Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gotta Find It

[SIZE=11pt]Sol felt old, he shouldn’t feel old he was still in his thirties but he did. Then again how was one supposed to feel after going through what he had? Watching a man he considered his father die in his arms. Abandoning the order he’d dedicated his entire life to because at the end of the day he had to admit he just didn’t believe in what they preached. Living his life in hiding to avoid getting caught up in a struggle that had been going on since who knows how long. Always getting called back into it because he couldn't just ignore some things. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]If that wasn’t enough to make a man feel old he didn’t know what was.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]At present Sol was sitting in a seedy bar in a spaceport on Telos and he was trying to ignore it. It had been acting up almost from the moment he’d stepped onto the surface of the planet, it wanted him to do something and it was going to get its way despite the fact that he didn’t want to let it win. But it always won in the end. He was doing his level best to stay put in the bar with the other vagabonds, mercenaries, and criminals that had become his people these last few years.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Eventually, it got too insistent and he had to get up the urgency of it was simply too powerful to ignore any longer. The Force could not be denied forever. “I’m up, I’m up, I’m going.” He mutters to the invisible strings pulling him out of the bar and into the bustling streets, his feet moving towards what was just on the edge of his senses as he meanders through the crowd without attracting undue attention. He projected out his own little force trick that made people just not notice him unless he attracted undue attention and despite being heavily armed and armoured he didn't in this part of town.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]It isn't long before he runs into what The Force was leading him to, or well it runs into him. An old man that collides with his chest and slams to the ground. The elderly gent was in a simple grey robe, his white hair almost ethereal on his head, his face covered increases. Pale blue eyes look up at Sol in shock and then he comes to his feet with unnatural speed grabs Sol by the collar and hauls him into a nearby alley. "I can't sense you but you are no force dead, you are a Jedi?" [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Sol shakes his head but the old man doesn't stop talking. "Doesn't matter you aren't one of them which means you are my best choice. Take this." The old man forces something into Sol's hands and then looks around find. "Find it, keep it out of their clutches." Then the old man is out of the alleyway and hustling down the street. Sol stays where he is and a moment later a trio of figures in black robes moves through the crowd clearly on the hunt, the force probing out before them looking for something. Sol makes sure his stealth is in place and they move right past him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Letting out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding Sol heads back towards the bar finding a booth. Opening his palm he looks and sees what he had, it was a datachit. Inserting it into his comm, a start chart appears with a marker on a moon on a desolate planet a few systems over. What in The Force was this? Something tells him he needed to find out which meant he'd need help, someone with a ship for starters, maybe some backup. He sends a post out onto the Holonet advertising for any help he can get, with priority on someone with their own ship near Talos. [/SIZE]
[member="Sol Damerin"]
"And a merry day to you sir!" Harvi Kwen said as he exited the small shop. A stream of insults followed him out, and Harvi grinned. He'd left an impression; good. This man would not forget him, for better or for worse. Harvi stretched as he walked down the street. He needed something to do, something fun and risky. His last job had paid decently well, insults aside, but had given little in the way of challenge. Harvi needed something good, something to really get his blood racing.

When three black robed men walked past him, Harvi suddenly felt very cold.

"Brr," he said to himself. Once the men passed, the feeling disappeared. Harvi had been around long enough to know the dark side when he felt it, and he logged away the all-too-brief encounter for further notice before continuing on his way. He was passing by a small cantina when suddenly his holopad dinged. Harvi pulled it out and saw that a man had posted an advertisement requesting help. There was little other information besides needing a ship near Telos, but rather than put Harvi off, that only made him smile broader. Lack of information meant risk, and risk meant fun. Taking a look at the name and location, Harvi noticed that he just so happened to be standing right outside the required location.

"Goody!" he said, "I have a good feeling about this!" Slipping through the doors, Harvi looked around. His eyes fell on a single older man sitting alone at a booth. Harvi cocked an eyebrow. The man had the look of a mercenary about him, could he be the contact? Harvi, always one for a grand entrance, sauntered up to the man and leaned against the booth seat across from him. Harvi was dressed in his usual attire, red smugglers vest with matching pants, a white shirt, and black belt and boots. His hair was shaggy and dyed red and blue. His blue eyes twinkled with madness and humor.

"You the man calling himself Sol Damerin?" he asked, mouth in an insane grin, "I'm Harvi, Harvi Kwen. I saw your ad on the holonet, and I'm here to tell you I am just the man for the job."

this character is meant to be a male version of Harley Quinn, so please give me feedback on how I'm doing
Men in dark robes, obviously out for something, but what? They made no qualm about hiding their force signature, the dark intent and thoughts radiating off of them so much even a novice force users could pick them up, which just made them child's play to track for an assassin like Tana.

The self taken task of tailing the group reaped some rewards as Tana spotted and old man some way away, seemingly always going in the same direction as the dark cloaked men, it was probably safe to assume that's who they were after, but did not answer why? Was the old man a Jedi? that could be reason enough, but it had to be more than that, you didn't need 3 people to take down one old man, no something else was up.

Slowly Tana crept along the roof tops, keeping an eye on the old man, making sure to stay unseen both physically and force wise, something one picked up very quickly in the assassination business. Soon though said man bumped into someone. "Well well well what do we have here", looking though a pair of micro binoculars the confused face on the new encounter meant this was not planned, meaning what ever was in that package was of great importance to just pass it off to a stranger.

Jumping down from the building the assassin stalked the man, unaware of his intention, but would not stop until they were made known, 'I hope this doesn't land me in jail like last time'. The target entered a bar not to far away, Tana waiting a bit before entering dropping the stalking act and pretending to be looking fro contracts like usual, all the while keeping an eye on the man. "Give me something light, I need to stay sharp".The bar tender giving a quizzical look but ultimately complying to the request.

Time moved by but soon someone entered into the bar, a rather flamboyant and... outspoken man, come in and address the person of interested, 'Sol, why does that name sound familaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha what a coincidence'. Paying for the drink Tana walked over to the two as they talked, "I could not help but over hear your grand entrance Mr, sure caught my attention, hello Sol, I've heard some interesting things about you". A playful grin appeared on the youngsters face, anticipating the twos questions.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
Sitting alone in his booth Sol found that the strangest damn thing happened. A physical manifestation of a future headache sauntered up to him and introduced itself. The, Sol hesitated to call it a man, looked like he dressed by barreling headlong through the garment district of a large city, grabbing every spare scrap of clothing he could find and then stitched it onto his body. His hair looked like someone had imbibed three different coloured sugary drinks and then vomited right onto his head. The nearly manic grin told Sol that this living peacock of a person probably took silence as a personal affront and tried really hard to slay it all by himself.

For the often grumpy and cynical old merc, Harvi Kwen was essentially kryptonite. Something that would leave him with a massive headache bordering on nausea. However, Harvi had strolled in literally minutes after he posted the ad, which would be seen as a massive coincidence to some people. Sol didn't believe in coincidence though, which meant that The Force had arranged for Harvi to be there. Which meant Harvi was right he was the man for the job. It took all of Sol's considerable force of will not to slam his head down onto the table top and sob. The Force hated him there was no two ways about it.

While this thought process was going on Sol's face had turned into a stony deadpan as he stares down Harvi in silence, potentially uncomfortable silence. Before Sol manage to work up the resolve to make a response though another person comes up to his table. For a second he thought it was that girl from Askaj, Skabobalop Yumi or whatever it had been. However, closer examination revealed that this one was a male. Probably a relative of some kind.

Looking between the two, peacock and boy Sol reaches a hand up to the bridge of his nose and rubs it. "I am too old for this." He mutters to himself somehow not surprised that the girl had blabbed all about him to someone else. Finally looking at Harvi he says slowly. "Do you have a ship? Are you willing to shuttle me to an unspecified location, potentially several?" Turn to the kid he shakes his head. "I am sure you have the wrong guy. Sol is not a unique name and I am just an old mercenary nothing interesting about me." This was the problem with secrets one or two people find out your secrets and somehow they get spread all across the galaxy, he really doubted the kid would believe he wasn't that Sol but it was worth a shot.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Sol Damerin"]
Oh, who was this now? An interesting person, young, male. Harvi smiled at his approach, eyes twinkling.

"My my," he said, "They're starting them younger and younger these days." The look on the older man's face was priceless. Harvi had made an impression, that was for sure, and that's how he liked it. He turned his smile to the man, chuckling a bit at his aggravation.

"Well, you're not getting any younger," he smiled, "So may as well jump right in, right?" The man asked if he had a ship, and Harvi did a sarcastic eyeroll.

"Of course I have a ship," he said, "What do you take me for, a moisture farmer? The Fate's Revenge'll take you anywhere you need to go, so long as my pockets are jingling at the end."
The rainbow dressed man gave Tana a smile and twinkle eyes, was he flirting, or was that just how the strangle dressed man looked all the time. The young Assassin just mentally shrug and stuck his tongue out like child at there response to his age "Your one to talk fashion disaster, at least I look the part, what are you supposed to be a stripper"?

Sols next comment made him chuckle a bit, oh the joys of never getting old, for at least a hundred year, "Dude... you don't look like a pilot at all, I think mister Damerian has every right to question your ability to take him places, but oooon that subject". Tanas attention was now directed back to the man, eager to pick apart his fake, 'ohh I am no one of importance' act.

"I do believe I have the right man, your name and also description is on par with what my sister said, Sukai was very intrigued about your meditation methods".


For extra emphasis Tana undid his pony tail, and proceeded to mimic his sister voice. "He performed meditative katas, and it looked preety and then he made tea, and there was a cat lady, bla bla bla bla, you should have been there bla bla bla, I use a purple light saber, bla bla bla, stop being an assassin".

He relaxed his stance, finishing the act exaggerated act, "So I am taking her advice, and you just so happened to come along, I think the Jedi and others call it the 'will of the force' or what not, and don't worry, I can act seriously if you want me to". His face quickly went to that of a stern look, "Because we both know what is happening, and how important THAT is, you will need my help fighting force users, somthing I specialise in..... funny how that works".
Eyes narrowing as Rhan peered into another bottle of what gets passed as beer in this bar, a small sigh he placed the bottle back on the counter. Another dead end, and wasted time searching for a rare local delicacy. Rhan had found another sub culture of cooking with different alcohols and beers specifically had a rather large following. Never one to back away from a challenge, Rhan wanted to add another mastery of the culinary arts under his belt.

"Going to buy that one, most requested one here?" The bartender asked.

"No," Rhan responded quickly, pushing the offending bottle closer to the bartender.

Fingers drumming on the counter, Rhan needed to figure out which bar to head to next, or even if he should just jump to another system. Perhaps asking some of the locals Rhan mused as he turned around to see a rather interesting pair of people, one dressed for a night at the clubs possibly and would probably enjoy the Naboo Crab-Stuffed Filet Mignon with Corellian Whiskey Peppercorn Sauce Rhan thought. The other much older gentleman looked quite the opposite Possibly would enjoy the Rock Salt Encrusted Nerf Prime Rib Rhan mused, unfortunately they seemed like travelers much like Rhan himself.

The young man, Harvi as he himself proclaimed to be, affirmed Rhan's suspicions of not being locals here. Maybe I guess it's a sign to leave the planet as well Rhan thought as began to stand up as another younger person had approached the bar and ordered a drink. Rhan pondered about this young one's age Maybe this one would enjoy the Rosemary Braised Lamb Shanks Rhan started. This one walked over to the other pair at the booth and what unfolded seemed almost comical, On second thought that one would enjoy the Moroccan Lamb with Shiraz Honey Sauce Rhan corrected himself.

Regardless of his thoughts, he noted that the older man appeared annoyed by the spectacle around him and Rhan wondered if they were just going to keep taunting the older man. Walked closer he hoped that he could dissuade the younger ones to leave the older man but the appearances soon changed Rhan's opinion quickly. Rhan should have noted the youngest one's movement sooner, and how he quietly with grace of someone much deadlier than what appeared in front of Rhan. His eyes turned Harvi and the man's clothing did not leave much to the imagination that he was certainly a fighter. The older man by contrast was much closer to the appearance of some of the older and seasoned warriors and other Mandalorians Rhan would often see and meet, the older man wouldn't need anyone's help if someone truly invited his wrath.

Rhan sighed inwardly and kept his stride to keep up his appearance of a concerned onlooker, but feigning ignorance of one's surroundings tends to prove useful. Arms crossed over his chest, away from his Wester blaster pistols from his hips, he approached the trio and cleared his throat. Glancing between both younger beings, he turned to face the older man, "Not being bothered by these two?" Rhan asked, hopefully with a quick answer Rhan could leave without stirring up too much of commotion.

[member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Harvi Kwen"] [member="Sol Damerin"]
The boy answers Harvi's question about what exactly the man looked like before Sol could. Probably for the best since he shouldn't alienate his potential pilot with cynical quips. "Fine you are hired." He says instead to a multicoloured headache. "I don't know how long this will take, so give me a daily rate." The look that Sol gives him could be saying: I'll know if you try and cheat me. It could also be saying: I have to go to the bathroom. It was a versatile look that completely stony expression of his hard to pin down.

Which brought him to the boy who certainly had a lot to say. His first response to the whole thing was probably not what the kid was expecting. "Next time I see your sister I am going to bend her over my knee and give her a spanking. She should know better than to go around spreading gossip." Somehow without a single change in tone, only inflection, Sol perfectly conveys the impression of a man at least twice or thrice his actual age.

Holding up his hand he makes a vague gesture that is really hard to identify if it is a dismissal or an invitation to sit down. "Don't make assumptions kid. If you are here and you have an inkling about what this is then yes you are probably supposed to be here. That doesn't necessarily mean you are here to help in a fight. The tale of Andor Vex is a good illustration of that if you know it." The kid had kind of annoyed Sol, well his sister had and he had by extension. He didn't hide his presence in the force all the time because he wanted people to know he could use the force. No one respected other peoples secrets he'd known this would happen but it still annoyed him, also how in the blue blazes had she learned his last name? He hadn't told the girl that but the boy knew it, questions for another time.

Another person approaches the table. Apparently, the new guy decided to act like a bouncer since he wanted to know if Sol was being bothered. He seriously considers the question for several long minutes then with a heavy sigh. "No, they aren't." At least not in the sense the newcomer was likely asking. He was just a grump and liked being left alone but he had to admit the necessity of at least one of the kids.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"] | [member="Rhan Komo"]
[member="Sol Damerin"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Rhan Komo"]

The kid's reply to his comment made Harvi laugh. It was always nice to meet someone with whom to exchange metaphoric shots of wit and humor.

"You're just jealous of my impeccable fashion sense," he said, smiling his insane grin, "Didn't you hear? Crazy is in right now." Still smiling, he turned to the gruff old mercenary. He could tell already this was going to be a very interesting job.

"Five hundred a day, covers fuel, food, and fun," he grinned, "Seriously, I've got the best dejarrik board this side of Nar Shaddaa. We get shot at, it'll cost you extra, depending on how much ammo I have to expend and how fun the fight is." At around this time, another person joined the party.

"Don't worry officer," Harvi joked, feigning innocence, "I didn't do nothing wrong." He chuckled and leaned back against the booth.

"So, you need time to get stuff together or shall we blow this popstand?" he asked the mercenary.
He gave a slight girlish chuckle to the odd man, it was nice to have someone with a similar sense of hummor, "Sorry handsome but the only place that style would be fashionable is at a night club filled with spice smoke. Though crazzzy, does having multiple personas each with their own way of thinking count, because I can roll with that". Tana returned a smile of his own, though being more sly and sight evil before turning attention back to sol as the details of the trip wouldn't be worked out and his following comment.

"Oh my how lewd, hehehehehe, I am not sure how my sister would feels about that, want to practice on me", once again the young blade for hire stuck his younge out in a childish manner. Though it was clear the man was becoming annoyed by his attituded and the fact Sky had blabbed about him. It didn't help when the man went off blabbering about some story Tana was not familaer with. "Okay all kidding aside, yes Sukai blabbed, but unfortunately she inherited her mothers lack of tact, in addition it's just what she does, my current employment as a blade for hire does not sit well with her, Sukai just worries and what's me to try somthing a bit different, possibly join an order and get a master".

He turned back to sol with a more relaxed a friendly face. "I want to try and use this as an opportunity to do somthing a 'different', you know for the good of the galaxy or what not". Soon another joined the little discussion, possibly playing the hero or vice of reason for a obvious two crazies bugging and old man. "Oh I must have been out of hand, please excuse me for my past behaviour....... that was sarcasm, who are you white hair".

[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"] l [member="Rhan Komo"]
Lowering his arms and crossing them behind his back, he listened to the older man's response. The heavy exasperation indicated that he wasn't about to do any physical harm towards his annoyance, or at least was only thinking it so Rhan nodded at the older man. "Duly noted," Rhan responded with that nod. His head shifting left and right to look at both of them and offered each a nod in response.

"My name is Rhan and I do not pretend to be of any authority," Rhan responded, and with a small shrug, "I'm only a chef, with mastery of both cutlery and culinary arts. With of course a wide knowledge of spices, mixes and of course poisons. . . From Alcohols to much more debilitating substances," Rhan finished, taking a few steps back with both hands still behind his back.

"It appears everyone are in amenable moods with one another," Rhan started, bowing to all three, "I apologize for my interruptions," Rhan added. Well I guess best to make peace and leave with all our heads in their rightful place.

[member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Harvi Kwen"] [member="Sol Damerin"]
"450 a day and you can keep the fun." Sol says immediately, in response Harvi's quoted price and services offered. The flat finality in his tone suggesting that he wasn't going to bargain on it. He wanted nothing to do with what the strange brightly coloured man might consider fun. "Go get your ship prepped we will leave in an hour." Apparently, Sol didn't need to know where the ship was since he didn't ask. Either he was confident in his ability to find it or he was planning on ditching the man.

Looking at the kid he completely ignores pretty much everything he had to say. "If you want to tag along I am not paying your fair. Sort it out with the pilot." Sol wasn't too interested in his sister's attempts to rehabilitate him or his attempts to try something different. But he also wasn't going to stand in the kid's way, since he was reasonably sure the kid would try and tag along even if he told him to take a hike.

Finally, his attention falls on Rahn the only one so far that hadn't made his headache worse. "I have no idea why a chef was interrupting in the first place but don't worry about it." With that Sol strides out of the bar to get ready for departure. He'd be at Harvi's dock in exactly one hour using the expedient method of just checking with the authorities to find out where The Fate's Revenge was parked. Pretentious blood name of a ship but he thought that about most ships.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"] | [member="Rhan Komo"]
[member="Sol Damerin"] [member="Rhan Komo"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"]
Harvi chuckled at the man's words.

"Aw, come on," he smiled, "Live a little, yeah?" Harvi did notice that the man did not as about where his ship was, but he didn't feel it was necessary. The man knew what he was doing, that much was clear. He turned the smile to the boy.

"Now you're speaking my language," he said, insane grin flashing, "I would suggest that very thing, were we not engaged in business at the moment. You want to tag along, same fare as the merc." Turning to the final member of the party, Harvi gave an exaggerated response to his bow, nearly falling over.

"A wonderful day to you good sir!" he said, eyes twinkling. With that the mercenary left, and Harvi, with a goofy salute to the others, headed out for his hangar. There awaited his ship, the BT-7 light freighter Fate's Revenge. It didn't have a lot of cargo space, but it was small and fast,and would suit their purposes.
Tana gave a small pout to the grump old man as he walked away, 'try to be nice and no one cares, how the hell does Sukai deal with that'. Perhaps it was just what happened to people as they god older, his mother was not much different although cared for people slightly more, even though their was a higher chance sh'd punch you in the face when ticked off instead of walking away as Sol had done.

"Same fair sooo 420 credits a day, seems reasonable since I don't seem as welcomed, though unlike a certain somebody I am more then willing to add a bit more for the 'fun', though maybe I can interest you in some 'fun' of my own, if you catch the drift cutie, call me when we are leaving". Tana walked away from the group and back to the bar sniggering to himself while the pilot and chief worked things out, it may not be some exciting adventure other employments, but at least the young assassin would be able to spend time with a person with a similar state of mind.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"] l [member="Rhan Komo"]
"Hi." Sol says to Harvi as he walks up the boarding ramp. This was probably going to be among the oddest experiences of his life, flying with two young men who were clearly a bit touched in the head. Maybe that was unkind, but it was really the best description he had for the eccentric young men. The ship was small but that was fine, he didn't need cargo space so far as he knew.

Looking to Harvi he gestures. "Let's do a tour and then I'll tell you where we are going." He needed to know where to stow his stuff, also where to avoid so he didn't have to see whatever the two kids got up to.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"]
[member="Sol Damerin"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Chikako"]

Sol came into the hangar bay just as Harvi was completing his pre-flight walkaround. For all his looks, Harvi was a crackerjack pilot and skilled smuggler, and it showed in his ship. Sure, the outer hull was dented and pocked with carbon-scoring, but if one were to look at the engine, or any other components, they would find everything in tip-top condition, smooth as shimmersilk. The Fate's Revenge had served Harvi well the last few years, and he treated it as a companion. When Sol came into the docking bay, Harvi smiled, eyes twinkling, and gave a salute with his hydrospanner.

"There ya are!" he said, "Took ya long enough!" Harvi stowed his tools and walked over to greet his client. The man asked about a tour, and Harvi made an exaggerated bow.

"But of course!" he said, smiling his insane grin, "Please, right this way my good man!" Harvi bounced up the loading ramp into the ship's cargo area. A small ladder led up to a small lounge, with several small bunkrooms along the sides.

"Not a lot of room in here," Harvi said, "So, you know, just pick a bunk and fall in when you get tired."

Chikako walked around the small ship, doing a bit of tiding up here and there, "Why does he keep this place so untidy, isn't he a smuggler? seems odd to have a ship like this if you transport valuable cargo". The young witch enchani had made a somewhat shaky deal with the owner of the craft to eventually get to Dathomier, but willing to tag along and help Kwen where ever he may need it as a 'favor'. Still the fact she had a proper and reliable mod of transportation was not a bad call, the she was starting to wonder what was taking the slightly insane man so long to get back to the freighter.

Kwen had managed to pick up a small job on Tattooine after picking Chikako up, and was supposed to just drop off what ever he was delivering and come back, but the odd man was over an hour late. Coming out of her bunk the usually calm woman was a bit annoyed at the moment upon hearing the sound of the air lock opening and foot steps. "Harvi your late, I have been waiting for over an hour where have you been, out at a bar or so......", as she turned the corner her eyes fell on two new individuals, an old rugged man and a young.. female?

"Oh, visitor, hello their, forgive my rudness, welcome, who might thee be Harvi, did you take up another job"?

[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
Tana stalked the street as he headed for the main hanger, his intercom beeping with an indicated message that they were now leaving, "Oh what fun, I wonder what will happen on this trip, maybe the Empire will come after us, or some corrupt organization or maybe an alien attack, such possibilities". He turned around into the docking bay, just managing to see Sol and mister insanity bored the ship, 'must be the right place, I'll just let myself in, I'm sure they won't mind'.

Silently stalking the two men Tana entreated the ship, the interior being what he had seen many times over, small but homey, a bit messy, though there were sighs that someone was cleaning, or at least trying, the owner did not really look like someone who would do that. Tanas question as answered when a slightly annoyed woman rounded the corner, her white hair producing a slight dark overshadow on their face, but having a strangely calming and sweet voice.

"Who's this, your wife or girlfriend, didn't think you where the type of person to get one, or have them stick around long enough due to your.... way of thinking".

[member="Sol Damerin"] l [member="Harvi Kwen"]
The ship's exterior looked like crap, the interior was only marginally better, Sol was about to call the whole thing off until he spotted the engine. Apparently, Harvi was incapable of keeping anything clean but the man was keeping his engine in decent shape. So he was just a slob, not a complete idiot. However, it does appear that someone was fighting against the tide of untidiness and that person revealed themselves to be a young echani girl.

Sol had the sudden terribly sensation of being the only adult in a group of children. At least the girl didn't appear to be touched in the head like the two boys.

Taking one look at the state of the bunks Sol turns to Harvi. "I am sleeping in the cargo bay." Then to the girl. "I'm Sol, I've hired Harvi to shuttle me around." Then to the group at large. "We are going to Dxun first." He made subtle adjustments to his body language to make sure that the three new that he was, for the moment, in nominal command. He doubted anyone would actually obey him just based on that but since this was his expedition and there appeared to be a lot of conflicting personalities he'd need to start somewhere to keep things at least marginally orderly. He may have also cheated slightly by relaxing his grip on Force Stealth to let his connection flow and reaffirm the feeling that he was in control.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] | [member="Chikako"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"]
[member="Chikako"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Sol Damerin"]

Chikako appeared suddenly in Harvi's line of sight, and his insane grin returned.

"Just some friends I picked up, they're going to be riding with us for a bit," Harvi explained. When the young child asked his question, Harvi laughed.

"No my friend," he said, "Just a little someone I found on Tatooine. Needed a lift, so I gave her one." Looking around, Harvi saw that the passenger area was quite a bit cleaner than he had left it.

"Hmm, must be some sprites aboard my ship," he chuckled. Sol mentioned sleeping in the cargo bay and Harvi waved him off.

"Suit yourself," he said, "Just don't touch anything, yeah?" The man's rather commanding voice when he stated the first destination rubbed Harvi a little the wrong way. He didn't do good with authority. Yes, the man was a client, but this was Harvi's ship, and he was the boss here. But then, an evil thought srept its way into Harvi's mind. There wasn't anything wrong with having a little fun with the uptight mercenary.

"Yes sir, captain," he said, deepening his voice and taking on a mocking tone, "As you wish, captain. Would you like some caf, captain?" Harvi snapped off a goofy salute, chuckled to himself, and took his seat in the pilot's chair.

"All right, by order of Captain Sol, we are headed to Dxun," Harvi said somewhat sarcastically, flipping switches and hitting buttons as the Fate's Revenge hummed to life, "Please make sure your tray tables are stowed and your seat backs are in the fully upright position. Or don't, you know, I don't really care." Without waiting for an affirmative, Harvi lifted the freighter into the air and launched it out of the hangar bay. He rocketed through the atmosphere, one hadn on the controls and the other on his navicomputer. He hummed to himself as he punched the coordinates in, then pulled the lever and shot the Fate's Revenge into hyperspace.

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