This would be...interesting to say the least. Nodding in response he approached what he assumed was a Terminal index of the entire library. What he found instead was something he did not expect. With no knowledge of the inner workings of the Archives he approached the Master Librarian and asked for help as he was too embarrassed to ask his own Master for help at finding a few articles. Well...he thought it would be a few articles, instead once the Master Librarian had showed him how to search for specific topics he found that there were hundreds of articles and books on the topic. With a defeated sigh he began to sift through the articles skim reading them as quickly as he could. It was here he stumbled upon a recording of two recent hearings in the Galactic senate. He had seen one of them on the News, however it was a little fuzzy in his mind and so he decided to begin after a short break with these two vids.
The Senator who supported the Jedi bill was very charismatic, that much he could tell from the response the other senators. He was also a mystery...Regardless he continued in his searching and reading, forming an opinion that was similar to the stance that Senator Morin took. He didn't think the Jedi should roam as they did. Their dedication to the Republic was second to only the men and women in the armed forces, however, now they were beginning to join the ranks of the military, and if they should be part of something they should fully commit and follow the same procedures as the men and women they serve with. It was simple logic and none that seemed to serve any ill will. It was rather confusing why the bill was so strongly resisted in the first place.
All of these thoughts went into his rough draft which he expected to finish overnight. Returning to his Master with an air of triumph about him. "Lunch break?" he asked with a smile on his face, content with the work he had accomplished.
The Senator who supported the Jedi bill was very charismatic, that much he could tell from the response the other senators. He was also a mystery...Regardless he continued in his searching and reading, forming an opinion that was similar to the stance that Senator Morin took. He didn't think the Jedi should roam as they did. Their dedication to the Republic was second to only the men and women in the armed forces, however, now they were beginning to join the ranks of the military, and if they should be part of something they should fully commit and follow the same procedures as the men and women they serve with. It was simple logic and none that seemed to serve any ill will. It was rather confusing why the bill was so strongly resisted in the first place.
All of these thoughts went into his rough draft which he expected to finish overnight. Returning to his Master with an air of triumph about him. "Lunch break?" he asked with a smile on his face, content with the work he had accomplished.