Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gotta Find It

The beast on which Tana was ridding on bucked and waved, trying to shake its assailant, not particularly doing a good jib due to Tanas light weight and more that human hand grip on the blade embedded in its back. "joints and exposed parts, got it", With each jerk and buck from the monster the blade slowly came loose, finally ripping off, sending the young assassin back flipping to the side, but exposing a decent and exploitable amount of flesh on its back.

Tana reached for his gun holster, producing a old E-11 blaster, sending two shots at the beast as it lowered itself to attack, clipping against its exposed flesh, sending it yelping, giving Tana room to maneuver and turned attention towards the unharmed one. "You move mutt". The second beast aimed to take a swing at Tana with its tail, it whip like appendage coming at him from the side, aimed to knock him off feet. Tana ducked under the swing, performing a backwards and upwards cut, trying to sever the dangerous limb.

The finely crafted blade cut through the thinner part of the skin on its tail, causing the the dog to help in pain and rolling over as it slowly bleed out from its tail. "How do you like th.." *Twack* in his moment of gloating the other beast had take the chance to push though its own pain, its tail hitting into Tanas side, slicing into an exposed part of his armor, gashing an drawing blood. "Fuck", Turning around quickly he sent a force push into the best into a tree, his other lodged blade through its skin and into its head, killing it.

Tana stalked towards the downed beast, pushing it over and retrieving his blade, with a sharp yank pulling out of the beast and turning his attention back to the other as it stood back up, enraged by the loss of its tail. With both blades back Tana took a Jar'kai stance, wincing at his bleeding side, but insistent on finishing the fight.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
The Maalrass on Sol's ankle clamped down hard and started whipping its head back and forth. It was karking strong and the stocky man was shook like a rag doll for several seconds. He could feel his bones straining and it had definitely broken the skin. With an angry snarl Sol latched onto the dark side of the force. He reaches out with invisible strings of power and latches them around the Maalras's head.

There is a sickening snap as he breaks the beast's jaw by spreading it apart until the bone cracked under the strain and the flesh tore. Getting to his feet he takes a breath. Inhale, exhale. As utterly improbable as it seemed Harvi had by some fluke killed two of the beasts without getting hit. Sol was inclined to think the crazy man was either more skilled than he let on or lucky. His money was on luck.

With a sigh, he moves across the battlefield to the dog focused in on Tana. It hadn't yet realized that the rest of its pack is dead. He mimics what the dogs were doing to Tana before he throws a rock at its head to get its attention. When it whirls on him it would give the young assassin the perfect opportunity to slip in and finish it off.

[member="Tanaski Yumi"] | [member="Harvi Kwen"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Sol Damerin"]

Harvi's adrenaline was pumping, and he loved it. It had been a while since he'd had a good scrap. Sol was right when it thought Harvi was possibly more skilled than he looked; he'd seen a fair share of combat, and you didn't get to be as good a smuggler as him without being able to fight your way out of a tricky situation. Harvi wiped ugly blood of his vibroblade and reloaded his pistols. Tanaski and Sol could finish off the other dog, Harvi had done his part.

"What a ride!" he exclaimed, twirling his pistols and sliding them back into the holsters at his waist.
The two stared each other down, both knowing the slightest slip up would mean their death, it was a waiting game, the two opponents injured, time would ultimately decide the winner of this duel. "Come on you stupid mutt, make a mistake already"! Thankfully said mistake came, though not in the fashion he expected, a rock hitting the beast head, the moment its eyes wandered was its last. In the blink of on eye Tana had moved to the other side of the beast, blades extended out and behind, both motionless for a few seconds, the beasts eyes still wandering, before fallout over, blood pooling from its side.

Tana kept his pose for a moment, exhausting a held in breath before standing back up, twirling his blade around before neatly sliding them back into their scabbard. "Thank you for that Sol, nngh", with the fight over the pain in his side finally was worth addressing, his already black combat suit turning darker shades as blood ran down the side. "Fuck.. shouldn't have been so cocky, got me good in the wait, shhh that stings".

[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
Sol's own ankle wasn't going great. The thick material of his pants had kept the teeth from getting too deep, but he was still bleeding. Reaching into one of the pouches he had strewn about his body he pulls out some gauze. Before tending to his own wound he tosses Tana a Bacta pack and a patch he can adhere to his wound. Once his leg is wrapped Sol straightens and waits for Tana to finish dealing with his own injury.

Maalrass were among the more deadly predators on Dxun and it was poor luck they ran into a pack of them. Then again any beast that could wield the force was dangerous. Once he is certain the other two are ready he leads the way deeper into the jungle. His sense were on high alert but he knew it wouldn't matter much if another pack of the nasty dog cat things appeared. They were nearly impossible to detect.

It isn't long before they reach the landmark he is searching for. The sound of moving water reaching their ears long before they reach the river. Once they are at it's bank Sol leans down to rinse off the blood and splash water on his face. "We should be about half-way now." He says to the other two.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Sol Damerin"]

"That was fun!" Harvi exclaimed, apparently oblivious of his teammates injuries, "Think there'll be more?"

While his companions took care of their injuries, Harvi examined the jungle around them.

"Quite a place you brought us to Sol," he said, "Love the decor."
Tana continued to eye the dead mutt as Sol chucked over one of the bandages, catching it in his left hand, "Thanks but it’s not really necessary, jut a cut, superficial and all... I'll hang onto this for future events, hopefully I won't need it". The wound hand already started to clot, steaming the bleeding, as well as minor regeneration taking place, come an hour or so the cut would be no longer there. Standing up Tana gave Harvi a dismissive and annoyed grunting sigh, "Nah I don't think so, it’s not like where on the planet that it's native to, in the wild, nowhere close to any civilization, totally will not run into them again… evverrrrr ".

With a slight limp in step the group continued, soon reaching a small stream, the flowing water giving him a slight feel of safety. “Only Half way hu. better than nothing I guess, we are resting here for a bit, I need to wash this blood off”. Like Sol Tana kneeled next to the river, removing his Nexus armour top, inspecting the wound. It was still visible, but had stopped bleeding, though his waist side was smeared with the red liquid.

“I’ll just be a minute…. “And no peaking Harvi”, taking scoops of water inn Tan he slowly washed away at the dried blood, the red flakes washing down the stream.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
Finishing cleaning and rebandaging his wound Sol straightens. He'd snipped off the bottom of torn pant leg leaving the bandage exposed. While it revealed his injury to potential attacked, he considered it a good trade since it meant he wouldn't have to deal with the ragged getting caught on various plant life. Raising his right fist to his jaw he applies gently pressure until every knuckle on that hand pops, then he moves his head using the pressure to crack his neck.

Turning his gaze both ways he gestures upstream. "We are being followed. We aren't getting out of this without another fight." He says as he stretches his back and turning downstream. "We are going this way, I am going to scout ahead." He heads down the bank, the river had a gentle bend to it and he soon vanishes behind it. "Catch up when you can, just keep following the river."

[member="Harvi Kwen"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Sol Damerin"]

Harvi's mad grin returned as Tanaski and Sol clean their wounds and Tanaski resumed his banter.

"But of course," he said, dramatically turning his back on the two other men. He waited until he heard footsteps, then turned around to catch up to Sol.
The wound slowly returned to the pale skin that it once was ever slightly, in less then a hour it would have looked like Tana had never been cut, save for the distinct hole now in the side of his armored suit, 'that things not made for sharp kinetic hits, has to many joint to take advantage of too, at lest its light. Once the wound and skin was fully cleaned Tana turned her attention back to his armor, the attack had ripped through a small non padded part in between the plating, luckily it had not deteriorated the over all strength of the suit. Tana dipped the shirt covering into the water, scrubbing the soaked blood out, its colour once again returning to jet black.

Tanas gaze followed Sols up the river at the mention of being followed, by what, he didn't know, but could sense they were not alone, "duly noted, don't go getting yourself killed". As sol went off down the river Tana place his suit on one of the many rocks out to dry, using the force every slow slightly to ring the water out of it, sitting down cross legged as he did so, "so now that mister bossy pants is out of the way, we can talk more normally.. oh and you can look, I was just joking about that".

[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Harvi grinned at Tanaski to show his understanding. Harvi may be crazy, but that didn't mean he wasn't smart.

"Anything particular on your mind?" Harvi replied
(OOC spent the last few days packing and traveling)

Tana rolled his eyes in a sarcastic thinking manner as her waited for his suit to dry, "How about your reasons for being screwed up in the head, that sounds like an interesting story". What ever the man had been throught to get to such an unstable level would be funny to hear, but also would serve as a means to avoid any potential, triggers, that may cause problems in the future.

The young effeminate looking boy turned around to face [member="Harvi Kwen"], unsheathing one of both blade, slowly licking the blood of of them, "Go ahead, don't mind me".
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Harvi eyed the blades with a twinkling eye. He liked this man; he was fun, and risky. The question of his past, however, put a bit of a damper on the situation. Harvi didn't talk about his past much; at all, really. He didn't like to. It was painful, and brought memories to his mind he didn't like. His smile flickered and eyes darkened. Tanaski wanted to know why he was so messed up? It was a long story, and one that Harvi really preferred not to tell.

"I went to a party," he said, voice cool and even, "With some pretty bad hosts." Harvi started following Sol into the jungle, trying to put aside the images that flashed into his mind. His normal peppy step had become less joyful and more predatory. Whatever had happened to Harvi, it was something best left untouched.
Tana regretted asking him that question, it seemed such past events where not as fun as he had though it would have been, 'stupid stupid stupid..... aarg, why did I say that'. As Harvi left to follow Sol he sighed to himself, 'whelp, there goes a ruined relationship.... I really need to get my personas under control'. As the once peppy man wandered further away Tana frantically sheath his swords again, fumbling around with his shirt as he chased the man, 'screw it, ill put in on later, best not get separated, especially now with people on our tail'. "Hey wait up a bit"!

[member="Harvi Kwen"]
The two go down the river after Sol. He was actually rather pleased that they took their time and had a nice little chat. It gave him plenty of time to cut into the jungle and circle around. What he found surprised him. It wasn't the men in black robes, it was a group of what looked like five mercs. They were doing their best to be sneaky and they weren't half bad at it. They were only slightly hindered by the fact that they were armed to the teeth and wearing heavy armour in the jungle.

One of them speaks as the two crazies start moving. "Finally." He mutters under his breath. "This better be worth it whatever it is." One of his friends elbows him and then holds a finger to his lips. "You saw what those two freaks did to those dog things. They are forcies. Keep talking and they might pick up that we are here." It takes Sol a moment to place who these guys are, only because he recognizes one of them from the bar. Just a group of vultures who'd overheard the conversation and were looking for an easy score.

He waits until they reach the point just before the bend. Then he hefts his blaster pistol and starts firing from directly behind them. There is a sudden loud cacophony as the men swear and dive out of cover. Sol's shot soon forcing them into the line of sight of the two kids.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"]
[member="Sol Damerin"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Harvi's reaction to the mercs stumbling into his path was instant and deadly. His conversation with Tanaski had shaken him, and his blood was boiling. As soon as the men appeared, Harvi drew his pistols and opened fire. His smile returned, but now it was one of pure madness, not just of mad humor. His DT-29's blazed, punching one merc through his throat between the helmet and breastplate and sending a second spinning with a shot to the left center mass.

"Come on!" he yelled, firing several more shots and forcing the remaining mercs to scatter, "At least make it interesting!" There was a fire in his crazed eyes, and after firing once more his charged yelling right into the group of mercs.
Tana stumbled around a bit, trying to get his suit back on lest suffer a slightly more annoying wound, stubbing his toe on a tree stump and getting his hair caught on a few branches, 'for force sake, why can't he slow down a little.... I guess this is my own fault, but still, how was I supposed to know he had a bad past', 'oh common on Tana, did you really think it would be that nice, remember how all of use where made, your own experience was not something to laugh at, and you have better control over it, how much less so would his have been'. 'Hey to be fair everyone is different, it could of been something else so why don't you ju-'.

'All of you! stop arguing, we have to concentrate on the task at hand, this is might dangerous place, we can cross that bridge when we come to it, for now just catch up with Harvi and no do anything stupid got it', 'you can't tell me what to do with my life, beside I want a chan-' 'SHUT UP'!!!

Finally Tana managed to get his suit on and secured, now able to leap into a sprint and catch up with the angry man, coming out of the foliage bore witness to the man gunning down several mercenary looking people, a definite rage radiating from him with each shot. 'What have I done'? Regardless of who started the fight it seemed the men were gunning out for their group, blaster bolts being exchange with several of then definitely aimed at himself.

Though due to the situation, and unpreparedness Tana did not have time to block the first flurry of bolts, one hitting him square in the chest, sending the young boy tumbling back into a tree, "aaaaaaaarg, guess I deserve that.... kark that stings".

[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]
Harvi got his wish on things getting interesting since the bolts he shot that did manage to land didn't have the impact he was going for. The mercs were wearing energy shields, low-grade ones that would crumble after a few shots but enough to get them out of a surprise attack and regroup. Sol watched and palmed a detonator and was about to lob it into the group, however, Harvi took it upon himself to just run right into the middle.

They didn't scatter exactly, instead, they continued to do what they were doing. Taking cover behind rocks and trees. Since Harvi was the most obvious target he is suddenly the target of all five men. A rain of tightly concentrated fire from rifles, shotguns, and pistol rain down on the man. Without cover, Harvi was in a lot of trouble these guys weren't panic firing despite the surprise attack and they had a good bead on him. Odds were he was going to be ripped to shreds if he didn't get to cover soon, as it was it, would be a miracle if he managed to not get hurt at all.

Meanwhile, Sol swears as he slips through the jungle. Harvi's mad dash had drawn attention and fire which gave him the option to switch to his Protector. The slug throwers explosive rounds would be better at punching through the energy shielding than his blaster. He also draws a vibroblade as he sneaks up behind one of the men and rams it into his back, piercing a lung.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"]
[member="Sol Damerin"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Harvi was in trouble. Five men, all armed, all firing at him. Any sane person would have scrambled for cover, or done something in the way of self-preservation. Harvi, however, was most definitely not sane. He was also heavily armed, and very, very ticked off. The men he was charging had already scrambled from their cover once, bringing them into Harvi's line of sight. Getting to it again would require time; only a few seconds, but that amount of time was everything in a firefight. Being precise with your shots took a second more. By the time the men got to their cover, got sighted, and opened fire, Harvi was close enough to bring the fight to close range, exactly where you did not want to be when you were a blaster wielder.

The fire poured down on him, but Harvi didn't break stride. He leapt forward, flattening himself in the air so the first few bolts passed over or under him. A shotgun blast ripped into his ears, a few pieces of buckshot finding their way into his torso, but he was too hopped up on adrenaline and madness to notice. He rolled at the end of his leap, blaster bolts ripping into the ground around him, and came up in front of one of the men's cover. With the grace of an acrobat he came up, blaster bolt leaving a black mark in his brightly dyed hair, and grabbed ahold of the man's arm. He yanked down, pulling the merc against his own cover and using the man's arm as leverage to pull him up and over. Blaster bolts followed him, but he pulled the man's arm over and around with all his 150 pounds of weight and mass. The man cried out as his arm was bent, but that was nothing compared to the sound he made when four men's worth of blaster shots came blasting into his torso. Energy shield or not, the man was dead. The only man on the merc's left side took a knife to his lung, and Harvi hunkered down behind the dead man's body, safe for the moment. Pain ripped through him from the buckshot in his side, but still he smiled.

The fire was still in his eyes, terrifying as ever.
Tana grunted as he pushed himself off the ground, slightly dazed form the impact but other wise okay a blaster bolt leaving a sizzling scorch mark on the front of his armor, the breast blat protection him from any serious harm, but flying back first into a tree definitely left some bruising, and maybe micro internal bleeding, "the one karking things I hate about my size, way to light".

Getting back on his feet the young Jin unsheathed his vibro blade, expecting the mercenaries to also target him, but was slightly surprised and shock to see Harvi brutally dislocated on of them, using the said victim as a human shield, the other mercenaries frantically trying to shoot at him, but just killing their friend in the process. "Ah great, now his Banzai charging them, *sight* with isn't going to end well".

With the mercenaries distracted for the time being Tana leaped into action, taking the nearest one by surprised, driving his blade into the back of their throat, quickly eating through the cheap energy field. Their wind pipe severed, unable to scream for help, hopefully not altering the others to his presence, 'I'll make this quick'.

[member="Harvi Kwen"] l [member="Sol Damerin"]

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