Sol Damerin
The Grumpiest Merc
[SIZE=11pt]Sol felt old, he shouldn’t feel old he was still in his thirties but he did. Then again how was one supposed to feel after going through what he had? Watching a man he considered his father die in his arms. Abandoning the order he’d dedicated his entire life to because at the end of the day he had to admit he just didn’t believe in what they preached. Living his life in hiding to avoid getting caught up in a struggle that had been going on since who knows how long. Always getting called back into it because he couldn't just ignore some things. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]If that wasn’t enough to make a man feel old he didn’t know what was.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]At present Sol was sitting in a seedy bar in a spaceport on Telos and he was trying to ignore it. It had been acting up almost from the moment he’d stepped onto the surface of the planet, it wanted him to do something and it was going to get its way despite the fact that he didn’t want to let it win. But it always won in the end. He was doing his level best to stay put in the bar with the other vagabonds, mercenaries, and criminals that had become his people these last few years.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Eventually, it got too insistent and he had to get up the urgency of it was simply too powerful to ignore any longer. The Force could not be denied forever. “I’m up, I’m up, I’m going.” He mutters to the invisible strings pulling him out of the bar and into the bustling streets, his feet moving towards what was just on the edge of his senses as he meanders through the crowd without attracting undue attention. He projected out his own little force trick that made people just not notice him unless he attracted undue attention and despite being heavily armed and armoured he didn't in this part of town.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]It isn't long before he runs into what The Force was leading him to, or well it runs into him. An old man that collides with his chest and slams to the ground. The elderly gent was in a simple grey robe, his white hair almost ethereal on his head, his face covered increases. Pale blue eyes look up at Sol in shock and then he comes to his feet with unnatural speed grabs Sol by the collar and hauls him into a nearby alley. "I can't sense you but you are no force dead, you are a Jedi?" [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Sol shakes his head but the old man doesn't stop talking. "Doesn't matter you aren't one of them which means you are my best choice. Take this." The old man forces something into Sol's hands and then looks around find. "Find it, keep it out of their clutches." Then the old man is out of the alleyway and hustling down the street. Sol stays where he is and a moment later a trio of figures in black robes moves through the crowd clearly on the hunt, the force probing out before them looking for something. Sol makes sure his stealth is in place and they move right past him.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Letting out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding Sol heads back towards the bar finding a booth. Opening his palm he looks and sees what he had, it was a datachit. Inserting it into his comm, a start chart appears with a marker on a moon on a desolate planet a few systems over. What in The Force was this? Something tells him he needed to find out which meant he'd need help, someone with a ship for starters, maybe some backup. He sends a post out onto the Holonet advertising for any help he can get, with priority on someone with their own ship near Talos. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]If that wasn’t enough to make a man feel old he didn’t know what was.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]At present Sol was sitting in a seedy bar in a spaceport on Telos and he was trying to ignore it. It had been acting up almost from the moment he’d stepped onto the surface of the planet, it wanted him to do something and it was going to get its way despite the fact that he didn’t want to let it win. But it always won in the end. He was doing his level best to stay put in the bar with the other vagabonds, mercenaries, and criminals that had become his people these last few years.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Eventually, it got too insistent and he had to get up the urgency of it was simply too powerful to ignore any longer. The Force could not be denied forever. “I’m up, I’m up, I’m going.” He mutters to the invisible strings pulling him out of the bar and into the bustling streets, his feet moving towards what was just on the edge of his senses as he meanders through the crowd without attracting undue attention. He projected out his own little force trick that made people just not notice him unless he attracted undue attention and despite being heavily armed and armoured he didn't in this part of town.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]It isn't long before he runs into what The Force was leading him to, or well it runs into him. An old man that collides with his chest and slams to the ground. The elderly gent was in a simple grey robe, his white hair almost ethereal on his head, his face covered increases. Pale blue eyes look up at Sol in shock and then he comes to his feet with unnatural speed grabs Sol by the collar and hauls him into a nearby alley. "I can't sense you but you are no force dead, you are a Jedi?" [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Sol shakes his head but the old man doesn't stop talking. "Doesn't matter you aren't one of them which means you are my best choice. Take this." The old man forces something into Sol's hands and then looks around find. "Find it, keep it out of their clutches." Then the old man is out of the alleyway and hustling down the street. Sol stays where he is and a moment later a trio of figures in black robes moves through the crowd clearly on the hunt, the force probing out before them looking for something. Sol makes sure his stealth is in place and they move right past him.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Letting out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding Sol heads back towards the bar finding a booth. Opening his palm he looks and sees what he had, it was a datachit. Inserting it into his comm, a start chart appears with a marker on a moon on a desolate planet a few systems over. What in The Force was this? Something tells him he needed to find out which meant he'd need help, someone with a ship for starters, maybe some backup. He sends a post out onto the Holonet advertising for any help he can get, with priority on someone with their own ship near Talos. [/SIZE]