Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Greetings & Salutations

Good morning all,

I RPed for quite some time under the name Kahn12 at Gungan Council and The Rebel Faction, but drifted away from RP for several years when college and life in general demanded more of my attention.

However, Rogue One woke that latent roleplay-urge once again, so I figured I'd dip my toes in the pool once more. This seems like a great community, and I look forward to RPing with you all!

One quick question: Do the factions here have separate forums/boards for RP (training, etc), or is all RP conducted in the Public and Private forums?



[member="Evelyn Roslin"]

Hey and welcome to Chaos! Nice to have you here.

Some factions do have their own boards for training and related stuff, but most RP still takes place in the Public and Private RP forums.

If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask! :)
Thanks [member="Kad Forgrin"]! Amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics. ;-)

[member="Kellyn Muir"] Thank you, though I confess, I don't plan on having Evelyn stay military, at least not in the traditional sense. It's just her back-story. A military-focused character would hit a little too close to RL for it to be as much fun for me as a fantasy set-up. :) Does make for a useful background though.
[member="Evelyn Roslin"]

Haha, on the contrary, though I try my best to dabble in other aspects of RP, I find that my RL experience really enhances my roleplay for similar characters on Chaos. Kellyn is my effort to try my hand at a Force user while maintaining what I do best - military stuff.

What are you planning on doing with that logistics background? Am also eager to see which side of the Force she'll lean towards with her tragedy coinciding with the OS invasion!
[member="Kellyn Muir"]

Similar background here, just wasn't sure coordinating MRE re-supplies and calculating fuel consumption would make for thrilling RP. ;-)

Hm, I'll have to look into the OS invasion piece a bit more to make sure I'm familiarized with the storyline here on Chaos. Hopefully I didn't make a fool of myself in that first post by contradicting anything.

So I don't have plans for the logistics background as-is, other than using it to flesh out or reference the capacity for a more analytical mindset, with a tendency towards planning those sorts of elements as opposed to rushing head-long into things.

As it currently stands, her emotional state is ripe for a Dark Side influence, but I'm fairly open to seeing where the initial thread goes, and letting who she encounters help determine her path. Of course, whether she leans towards Dark or Light, logistics are important everywhere. Not sure how I'd fit it in exactly, but it might give a different flavor to what skillset/role she leans towards with whatever faction she ends up joining.

If you've got suggestions, I'm always open to listen. But for now I have a kind of "wind her up, see which way things go" approach without too much of a defined endstate.
[member="Evelyn Roslin"]

I did notice the darker emotions culminating, though I didn't know if the Sith invasion would have either served as a wake-up call and brought her back to her senses or just provided her with an opportunity to wreak havoc. Guess that's what you'll be figuring out though as you write with her!

Maybe our stories will intertwine and we'll be able to link up and get a thread going sometime!
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Thanks for the link! And I think my previous character was a Jedi Knight or Master, but TBH it's been so long (and those boards are now ghost towns) that I figure it's better to start fresh.

I will remember that option though, if I feel like bringing around a second character and reviving Kahn. :)

Connor Harrison

[member="Evelyn Roslin"] Welcome to the Chaos! Have fun and shout if you need help at anytime :)
Thanks! Quick question - I glanced through the timeline section, but wasn't sure where else to look to find a summary of current events in the galaxy, such as the Sith invasion that [member="Kellyn Muir"] mentioned. I imagine I'm just missing it somewhere glaringly obvious, but if someone could point me in the right direction it'd be much appreciated.


Specifically, to flesh out my current thread, I'm looking to establish whether the Sith invasion is currently on-going (e.g. bombardments, plenty of blaster fire to create some narrative opportunities) or if it's been resolved one way or the other and Coruscant is under occupation.
[member="Evelyn Roslin"]

I was using the term 'invasion' pretty loosely. When I joined the forum, Coruscant was already under One Sith control. Given the fact that OS dominions were known as subjugations, I wouldn't doubt that their annexation of the system was a hostile takeover.

The One Sith collapsed a couple months ago, with the Galactic Alliance invasion victory serving as a catalyst for it's downfall. I know there has been some reconstruction efforts, though I'm not entirely sure of the extent of them. I haven't been exactly up to speed on Coruscant since the (Chaos) invasion.
[member="Kellyn Muir"]

Roger, it looks like Coruscant is showing up under the Galactic Alliance's planet list on their faction site, so I assume they regained control.

Darn, would've been fun to have her stumble out of a bar right into a bombardment.

Thanks for the info.

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