Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gotta Find It

The oldish man was first to speak, insisting of sleeping in the cargo bay, to be honest it was most likely the cleanest place on this ship as it got used the most and had to be kept clear for, well cargo. "My name is Chikako, I am also a passenger, though slightly working off what I own to Harvi, but that is a personal matter, and no as he has said I am not his girl friend, just an acquaintance at best".

She gave a slight quizzical look to Harvi as he mentioned the words spirits, "I do not yet have a familiar, where would sprites come from"? It did not matter now, as Sol started to take over things, ordering Harvi to take off, in return getting a but load of sarcastic comments from the slightly insane man.

Chikako followed the freighters pilot to the cockpit to strap in for the flight, becoming the other, what she assumed to be a girl to follow. "I have yest to know your name, you seem just ass young as me, funny, anyhow, what business do you have on this ship, did you need a ride? or did Sol hire you for some reason". As the two walked in step behind Harvi she left the sense the both the new additions where both force sensitive, the two did not seem to have a signature, like they were hiding it, and she was certain they where not vong or a similar race.

Coming it to cockpit she strapped herself in while listening the young newcomer and Harvi continued to spur sarcastic comments as the ship lifted off, earning a slight chuckle from the Echani.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
Tana just rolled his eyes at the comment made back and fourth between the crew members, it seemed that Harvi was the only one that could take a joke. Despite this it was nice to know what everyone plans where, grumpy in the cargo bay, and what looked to be a witch of sorts hitching a ride to somewhere, maybe their motives where similar to his sisters, explore new places, gaining knowledge, though her comment on the sprites was slightly amusing. It seemed the young Echani had yet to experience the galaxy as a whole, or understand slag.

"Oh me, I am Tanasuki, you can just call me Tana, or if you want to be formal about it just Yumi, and now Sol did not hire me, nor do I have any place to go, more or less tagging along to see how this thing does". "Though I must say, your name is... intriguing, where did you get it, and do you know its meaning"? Her name was that of a Jin, the name directly translating to Wise Child, perhaps it was just a coincidence as their were many cultures like the Astrians which were similar to his own, as well as some human dynasty's.

Tana gave a slightly louder chuckle to Harvis mocking tone, "Next time we leave dad back at the retirement village". He strapped himself in as the ship lifted off, surprisingly smother than he had originally though, it seemed that even though the slightly insane pilot was a slob, he knew how to keep an engine running smoothly.

[member="Sol Damerin"] l [member="Harvi Kwen"]
Harvi's reaction was pretty much Sol expected. He knew, didn't suspect, knew that neither Tana nor Havi would take kindly to be doing told what to do. Hell Sol didn't like doing what he was told either and he wasn't crazy about giving orders either. However, he also knew that having a clear chain of command was a great aid in battle and he suspected that this trip would not end without conflict.

Like it or lump it, this was Sol's expedition and he was the most experienced man on the ship. Did that necessarily make him the best man for the job? No, but he wondered if either of the two boys would honestly say they were if they were honest with themselves, as for the girl... Well, she hadn't annoyed him yet so maybe she'd be a better leader but for the moment Sol had to make the attempt. Because whatever they were going after might be important and if they screwed up and lost to the black cloaks well... Who knows what might happen.

"Thank you Harvi." Sol says in response as the man does as he was told sarcastically, barely even registering the rest of what he said. Sol got the gist: I am trying to annoying you! While that is happening he heads down to the cargo hold to set up his cot. It was the cleanest part of the ship and Sol kept a modular cot that he could set up like a hammock using magnetic supports, this wasn't the first time he'd had to or chosen to sleep somewhere without a proper bed. Once he is lying suspended in a corner he pulls out the data chit inserts it back into his comm and starts studying the map. It should only be a day or two to Dxun.

[member="Tanaski Yumi"] | [member="Chikako"] | [member="Harvi Kwen"]
[member="Chikako"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Sol Damerin"]

if I'm going to fast let me know[/spolier]

The trip indeed would be a short one, Harvi had never been one for the scenic route. A few days hyperspace travel and the Fate's Revenge slid smoothly out of hyperspace. Harvi, sitting in the pilot's seat, reached for the ship's intercom.

"Would Captain Sol please report to the cockpit," he said.
There was not much to do during the trip but continue the fruitless endeavor of trying to tidy up the place, though it seemed the young ,what she know knew was male, boy was willing to help tidy up the place while making idle whit chat. She was not one to be rude and as such did not really intend to engage in conversation with Sol and tried to not talk with Harvi often, the man giving her the creeps sometimes.

The planet is which they were headed was unfamiliar to her, another new area to experience, possibly find or learn something, test out some new skill, maybe practice sword fighting with Mr Yumi. Walking into the cock pit she stood behind Harvi, interested on their current whereabouts, and other questions, "Where about are we in relation to our destination, and what are the details of this job, are we transporting something? or it it just a take me somewhere sort of situation".

[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
The crew, well what he called it anyways, was a odd bunch but entertaining no the less to Tana, Harvi was fun to talk with, both sharing a similar and strange scene of humor, sometimes it got him wondering what made the man reach such a mental condition, was it a traumatic experience, or something more supple?

The young Echani was a decent dueling partner to keep his sword arm in shape, it was rare to see Echani in large numbers, but one with a mysterious past, and had the name of a Jin was odd at that. It reminded Tana of his mother, just lest stabby stabby and more calm. Like here Tana was not that well versed in the plant for which they where headed. Sure his family was a traveling bunch, but mainly confined to certain worlds with rich history to force users and large galactic events.

The young assassin had decided to try and dig a little deeper into the whole mission or what ever it was, coming to the cargo bay his small hand gave a quick knock, signalling to Sol that he had entered. "So..... what was it that the old man gave you, it may not be my business but if something bad happens it would be beneficial for me to know it value and why it should not be put in the hand of certain individual". For once Tanasuki talked normally, a young mans voice coming from the feminine figure, laced with a Riben-Jin accent.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
They arrive in the orbit of Dxun and Harvi calls him up to the cockpit. With a sigh Sol gets to his feet as Tana comes in and asks questions like someone actually looking for answers. It was a remarkable change from the kid's usual attitude of asking questions to be a little... Well, perhaps Sol shouldn't be so unkind. "So you were spying." Is Sol's casual response as he stretches out and then walks toward the exit to the main room and from their to the cockpit. Tana presumably follower.

He'd answer the kid's question but he'd save himself the hassle of explaining it more than once. Coming into the cockpit he walks up to the nav console and inputs a set of coordinates on the planet's surface. Somewhere in the Southern hemisphere. "Alright, for those not in the know which is all of you, here are the basics. I got a data chit from an old man with a map on it. He seemed to think it was important and the three dark side force users chasing him seemed to agree." That covered the why now came the what.

"Dxun, is also known as the demon moon. It is covered with densely packed jungle filled to the brim with hostile predatory life. It was also where the sarcophagus of Freedon Nadd, a big bad ancient Sith Lord rested once, maybe still does who knows? Either way, this place is dangerous and the place we need to go is a few hours walk from the closest place we can land. You can stay with the ship or come with me for a walk. If you stay with the ship you'd be safest getting her into orbit and staying there until we comm you to pick us up but that is up to your three to sort it out since I am going no matter what." And worst comes to worst and he gets abandoned he could just tame a dragon and fly it over when the atmospheres link, sometime in the next few months. That wasn't a pleasant thought but it was good to have a back up plan he supposed.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] | [member="Chikako"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"]
[member="Chikako"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Sol Damerin"]

Chikako asked her question over Harvi's shoulder, and the young man answered with a smile.

"I'm just the pilot, darlin," he replied, "Old Man Sol offered me a decent sum to shuttle him around, so here I am. Don't worry, I'll get you to Dathomir. Eventually." Harvi chuckled, then Old Man Sol himself walked into the cockpit. Harvi was about to ask where they were going when Sol just reached over and punched in the coordinates himself.

"Oh, sorry, didn't mean to cramp your style," Harvi huffed. He was perfectly good at putting in his own coordinates. But, no point in whining over spilled bantha milk; at least, not yet. Sol explained the mission and Harvi's smile and humor returned.

"Look's like we're gonna have some fun," he said, lowering the ship until it touched down on the surface of the demon moon.

"Everybody off before I arrest you for loitering," Harvi chuckled, swiveling his chair and walking with a bounce in his step to the ladder.
"That seems off, you asked me for several details before taking me on the ship, or did he just give you so much money you could not refuse, hmmmmm". Tanas smugness was starting to rum off on her, more so so she could deal with the odd pilot, "It is okay, take what ever time you need to get to Dathomir, I am in not rush, besides, traveling with you is a way to see the galaxy that I would other wise not have, being out of cash and all".

She moved to the side as Sol came in, not one to be rude as well as trying to make the mans stay her less annoying, sitting properly in the co-pilots chair as he explained their predicament, jungles beasts, she had traversed her fair share of forests, but the talks of Sith and other 'things' was a little off putting. "Staying on the ship sounds more like my style, to help you out in a pinch, but I do not know how to pilot such a craft very well, but it would be useful to stay out of harms way, I will be awaiting your conformation on a pick up, or your distress call which ever comes, first, have a good and hopefully non dangerous trip".

[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
"I guess I was, but its a habit, being an assassin in all" he awaited Sols reply but did not receive one, seemingly the man wanting to make sure everyone was together before going through what ever the task at hand was as he beckoned Tana to follow into the bridge. Leaning to the side, listening to what could only be described as a mission briefing, a slight smirk coming to face at Harvis comment on Sol be so, assertive.

"Yes those darkside users seemed very insistent on getting that package, what are the chances we will run into them again? If they are smart picking up on the add you put up might lead them here, and that's not including what dangers may be present on the planet". Upon exciting hyper space Tana had dressed up in his nexus armor, accompanied by a hood and painted in full generic splinter camouflage, light but offering decent protection from any threat.

"I came on this trip to see it all through, so I'm going with, I can be your eyes and ears for scouting, while staying hidden from detection". Making sure his blades and other equipment was secure Tana followed Harvi down the ladder, preferring to jump down the the hole, heading to the exit ramp, "Oh before we head out, what Tana did you want to accompany you on this trip, choose wisely, as this is your only chance, once a personality is set I tend to not change it so easily".

[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
Apparently, he was getting Harvi and Tana's help on this. Personally, he thought it'd probably be best to leave Harvi with Chikako on the ship but he had said anyone who wanted to come should. Well, hopefully, a Ranco would come around and try hump the ship while they were gone. Also, he supposed he'd better hope that none of the black-cloaked guys showed up and tried to take the ship while they were gone. Taking their only means of easily escaping the planet was pretty good blackmail material.

They head towards the exit ramp and Tana stops to ask among the weirdest dang questions he'd been asked so far. Taking a deep breath Sol tries to digest the question, figures out what the kid meant, and then finally answers. "Whichever Tana doesn't do stupid shit that attracts a whole bunch of attention and gets us all killed." That was just about the best answer he could think of for this weird conversation.

Then Sol is on the ground and leading the march towards the jungle. A jungle that is hot, muggy, filled with bugs, and generally unpleasant. On top of that, every step they take carries with it the distinct impression that they are being watched by something. Sol reaches out with The Force and he can feel some of the creatures surrounding them. He pushes on their brains to encourage them not to eat the party but there was no telling how long that would last...

[member="Harvi Kwen"] | [member="Chikako"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"]
[member="Chikako"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Sol Damerin"]

"Just don't burn down the house, yeah?" Harvi called as he slid down the ladder. The colorful smuggler dropped the cargo hatch and waited for the rest of the party, then followed them off. The cargo hatch closed behind them, fastening securely. Harvi made sure his twin pistols were secure at his belt.

"All righty," he said, "What are we looking for again?"
She could only produce a small pout ad Harvi left with the other after his comment, 'it was one time, my pyrotechnics is well under hand..... doff'. As the others left she returned back to the cockpit, looking over the canopy of trees on vegetation present, a place no doubt filled with wild animals and beast, more then willing to rip the crew apart and eat their flesh.

Reaching out she let her force presence be known to those beast, sending waves of calming, creating a protective barrier around the ship to ward off any creatures that may get to close, a gift she naturally had and used quite often, being one to avoid fighting. 'This ship is not your concern, please return to the wild and leave this place, we mean you know harm'. Slowly the creatures left one by one, but it would only be a matter of time until more came, and soon the crew would be out of her protective field, where they would be on their own.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
"Okay, stern serious and focused Tana it is", exiting the ship he pull the hood over head shrouding his face in a light shadow,giving Sol the nod ahead to lead the group into the forest, being the supposed leader and all, in addition to carrying the map. AS the walked further into the darkness Tana kept one hand on the hilt, ready to use them at a moments noticed, but would trust mister grandpa to lead them in the right direction.

"I have a feeling it is more then just wild animals that may be watching us", in this state of mine Tana was overly paranoid, but it was better to be overly carious then carefree and bumbling about like Harvi was.

Exams start soon, won't be able to post for a while after this

[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
"If there are people tracking us, they will wait for us to get whatever it is they want." Sol points out as he hacks his way through the underbrush with his sword. It was the best way to do these kinds of things since it saved you the trouble of finding it yourself or letting them trigger all the traps and dying like chumps. "Unless it is something that grants power." He amends with a sigh.

Suddenly there is a rumbling from the bush, which is the only warning they get before a bunch of weird dog looking things come bursting out. One lunges for Sol since he is in the lead another going for his ankles. The other four make there way towards Harvi and Tana.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"]
[member="Chikako"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Sol Damerin"]

Harvi Kwen followed in the steps of Sol, looking around at everything that could possibly catch one's eye. Harvi's insane grin was still on his face despite the thick jungle. It seemed nothing was capable of dampening the smuggler's spirits.

When the dogs leaped from the brush, Harvi's pistols were in his hands before he could even register the attack. Twin dT-29's cracked, the dogs stumbled. They weren't down, but Harvi had far more where that came from.

"Yahoo!" he cried as he continued to pour blaster fire into the beasts.
The ship was quiet, the distant sound of beast winding away, either losing interest or went after the crew for what ever reason, they should be able to handle themselves, right? Well in truth she was more worried about the Harvi doing something stupid and getting everyone hurt, both him and the new boy were... unpredictable. "Well, if no one is here, and there is not present danger, I guess I could tidy up a bit more, the extra passengers is not helping very much".

Unbeknown to her the group had been set upon by a pack of wild wolfs, a situation her animal bonding would be useful, or at the least and extra blade.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
Tana gave a nod to Sol as they continued to walk, taking everything dead seriously , if the roles where reversed he would most likely do the same thing, keeping out of sight and letting, "I hope you are right". They walked in silence for a few moment before grows echoed from the distance, and a pack of strange red canine animals descended upon the group, each splitting into groups to attack each member.

One of the red beasts charged at Tana, aiming to sticks it fangs into his leg, the other flanking from the left, as quickly as the beast pounced the flash of a blade came out as Tana steeped back, the vibro sword lodging into the bests side, but failing to cut deep enough. "Crap", as the first beast remained in a lock the other came from the side, intent on finishing what the other had started, aiming its sharp jaws and Tanas slightly less armored leg.

As the second best came down the young assassin let go of hi current weapon, back flipping of the attacking beast, unsheathing his second sword and diving it into the its red skin, again becoming lodged. "What are these things skin made out of"?

[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
It took Sol a moment to recognize the beasts before them. Maalraas, one of the more dangerous and annoying predators on Dxun. Nearly invulnerable to blaster fire and lightsabers, capable of using Force stealth and camouflage, and nasty little shits all around.They were best dealt with by either high explosives or...

As the creatures lunge for him the world slows down as he lets The Force flow through him he manages to jump over the one aiming for his ankles to collide with the one that had been going for his neck midair. They land in a heap and it starts clawing at his armoured chest as he draws a vibroblade and rams it into the things neck, once, twice, three times until he finds a seam in the scales and it sinks in.

"Go for the joints!" He yells at the kids as the other surviving Maalraas grabs his ankle and starts jerking it around and he is forced to start beating it in the face with the heal of his boots.

The two that Harvi shot are on the mad pilot in seconds. The beasts hides are damn near blaster proof as they go for his legs, intent on taking them out and tearing him apart, he will have to think of something better to kill them. The ones near Tana begin circling in opposite directions one trying to get behind him while the other stays in the front. The one behind would pounce as soon as it had a clear target.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"]
[member="Sol Damerin"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Well, this went downhill fast. Harvi's blasterst clicked empay, and the beasts had sustained only minimal damage. Well, he'd never said he wasn't one for a challenge. As the beasts approached, Harvin leaped into the air, flipping once and landing several meters away. The beasts whirled and charged again as HarvI holstered his guns and drew his vibroblade.

"Time to play puppies!" he yelled, insane grin still on his face. The first animal charged, and with one quick move Harvi rammed his vibroblade into the beast's jaws, risking his hand as he slid it between the beast's huge fangs. The animal fell to the ground as the next one reached him. Harvi spun gracefully out of the way of its lunge and thrust his blade into a gap in the animal's f4ont ankle, then back knee, then finally neck. Harvi took a step back, ready in case one of them got up.

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