Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Good Vibrations

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

"Mom was always very proud of it."
Jonyna smirked. "She was a jedi like me, though she never made it on the Council like I have. She's just...picky of who she likes." The saber seemed, at the moment, inert. The Force seemed to flow through it still, and Jenn could feel as if it was...watching her.

Just as Jonyna finished speaking, the came over a ridge to reveal what looked to be an Imperial ship at first. That was, until Jenn noticed the Cathar markings painted on the underside, Jonyna smiling as she knocked on the side. "Dice! Let us in!"

A moment later, the bottom of the ship opened up, a ramp lowering to allow them to enter into a small armory. Scattered about, old weapons from the age of the Rebellion, including a stormtrooper helmet that seemed to have a trio of claw marks scratched into the front, mounted on a shelf, sitting alongside a massive sniper rifle that seemed to be jury rigged together, designed clearly to take down something as big as an AT-ST.


| Location | Corellia - The Reaper
| Objective | Taking in the sights

"The Council?" asked the Alor, clearly taken aback... and not a little awed. "That's impressive! I'm sure she's proud of you for getting this far. And, topically, not too displeased with me at the moment. Hopefully I can keep it that way." Although largely an untrained novice, Jenn felt some measure of a presence watching her, perhaps appraising her strength of character; a matter that was well and truly beyond her. After all, she had always fared better with those things she could reach out and touch, rather than the realm of the immaterial!​
Whistling at the sight of the ship, she drank in the sight of it with appreciation. Although capable of working on ships (one could not become a Forgemistress of the Mando'ade without learning to master all forms of creation, after all!), Jenn had only ever busied herself with utilitarian designs, meant to convey small contingents of elite troops; evidently, Jonyna's ship was no such thing, and it only caught her attention all the more for it.​
Realizing that she still held on to the elegant hilt of Jonyna's saber as the pair began walking up the ramp, she handed it back to her with great care, her respect for such a priceless weapon made evident. Her gaze came to rest on the scratched helmet of a stormtrooper, a snicker escaping her as she gave it a petulant flick with her finger. "Original occupants?" asked the Ersansyr curiously. "Or just some buckethead you popped on your adventures? Looks like it was a rough fight."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

"That one in particular? Original occupant. Pretty sure his skull is still in there from when I removed it from his shoulders." Jonyna spoke with a bit of a snarl in her voice at the thought. Hate was always a strong word, but she certainly had no love for Imperials. "We took this ship off the Imps when they tried to pin us down on a planet out in the Tingle Arm. Can't remember the name of it, but my group, we stole it and took it for ourselves." She let out a chuckle. "Come on, lemme show you the living area." She led Jenn up a set of ladders, into...

A living room. Leather couches that had definitely seen better days set up in a U shape in front a massive holo-screen, a gambling table set up behind them in the back of the room, and a connected kitchen and hallway to the left. And Jenn could smell it, the pool down the hall.

"Welcome to Home Sweet Home."
Jonyna chuckled, offering a gesture of her arm. "What would you prefer for dinner, madam?"


| Location | Corellia - The Reaper
| Objective | Taking in the sights

Jenn was no stranger to hate; for many years after the fall of Manda'yaim, it had all but driven her actions, leading her down a dark path indeed... although much less of a slave to her emotions, the fierce warrior still knew that some beings in the galaxy were well worth such a strong dislike. Those who would conquer, enslave, corrupt. They were her enemies by their nature, and, evidently, so too did they earn the ire of the fierce Jedi at her side. Seeing such fire in another, tinted with a primal touch... it all claimed a ferocious grin from her, worthy of a predator - revealing those sharp fangs of hers in the process. Climbing up the ladders after Jonyna, the Mandalorian soon found herself into a...​
Decidedly humble, yet lovingly arranged living room. "Ooooh, I like this," announced the Ersansyr warmly. "Seems... cozy!" Clearly approving of the accommodations, she found herself turning towards the familiar scent of water... but with Jonyna quickly recapturing her attention, the siren's song of the water failed to truly sink its hooks into her. Meeting the Cathar's gaze once more, she hummed thoughtfully. "I'm not too picky! Though I've gained something of a... carnivorous inclination, since I was changed. If you have meat, or fish of some sort, that would be lovely."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

"I'll get some fish cookin', yeah." Jonyna smiled. "Pop a squat or take a swim. I'll go find out once it's ready."

The couch seemed well used, the rigidity of the leather having fallen through in favor of a squishy, mattress-like comfiness.

Meanwhile, the pool smelled of saltwater...


| Location | Corellia - The Reaper
| Objective | Take five, settle down

"Music to my ears," answered the Mando in the face of Jonyna's warm welcome, a smirk pulling at her lips. The Mandalorian, usually so quiet and reserved, speaking with a certain sense of gravitas about her... was all too glad to embrace this chance at normalcy. Nothing for her to worry about, for once. No big decisions, no need to keep her face hidden behind the pitiless Y visor of her helmet. Settling down onto the couch, Jenn set down her helmet next to her... and leaned back comfortably, a sigh of relief escaping her lips.​
"I think I could get used to this", called out the Ersansyr to nobody but herself, resisting the urge to let her steps be guided down to the swimming pool, even as she ever-alluring scent of saltwater reached her nostrils. She was more than merely desire, her will made of sterner stuff! Though, then again, the fact that she had found herself crossing paths with someone as captivating as Jonyna certainly helped to focus her attention elsewhere. Letting her gaze roam over the living room around her lazily, she began to wonder just how good of a poker face the Cathar really had... something worth exploring over a game later.​

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

Minutes went buy, and the smell of saltwater was soon overtaken by the smell of searing cod, and the sound of a whistle that rang through the connected kitchen. After months of wallowing, Jonyna felt her spirits rise once more under the wind of a new girlfriend. A new experience for her, admittedly. While she had always touted herself as open for anything, she'd only ever dabbled with the fairer sex, never having the chance for a relationship with one.

This was new territory, and she wanted to make it work.

The whistling seemed to follow down the hall for a moment, before disappearing for a minute or two, then coming back.

Finally, Jonyna joined her again. Now dressed in a pair of cargo pants and her normal collared white top, the yellow gem on her collar shining under the lights. Jonyna smiled as she placed two plates on the table, both expertly seasoned pieces of fish for them. "Here we go Lyrana. Fresh cod, right out of the fridge. I've been meaning to cook these, bought 'em off a market yesterday from the Corellian capital. Was originally gonna grill them on the beach and enjoy it myself, but...I don't mind sharing."

Jonyna sat down next to Jenn, offering a soft smile. She had to resist the urge to just throw herself onto her new girlfriend, wanting so badly to go back to what she had with Taam so soon. Instead, she simply reached over for Jenn's hand and took it, squeezing lightly for some comfort. It was small, but it clearly showed Jonyna wanted the touch of someone.


| Location | Corellia - The Reaper
| Objective | Settle down

Jenn's life was one of adventure, for good or ill - but this chance at normalcy reminded her of her time with Sam, and how happy she had been with their comfortably humble existence. A hint of bittersweetness, perhaps, for that relationship had ended because of her and her obsession with the war, but so too was there hope, banishing the melancholy of the past. The chance for something better lie ahead of her; whether or not this budding infatuation might bloom into something more, pursuing it was a thrill in its own.​
Then again, thrill wasn't quite the right word, in spite of her lust for adventure. Although she certainly pursued her wants and desires with a hint of ferociousness to her, Jenn hungered for more than merely a passionate liplock, and hands feverishly grasping one another's form. No, she desired something... softer, perhaps, if more meaningful. A tender embrace, whispered words of adoration - a sense of being loved. What a beautiful, if terrifying word, love.​
Jonyna's return was met with a lift of her brow and a playful smirk. Stars be blessed, but the Cathar really did own her look, carrying herself with great confidence! "Thank you, Moontide," answered the Mandalorian with a warm smile, that last word all but suffused with the seductive beauty of her siren's song. "You are a wonder."
And she meant every last bit of it. Carefully slicing a piece of cod into a more manageable bite, she brought it over to her mouth with a fork, savoring the taste... before all of her attention turned to the Cathar as she sat next to her, and brought her hand over to her own. A little squeeze that meant much, in spite of the innocuous nature of the act. Before long, Jenn entwined her fingers with Jonyna's own; a deeper measure of comfort.​
"... you seem the type to dance." What an odd thing to blurt out so suddenly, a breathless little chuckle escaping her after such a declaration. "I don't know how to explain it. It's... the way you move, that intensity about you. Am I wrong?"

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

Those interlocking of fingers were all Jonyna needed right now to blush, and lean her head on Jenn's shoulder. Sweet Sylvar Jonyna, you're so easy to fall in love. Was it love? Or was it just desperation? She couldn't tell, but she knew that she enjoyed it. Was it too much to just enjoy it? She didn't think so. She wanted to savor the moment, live in the instance for once. She'd spent the last few years focusing on the future. Becoming the Jedi Master she had dreamed of being since she was a kid. Really, she never really had the chance to truely slow down. Even when she was with Giran, Sevs, or Taam, she didn't have the chance to just...sit.

It took a moment, but Jenn's question slowly processed through Jonyna's brain.

"Huh?!" She shot up, finally realizing what was said. "...oh. Yeah!" She grinned. "I'll need to take you to Club Retro sometime. I can boogie." That cute giggle escaped again, and Jonyna couldn't help but smile. "My taste in music is a bit...antiquated though. You wanna hear some of it? I've got the ship linked up to voice commands..."


| Location | Corellia - The Reaper
| Objective | Settle down

Cautious as the pair might be after their respective heartbreaks, Jenn found no small measure of solace in their shared yearning. They were taking it slow, to be sure, and savored their tender displays of affection for one another all the more. Perhaps it was too early to call it love - perhaps this infatuation would fade away, in time... but Jenn was tired of denying herself the pleasures of life, and she refused to let her fear of another heartbreak dictate her actions. Maybe, just this once, she could leave the worrying for later. Feeling Jonyna's head leaning against her shoulder had her smiling oh-so softly. The captivating Jedi at her side deserved to feel treasured; this, she understood all too clearly.​
The Cathar's laughter was contagious, of course, and soon joined by the melodious sound of the Mandalorian's chuckling, all too amused at her sudden reaction. It seemed she had chosen her topic well, and so she allowed herself to bask in a validating sense of satisfaction. "By all means, Moontide. You've definitively got me curious!"

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

"Alright...Hep, put on some music from my playlist, if you will?"

<Of course. Now playing, Wheel in the Sky> A robotic voice came over a PA system, as Jonyna purred softly. Her voice began to fill the room, as she quietly sang along. While she certainly wasn't a siren, Jonyna could pass off as a bar singer if she wanted. A woman of many talents, it would seem. She loved this. The quiet touch of a lover. Jonyna certainly wouldn't admit it, but she always prefered her ship be filled with...someone. She hated being alone. All it reminded her of was her time on the run, her time living in fear. She wanted to be with friends, with family, with lovers. The embrace made her feel safe, and she never wanted to let that go.

Being Pansexual was more than just being inability to look at anyone without a hint of attraction. At least, for her, it was an inability to look at anyone as...ugly. She couldn't help it. She loved the galaxy, loved everyone. Or at least, she tried to. She saw the world so different from everyone else. Black and White, as simple as it was. Maybe she was naïve, like so many had called her before. Maybe she was just a simpleton, a tribal who didn't know any better.

She'd seen plenty of evil, that was for sure. The Empire, the Sith, the Crusaders. Evil was practically an old friend at this point, a rival she could never truly overcome.

But happiness? That was a new feeling. A ghost she'd chased for years. Every so often she'd catch up, get a grasp of it and feel it's warmth, for it would always escape it grip after only a few months.

Her new title as Jedi Master was one such occasion, and she gripped it ever so tightly. Maybe a little too tight, but Jenn made her loosen her grip. She wanted this. Wanted this so badly. It took a lot of strength to not lean over and kiss Jenn until they were both blue in the face.

She wouldn't call herself touch-starved, but starved. Before she went into the ice, before she met Giran and Sevs, she often found herself jumping from one night stand to one night stand. A flurry of quick thrills to fill her time, and make her feel good. Then she met the man she assumed would be her husband, and the bot who would share that title. It was odd, goofy at times, and more often sweet, but she assumed that would be her life.

Then that was ripped away from her by one stupid mistake.

Then she was once again alone. Sure, she had her pada-


Her train of thought derailed, as she looked over to Jenn. She would have to introduce her!


Maybe cross that bridge when they got to it. Take it slow.

Calm Down.

That's all she could think.

Calm down. Take it slow.

...damnit, she couldn't!

Jonyna couldn't help it. She needed more. She needed-

"Kiss me." Jonyna muttered, mid-way through a line of the song, her singing voice choking up suddenly as she looked pitifully at Jenn. "Just...just once. I need it. Please?"


| Location | Corellia - The Reaper
| Objective | Fireworks

From the moment Jonyna first began to sing along to the melody now filling the air around them, Jenn found herself all but mesmerized, her gaze hopelessly lost in the Cathar's twin pools of azur... all too happy to bask in this naked admiration of her beauty, idly brushing her thumb over the back of her hand. A comforting presence, freely offered to one she was quickly growing oh-so very fond of indeed. Listening to the sweet sound of her date's voice, Jenn slowly began to appreciate the many facets of the illustrious Jedi before her, a gentle smile pulling at her lips. There were so many things about her she had yet to learn, and she would delight in discovering it all...​
But there was more to this wonderful Cathar than her decidedly exotic and untamed body, nor the inscrutable depth of her eyes and all the lust for life held within; Jonyna's beauty transcended her appearance, and the siren recognized that much. Even without the sight beyond sight granted to her by the Force, a piercing gaze most found difficult to withstand... the brilliant soul beneath shone through, its radiance unable to be hidden from the world. In a Galaxy so drab and gray, the Sentinel of Harmony brought color and light!​
How could she gaze upon such a brilliant star given mortal form, and think of her as anything but a wonder? Lovestruck or not, Jenn finally allowed herself to let go of prudence, embracing all that she felt for the woman before her, drinking in her every shift in expression-

A breathless gasp escaped her lips unbidden in the face of such words, her heartstrings plucked before such a pitiful look. This was not merely a desire for one another's bodies, but a longing for affection, gentle and true... and so it was that the siren finally acted on this soul-deep longing. Slowly, carefully, as if she risked breaking the Cathar, Jenn brought her hands to rest along the sides of her head, thumbs gently dragging along her cheeks...​
And closed the gap between the two of them, their lips meeting at last. This, however, was devoid of the desperate, passionate hunger one might expect of the both of them.​
No, it was a decidedly slow, unhurried, and tender liplock.​

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

She could only bring her hands up, soft fur grasping Jenn's cheekbones like her life depended on it. This was everything to her. The moment of connection.

Love. She couldn't deny it anymore. This was love. She wouldn't admit it yet, but she, at least in this brief moment in time, couldn't imagine a world where Jenn wasn't a part of hers going forward. Maybe it was desperation. Maybe it was wishful thinking. She wanted nothing else though, and just like everything else, she'd die for it.

She couldn't help it. She was always so easy to please, so easy to fall. Right now, all she could do is lean in, and enjoy the physical contact.

It was deep, intimate, and joyous. Her tail unconsciously reached for and once more wrapped around Jenn's leg, before the Cathar had to break for a breath, looking to Jenn with eyes that showed so much love. So much compassion. She wanting nothing more than for this to last forever.

"...thank you." She said breathlessly, "...I needed that. I...Sylvar, I'm so lonely..." She couldn't help it. The tears started flowing. "...hold me please..." She said through a sniff.


| Location | Corellia - The Reaper
| Objective | Warmth

The tender kiss they shared was so much more than merely the meeting of lips. It was the embrace of two souls who longed for one another; a mutual display of vulnerability as they bared their hearts to one another. The feeling of Jonyna's soft fur against her cheeks was oh-so comforting indeed, as was the unexpected, if cherished embraced of her tail around her leg. Breathing through her gills as she was, the Ersansyr was content to keep that tender liplock going, all the way until the Cathar had no choice but to pull away from her to catch her breath.​
Jonyna's eyes beckoned once more, leaving her well and truly tantalized... until tears began to form, driving the kindhearted redhead to act quickly and decisively. Without any hint of hesitation, she wrapped her arms around her dearest Moontide, holding her in a firm, though not quite tight embrace. Sinking her fingers into her hair, she began to whisper tender words of comfort into her ear, made all the more beautiful by the unmistakable sing-song intonation it took. A telltale sign of her using the soothing voice her species had earned its name for. For all of her grappling with that fact, Jenn now fully embraced her nature; for she was Ersansyr. The Songbirds of the Sith.​
"It's alright", she promised. "I've got you, cyare. I won't let go... I am here for you, Jonyna."

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