Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Green Planet | Veridia

Iria Iria

Kodora's eyes gleamed with approval as he listened to Iria's declaration, his fingers idly tracing the edge of his dish. "Good," he murmured, a sly smirk creeping onto his face. "It takes more than strength to walk this path. To fall into something larger requires a willingness to be shaped, to be tested, as the finest steel is forged in the hottest flame."

He plucked another piece of fish with his fingers, considering her for a moment before continuing. "Your shadow... it is not your enemy, but a reflection of what you refuse to face. Here, you will learn to dance with it, to wield it as one wields a blade—carefully, with precision."

His gaze sharpened, the intensity of his words hanging in the air. "But know this: it will not be easy. To fall into something larger than yourself requires surrender. Are you prepared to confront the pieces of yourself you have hidden away? For that is the true test."

Tags: Takeo Goemon Takeo Goemon

"But know this: it will not be easy. To fall into something larger than yourself requires surrender. Are you prepared to confront the pieces of yourself you have hidden away? For that is the true test."

"I accept this reality," Iria stated. "I'm ready to face what lies ahead."

This was the path she had to walk to make peace with the sins of her father and forefathers. She was certain of it. Of course, there was a great deal of excitement that swirled around her two hearts as well. These people were swordsmen, those of an elevated and sophisticated craft. There was no better place to hone her skill, she reasoned. She was adrift with no purpose. As far as the young Zabrak woman saw it she had everything to gain and nothing to lose.

Why not let herself fall in?


Iria Iria

"Well, you can start by getting a good night's rest. In the morning, we'll go over everything. I'll have a room set up for you, nice and comfortable, and we'll figure out something worthwhile for you to do."

Kodora took one more piece of fish and stood up. " Enjoy your meal ~"

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