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Private Green Planet | Veridia


Tags: Takeo Goemon Takeo Goemon


Iria hissed as she climbed out of her recently crashed vessel, tossing aside the remnants of what had been the viewport of the cockpit. 244Core had been a successful escape, but of course the vessel had to take damage on the way off the planet. A frustrated sigh escaped her chest as she slumped down onto the ground, her body tensing up from the shock. The young woman shuffled herself over to a nearby rock, sitting down to rest.

Where the hell even was she? The planet hadn't come up on her navi-computer. It's data seemed to just not exist, or more likely the computer had been on the fritz and gave her bad data. It seemed green. Empty. Perhaps she was the only one here. An uninhabited world was not uncommon for the vastness of space.

Perhaps she should activate a distress beacon and hope for the best? She didn't want to get the bounty on her head hunted, but what choice was there now?

Maybe she'd just take a breather and think it over...

Iria Iria
A small figure observed the crash from a distance, his sharp eyes catching the plume of smoke that curled up into the otherwise serene sky of Veridia. Crashes like this weren't uncommon on the remote planet. Outworlders often found themselves here by accident, drawn into the planet's unpredictable gravitational currents or stranded by malfunctioning navigation systems. Veridia was a world largely forgotten by the galaxy, too remote and perilous to attract much attention.

Takeo, the young samurai, had seen many such incidents over the years, but each one stirred a sense of duty within him. Perhaps it was the compassion that still lingered in his heart, but he always felt compelled to investigate, to see if someone needed help.

He stepped out from the dense brush of the woods, his movements almost ghost-like as he navigated the uneven terrain. The undergrowth parted before him, the rustling of leaves and the snapping of twigs the only sounds accompanying his approach. His grasshopper-green eyes, sharp and observant, locked onto the figure of a woman sitting slumped on a nearby rock.

She looked strange to him, different from the usual settlers or smugglers who occasionally passed through Veridia. Her clothes, had a certain quality to them, and the remnants of the ship's wreckage suggested advanced technology. This was no ordinary traveler.

Takeo paused for a moment, his hand instinctively resting on the hilt of his katana, a silent comfort. He didn't know who this woman was or what brought her to Veridia, but she was here now, and she might need his help.

Steeling himself, he stepped forward, his small frame emerging from the shadow of the trees. There was a softness in his gaze as he studied the woman. He could see the weariness in her posture, the way she seemed to be contemplating something with an intensity that matched the exhaustion on her face.

"Are you injured?"
he asked, his voice quiet but carrying genuine concern. He didn't move closer yet, respecting her space, but his presence was now unmistakable.

Tags: Takeo Goemon Takeo Goemon

"Are you injured?"

Iria glanced up from her perch, examining the newcomer. A small newcomer, but she was not quick to judge. The boy carried himself in a composed manner, not to mention the katana at his hip. The noblewoman would not look down on a fellow practitioner of the blade.

"I'm in good health," Iria stated with a sigh, crossing her arms. "I was fortunate enough to find a vessel with a stable cockpit. I cannot say the same for it's internal navigational instruments, I'm afraid."

She spared him one more glance over.

"You're a good sign at the very least," she noted. "Where swords tread civilization follows. I'd consider myself lucky to wind up on an inhabited world. That's one less trouble to assail my mind. I'll take good signs where I'm allowed them."

This was a very unusual place for Iria. Smarteel was a desert world, covered in sprawling desert wastelands peppered with shanty towns and the lavish palaces of her house. She was certainly a fish out of water in this new environment, or a krayt dragon out of sand as it were. This planet certainly had a strange energy to it as well, almost as if this entire part of space was... off. Perhaps it had something to do with the failure of her navigational computer.

Iria stood regardless, her posture straightening on instinct now that she was in the presence of another. The undertones of her nobility and discipline were sure to overpower her weariness.

"Iria," the young woman stated. "This place... what is it?"

Takeo took a moment to study Iria, his gaze steady and respectful. Despite her evident fatigue, she carried herself with a grace that spoke of training and discipline, qualities he recognized and respected.

His hand briefly touched the hilt of his katana, a gesture that was almost second nature to him, as he acknowledged her presence with a slight nod. "I am Takeo," he introduced himself, his voice calm and measured. "This place is Veridia, a planet unlike any other. It is a world of many mysteries, where the boundaries between reality and the unseen are thin."

He paused, choosing his next words carefully. "It is said that Veridia draws in those with purpose, those who are meant to be here. The energy you feel... it is the spirit of the planet, guiding and testing those who walk upon its soil."

Takeo glanced at the distant horizon, his thoughts momentarily drifting. "You're right to sense something unusual here. This world has a life of its own, and it does not reveal its secrets easily."

Returning his gaze to Iria, he added, "But if you are here, it is for a reason. The same way I am here, the weight of my family's honor. "

He offered her a small, sincere bow. "I will do what I can to assist you, Lady Iria. You presently stand in the realms of Daimyo Shinru, the Palace of the Azure Dragon, "

Tags: Takeo Goemon Takeo Goemon

"Testing those who walk upon it's soil..."

Perhaps she was meant to be here. Her sword weighed heavy on her hip, laden with the dishonor of her family. Greed and disgust plagued her kind, hidden behind the thin veil of nobility. She was to bare this burden on her back, one which she would wash herself clean of through trial.

"I wish to learn why it is I have been brought here," Iria decided. "If I'm called to be tested then I shall walk the path laid before me."

Whatever that meant. It would be left in the hands of her new guide.

Iria Iria

Takeo nodded lightly and gestured towards the forest. "There is a place for people like this. Follow me."

The young samurai padded quietly through the woods for some time before speaking again. "Your ignorance will be remedied shortly."

It was over an hour later when they finally slowed down, approaching a large set of statues standing before an imposing stone maze. The entrance was framed by a graveyard Torii arch fashioned from stone, with a large grave marker at the front. There was some sort of large sign with words carved in to a stone plaque.

Takeo offered her a sash. "Blindfold yourself."
Iria Iria

There was a weathered Torii gate, standing solemnly against the sky, its stone pillars ancient and cracked with age. Beyond it lay a vast stone maze, the walls towering high, their surfaces rough and cold to the touch, their shadowy recesses hiding secrets long forgotten. At the entrance, embedded in the earth, sat a large stone plaque, its worn surface engraved with an eerie poem—its words a cryptic warning to any who dared enter the labyrinth, promising an eternal haunting to those who sought the treasure hidden within.

Takeo paused and read it aloud for her.

"The young fox cried, gazing at the sky on Kouri Mountain.
It cannot be denied,
Where the crane and turtle meet,
On a dark and eerie night,
In the shadows of the streets.
A thousand needles circle a burning light.
I am but a messenger who tells this tragic tale.
Heed this warning, all who seek my treasure,

For I shall haunt you forever and ever."

Takeo moved to grasp her hand, his touch gentle as he began to lead her into the depths of the stone maze. The cold, unyielding walls loomed around them, creating an unsettling contrast to the serene forest sounds that echoed faintly in the distance. It felt strangely out of place, this labyrinth in the middle of nowhere, as though it had been forgotten by time itself. The night air was thick with tension, every rustle of leaves and distant animal call adding to the growing sense of foreboding. As they ventured deeper, the shadows seemed to stretch and twist, the path ahead becoming less certain with each step. The ancient stones could almost whisper secrets long buried, and the weight of the unknown pressed heavily on them both. The anticipation of what lay ahead—what might be waiting in the heart of the maze—was almost tangible, like a storm gathering on the horizon.

Tags: Takeo Goemon Takeo Goemon

Iria followed along, holding the boy's hand and allowing herself to be lead through the maze. She felt it's imposing walls around her, yet she did not falter. It was the words of the little warrior that made her head spin, pondering the meaning of them.

"Certainly a foreboding text," she noted. "Sounds like such a treasure is a trap to lure in the greedy."

A sigh escaped Iria's chest as she thought about those who may fall into such a ruse. Her family would be certain to leap at such a tale and search for every scrap they could muster. They'd probably tear this place apart looking for it. Perhaps that's why this planet seemed so disconnected from the modernity of the wider galaxy. It was a safety mechanism to protect from those like the greedy nobles of House Gyukia.

"Are spirits very active in this land, little swordsman?" Iria asked? "My homeland was rumored to once be so, but the spirits have departed. The greed of my kind has run them off. The sites they inhabited have all been destroyed."

Iria Iria

Takeo's grasshopper green eyes gleamed in the dim light as he turned to face her. "Very active," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, as if the air itself were too thick to carry sound. "You will not be permitted to leave. By passing the Torii, you have entered their world." His words were delivered with a calm finality that left little room for argument or hope.

"Welcome to Zetsukuro, home of the Shinzui-Kitsune Clan," he said, stepping forward to stand before the looming gates. The massive stone walls towered above them, casting long, ominous shadows across the ground. Archers, barely visible in the darkness, were perched in guard houses on either side, their eyes ever watchful. The gates creaked open, the sound echoing through the still air like a warning.

"You can take off your blindfold now,"
Takeo offered, though his tone made it clear this was no gesture of kindness.

As the blindfold was removed, the scene before them was unsettling. The small gravel path crunched underfoot as they moved forward, leading deeper into the compound. It felt as if they had stepped into another world—one draped in shadows and secrets. Dim lanterns flickered along the distant walls, their light too weak to chase away the pervasive darkness. A few figures moved about in the distance, their forms indistinct, like ghosts haunting the night.

But it was the structure in the center of the white gravel courtyard that drew the eye. A small, windowless building with impossibly tall walls, its presence loomed like a dark monolith amidst the compound. The two heavy doors were chained and locked, the metal glinting faintly in the low light. The building was eerily silent, and despite its modest ten-by-ten size, the walls rose to an imposing thirty feet, perched atop stilts that left it hovering four feet above the ground.

The silence pressed in around them, broken only by the faint rustle of the wind through the trees. It was as if the building itself was holding its breath, waiting for some unknown moment to unleash whatever secrets it harbored within.

Takeo's gaze lingered on the strange structure for a moment before he turned away, his expression unreadable. "Welcome to the heart of Zetsukuro," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "May your stay be...enlightening."

Tags: Takeo Goemon Takeo Goemon

"Welcome to the heart of Zetsukuro," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "May your stay be...enlightening."


Not permitted to leave? A matter of trust, she assumed. She was a stranger in a strange land after all, one who had not yet proven themselves worthy of passage. Perhaps this was the test that was to be given to her. If it was a way to learn and hone her skills as a swordsman it was a path she was willing to walk.

"I... assume I'm to see your leadership then," she noted in a hushed tone. "Should I be aware of any customary greeting expectations?"

She was a noblewoman after all. It would bring her great shame to enter the house of another and not pay respects in an appropriate manner. Her kind were greedy and hypocritical, but at the very least Iria had learned from them how to make an entrance.

Even if she detested them.

Iria Iria

"No... They are busy. You will be summoned by the elders when it is time. Come with me, and I'll make you some food," Takeo offered simply. "Master Kodora is here. I'll fetch him and let him know of your predicament. He'll likely join you for a meal."

He paused, then continued with a gentle but firm tone, "You can explore the compound if you like, but stay out of the upstairs and the cellars. Avoid the walls and gates, and under no circumstances should you go near the building you saw in the courtyard on your way in."

Takeo led her to the main building, guiding her down a path to the back by the kitchens. Upon reaching the entrance, he stepped out of his shoes and showed her to one of the long tables inside.

Tags: Takeo Goemon Takeo Goemon

"You can explore the compound if you like, but stay out of the upstairs and the cellars. Avoid the walls and gates, and under no circumstances should you go near the building you saw in the courtyard on your way in."


Iria would take off her shoes where Takeo did, not unfamiliar with spaces where one did not tread with pads. Her heels were neatly set aside before tailing after the young swordsman. One way or another, this seemed to be her way off of the planet, earning favor with the Shinzui-Kitsune. There was clearly a hierarchy to all of this, however. She couldn't help but wonder what it would take to get herself summoned by the Clan's elders.

Only time would tell.

The young woman would take her seat, choosing not to wander the grounds. There would be time for such things later. For now, her mind needed to rest. Iria closed her eyes and assumed a meditative stance, allowing the strain of the day to leave her body.

For a time, anyways. At least while she waited for this Master Kodora.

Iria Iria

In a short amount of time, Takeo returned with a tray of freshly made rice, delicately grilled fish, and a pot of steaming tea. He set the meal before her with care, placing an additional setting at the table as well.

A moment later, a peculiar man appeared in the doorway. His hair was Payne's gray, contrasting sharply with his elaborate, brightly colored silk top. His sharp blue eyes studied her with a curious intensity before he padded over, his footsteps soft and deliberate. He took a seat across from her, bypassing the chopsticks entirely to pick at a piece of fish with his fingers, savoring it with an almost animalistic satisfaction.

"Hello, outworlder," Kodora greeted lightly, his tone neither warm nor cold, but somewhere in between.

"The little one told me your sky bird met its end in the forest." He spoke casually, as if discussing the weather, his eyes never leaving hers as he sampled another morsel of fish.

Tags: Takeo Goemon Takeo Goemon

Iria would open her eyes when Takeo returned with their meal, followed by the Master he had informed her of. The man sat across from her and began to eat with his fingers, though she would opt for the chopsticks.

"The vessel sustained damage upon my departure from another world," Iria stated, beginning to section out some rice onto a smaller dish. "Between that and the poor navigation I doubt I stood a chance."

The young Smarteelian Zabrak gave a soft exhale before continuing.

"Iria Lee Gyukia," she introduced. "My world is Smarteel. I'd wager it might be the furthest planet from your world, on the complete opposite side of the intergalactic disc."

Not that she planned to return there any time soon.

Iria Iria

"Well, if you're running from something, it seems you've managed to reach the farthest shore,"
Kodora purred, a sly smile tugging at his lips, like a tiger watching its prey.

"It's a wonder you survived the nebula and found yourself here. Those with wealth and status, they rely on prisms attuned to the stars, tools to chart their path through the unknown. But you—your journey was guided by something deeper, something unseen."

Kodora's steely blue eyes, as sharp as the edge of a blade, settled upon her, reading the unspoken thoughts behind her gaze. "I am Kodora, the 'Tiger Child,'" he introduced himself, his tone as calm as a still pond, "Perhaps you knew this already?"

He paused, letting the silence settle before continuing. "The river flows not because it sees the ocean, but because it feels the pull of destiny beneath its surface. In the same way, one does not need eyes to see the path if their spirit is attuned to the world's breath. Tell me, do you hear the song of the wind guiding your steps, or feel the mountain's heartbeat beneath your feet? Perhaps the currents of the unseen world flow through you, leading you where even the stars cannot."

Kodora tilted his head slightly, as if contemplating a deep truth. "Some would call it luck, but I see the workings of something greater—like a bamboo shoot bending to the wind's will. Do you feel it? The gentle touch of the unseen, the spirit that whispers in the quiet places, guiding your hand when all else is lost?"

Tags: Takeo Goemon Takeo Goemon

"Some would call it luck, but I see the workings of something greater—like a bamboo shoot bending to the wind's will. Do you feel it? The gentle touch of the unseen, the spirit that whispers in the quiet places, guiding your hand when all else is lost?"

"The air of this place certainly feels... charged..."

Iria let her mind drift for a moment, taking in the atmosphere. It reminded her of those spiritual places on Smarteel that had long since been abandoned. Something was alive in the air, compelling her to be in this place. Maybe this was the road to atone and separate herself from the sins of her people.

"There is a curse upon my bloodline," she stated. "I wish to be free of this stain. If this place is to draw me in and test me with higher purpose, I believe this the road to rid myself of such a blight. Being here makes my blade feel heavier at my hip... there's something I must do."

The young Zabrak woman gave a respectful dip of her head.

"For that reason I ask your people for guidance."

Kodora's smirk widened as he plucked another piece of fish, savoring it slowly. "The air here is thick with history, with stories untold and fates unraveled," he murmured, as though speaking to the atmosphere itself. "A curse, you say? Curses are just another word for chains—yet every chain has a key."

He let the words linger, his eyes glinting with intrigue. "This place does not offer freedom easily. It tests. It molds. It demands that you face what you carry." He glanced at her blade. "A heavy weapon can either be a burden or a tool—depending on how well the wielder understands its weight."

Kodora leaned back slightly, his gaze assessing her. "You seek guidance? Our path is not to rid you of your burden but to teach you how to reshape it. Tell me," his voice dropped, almost conspiratorially, "how well have you been taught to defend yourself against your own shadow?"

Tags: Takeo Goemon Takeo Goemon

"You seek guidance? Our path is not to rid you of your burden but to teach you how to reshape it. Tell me," his voice dropped, almost conspiratorially, "how well have you been taught to defend yourself against your own shadow?"

"I... have come to understand it," Iria noted with a frown. "But something lies below it that's unruly. These things... those of my blood do not have the spine to face it. They're too wrapped up in their greed and filth."

Iria turned to the Master with a more determined look now.

"I want to learn how," she declared. "Fall into something larger than myself or my past."


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