Oh My
The oldish man was first to speak, insisting of sleeping in the cargo bay, to be honest it was most likely the cleanest place on this ship as it got used the most and had to be kept clear for, well cargo. "My name is Chikako, I am also a passenger, though slightly working off what I own to Harvi, but that is a personal matter, and no as he has said I am not his girl friend, just an acquaintance at best".
She gave a slight quizzical look to Harvi as he mentioned the words spirits, "I do not yet have a familiar, where would sprites come from"? It did not matter now, as Sol started to take over things, ordering Harvi to take off, in return getting a but load of sarcastic comments from the slightly insane man.
Chikako followed the freighters pilot to the cockpit to strap in for the flight, becoming the other, what she assumed to be a girl to follow. "I have yest to know your name, you seem just ass young as me, funny, anyhow, what business do you have on this ship, did you need a ride? or did Sol hire you for some reason". As the two walked in step behind Harvi she left the sense the both the new additions where both force sensitive, the two did not seem to have a signature, like they were hiding it, and she was certain they where not vong or a similar race.
Coming it to cockpit she strapped herself in while listening the young newcomer and Harvi continued to spur sarcastic comments as the ship lifted off, earning a slight chuckle from the Echani.
[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
She gave a slight quizzical look to Harvi as he mentioned the words spirits, "I do not yet have a familiar, where would sprites come from"? It did not matter now, as Sol started to take over things, ordering Harvi to take off, in return getting a but load of sarcastic comments from the slightly insane man.
Chikako followed the freighters pilot to the cockpit to strap in for the flight, becoming the other, what she assumed to be a girl to follow. "I have yest to know your name, you seem just ass young as me, funny, anyhow, what business do you have on this ship, did you need a ride? or did Sol hire you for some reason". As the two walked in step behind Harvi she left the sense the both the new additions where both force sensitive, the two did not seem to have a signature, like they were hiding it, and she was certain they where not vong or a similar race.
Coming it to cockpit she strapped herself in while listening the young newcomer and Harvi continued to spur sarcastic comments as the ship lifted off, earning a slight chuckle from the Echani.
[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]