Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Good Vibrations

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

A risk.

That's what this was.

But Jonyna always liked it a little risky.

The cute smile before her caused Jonyna to make a rash decision. One that any normal cathar would find appalling and horrific.

She took her shot. Leaned forward and...

It was only a peck, before Jonyna rolled off her board and let out a laugh, swimming for the shore. If they were going to do this together, Jonyna wanted to know if Jenn was committed to it. She'd been burned twice before. Lost one mate. And yet, through all the heartbreak, Jonyna couldn't help but be playful. A jedi master, still acting like a teenager. If they weren't on a lonely beach, Jonyna would be kicking herself for it. This was stupid, after all. A woman teasing someone she had only just met, and yet...

Found a kindred soul in. A mandalorian mermaid, and a cathar jedi.

What a pair.

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| Location | Corellia
| Objective | And then there were two

Jenn was bold - but so too was Jonyna.​
It was a risk for the both of them, being this open with one another, this vulnerable, this genuine-
It may have been but a peck, but it rocked the siren's world all the same, meeting such a display of confidence and daring with a flush of her cheeks - and a joyous laugh to match her new companion's own! A truly melodious sound, so full of life! Stars, but when had been the last time since she felt such true, savage joy?​
No word in Basic could express the sheer extent of what Jenn felt in that moment. This was sereshoy; a word that encapsulated her people all too thoroughly. Taking enjoyment from each and every day, and possessing the determination to seek out and seize all possible experiences, taking in all that the Galaxy had to offer.​
The Ersansyr's tail, powerful and elegant, allowed her to easily keep up with the Cathar; beating her in that little race for the shore would be particularly easy for a being at home in the water, but the Mandalorian... didn't quite care to compete. Not today. No, instead, she simply delighted in the playfulness of it all, all the way to the shallow water near the shoreline, where her tail made it difficult for her to keep on moving. Of all sounds, a pleasant giggle left her lips.​
"Mmmh. Help me up? Unless you'd rather I trade my tail for a pair of legs so we can go for a little stroll, though it's - a little taxing to do so."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

"You can do that?" Jonyna inquired with a gleeful curiosity. "I'm up for whatever,-" Jonyna used a word next that didn't seem to have a translation. A Cathar word for something more esoteric.


In her own language, Jonyna understood what it meant. A first date. A new experience. A romance not of tired old souls, or deep passion, but of youthful exuberance. Of two souls simply enjoying each other's company and enjoying the jungle around them.

To a Cathar, that word was something more to describe young love, but on very rare occasions...

It was found later in life.

Jonyna took a moment to climb into the shallows and just rest for a moment, before looking back to the mermaid before her in the deeper water. "I can't really stay in the water for too long. My fur gets all weird if I do. Especially salt-water. You could...come here and join me if you want..."


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | And then there were two

"I sure can!" answered the mermaid with a smug little smile, all too pleased by Jonyna's excitement. Having someone express interest in her nature was a rarity, and so she basked in the validation that came from those words... before that strange word reached her ears, and the Mandalorian tilted her head, clearly thoughtful. Although its meaning eluded her for now, the curious Ersansyr repeated it in that sing-song voice of hers, her fondness for the melodious word expressed in the enchanting nature of her voice. "Lyrana..."
Jonyna's talk of her fur, however, brought her right back to the present. Offering her companion a grin full of mischief, the fiery-haired Mandalorian shot her a wink, then... before closing her eyes, and sucking in a lungful of air, effort etched all over her features as she began to concentrate. Shifting was a complicated process to control for her, and ever-more difficult because of how little contact she maintained with fellow Ersansyr - for they were social creatures, by and large, content with navigating the treacherous waters of intrigue. Without other members of her kind to help her learn, her shapeshifting was marked with effort, a gasp escaping her throat unbidden as her brows furrowed; flesh and bone rearranged themselves with surprising grace, scales giving way to skin once more - a testament to the genius of Darth Prospero, creator of the Songbirds.​
By the time she was done, Jenn looked... a little woozy, perhaps, though a small smile was given to her companion, if only to dispel any fears. Rummaging around a pouch kept at her hips, the Mandalorian was quick to slip her legs in the form-fitting undersuit she kept beneath her armour, securing a few pieces of brilliant beskar she had kept loosely attached around her waist as greaves and kneepads. Slowly, almost hesitantly, she mustered the will to stand up to her feet, a breathless chuckle escaping her as she reached out with her hand.​
"... help me along, even if- just for a bit? I've got to get used to legs again, it's- a whole thing."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

Walking over, Jonyna wrapped her arms around Jenn's waist, helping her find her footing. "Of course." She smiled, her mind racing with thoughts of what a shapeshifter could do. Some of them were thoughts of combat, some of...

Well, she'd save those thoughts for later.

"So, you're a shapeshifter?" Jonyna inquired. "Is it just between those two forms or...are you capable of turning into...other things?" There was a hint of excitement behind that last part, Jonyna eager to learn more about her new date. And at this point, she couldn't deny it.

This was a date.


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | And then there were two

True enough, it took a fair few steps before Jenn's mind managed to settle enough to walk on her own; the range of motions required to pursue such a simple goal had proven to be all too different from what her tail demanded of her, leaving her to stumble her way along the shore time and time again... but not today. Today was different, in the most wonderful way possible. A peaceful sense of happiness settled over the siren as she felt those arms wrapped around her, keeping her steady as the two of them walked at a leisurely pace. Even when her steps grew a little more steady, the Mandalorian did nothing to part from Jonyna's hold.​
"That I am!" confirmed the fiery-haired woman with a hint of pride, her fangs showing as she smirked. "Right on the money with the former, though; I can only shift between those two forms, and it can be a little... difficult, at times. The longer I stay in the water, the less I feel like having to go back to all that's above, you know? Things are a lot more peaceful down here."
In spite of her words, there was no melancholy in her voice. Jenn possessed a great deal of confidence, to be sure, but Jonyna's rather relaxed demeanor helped with the prospect of sharing her experiences so openly, rather than clamming up as one might expect her to. It was her turn, then, to try and sate her curiosity. "You mentioned surfing trees, earlier. What's that like? I've never heard of the concept."
Granted, listening to the sound of the Cathar's voice was already pleasant enough to the giddy siren, but getting to listen to her talk of something she seemed passionate about? That was something else altogether!​

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

Jonyna let out a cute little giggle, slowly letting go of Jenn and taking a seat on the sand. "It's..." She paused, considering her words for a moment. "...meditative. Like, I don't really think about it when I'm doing it. You get into a sort of rhythm. After a while, you can basically do it blindfolded. I've been tree-surfing on Cathar most of my life. I know every tree in that jungle for a hundred miles by heart."

Jonyna took a moment to just lay back on the sand, before smirking and patting the spot next to her. "Cathar doesn't have a lot of ocean, but we get rain like crazy. The trees are basically slick the entire year round. I'll have to show you sometime."


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | And then there were two

All too glad to have been able to enjoy that simple, yet wonderful hold around her waist for a little while, Jenn sat herself down next to Jonyna, listening to her every word with naked fascination. Tilting her head to the side, she tried her best to picture just what it all must have felt like, before eventually offering her a wide smile. "Sounds like me and the ocean," offered the siren thoughtfully. "It's not something you do with any conscious effort, you just... do. Lets your mind wander while your body moves. Meditative a good word for it!"
Mimicking the Cathar's motion as she went to lay back against the sand proper, she brought her helmet to rest next to her, before turning her gaze towards those brilliant eyes who captured her soul so easily. "I think I'd like that, Jonyna. I can't say there's much to see on Manda'yaim for me to show you, but- well, I've taken my Clan to live on Onderon. Whole lot of jungle there, adventure to be found." Chuckling at that, she gave her something of a grin. "I've got trouble staying put for long. It's a big Galaxy out there, and I want to see all it has to offer."
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TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

"Sylvar, do I know that." Jonyna giggled, that cute laugh shining through again as she turned to stare into her siren's eyes. "Ever since I woke up from my 900 year ice nap, I've been living mostly on my ship. I can show you it if you want! We got a pool." That dumb grin couldn't escape her face, as Jonyna's tail reached over and touched Jenn's leg, as if asking to curl around it. "I'm parked just a few miles inland. Do you...have a ship too?"

Jonyna had never been one to go exploring other people's ships. Technically, Taam had never invited her on his, mostly because of how cramped he said it was. Not the living space that the Reaper or the Tenacity has.


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | And then, there were two

Oh, but she could get used to that sound alright... hearing it was enough for her to smile, a balm for heart and soul alike. "That makes the second person I meet who had herself a long nap in the freezer", teased the siren playfully. "Val's the other one. Best friend I could ask for." An approving nod followed her words, and a hint of pride shone through. Not in herself, but in the Jedi whose kindness helped her find a better path for herself, eventually leaving the Enclave behind to find a better way for herself.​
The feeling of that tail brushing against her leg claimed a pleasant giggle from her once more - a sound seldom heard by most, given the reputation she sought to cultivate, but all too easily teased out of her by the fiery Cathar. "I'd love that! I, err, don't have a ship myself. I'm an awful pilot." Finally, something managed to make her self-conscious after all - and it was just how much of a disaster she was behind the helm. "One of my Nite Owls usually flies me from place to place whenever I need to, I've got her on speed-dial. I don't get into any accidents that way, and she gets to see all those nice places I have to go to for my duties. Naboo, Alderaan, Ukatis, Aegis... Corellia."
She shrugged, then, a goofy little grin pulling at her lips. "Come to think of it, I have a track record of visiting those planets you see on romance holo-flicks."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

The tail idly curled around Jenn's leg as soon as she allowed it, Jonyna pulling her closer, before reaching in and giving Jenn another peck. "That makes two of us. I have an old astromech that flies me around. Great pilot, bit of a weirdo. Loves his numbers." She giggled, brushing her nose up against Jenn's.

This was that feeling she was looking for again. She'd felt it with Taam, felt it with Sevs and Giran, and now with Jenn.


The serotonin in her brain going into overdrive as she looked down, blushing deeply. This was all happening very fast, and Jonyna needed to remind herself that she wasn't some kitten falling for another Cathar boy.

"...You're really pretty, but...maybe we're taking this too fast."
She admitted. "You wanna...I dunno, go back to my ship and talk? Maybe I can make us some food, just...I dunno, I'm just so...tired of things like this not lasting. If I'm gonna do this, this crazy thing of falling for a mando...then I wanna take it slow. Make sure it works this time."


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | And then, there were two

Jonyna's tail wrapping around her leg proved to be something of a novel sensation, but one she found herself more than happy to embrace. Being treated to another little peck left the passion within her stirred, aching for a proper liplock... yet patient enough to know just how sweet it would be, once the time for it was right. That little eskimo kiss of theirs had her all too pleased - but perhaps more striking than that might be her response to the Cathar's words of temperance, reaching out to rest her hand atop Jonyna's own, brushing over it for a moment.​
"That's probably wise", agreed the siren, her smile growing... a little softer. That tender gentleness of hers, laid bare for the Cathar once again; a look at a woman who, for all of her struggles, sought to keep on being an empathetic voice in the Galaxy. "Let's not drove some L-bombs just yet, take our time... I promise, I won't rush you. All that matters is - what you're comfortable with. I'm not one to ask for more." Leaning away just a little, she stretched, and smirked devilishly. "Swimming builds up an appetite. I bet surfing does, too! I like your idea."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

That got another giggle, as Jonyna smiled and nodded. "Alright, back to the ship then. I can show you the pool, all my stuff, and the hot tub!" Jonyna snickered, clambering to her feet, and gesturing for Jenn to follow. "So, what kinda gear you rock? Other than the armor, I mean. I might be able to hook you up with some stuff I usually only sell to the GADF if you ask nicely."

Despite not being a mando, Jonyna knew that weapons talk was an easy ice-breaker. One she too took pride in, being a former rebel.


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | And then, there were two

Quick to get back on her feet, Jenn bit her lip at the mention of a hot tub. One of those things she had never gotten the chance to indulge in, considering how far from luxury she lived - not by any economic condition as much as her preferring a simpler life. Then again, she had never had such a golden opportunity to indulge, if just a little! Following along all too eagerly, the Mandalorian let out something of a thoughtful hum, Jonyna's pick of icebreaker clearly hitting its mark.​
"I'm a Forgemistress of my people," declared the woman, all too proud of such a title - yet tempered by what followed. "I certainly can make weapons, but I admit I've... stopped pursuing weapons designs, since I left the Enclave. I'm already busy enough with my duties leading my people, what time I have in the forge, I tend to spend towards making armor instead. It feels more rewarding, if that makes sense? Knowing my hands made something that will save a life." With that, her hand went to tap the gun belt she kept over her armor, and brought out the pair of pistols with something of an elegant spin, showing them off in the process - before offering them grip first to the Cathar to appraise.​
"They're dependable and easy to draw - I've had the same for years, now."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

Jonyna looked over the Pistols as she walked deeper onto the beach, grabbing a large gamberson-style coat that she had left and throwing it over her bikini. A second later, she pulled a pistol of her own out, offering it in exchange. "This is my go-to for hitting something at range. He's a modification of something I made for the troops, but with a hell of a lot more kick. Course, I don't use him more often than not. I'll have to show you my swords back at the ship."

It was nice, sharing equipment and enjoying a chat. She really did want to just pounce the mando, but she couldn't afford that risk just yet.

Maybe when they got back to her room...


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | And then, there were two

Although markedly different from other Mandalorians in many ways, Jenn was very much like them in others, delighting at the opportunity to appraise a weapon... and oh, what a wonder Paul just was! A chuckle escaped her at the sight of it, taking it in hand carefully, her gaze filled with disbelief. "Unleashing the might of a Krayt Dragon on your enemies?" asked the siren with a grin and a lift of her brow, handing it back to her after a moment longer, marveling at the unmistakable feeling of a kyber crystal within - something she had once been all but blind to, given how recently she acquired but the slightest grasp of Force Sense, all but blind to her potential still. "Be still, my beating heart."
A tilt of her head served as the answer to the mention of swords, then, her curiosity clearly titillated. "Swords, uh? Don't get me wrong, I'm curious! I just had you pegged as more of a lightsaber type of person. Or perhaps you dabble in both?"

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

"Pretty much both. I started out with katanas back in the day, but eventually build myself a saber. I keep a lot of variety around to keep people on their toes." Jonyna admits, pausing as she grabbed the grip of another pistol "...I got something in here specifically for mandos. We were prepping to fight the Enclave and..."

And she made it awkward. Great Jonyna, ten outta ten. Should've just kissed her on the beach and made out.


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | Talking weaponry

Jenn had never fought using a lightsaber, and could only admire those who did; the discipline and technique demanded to wield such an elegant weapon marked its users as fearsome foes, worthy of respect. The fighting style tied to her lightwhip was all too different, and purposefully so - for it allowed her to surprise those she faced with its exotic qualities, their many lessons all but ineffective against such a starkly different weapon. Those who clung too tightly to their lessons and failed to adapt were felled by the overwhelming onslaught, leaving her victorious. The thought of Jonyna keeping a varied arsenal earned her a nod of approval; a hard-won gesture when it came to Mandalorians and their thoughts on war!​
There was a pause, then, as Jonyna admitted she kept something meant for Mandalorians on herself. For a moment, the Ersansyr's mind wandered, terrified by the thought that she may very well have met this wonderful date as an enemy, not so long ago... but, in spite of it all, the moment passed, and she gave the Cathar a reassuring smile. "What a weird thing for us to have in common", spoke the Alor softly. "I... designed a pistol meat for tackling Jedi, back when I was with the Enclave. It does just as well with the Sith, I imagine."
The Mandalorian shrugged, then, and waved her hand a little, as if she could dismiss the awkwardness Jonyna was feeling. Which, granted, she very well just might, given how well she seemed to take it. "Besides - there's always going to be Mandalorians causing trouble, Jonyna. One day, it's the Enclave, the other, it's the Neo-Crusaders. Who knows what group of self-righteous bastards tomorrow might bring! It pays to be prepared."

TAG: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze

"Oh, don't remind me of the crusaders right now..." Jonyna couldn't help but rub her nose at the thought. "I just want to enjoy us. Not think about what your people did to my people, and what my people did to yours. Lemme show you my saber." She wanted desperately to change the subject back.

Digging the silver rod out of her coat, she offered it up. "Be careful with it, it's my mom's, and her ghost tends to pop out if someone she doesn't like takes it."

She said that with a completely straight face, as if it was normal for her. Which, to be fair, it was, but still.

What an odd thing to say.


| Location | Corellia
| Objective | Talking weaponry

Gah- this is really not your best save, Jenn! Still got a long way to go on that end, girl, damn.
As her fingers closed around the offered rod, the Mandalorian suddenly frowned, though more out of confusion than anything else. "Oh." Not her most eloquent remark, but, then again, she was at something at a loss for words, not quite certain how to take that information. Not that she didn't believe Jonyna; Mandalorians might be skeptical of the Force at times, but she was not. Not after seeing the things she had! "Well. I guess there's a first time for everything. If she doesn't pop out to scold me, I guess that means she's okay with- well, you know. All of this?"
Her cheeks took a rosy tint, then, and so too did her scales go a deeper shade of blue. Oh, merciful stars, but she was getting caught rambling. Holding it with all of the respect and care she could possibly muster, the Mandalorian looked it over with clear awe written all over those elegant features of hers. "I've seen my fair share of sabers over the years - though, then again, I was more focused on the light itself rather than the hilt, but this is... beautiful. I never expected to find wood lining used for such a thing, but it looks... unique."

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