Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Hound

This would be...interesting to say the least. Nodding in response he approached what he assumed was a Terminal index of the entire library. What he found instead was something he did not expect. With no knowledge of the inner workings of the Archives he approached the Master Librarian and asked for help as he was too embarrassed to ask his own Master for help at finding a few articles. Well...he thought it would be a few articles, instead once the Master Librarian had showed him how to search for specific topics he found that there were hundreds of articles and books on the topic. With a defeated sigh he began to sift through the articles skim reading them as quickly as he could. It was here he stumbled upon a recording of two recent hearings in the Galactic senate. He had seen one of them on the News, however it was a little fuzzy in his mind and so he decided to begin after a short break with these two vids.

The Senator who supported the Jedi bill was very charismatic, that much he could tell from the response the other senators. He was also a mystery...Regardless he continued in his searching and reading, forming an opinion that was similar to the stance that Senator Morin took. He didn't think the Jedi should roam as they did. Their dedication to the Republic was second to only the men and women in the armed forces, however, now they were beginning to join the ranks of the military, and if they should be part of something they should fully commit and follow the same procedures as the men and women they serve with. It was simple logic and none that seemed to serve any ill will. It was rather confusing why the bill was so strongly resisted in the first place.

All of these thoughts went into his rough draft which he expected to finish overnight. Returning to his Master with an air of triumph about him. "Lunch break?" he asked with a smile on his face, content with the work he had accomplished.
The Eternal Queen
@[member="Turin Val Kur"]

"Yes, go to lunch," she checked her wrist chrono.
It was about ten minutes early, but he had done well his first day. And, he would need all the strength he could get for next round of lessons.

The Hound

The lunch was a nice break from the day's events. But he was ready to continue his training. After the time for his lunch break was over he made his way back to the room that they originally met in, hoping to find his Master there.

The Eternal Queen
@[member="Turin Val Kur"]

Feena ate nothing, instead,she spent the time in a light meditative state. The recent battle with Omni had drained her, emotionally as well as physically. She'd spent many days on little or no sleep, constantly healing victim after victim. It was exhausting to watch half of your patients die from their wounds.
Todays lesson when he returned would be simple, in comparison to what she had to teach him later on down the line.

"Sit," she instructed softly when he returned, "Sit and clear your head of everything."

She said no more.

The Hound

He looked at her a little bewildered as he entered the room. Sit. It was done. Clear his head of everything? Well...honestly there was too much going on in his head. Anger, confusion, work, worries. All of these things within the young man swirled and created a facade of coolness. He was anything but cool. "Uhhh...okay." his walls started coming up. The things he did when he was worried, out of his comfort zone. Sitting and crossing his legs he twiddled his thumbs as he pretended to close his eyes and meditate. He wondered how long he would have to sit like this, pretending he was meditating or whatever it was she wanted him to do.

Exhaling, again pretending he was relaxing himself he opened one eye slightly to see what the Master was doing and if she was watching him.
The Eternal Queen
@[member="Turin Val Kur"]

She waited a full twenty minutes.
"We will be here even longer if you keep refusing to put forth the effort. I have all night, Padawan."
Her voice was gentle as a whisper, but it carried the weight of meaning on it.

The Hound

How she had sat there for twenty minutes without moving was beyond him. With a sigh he tried. He made the actual effort to clear his mind. It was difficult, with so much to sift through. Beyond his fears and the other things, he was thinking about his paper and how long it would take to revise that. After another fifteen minutes he finally cleared his mind. And was left with blank, nothingness. It felt strange, calming, yet terrifying at the same moment. But now he had gone to deep and he didn't know what to do from that point.
The Eternal Queen
@[member="Turin Val Kur"]

She was so close to shaking her head and breaking her own meditative state to scold him, instruct him, but then, there it was. He did it.
And she would wait to see how long he could manage this. It would help her gauge his ability.

The Hound

Outwardly, Turin's breathing was relaxed, slow. He was meditating, yes. Inwardly however, he was confused. Walking about in the darkness of the nothing that was his meditative state. From here he could see so much. There were things that looked like stars around him. Tapping one of them he looked within. It was a small look, a possible future. How he knew that he knew not. Surprisingly it was him, looking from a window, a woman beside him. He couldn't tell who it was, but it appeared as though he had settled down, and had a lightsaber? It didn't matter, all of it was engulfed in flame in an instant. The heat was almost unbearable. A masked man in dark armor filled his vision, flame surrounding him, a golden blade visible from the hilt of the lightsaber he was holding. In the distance another man stood. One armed and mysterious he could feel the malicious intent. The flames exploded in a rush of heat that was too much to bear, pushing him back through the star-like door and into the dark that was his "empty" mind, and all the way back through his thoughts and fears and insecurities.

His eyes shot open and a shiver ran through his body, sweat clinging his robes to his chest. "W-what was that?" he asked his master gasping for breath and leaning back, his hands planted firmly behind him to keep him from falling back.
The Eternal Queen
@[member="Turin Val Kur"]

"You had a vision," she answered calmly, "That can sometimes happen when you empty your mind."
She opened her eyes, watching him with a hint of a smile. Proud. He had done quite well his first time. Most of her students struggled for days to even clear their head for mere moments.
"Are you comfortable telling me about it?"

The Hound

"I..." He didn't know what it was. He didn't want to, but he wanted to know what it meant and maybe she could help. "I saw...Myself with a woman. Which isn't strange in itself." he said, though quite serious, it also gave the impression that this man was not exactly the kind of man you would want your daughter to date. "But I felt attached to her." he finished. "Then, we were both..uhh...Engulfed in flame. It felt hot."
"And then I saw a man in dark armor and a mask, I couldn't see his face...In fact the mask was reflective." a detail he hadn't noticed before was that he could see himself in the reflection, but he left that part out. "He felt...dark, confused, angry and owned a gold bladded lightsaber. Behind him there was a bulky man without an arm..." And that was the end.
The Eternal Queen
@[member="Turin Val Kur"]

None of this felt familiar to her. She hadn't had a vision is years.
"I would not be too concerned," she said after a moment, "visions are only hints at a possible future with numerous outcomes."
She knew from experience.
"They do not all come true."

The Hound

Inhaling deeply and rubbing his face with one hand he sighed, exhaling the held breath. What she said didn't make him feel any better. He had this dark, sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. He needed a smoke. Instead though he nodded his head silently. "This was the hard part?"
The Eternal Queen
@[member="Turin Val Kur"]

There was nothing she could do to help him. This was his quest. This was his journey. She could not interfere.
"...No. That was not the hard part. That was easy."

The Hound

"That's reassuring" he muttered sarcastically. That single experience, under normal circumstances would have pushed him away from the training. Now, however his flying career depended on it. He would finish his training. Even if it killed him. It was already decided. Like she said, it was his journey and he will see it through to the end. With a nod he sat back up and looked to his Master. "Then what's next." he said, his resolve a little damaged
The Eternal Queen
@[member="Turin Val Kur"]

Hadn't she said this would be difficult? Had she not prepared him? Had he not been warned about her?
"Perhaps you need a rest," she decided after a good minutes consideration, "I would rather not break you on your first day..."

The Hound

He shook his head. There was no breaking this man. This was his life they were dealing with. She may not have known it, but flying was the single most important thing in his life, and he needed to get it back. "I'm ready, what's next." he said again, his blue eyes steel as they stared at his Master. He didn't care how hard it was, nothing was going to stop him from getting in the sky again. Determination seeped from him like a river.
The Eternal Queen
She smiled at his enthusiasm. He was going to work out just fine.
"Next, we will work on control. This is the most important part. You could be the most powerful Force user, but if you can't control your abilities, then you might as well not even have them. Understand?"

The Hound

This was something he understood all too well. He remembered, that even during his Imperial Knight training days he wasn't the best with control. His teacher, or Master then had said almost the exact same words. This was probably the root of all of his troubles. With a nod he acknowledged her words of wisdom. "I understand, even the best fighter in the fleet can't fly beautifully without a pilot who can handle all that metal..." he said, the last part was more of a mutter to himself however it had still been audible.

The Eternal Queen
@[member="Turin Val Kur"]

There was never a need to explain anything to him. Wonderful! He was probably the easiest student he had ever trained!
"Good. Now, much as you were doing when i came in this morning, i want you to pick up one ball and bring it to you from where you are. When you have it, hold it in front of you as long as you can."

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