Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Ground Zero


Scilla visibly deflated at the sight of Nine’s mundane scalp, "Damn."

The casual mention of glitterstim got a laugh out of her, “I ain’t trying to get that demolished.” Tonight’s imbibing would be a regretful enough decision as is. Still, it’s not like they’d have as much time for it once things got rolling, so might as well drink what you can tonight.

The doctor’s proposal was the next thing to grab Scilla’s attention, “My focus is historical, archaeology in particular. I’m also a pretty damn good pilot, should the need arise,” Even to an untrained sensitive, the Force does wonders for awareness and reaction time.


Miri Nimdok

Dr. Harris asked about each of their personal capabilities. "Amateur detective and Jedi Knight," Miri said. Turning to Scilla, she added, "My father is an archaeologist. When I was a kid he took me all across the galaxy looking for artifacts."

Weirdly, it seemed Professor Errik Nimdok had never been able to hold on to anything he discovered. He'd given some of what he'd found to museums, handed over some dangerous ones to be put away in sealed Jedi vaults, or auctioned them off to private collections. Hell, some of it wound up gifted to her stepmother back when the two were dating. Because archaeologists in love give each other priceless relics as tokens of their affection. Such romance.

Farport, 'Custodian's Piss' Cantina
Tags: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris , Scilla, Miri Nimdok, etc...

The doctor asked about their skills. Harris was her name, or at least that's what Nine overheard.

"Sharpshooter," Nine replied. "I can fire just about any gun in the galaxy. But," He paused, gesturing to the A-180 blaster at his hip, "I have my preferences."

Nine's skill would be considered unnatural by most. He never used a scope, disliked targeting systems, yet never missed a target. Even he didn't know how such a thing was possible. It didn't matter much. Nine liked leaving outcomes up to fate. Every time he pulled a trigger, he was making a gamble. He had done so enough times to be convinced that Lady Luck was in his corner.

"I'm a decent mechanic as well, but I doubt I'd compare to a specialist," Nine added.

The others began listing off their skill-sets.

"Amateur detective and Jedi Knight,"

"Don't think I've ever worked with a Jedi before," Nine remarked. "Though, I think I had one lecture me back when I was a cadet with the Galactic Alliance..."
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Patience, and the Force
She maintained silence, and kept to herself, finishing the water quickly and not wasting time on the drink before glancing at her sides to observe the others within. It seemed she wasn't the only visitor to these strange lands, as she had been idly eavesdropping on the conversations taking place inside the cantina. She quite literally didn't notice the man walking up behind her. Though, as soon as she turned to him, liquor was the prevalent scent that emanated from him. He swayed in front of her, and the woman slowly, but deliberately rose from her seat, not giving a inch of space, nay not a centimeter even.

Yet she was quiet and observant, seemingly more curious than tentative. As aforementioned, she found this gender of her cousin species curious. Though, had before noted they could be piggish at times. Misogynistic even.

'Cute lil' thing aincha? You a fighter? Bounty Hunter?'

Her eyes trailed away from him, thinking about what he said, then moved to rest on him again.

"I am Etta, I am from Arsenae. Amera's blessings be upon you"

She responded casually, though found his swaying, and drunken posture unsettling. Etta then turned away, moving to move away, and intent on leaving the Cantina when she felt his hand roughly grip her left bicep.

'The hell you go-'

That sentence wasn't finished, as the woman who up until now moved in a relatively ditzy manner made a series of concise defensive movements. The first, being her right hand moving to chop his throat, the space between her thumb and index used to fit against it with a dull, but impactful strike. Her left bicep was pulled towards her, and in his shock and stupor, his body followed, and she used that same arm to lift, and raise an elbow against the man striking him across his nose.

Her face had scrunched up in brief anger during the quick spat but softened as he fell unconscious. Etta took a few steps back, letting him fall, then glanced around at the others relatively kind hues piercing any others that might take offense to her defense of self, though immediately none were obvious. As such, she decided her time here had come to a close. There was nothing of interest here anymore.

Or was there...

There was a little time before she actually left, and other than her violent outburst, rightly prompted by the rude man's overstep, she seemed ironically very approachable.

Tag: Anyone interested in speaking to the Warrior Lady. I'll start tagging if dialogue is engaged
I'd advise against it, though. I don't know how our employer will feel about recreational activities while on the clock."

“I ain’t trying to get that demolished.”

Vetru grimaced at the reaction from the group. He mentally chided himself. Next time, even if a few drinks in, he would veer away from such suggestions until he had read the room.

"Yes, no, not a good idea," he said.

Vetru listened in on everyone explaining their roles. Everyone else seemed to be quite comfortable and their skillset and position within the team.

"I'm doing some minor tech work," said Vetru. "Keeping the comms up, that kind of thing. Also an excellent pilot if the need arises..."

He had the confidence of youth - and three beers - even if he had a small role to play in events. He would also learn a lot of things about this world that might be of value to someone else down the line. It never hurt to know secrets.
'Irrik Vezdi' seemed relaxed and entirely sober, which was something that could not be said for everyone present.

Leaning towards Scilla, he lowered his voice in a way that was either conspiratorial or a mirthful fascimilie. It was hard to tell with him, sometimes. "You know, there are quite a few Jawas, on the Worlds. Or so I hear. You've got to wonder what they're doing there." Was stoking and/or mocking her Java-based paranoia a good idea? Not necessarily.

Was it amusing? Absolutely.

Attention turning towards more serious matters, he smiled softly. "Think of me as a scout of sorts. My job is to find and utilise actionable intelligence." What was left unsaid was that he was not just looking for the expedition's goals.

His associates' had recently 'lost track of' an expedition of their own. Finding it would be beneficial.

Even if everyone was dead, the least he could do was search them and hide their involvement.

The others in the group rattled off their expertise, exaggerated or real. The only real response that anyone could pick up via the force, or by the sudden shift of his head- was to the announcement of a Jedi.

Imperial Agents, Jedi... teenage crack shots. Or so they claimed. Marksmanship wasn't a small part of combat operations- but it wasn't all of it.

The Mandalorians were not typically known for their boastful nature. Preliat was less so- and being so much as a son of his (and more importantly, an unaltered genetic copy), Fenn was his own person, yet retained some qualities as his father.

Boasting was not one of them.

So when the scientist asked- he did nothing but stare at her blankly. What else needed to be said?

He was a Mandalorian, a clone of Preliat Mantis- and was a member of the Enclave. There weren't many soldiers that could match. His size alone- six and a half feet tall, was a factor of his prowess.

To put it blankly, what Fenn brought to the group was not expertise in math, science, geology. He was not a crack shot, he was not a Jedi.

He was a man with a great capacity for violence.

He looked back at the woman who addressed him earlier. And despite the helmet and the eye makeup underneath to prevent any glint- he might even have winked at her.

Kal Kal l @Vetrul Toby Russen Toby Russen l Etta Soo Etta Soo l @I'm on my phone tag yourself.


Scilla snickered at the possibility of a deeper Jawa scandal at play, “Maybe they made it.” Again unlikely, but what a revelation it would be.

“This operation is almost as much guns as it is brains.” Not that there was any complaining to be done. Scilla would gladly take the diminished chances of violent death. All she had to worry about was doing her part, and the rest would probably fall into place.

The Kiffar’s eyes began to wander over the table, landing on one of the still untouched drinks. She snatched it, lazily raising the glass, “This’n is for Team 13. We're gonna live forever,” And with that Scilla took a swig, then laid her tired head on the probably unclean table.

Kal Kal | Vetru Vetru | Toby Russen Toby Russen | everyone else​
Groove Muzak

Leaving 'her' room, it'd never felt like it and she'd only been there long enough for the smell of cleaning products to stop bothering her, only a single picture of her parents had been attached to the mirror and now that they were dropping tomorrow, it was tucked back in its usual shoulder pocket. Now there was just a change of clothes laid out for tomorrow, her packs already having been loaded onto the ship. The room was empty and bare again, ready to wait for its next occupant like when Prulesa had found it.

Following her 'pads directions to one of the bars for Team 13's meet-up she was assaulted by the music as soon as the doors opened. Deciding that such things were best experienced alongside a lack of sobriety, she snagged a discarded and half empty mug of some beer on the way to the table, plopped down next to another girl after edging past an imperial and drained the mug on a single go. "Heya frackos!" She greeted the table cheerily as she helped herself to one of the clustered drinks that had been bought as a table round. "Name's Prulesa Natasi, I'll be your mechanic and general 'fix-it' person, I can fly, I can shoot if things go particularly wrong, and living forever sounds good to me!" Raising the small glass in a general salute, she downed it before reaching over the table's interface and ordering up another beer for herself.

She flies a Y-Wing, and has a star destroyer on her kill card.
Don't get into a drinking contest with her, some of the Farport techs did and she ordered another round to celebrate her victory, and then drank theirs too.
Prulesa got her start as a Merc blasting frontier pirates in the colonies.
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Miri Nimdok

"Don't think I've ever worked with a Jedi before. Though, I think I had one lecture me back when I was a cadet with the Galactic Alliance..."

"Well, I'm not fond of lectures myself." Being the daughter of a professor did that to you. "In fact, I try to downplay the whole Jedi thing. I'd much rather be known as a sleuth. Solving mysteries and exploring is a lot more fun than going to war, defending the helpless, and all that other stuff."
Farport, 'Custodian's Piss' Cantina
Tags: Miri Nimdok, Ranna Sejast Ranna Sejast , Kal Kal , Scilla, etc...

"Well, I'm not fond of lectures myself."

"That's the reason I left the military," Nine shrugged. "Too many lectures. I was bored out of my mind..." Nine paused, becoming deep in thought. "Come to think of it," he muttered, "I don't actually remember if I payed attention to any of it..."

Before long, a new face had joined the party.

"Heya frackos!" She greeted the table cheerily as she helped herself to one of the clustered drinks that had been bought as a table round. "Name's Prulesa Natasi, I'll be your mechanic and general 'fix-it' person."

"Welcome to the club," Nine greeted, tipping his hat. "Huh. We seem to have most of our bases covered. Guess we didn't need those 'Jawas in a trench coat,' then. Who actually saw these Jawas, by the way?"

Fenn Stag Fenn Stag Etta Soo Etta Soo | The Crew
"I don't know, I just heard that was a thing," she admitted. "Doesn't matter, I guess. You look like you can handle yourself, so, uh- looking forward to working with you." She stuck a hand out for a shake.

"Though, uh, if you do take it off, you're gonna let me wear it one of these da-" Behind her she heard a heavy thud -- the sound was familiar, that of a body hitting the ground. She turned to find a woman standing over a collapsed guy, who was wheezing like he'd been struck in the throat, and seemed to have a broken nose.

Chanoel glanced around. The many other people at the bar were frozen, their quiet night interrupted. She broke away from the table, walking over and squatting by the man.
"Oo-kay, this looks like a trip to the ER. Anyone know this dude?" she asked, looking to those nearby, only to be met with silence. "Cool, okay."

She quickly checked his pockets, and found an ID card -- for the expedition. Team 13.

With a bit of effort she picked him up, a fireman carry over the shoulder.
"I'll, uh, take care of this, but you," she looked to the woman who knocked the guy down, "better go check in with admin over in Bay 3 to work something out, because they'll be pretty pissed if someone's dropping their employees.

"And hey, maybe you'll be brought onto the team, if you're good at beating the shit out of people."
She handed the card over, and then hoisted the guy out of the cantina.

sorry for the delay! had a lot of work this weekend. Next post will move us on to the next scene, but keep writing in this one. o7
Patience, and the Force
She broke away from the table, walking over and squatting by the man.

What? Etta stopped turning to the other and watched their actions. What was the problem, it wasn't like she had killed him. That would've been an easy, and practical response on most other planets she traveled too. Plus what kind of person grabbed a strangers arm as they would a misbehaving child? She was not a child. In any case, she observed this woman's actions. Silently observing, but not offering any explanation for her actions, and certainly not about to offer an apology. A lesson he would remember well after the rum had left him certainly.

With a bit of effort she picked him up, a fireman carry over the shoulder. "I'll, uh, take care of this, but you," she looked to the woman who knocked the guy down, "better go check in with admin over in Bay 3 to work something out, because they'll be pretty pissed if someone's dropping their employees.

"And hey, maybe you'll be brought onto the team, if you're good at beating the shit out of people."
She handed the card over, and then hoisted the guy out of the cantina.

Etta took the card from the woman, staring at it oddly, then would slide it into a slot on her shoulder. Was this some form of justice? She would not shy away from punishment if her actions were truly criminal, though she doubted it. Though with that said, she would respond to one thing Chanoel said.

"That was not a beating, I only struck this man twice. I will do as you ask, may the goddess bless you for your warm heart..."

She responded, her voice was sweet, and belied her capabilities. After gesturing to him while she spoke, she turned and cast one more glance to the others in the room before turning and calmly making her way to where she was asked to go.

Moments Later

Etta would approach the Admin, sliding the card out of her shoulder sleeve, and offering it to him with both hands.

"I am Etta, I struck this man... Or.. Beat, the shit out of him? I was only defending my honor as a warrior. Though, if I have caused some disturbance in what is taking place here, then I offer my body, and blades in his stead"

Etta then bowed to the other, more than likely freaking the man out; though, the cultural diffusion here was real. As was the purpose of all this, to learn more customs. Maybe some new words.

Beat the shit, out of someone... What an interesting figure of speech, she thought.
"Welcome to the club," Nine greeted, tipping his hat. "Huh. We seem to have most of our bases covered. Guess we didn't need those 'Jawas in a trench coat,' then. Who actually saw these Jawas, by the way?"
"Jawas?" Prulesa asked not sure if she heard correctly, "Oh man, don't get me started on some of the stories I've heard about them out here, crazy stuff. We probably dodged a blaster if there really were going to be some on the team." Happily examining the head of foam on her just delivered beer, a ruckus and another girl about her age (with green hair?) getting up to deal with it had her leaning over to see around others. Taking a quaff of her drink, she amended herself. "Or not."

"You guys know what's up with any of that?"
She asked after the others had left, one carrying the hurt man and the other presumably off to whatever authority was willing to deal with this situation. This was rapidly turning into one of the weirder groups she'd gotten herself involved in.
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Farport, 'Custodian's Piss' Cantina
Tags: Ranna Sejast Ranna Sejast , Kal Kal , Chanoel Farver Chanoel Farver , Etta Soo Etta Soo

"You guys know what's up with any of that?"

"Dunno," Nine shrugged. "I think he was one of our guys. I'd wager that if he got his ass beat that thoroughly, the bloke's probably a liability. Whoever gave him what for spared the chap from an early grave, I recon."

Nine took another swig of his juice. Of course, it was well known that their employer gave out the job to anyone who was able and willing, even if their qualification was shotty at best.

"While casualties are likely to be unavoidable," Nine continued, "I'd rather we all make it back in one piece."
Fenn wanted to say several things to the lanky Umbaran who proclaimed that casualties were unavoidable in their mission. And after looking at the gathered participants, he was the only one wearing armor. Then again, he always did.

He stared at the teenager, having the temptation to throw him around the room. Fenn knew for a fact he could, and then take his hat as a trophy.

Fenn was staring at the gunslinger for a while, seeming to breathe a little faster at the thought of being violent.

To have a six and a half foot tall Mandalorian, clad in armor and hopped up on every muscle enhancer he could get his hands on staring at someone... it was unnerving at best, and awkward at the least.

He eventually turned away and tried to figure out a way to ask if the green haired girl was single.

DAY ONE | Fenn Stag Fenn Stag Toby Russen Toby Russen Kal Kal Etta Soo Etta Soo Ranna Sejast Ranna Sejast Miri Nimdok Scilla Atlas Drake Atlas Drake Vetru Vetru Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | THE CREW (please slap me if I forgot someone)
vibes | idk i was just listening to this as i was writing

"Ah, shit- wait! WAIT!" Chanoel sprinted, just catching the landing ramp of their transport as it closed. Not having the regular fitness and readiness exercises of the Pathfinders was obviously a detriment -- she'd forgotten what a pain it was to lug around her armor, rifle(s), ammunition, and eighty pounds of extra gear, then run with it.

They were leaving at midday, so she didn't really have an excuse as to why she was late. Taking care of that dude last night had been a hassle, and by the time she'd gotten back it was way too late, so she'd downed six shots, pissed in an alleyway, and fallen asleep in her ship. Then, about an hour ago, she remembered someone at the table mentioning a Devaronian who'd been dealing cheap spice, and it'd taken the rest of the hour to track the guy down and hash out a deal.

She was looking frazzled, given the solid hangover, mediocre sleep, and rush to the ship, but she wasn't the worst off. Her fellows were... ruffled, to say the least.

The transport, alongside the many others carrying other teams, slowly took off from the hangar. It'd be far from a hot drop, but still, she found herself a touch nervous. What would they find down there?

Her nervousness was quickly dwarfed by her excitement.

She was sitting beside the girl who definitely was underage (Scilla ), and across from the Mando. She paused a moment, before grinning and piping up.

"Twenty creds says I blast one of the drones before any of you," she said, giving a little wave before patting her rifle. She was, of course, willing to lose the creds -- she just wanted to see who'd bite. They probably weren't supposed to get into any fights yet, but who cared?

  • BIG encourage to throw your own art in. Remember, it's a landscape like Iridonia. Ideally link the artist too; I couldn't find the source for the image above. Pinterest makes me sad.
  • Link here for Worlds Within for ease of access.
  • Strict "yes, and" rules. Throw stuff in, and roll with what other people put up.
  • One post on the transport (or not, I won't fight you about it if you really want to go twice). Last person to post lands the ship. Or me, if you don't want to. idc.

Fenn was the most- or seemed to be the most professional out of the bunch. To that end, he and his equipment were already on the ship. He carried something particularly nasty- a heavy repeater, and enough charge packs to last a long while in a firefight. The heavy repeater was of Mandalorian design, and kept in superb condition.

He also carried a Beskad, a disruptor pistol, and a knife on his forearm. Flamethrower wrist mount, crushgaunts- and a jetpack to boot.

He was a mean son of a queen, that much was obvious. He only mildly turned his head when the cute girl stumbled in, and managed to get herself in some order.

He laid the machine gun across his lap, his helmet turning slowly towards her.

"If you make it through first contact."

Cold, but true. Fenn was counting on casualties- and not wearing Mandalorian quality Beskar armor was a detriment to your health. But so was standing on the wrong side of a Mandalorian.

Such was the duality of the galaxy. No better friend and no worse enemy than the Mandalorians.
Day One
Tags: Fenn Stag Fenn Stag , Scilla, Chanoel Farver Chanoel Farver , etc…

"If you make it through first contact."

Mr. Nine was already eagerly awaiting departure from seats directly behind Fenn, Chanoel, and Scilla. An excited smile was spread out across his face, and it was clear the young Umbaran was in a good mood.

“I can’t wait for first contact,” He remarked, rather giddy. “No adventure is complete without a little peril.” He turned to Fenn, giving the Mandalorian a grin. “And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious to see the rest of you in action.”

Nine had heard plenty about the Mandalorians, but had never seen one in action. The stories said they were effective killers, and Nine had always wanted to see it for himself. No better time than the present. He leaned back, pulling his hat down over his eyes and crossing his legs.

“Figure we’ll be departing any minute now,” Nine noted. “Anyone wanna make any ridiculous predictions before we get to our destination?”


She drummed against her legs in anticipation, "Let'sgolet'sgolet'sgo…"

The green-haired woman had them waiting until the last possible second, earning a slight scowl from Scilla, though one that was almost immediately replaced with exhilaration as soon as their transport was off the ground.

"I'm fuckin' PUMPED." There was a wild look in her eyes, the kind that belonged to a person deprived of sleep, now running on little more than caffeine and dopamine. She refused to let a slight (read: strong) hangover damper the opportunity just ahead.

Scilla's head bobbed downward for a two-second doze-off, then sprang back up just as quick, "Are we supposed to be shooting the first thing we see, or…?"


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