it was, was not the high-tech piece of equipment one might have expected. Most life support systems had been stripped out on account of the Alor's unique physiology rendering them all but useless, and those few electronic systems left within were - rudimentary, to say the least. Just enough to keep comms clear and precise when leading an entire Clan into battle, a radar, and a heads-up display. Conservative, compared to the more technologically-minded of her people.​
Of the words spoken in regards to her condition, she made no note of. The road to acceptance was a long and arduous one, and there were days where she still resented what a moment of weakness had led to. Confident as she was in her appreciation of what she had become, there was simply no getting around the fact that her very nature had been twisted, as if she were but a thing to toy with. The remnants of her anger and spite, however, were all too easily abandoned in favor of the curiosity stirring within her as the Cathar spoke of the meaning behind her name, eliciting another smile from the siren.​
"Very... lyrical! I like that. As for Cathar, I... can't say I've ever been, no. Feels like it'd be an insult for me to go there, you know?"

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

Jonyna let out a scoff. "Tell that to the Protectors. Annexed the world without a second thought for the history. I had to invite Mia Monroe to even get some recognition."

She held no real qualms against the Protectors as a whole, but there was always going to be that sore spot for them. Cathar was so often a world forgotten or overlooked by the wider galaxy, because it didn't have cities or strategic locations.

It was just a jungle to them.

But a Jungle she called home.

"'re welcome to come visit. If anyone gives you trouble, just tell them Jonyna Si gave you her blessing. I'd rather keep that hatchet six feet under if we're going to learn to find a better future. Doesn't help that the so called Crusaders are stirring up trouble..."


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | A Seaside Chat

A groan came as Jonyna's answer, then. "Believe me, I know. Stars only know how much I tried to involve myself in the affairs of these... so-called Protectors. To serve as a voice to temper their ambition. Their Mand'alor showed me the door; the council summoned to find a replacement after he disappeared was nothing but a gathering of short-sighted fools chasing the past."
A weary sigh escaped her, then, and she shook her head. "I've long grown tired of having to make up for the mistakes of my people. The Protectors are hedging their bets on a dead world, and refuse to change. The Crusaders... are a more complicated matter. I- counted myself among their ranks, not too long ago. I came to realize the error of my ways, thanks to those I called friends in the Alliance. Left the Enclave behind, and took my Clan with me, hoping to make something new. Something... better." A chuckle followed, though far less warm than before. There was a hint of powerlessness within her voice, now. "It's been a series of challenges, and sometimes, it gets... a little too much. When it does, I find a pretty world to flip my fins."​
Her gaze soon turned back towards the Cathar's eyes, her features growing a little softer as she offered the fiery-haired woman a smile. "Forgive my ramblings. I... truly appreciate the offer. I can only hope to return the kindness some time." A devilish grin split her features, then, revealing her fangs in the process. "I'd offer to give you the same kind of assurances for Mandalore, but, frankly, I don't think I'm welcome there anymore. Putting aruetiise before vode has a way of earning you some enemies."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

"Still disappointed with what happened with the Senate, but ya know. Better is good. How often you visit the ocean?" That was a stupid question. " often you surf?" Also a stupid question. "...can you breath underwater?" A better question.


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | A Seaside Chat

Tilting her head to the side, Jenn met the Cathar's rambling with a soft, amused smile. There was something a little endearing about watching Jonyna move from one question to the next, trying to find one that felt right. Taking it all in stride with a chuckle, she flicked her tail back, sending it crashing against the water once more.​
"I visit the ocean as often as I am able; when I am under the waves, I know peace like nowhere else... but my duties as Alor of my Clan keep me busy, so, it's something of a rarity these days. I never tried surfing! Only ever watched people doing it. And yes, I can breathe underwater." Bringing a pair of fingers over to the side of her neck, the Mandalorian tapped the reinforced sections of her undersuit covering her gills, a soft blue glow emanating from them.​

| Location | Corellia
| Objective | A seaside chat

With her unexpected companion somewhat dropping her guard, Jenn found herself enjoying the calm nature of their interaction. Here they were, idling chatting away, free of the expectations of what should have been. Cathar and Mandalorian striking up a friendly conversation, ready to move past what circumstance should have dictated. A chance for some light-heartedness, all too readily accepted by the weary Alor.​
"That I was", confirmed the siren with a nod, a wistful smile pulling at her lips. "I was only a child when my parents died. Some bounty-hunting Mando killed them, but his Clan saved me before he could finish the job. They took me in, treated me like one of their own. Raised me on Mandalore. Loved me." She sighed, then, and looked to the sky. "They were the only family I ever knew, and I lost them all when Carnifex brought death to us all. I was one of the lucky few - those who escaped. I... wandered, then. I was so lost. So angry at the Galaxy."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

Jonyna tilted her head slightly. "What happened to the mando who killed your parents?"

Mandalorian culture was always strange to her. Taking in lost children wasn't unheard of in Cathar culture, but the concept of a clan taking in someone they had orphaned, it was almost hypocritical in that sense.


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | A seaside chat

"My mother, the one who adopted me, removed his head from his shoulders for his attempt at killing a child." In truth, Jenn could not remember much of the faceless murderer. Nor could she recall the face of her biological parents. She had been too young for that, and known them too little. No, Matheld Kryze was her mother, as far as she was concerned, and no other.​
"Anyway... I wandered for a while, and found a home in the Enclave. I was still angry at everyone, even my own people. Found a woman I loved, settled down with her - mellowed out over the years. Followed the rest of the Enclave into their ill-fated Crusade, if only out of loyalty, and... I lost her for that. All of my time put into my craft, making sure my siblings in beskar were properly equipped, neglecting our relationship."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

"...I'm sorry to hear. I'm coming off a heartbreak myself. Cathar jedi who promised me we'd be together. One night we'd in bed together, the next morning he's....gone. Still trying to come to terms with that. Don't know why he left, where he went, or what I did wrong..."

Jonyna's casual mood dipped, as she let out a long sigh and rolled onto her back, looking up at the sky. "Just wish I could find someone. If you weren't a mando, I'd probably ask you out myself. head isn't in the place to do that. Too much between our histories." She let out a chuckle. "You're cute though. Take the helmet off more often, people deserve to see that face."


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | A (hearfelt) exchange

Jenn's brows furrowed, then, and the Mandalorian leaned into the board a little more. Although the woman before her was but a new acquaintance, the Mandalorian still felt a pang of sympathy for the Cathar. Few things were more sacred to her than love; a notion she held above duty and honor both, no matter what her people might think of it. "I'm sorry", uttered the siren softly, her voice taking on a rather enchanting intonation to it. An attempt to soothe, earnest and true.​
Watching as Jonyna turned to look at the sky, the Alor kept her gaze fixated on the Cathar's features, drinking in her expression as she spoke of her search for love. The scales surrounding her eyes and gracefully trailing down to her cheeks, shifting from one shade of blue to the next with each passing moment, took something of a deeper coloration as a mention was made of her being cute. A wistful sigh escaped the warrior, then. "I'm... of the same mind", admitted the Ersansyr after a pause. "On all three points. I still yearn so... so desperately to find that special someone. Someone who completes me."
A smile pulled at her lips, then, but it lacked any true mirth. In this, Jonyna was so very much like her - but unlike so many among her peers, Jenn felt... a certain pang of responsibility, for what her people had done to the Cathar. It was a shameful act the centuries could not wash away, and this newfound acquaintance's willingness to entertain a conversation with her was already more than she had expected. "Would've probably asked you out if not for that, too", she finally conceded. "I'm... more aware, I suppose, than most of my people. At least when it comes to the weight of our sins. I can't hold the legacy of what my people did to yours stopping you from pursuing that against you."
Well, talk about making the conversation heavy. Somewhat self-consciously, the siren flicked her tail behind her nervously, the motion sending a fair amount of water through the air. "Right back at you, though. You are captivating." There was a chuckle, then, far more earnest than her previous mirthless smile. "... you know, I used to keep this thing on all the time around people. Gave that up years ago, but I stuck to that creed for most of my life."
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TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

The thought that stuck in her mind next terrified her. It was so opposite to what she had held in her heart for years.

But it was a risk she wanted to take.

"...maybe we could. Maybe we should." She paused. "Ask each other out, I mean. I mean..."

Words failed for a moment. Jonyna had to take a deep breath, rolling onto her belly again to look Jenn in the eye. "My people, we've spent so long in fear of yours. I wanna teach them to be courageous. To be...strong. Maybe part of that is...rebuilding the bridge. Maybe it's...the scariest thing in the world."

The next word was the hardest one. The scariest word in the galaxy.


Jonyna did wanna find a mate. She did want to find a partner who would be with her forever.

She certainly didn't expect that to be a Mandalorian, but...

It was worth a shot, yeah?

The first step was always the hardest. But she was never one to be afraid of taking a risk.


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | Heartfelt

There was no mistaking how Jenn's eyes seemed to shine a little brighter in the face of Jonyna's declaration. They were alike in their yearning, and the Ersansyr was far from indifferent to the elegant, yet untamed beauty of the woman before her - nor the strange mix of intensity and calm she could see in her eyes. Perhaps there was some irony to be found in a siren finding herself captivated by another, rather than the other way around. Still leaning in against the board, her face was close to the Cathar's own, now, as she rolled onto her belly and turned to face her. Plunging her gaze within Jonyna's twin pools of azur, her own eyes began to glow, betraying how intently she listened to this unlikely new companion's every word.​
"Not all of us deserve your forgiveness", confessed the Mandalorian, her features betraying just how deeply such a truth hurt her. Turning her back on Mandalorian society at large had been a hard decision to make, and one that weighed upon her heart heavily; for her decision to side with the ancient enemy of their people, the Jedi, many were those who regarded her as a lost cause. A traitor, who handed over her agency to arrogant mystics. "There are still- so many of my people, who are no different from the ancestors who brought fire and death to Cathar."
Jenn closed her eyes, sorrow etched all over her features. Alicio Organa Alicio Organa 's words returned to her mind, then, and left her lips softly. "Less than you'd fear, but more than I'd hope."
Silence stretched on, then, interrupted only by the sound of the waves crashing against the not-so-distant shore, and the ever-present song of the waves. After such a long pause, her eyes fluttered open once more, and she dared to give the Cathar a small, if genuine smile. Far more gentle than most expected her people to be capable of; a peer into the tenderness of her soul, kept guarded beneath beskar and resolve so very often.​
"... but I'm- different from them. Or at least, I try to be. And when I stray from the path, I trust my friends to bring me back to the Light. And, if you'd let me, I'd like to show you that. Just me, and you... making something better. Together."
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