Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Asmus Janes"]

Get to indulge in any tech still?

Ahh, the answer to that was rather difficult to answer. Yes, she did in terms of active deployments to gather information instead of passive. No, as in she wasn't doing mech word or hopping on as a contract mech and such anymore. Those days were long gone for her. The corner of her mouth twitched as she tried to discern how exactly to answer that. Although the hesitation would have been answer enough.

"Comes and goes." she admitted at least, watching the Wraith come to a stop by the heavy door. A quick press of a button and a scan to allow entry and the heavy door slid open. The noise level increased a good two octaves and there was a faint haze of steam running about. Had a tendency to in engineering. She could practically hear the loud hum of the reactor down here. A few glances were spared at their direction. The bulk recognized Asmus; Kaile, not so much.

"Janes, if you are coming to hide from the Captain Amadgener again, I am not going to cover for you." Zarn Bei, a Nautolan engineer called out from the right.

"Never seems to be an end to the stories between you and the Captain..." Kaile mentioned wryly.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Haha no Zarn," Asmus replied. He gave Kaile a sidelong glance and sighed just loud enough for her to hear. "Just a tour."

"Oh maybe not a good day for it, Inx is in a foul mood to..."

"Am i balls!" Came a booming voice. At nearly seven feet Inx was massive for a human. He filled out those seven feet tall. "I'm not in any kind of mood. Just surrounded by workshy cretins!" the last two words resounded around the bay. Everyone suddenly seemed to be typing faster.

"Good to see you lad!" He called, his friendly slap nearly taking Asmus off his feet. Without warning he placed a hand on each of Kaile's shoulders and gave her a big grin. "On the tour eh? Let me show you around." He gave Asmus a prompting look.

Asmus rolled his eyes. If the big man had given him a moment to speak... "This is Agent Vera, Kaile. Likes her ships!"

"Well you're going to love mine!"
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Before she knew it, Kaile was quickly ushered deeper into the engineering room. Couldn't quite disagree seeing as two large hands had taken a hold of her shoulders and ushered her about.

"Pleasure meeting you." Was all she could say before the man proceeded to talk. Admiration and interest shone on Kaile's face, growing a parsec a minute with the tour.

Asmus hadnt exaggerated about Inx, he had a booming voice and a rather infectious mood. Burly and barrel chested, Kaile knew quick she'd get along fine with the Head of Engineering. And as expected, he wasn't the sort to hold his tongue when it came to discussing the Subversions ample nacelles and what lay within.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Asmus followed along, grinning and shaking his head. The head of engineering spared no time in explaining all the features that made the Subversion top of the line. The generator had one of the fastest response times of any in production, able to alter her output to meet demand and spin down again incredibly quickly. Efficient, no wasted emissions.

A large amount of space was dedicated to the engines. At full burn the Subversion could outpace a lot of corvettes and force Fighters to burn hard to chase her down. So far they'd only been caught out once, at extreme range by a First Order destroyer. They'd turned and burned and vanished before they could get a good look at her.

"Aahn don't be shy, pop down any... What are you doing Jenkins!? That doesn't...Oh why do I bother. Excuse me please, enjoy the rest of the tour!"

Asmus led Kaile away quite quickly before the fireworks could begin. He chuckled as they turned out and headed for the prow. He deliberately went down the opposite side of the ship to flight control so he could take her across the glass corridor that crossed the roof of the flight deck.

"Like him? And the ship?" He asked.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

It was much quieter now as they made their way out of engineering. For a moment there was a bit of melancholy that went drifting over Kaile's face. Been a long while since she could just tinker on her own. The Messa had been the last. Times changed though. As did people. There were many things that had changed since then.

Forcing a smile, the Lorrdian did her best to try and show her gratitude. By all intents and purposes she had enjoyed her time and she could see why folk were proud of the Subversion.

"Aye," she began, adding as she tucked in her hands into the slits of per psnts pockets. Kept her from gesturing too much. "She's a top notch ship,". They made headway down the corridor, where the glasteel allowed an unimpaired view of the hanger below. Mechanics along with flight crew scattered here and there as they went on their jobs. Slowing down, the agent paused to watch.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

“And this,” Asmus explained, “is the best view in the house.” It was clear from his smile that he was aware that he'd made that same bold claim several times already. He stepped out ahead of her, arms out wide and gave a spin. He finished facing her, walking backwards.

“Glass floor is a little vertigo inducing I suppose. But sometimes when we're in port we just sit here and watch all the cargo vessels come and go.”

He swept his hand back and forth a few times. From here one could see the flight deck that went from prow to stern, huge bay doors at both ends.

“They come in from the rear and land down in a line and set down. Deck crews and loading droids swarm them and then they’re off. She's never been in a major engagement, but if we were we could keep rotating the fighters quick time. And down there is mine,” he said, pointing to a square on the ground. That door would slide away and his ship brought up to the deck ready for launch. His smile tightened. He'd really started the tour down there, but it hadn't gone well. Too much tension between them. It was all so much that he tripped over his own words and sent her fleeing.

“And this is flight control,” he said as they reached the room that ran down the side of the hangar. He led her down the steps to the floor where just two people sat at consoles. Clearly a quiet time. “This is Odennus who keeps us in line, when we want to be in line. Odennus, Kaile.”

Something in Odennus’ eyes wasn't quite right, Asmus decided as the Flight Group Commander looked up.

Oh triple kriff it. The thought ran through Odennus' head as he did some quick calculations. Whiskey Girl was a few years ago, before Asmus had been at the academy. Their quick fling had...Been since then. A smile made his face but he suddenly felt sick to the bottom of his stomach.
[member="Asmus Janes"] didn't have to wait long to realize why.

"Max?!" it was such an abrupt realization on just who stood in front of her that Kaile let slip Odennus' first name with a soft, surprised cry. Max, short for Maximilian. She froze in surprise only to smile. Dark hair. Green eyes. Rather rascal smile and good humor to boot. She'd met him just after he'd graduated from the Academy on Sullust. It had been a particularly low part of her shore leave and Max had approached her at a bar...

Well with what came after the last thing she expected was to be matched with him on an SIS mission. Their short fling went a bit longer the more they spent time together. They parted in good terms but well--

"Kaile," he moved to stand, caught in the slightly awkward stance of wanting to hug Kaile and that sickening feeling in his stomach as the story from earlier settled in. Kaile. It no longer was a faceless Kaile, but Kaileann Vera. SIS agent. That Kaile.

Granted Odennus didn't have to worry much about what to do, Kaila did it for him. Despite everything Kaile was still Kaile, and with that meant that she acted accordingly. She breached protocol and gave him a quick hug.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Oh!" Asmus exclaimed taking a step back. There was a wide smile on his face as Odennus looked up at him over Kaile's shoulder. Just that expression seemed to soothe some of the concern that flashed across the Flight Commander's face. He was even younger than Asmus and looked up to the Wing Commander. His Wraiths had looked after him when he'd been dropped into a post with a lot of responsibility so soon after graduation.

"Well that's two people you know then?" Asmus asked, a little bemused but generally in good spirits. Max stepped back and gave Kaile a quick look up and down, allowing himself a real smile.

"Yeah we know each other from back on Sullust," he replied. There was a tentative waver in his tone that Asmus picked up. He was still putting together Whiskey Girl and this Kaile in his head. Made sense really, he could see how someone could fall head over heels for the girl.

Asmus chuckled but his eyes went down to his feet. Sullust. Where he'd been in the academy hoping to catch a glimpse of her passing through. He knew it all already of course. Despite her silence he knew she'd missed him terribly and that they both thought the way they felt about each other was something else. But she had made her choice and stuck to it. Whatever reasons she had were enough to stay away from that which she desired.

This just seemed to drive it home a little harder. She'd been moving in the same circles all this time. she couldn't deny what she felt, but this reminded him that there would come a time when she would have to make the choice again. It would be harder this time to avoid him, but she was resourceful she would manage it if she put her mind to it.

I still can't understand. One day I'll get her to explain it all. Stop fussing, nothing you can do. It will be her choice to make. But will I feel the same when the time gets closer? How far would I go to keep her?

"You two should do some catching up," Asmus suggested jovially. He was quite happy that they both knew each other, but it also occurred to him that if the other pilots found out that Max knew Kaile he was going to get an extensive grilling.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

A spare glance at Asmus told Kaile a few things. That slight bit of awkward came back. Turning back to Max, her smile lingered but her eyes were still warm. Despite the short time together, they had grown rather close during their mission. Max had been a good, if brief moment in her past.

“Reckon later.” she added, flashing an uncertain smile. “Good to see that you’ve moved on up.” she teased him. This was a version of Kaile that was a little bit more relaxed, if a bit awkward considering the history she had with both men nearby.

“More like dropped in without warning.” Max managed to say, bringing his hand up to rub the back of his neck in a sheepish motion. Dark green eyes turned towards Janes. “It’s good to see you though. Figured you’d been assigned long term for a while.”

Yeah… a bit of her lip and then a nod. That sense of awkwardness was back.

“So what do you have here?” Kaile asked in regards to what he did and the area. Talking about that was a good bridge into safer conversations. And hopefully less questions.
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

“He hit the ground running,” Asmus commented genuinely. His eyes narrowed a touch at the awkward glances spared in his direction.


He crossed his arms over his chest and watched as Odennus moved from one end of the room to the other. He introduced a member of his team who was just passing through and showed some of the controls.

“Mind if we bring her up?” He asked Asmus suddenly.

“Hmm?” He saw the holographic layout of the recessed doors. His was flashing red.

“Oh no of course not,” Asmus replied, “just put her back down after.”

“Of course. That's where the tour always ends!” Max grinned. He called a warning into an intercom before tapping a few keys. Asmus ship came rising up out of the hangar floor.

Odennus continued his enthusiastic description of his new position and how Flight Control worked. This was awkward for certain. He couldn't begrudge her that, not after what he'd already put her through. One conversation with Omar and Kaile was in for worse.

But why am I smiling?

It took him a few seconds to try and pinpoint why. Realisation dawned on his face.

She's friends with your boss. You've known her boss for nearly a year.

It was the final hammer blow to force everything together. She was actually a part of his world. Not some memory that was only ever going to fade until it became almost dream.

No, you joined her world.

“And that's the ready room,” he heard Max say.

“Where we do all our best work, obviously,” Asmus chimed in with a grin.
“Among other things. Mainly try to keep Captain Janes out of trouble.” there he was again, Odennus back into his natural state of mind. He’d always been able to casually talk with Kaile and since he did the same with Janes, well it served to help him relax a bit more when they both seemed to be their typical selves. Max had always looked up to Asmus and with this slight twist, he’d hoped that it wouldn’t get awkward.

Of all the luck.

“Why am I noticing a trend when it comes to Captain Janes staying out of trouble?” there was a wry twist of Kaile’s lips as she shot Asmus a distinct arch of her brow.

“Oh, it ain’t that bad.” Max immediately attempted to defend the Wraith Commander, shaking his hand as he went through the controls to send the starfighter back into the recessed doors. Another warning through the intercom and the pull of hydraulics brought her back down. It was a space saving alternative to make the most of all of their small space. The indicator light turned red before finally settling down into a green as it locked.

“Keeps things interesting for sure.” Odennus shot both Kaile and Asmus a crooked smile.
“Yeah super interesting when I end up losing…” Asmus noted that there were other crew members present before mentioning his prized projector. “bets.” He shook his head forlornly.

“Well you've hustled them enough times for them to take advantage when…” Odennus faltered, but clearly decided he was beyond the point of no return. “...You're distracted.”

Asmus opened his mouth to protest before rolling his eyes at Kaile. They'd been in this bubble on the ship away from the rest of the crew. Because they'd wanted to be in some respects. This felt… like the Quintessence.

Just don't picture...Too late…

He turned his back on the pair so he could banish that thought with his face out of sight.

“Anyway interesting is good when you can be drifting for weeks to avoid deep space scans,” Asmus said as he turned back. “Anyway, on with the tour.”

“Give me a shout and we'll find some time,” Max suggested as they went. This time he grabbed Kaile for another hug before they went. Asmus caught another flash of concern as their eyes met.

A set of stairs led down from the control room towards Deck E. The bowels of the ship.

“Soo… You clearly know my boss quite well, I've known your boss for months now…” he flashed Kaile a grin over his shoulder as he hustled down the stairs.
Ahh, right.

A brief lift and tuck of the strands of hair went behind Kaile’s ear. This was the slightly awkward part. All this time they’d been dancing around the issue of Lucy and the nurse’s friend. Now, this was one of hers. Well, kinda -- not really. Maybe.

This was awkward.

It was funny because Kaile had never really felt awkward about any of her past indiscretions or flights of fancy. She knew where she stood when she got into anything and it was fine and dandy for them both. Was it more because of the surprise at seeing Max? Maybe that was it. Two surprises on one ship. Kaile knew that Max had been assigned in SIS after that first successful mission. He had all the qualifications, passed the background checks, and met the psychological profile. He was young, but ambitious and willing to work hard. Kaile had put in a good word with her recommendation years back.

Ahh. Looks like.” she added, big, brown eyes darting over to meet gold-flecked jade green eyes. Looking at him now, crooked smile and certain devilry shining in his green eyes that Kaile could pin-point on the rhyme and reason why she’d said yes to Max’s offer years back. Odennus had been right out of the Academy, clean shaven and dressed in his uniform. The little boy smile and the easy going demeanor had been a plus, but what had sold it had been his personality. Or maybe the dark shorn hair and the deep green eyes. A part of her chided her because she knew exactly what had started it all. Guilt bloomed and Kaile drew her eyes away from Asmus.

“Ess Eye Ess is a small group after all.” she added, following up as they neared the stairwell down the corridor to Deck E.
But for the record I didn't have chemistry quite like that with your boss… Asmus thought to himself. He'd dealt with that quite well in his opinion. That little analytical part of his mind did a quick review before he could stop it. He'd never felt uncomfortable in such a situation before. Not in the slightest.

Not unexpected. He turned to watch her for a second. That cold analytical strand noting the way his stomach started to turn just at the way her hair moved.

She caught him watching. Cheeky smile covered his eyes as they returned to the corridor ahead. Wouldn't have time for much more tour. Shift started soon and there was lots of planning to do.

“So the railgun runs right down through the center of the deck. You literally have to duck under it to cross from side to side. Not quite as pleasant as the walk across the glass tunnel suspended over the hangar,” he explained. This time rather than the gallery he took another set of stairs down to the bay floor so they could get up close and personal with his ship.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

Once Kaile trailed after Asmus down the stairs, the tight corridors and the familiar gray durasteel walls instantly clued her in on where they were at. D Deck. The same place Asmus had brought her over a few days back to check out his starfighter. It was a tight fit, and walking side by side wouldn’t do unless they wanted to brush shoulders and bump into each other.

“I’m surprised that the percussion doesn’t affect the glass tunnel. I’d imagine that would be quite a kick back.” talking about the ship would do with keeping both of their minds busy. Kaile was still reeling from the knowledge that Max was here. Assigned here nonetheless. Part of her knew she should have kept a closer tab the last year. However, going from one mission to the next put a damper on that. One the SIS went on full speed ahead with gathering information on the First Order, her time had been cut short.

They came to the area where one length of the corridor was paneled with glass to allow anyone to peer right through to the recessed partitions down on E deck.
“So…” he said as he stepped out into the bay. The smooth walls loomed over them. Just a jagged sliver of light was visible in the hatch above. “this is mine.” He took a few quick strides towards his ship and turned to face her with open arms.

“Like, really my ship. I've had her since...Oh a few months after we met.” The maintenance bay floor was clear of course. Max wouldn't have brought it up otherwise. Technically it had to be clear of all equipment and personal before they were allowed to bring it up. Of course they had broken that rule a few times in a rush. He'd been sat in the cockpit with crews still loading ordnance as it was raised up in an emergency before.

The pride was all too apparent as he turned and ran his hand down a length of her nose. “Technically a two seat trainer. Prototype vessel. Project was abandoned by Incom way back by Kairon and I found them, bought them and fixed them back up by hand. She's sound. Holographic augmented reality HUD, haptic feedback pads, computer aided flight so you're always aware and in control. Very sensitive mind. Each engine can direct thrust forwards and backwards. One of the most maneuverable snub fighters you'll ever find.”

Asmus had launched into a bit of a diatrabe with far more gusto than he'd mustered for any sections of the Subversion. But this was his baby, not his home. As he talked he walked over to a recessed compartment, returning with a wheeled ladder.

“Chin mounted cannon and engines out wide mean the inertial mass is low and torque from the engines high, she can spin as fast as the inertial dampeners can handle. Laminamium panels in the armour mean she can self seal small breaches. Want a look?” He slid the ladder up and slapped a button, canopy receding.
The Lorrdian simply let Asmus go on describing the snub fighter. She slowed down to a halt, watching him with only the barest hint of a smile at the corner of her mouth. The amount of joy and pride radiating from simply elaborating on the TX-100 X-Wing was infectious. From the way he let his hand trace over the curve of the nose with affection and onto the specifics.

Kaile ended up leaning beside the ladder he adjusted a moment later. There was a brightness to those jade eyes, a delight that even made his face flush a little. He loved that ship. That much Kaile could see. Held it in quite a high regard.

But you already knew that didn’t you?

Kaile’s arms went crossing over her chest, a hint of guilt clutching her stomach at the thought. Asmus didn’t know about the years she spent keeping an eye on him. About how she checked on him in the Academy, after his graduation, even the construction of this snubfighter. How would he take that? What would he say? Rather silly thing to do for sure.

“Yeah, of course.” she added, giving a small nod and trying to shove all those muddled thoughts to the rear of her head. Somethings were best left be.
Meeting Max had thrown her too he could see. Wild accusations from Lucy in front of everyone, helpful doctors and a an old fling in Flight Control. There was so much going on on top of her running right into him. Colliding and holding tight.

“Come on then,” he crawled up the ladder ahead of her and clambered down into his usual position. A few switches thrown and the ship was active in maintenance mode. Engines and weapons required authorisation and a code cylinder from flight control to activate.

The trainer seat was free behind him, but her turned to face her as she stood on the upper rings of the ladder. “Flight stick on my right, but the thumb on the left stick can do some delicate or pre-defined operations with the engines. Oh and obviously you've met these guys before,” he said. His index finger ran over the figurines with the same deference he afforded the ship itself.
[member="Asmus Janes"]

It was the last thing Kaile expected to see. Out of a day full of surprises and shocks, this took the proverbial cake. Maybe even a little bit more that the moment when the Lorrdian had locked eyes for the first time in years in that tiny little shuttle for her extraction.

Even in the dim light she was able to see their silhouettes. The two tiny metal crafted dinosaurs she’d made for Asmus years ago out of spare parts and a little bit of creativity. Tiny figurines that she never expected to see again, much the less have Asmus still carry them around, on his dashboard no less.

When she left them in his room Kaile did so hoping he would enjoy the Silly if thoughtful parting gift. She didn't even have the courage back then to hand it over to him in person, so the knowledge if he'd actually noticed much the less kept them had always been a nagging thought.

Now she had her answer.

Unfortunate that the shock of it all managed to accidentally make her foot slip. In the seconds that followed had time slow as she teetered for balance so that she wouldn't fall.
If Kaile had been attuned to the Force she would have noticed the flow settled around him the moment he took his place in the cockpit. In this chair he was focused and calm. Aware of everything the ship brought to his attention, eyes on the periphery and his target at the same time.

So he didn't even look up as he hand shot out with the reaction speed that only a fighter pilot could muster. His elbow braced against the console and his hand took a fistful of her jacket. It stung, but he didn't care. He heard a clang as if some part of her had hit the ladder or ship.

Asmus looked down the length of his arm, the concern came slowly in the wake of instinctive reaction. His shoulder faintly trembled at the strain, but he was well anchored in his seat with his knees braced. He held firm until she could find her footing on the ladder once more.

“You okay?” He asked. “Both been tripping over ourselves since we met again.” The way things were going Chad and Darak would be conducting the missing whilst they took adjoining beds in the infirmary. It was when the night came that inhibitions and awkwardness melted away and they could find harmony in the slow watlz together. They couldn't hurt themselves when she was nestled into his chest, deep in sleep. His expression softened as he considered that maybe she'd let that happen again tonight.

There was a slight wince as he let go, hand pulling back into the canopy. The card game this morning and the gifts on the console reminded him of another time.

“If you can slice an Alliance comms system in seconds I bet you found that hidden playlist in no time at all?”

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