Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Ground Zero


Kal Kal Toby Russen Toby Russen Fenn Stag Fenn Stag Vetru Vetru Scilla Atlas Drake Atlas Drake
"Yeah, maybe." She shrugged. Looking at the bloks didn't give many hints about their true nature. Droid? Organic? She approached the bloks, finding some fried seaweed in her pack. The larger ones regarded her with what she guessed was suspicion, but the ones closer to the stream spared only a glance before realizing she had something in her hand.

"Hello-" she smiled, moving carefully as to not scare them off -- though she wasn't sure she would have been able to. They were a few times bigger than even their Mandalorian friend. Still, she walked up slowly, and placed the seaweed next to the two young bloks by the stream. They proved curious enough, and after turning to sniff her snacks, they stuck their tongues out and ate it up.

"Guess they eat that." She grinned, glancing at Irrik. She paused a moment. "Where'd you say you were from again?"

Hey guys! Really sorry for the radio silence; I've been finishing up finals and generally just having a shite IRL time for the past bit. Starting to unwind now though, and wanted to get back into the swing of things, so here do be a post.

Also, would you guys be opposed to a lil Discord server or DM for easier communication? If not I might set one up.


"But I have met a Blok..."

"But when you say that, do you mean a person named Blok, or an actual Blok? I'm confused now," Seemed like it would be complicated to try and converse about such topics whilst on Iridonia, if a bunch of people were given animal names, but whatever.

Watching some of the other take a shot at feeding the creatures, Scilla began delving through her messy bag, eager to take part in the opportunity. Eventually she pulled out a small bag, which contained a single stale space waffle, "Eyyy, I forgot I had this." The Kiffar grinned, giving it a once over, "Ain't moldy yet!"

Scilla approached one of the smaller cows with the waffle in hand. It sniffed curiously, before revealing a bizzarre, prehensile tongue and snatching the food, leaving a parting layer of saliva on her palm, "Cooool. Nobody told me their tongues were so… weird." She grimaced, wiping the slime off on her pant leg.

I'd be down to join a discord if we had one!

Day One
Tags: Scilla, Chanoel Farver Chanoel Farver , Vetru Vetru , Kal Kal , ect...

"Cooool. Nobody told me their tongues were so… weird." She grimaced, wiping the slime off on her pant leg.

"Fascinating," Nine observed. "It seems that their insides are near organic."

That was important information to know. Whenever a creature has a hard shell, best bets are always on the maw. It only takes one blaster bolt down the throat to set fire to a monster's insides. Fortunately, Mr. Nine didn't miss.

"Should get a sample of the saliva," Nine added. "Our employers want stuff to research after all..."

Nine didn't have as much interest in the collection of data, but he made sure to do his due diligence and remind his team of their mission. It was the more dangerous levels he was excited for. Rancors, Nexu, maybe even a Zillo Beast? Anything seemed possible, and Nine knew he wanted to see something extraordinary.

No worries for the late reply. I feel the exams. Mine are coming up. Woo. Would also be down for a discord.

Everyone else seemed excited at the robo-cow.

Fenn was noticeably distant, absent-minded, and even most would say concerned over what they found. He blinked a few times, before crouching down, examining their surroundings thoroughly. He stayed silent for a while, before half-turning his head back towards the group.

"Who would make a beast of prey, without a predator?"

He tapped his crushgaunt-adorned fingers on his knees, pushing himself up to a stand. He felt it.

Something was out there. Watching them. Waiting. Just like he was.

Toby Russen Toby Russen l Scilla l Chanoel Farver Chanoel Farver l Vetru Vetru l Atlas Drake Atlas Drake

But of course. #BillyMaysHere#6700


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