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Faction Guided Tour


LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Being a tour guide | POST #: 8
TAG (ALLIES) : Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
TAG (FOES) : @

Looking over the images she was showing him, Caltin suppressed the “showoff” memory as he generally appreciated what was being offered here. He did not want some huge ostentatious construct, he wanted those who came here not to want anything in the way of their learning. This was indeed the way to do it, even if he did inwardly laugh at how he did not know what he was truly getting into.

Well… Okay… let’s do this.

What could possibly go wrong?

Don’t say that!!!

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu rubbed her hands together when Caltin seemed to be onboard with it.. or at least with the chance that they would be able to do a whole lot with very selective ends. The jedi master was checking on many things here. SHe could oversee much more while the illusion was altering when she walked to give a good walkthrough. "Hmm, we could tighten up a few things. The training annexes you want and knowledge centers would be impressive and with the improvements we have made for power generation we will have a lot of space. We have managed to develop a sub-atomic planetary power plant. So it can be powered from nearly anywhere in the facility." She said it and looked at Jara. "Oh make a note, we might need to recommend and develop some of the other sub-atomic equipment. It would allow more sustaining in facilities like this."

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Being a tour guide | POST #: 9
TAG (ALLIES) : Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
TAG (FOES) : @

Okay… so, what’s next?

A simple question, he did not want to shut down if he did not have to, but if that is what it took, they could potentially do it in sections, or at least only a couple of days.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

"Oh nothing would have to be shutdown... adjustments to the power receptors so that it takes the energy." SHe said it and walked looking at Caltin. "Come on, keep showing me around. You have an entire temple here and we have barely gotten out fo the courtyard. Enjoy what you have made and lets see what we can do." She said it while looking at him and laughing a little. "You make it seem so grim almost. No excitement, no energy to showing your place." The jedi master said it with Jara walking around and she looked over. "Also you need a biot pen, some of our force vessels that could be used like a place to run around and eat."

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Being a tour guide | POST #: 10
TAG (ALLIES) : Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
TAG (FOES) : @

”Grim”? Really? Okay, let’s go. He was expecting this to be “short and sweet” on their part, but if they wanted to see everything? Then well, everything.

Walking further into the “Study Hall” where there were Jedi practicing skills, and/or meditating, the area was looking more like a resort than a Temple. There were “relaxation” areas where Jedi could just sit and chat, or play different games that were available close by in the “Respite Zone” which was linked. There were everything from cards, to “holovid” games. This was clearly a design to allow Jedi to enjoy their actual downtime. Caltin himself was interacting with several Guardians who were working towards becoming “Aces” debating which was more fun to fly.

I remember one of the big things about the “Old” and even the (old)”New” Jedi Order was the “everything leads to the Dark Side” mentality. I have always been big on traditional ways, but that was never one of them. The galaxy is insane enough as it is, this should be a place where a Jedi can just be a sentient, even if only for a few minutes.

Pointing at much of the “rustic” theming” he went on… I wanted to keep the “resort” feel continuing inward from the common areas with Kachirho(Capital City) to keep it more “relaxed”. At least in this area.

Walking on, pointing out various areas, including the designs for a “Room of a Thousand Fountains” variant.

Hungry? Thirsty? They were in front of the Dining Hall, which was not a simple “kitchen” or “cafeteria” but a “gathering place” an enormous gathering place which was well staffed with chefs working different stations (meat cutting, omelettes, etc) and Baristas offering specialty (non-alcoholic) drinks.

There was an area nearby that was empty, it was a conference room he had yet to come up with a use for he thought would be interesting. How about here for that “biot-pen”? They were still in front of the Dining Hall, but he wanted to show that idea too, not to mention several staff members were either approaching with drink offers (Caltin himself took his normal “Ice caf”) or offering seating.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

She had a grin and looked at it and then what they werre doing.. she wasn't opposed to it. "It is a balance... excessive anything could lead to greed and a sense of gluttony which can lead one towards the darkside.. it isn't all anger and rage." She said it and looked but she wasn't judging about i... she welcomed the downtime which would allow many to find something enjoyable. She continued with the tour and the area for the pen was a good place. "It would be perfect, the biot ships don't take up much space and they have their own attending caretakers." Which made it interesting as the choushin biots were able to take care of their ships and then would work with the captain and crew within them. Matsu was looking at the food and drinks on offer as she gave a nod getting something for herself. "It will be impressive and the closest tribe is the one you are friends with if I am not mistaken. Which will go a long way on relations. Do you want a means to get to the other temple on the planet or secondary locations?"

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Being a tour guide | POST #: 11
TAG (ALLIES) : Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
TAG (FOES) : @

Indeed, but the original tenets explain you will experience such feelings, just never let them define you. This of course went without saying among the three, but it was worth mentioning regardless.

He was not certain they were talking about the same thing when she brought up “biot ships” but if the image in his mind was consistent with what she was saying, there was more than enough room in the Starport.

I did not want to take too much away from the natural feel of being here, after all, we are “hiding in plain sight”. However there are several levels below us that are wide open as well.

Letting Mistawalker take his time and decide what he wanted, he of course received a few “uhhh” looks from those who had never seen his species before, but none of them were insulting(or at least not trying to be). When Matsu brought up the “Shyyyo’s Heart” tribe he nodded.

Yes, in fact several of them help with security as well as “day to day” of the common areas and Respite Zone. They are more than happy to be involved, even offering to do more. The question about getting from one Temple to another gave him pause. Was that something they needed? He knew what she was asking, and was thinking it over.Better to have it and not need it, right? Yes, I think that would be a good idea. However I must ask… say… “Force Forbid” those other locations were seized, or here for that matter… what is to stop opposing Forces from using these means as an ambush? It may sound “grim” but it was a genuine question, and Caltin was more concerned about protecting everyone that came to The Shadow Temple more than anything.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Hmmm. "Well best answer would be an enemy shouldn't be allowed to enter the chamber with it to begin with but there is more to it. At least in the other temples. The solarite stone, the chhoushin and aterno system are all parts of a whole. It is designed to make the temple into a living thing that can react to threats by shifting rooms and even removing doors." She said it but looked at him, she wasn't going to completely throw away his design.. she was working to add to it without fundamentally making it just another temple. "There are other things.. the temple of the three daughters is one of the more protected and secret locations so sneaking into this temple from there would be much much harderr... aside from the flesh and brain eating bugs in the island swamps."

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Being a tour guide | POST #: 12
TAG (ALLIES) : Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
TAG (FOES) : @

You know me, as paranoid as the day is long. He smirked as he waved them to come on.

Let us go up to my office, that way we are not taking away from the day to day… unless you would like to watch a class being taught? I believe that there are a couple of different ones going on right now..

Pulling out a datapad to look it over he nodded.

Sure enough, a few different classes in different disciplines and paths. Offering it to either of them, should they wish to, he let them decide. There was a “Jedi Ace” class, a “Weapons Master” class, a “Seer” instruction, as well as “Diplomacy” and Stealth. Jenara is one of our new instructors, as well as a Shadow by the name of Aric.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

"A class." She said it with interest and the large beorni groaned... as much as he could as the jedi master looked at him. "Shhhh, classes are important and one can always learn more." She said it and had shown it a little whhen teaching a few of her padawans. The jedi master walked looking at Caltin to lead the way. "Either one is fine, seeing other jedi teach always helps me refine what I am able to do." She clapped a little as Jara was walking with her and looked around. Speaking with a nod of his head. "You are insatiable when it comes to knowledge master Ike... Worse I fear you have possibly refined some of the skills others teach to a level most others wouldn't think about."

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Being a tour guide | POST #: 11
TAG (ALLIES) : Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
TAG (FOES) : @

We’ll go to the “Ace” instruction. They are a little more advanced, and the class is being conducted in a hangar, so it will be easier to come in unseen. Looking at Mistalker, he smirked. That and the other two classes that would be interesting enough are in tight classrooms, less freedom of movement.

It was not meant to be an insult towards the Beomi, but almost empathic. The groan was not unnoticed. Walking past the collection of “Defenders”, “Ospreys” and “Fighters”, the hangar was reached. Master Retoem, a Jedi from the Outter Rim that Caltin had known for a few years now was standing in front of a “Jedi Defender” and moderating a discussion about the benefits and the downfalls of each of the ships they had all been checked out on. It was a lax discussion, but it was meaningful. When he saw Caltin and his guests, the instructor was about to introduce them, but the big man waved him off nonchalantly.

Speaking to Matsu and Jara…

No sense throwing the rest of them for a loop.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

There were nods of agreement. Jara shrugging in some ways... he was used to it. "Wait until you meet Soledad, she is much larger.... much much larger." THe dragon shifting jedi was something Matsu had brought back from Ahch-To and she was a strong candidate for a first bodyguard in most cases. They were walking with Caltin and listening as thew ships could be seen the the jedi master nodded not wanting to inturrupt. Matsu finding a place she could sit and observe while Jara stood there and listened making notes in a pdatapad about the compliments of ships that were there and how many could fit. Hanger space being something that might become a premium if it opened and had a lot of people within it.

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Being a tour guide | POST #: 12
TAG (ALLIES) : Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
TAG (FOES) : @

When the class was over, he showed them over to one of the larger lifts. Not just because of Mistwalker’s sheer size, but because there was something else to see.

I wanted you to see something else too. The lift was large enough to fit at least two “Defenders” and it became obvious as to why (if it wasn’t already) as it went down a level, and then another. These two levels are dedicated to maintenance and storage space of the ships, I have more coming in soon, we’ll even be able to accommodate squadrons.

It was not the “planet” or the models of modern technology that Sasori was known for, but it was indeed the design that Caltin wanted, and everything here spoke to that. Temple Guard patrolling in and around almost constantly

We have some office space, but not much, that is by design though as I do not want to give the feel of formality here.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

She gave a nod listening as the lesson ended and Caltin was showing them the hanger. "Formality in somethings in more important. Organization can be open but you don't want no one knowing if there is space inside the hanger before they come. You should have some formal organization and guidlines so three ships aren't trying to get the same bay and two have no where to go or a way to safely get out without damaging the rest." She wasn't saying his way was bad but liked the logistics it was why the silvers wernt back to the more traditional councils rather then heaving everything onto her shoulders. One hundred and forty five people being able to run things was easily as each oversaw a division of the jedi themselves. Jara was looking at it. "This is impressive, the fighters munition is secured in case of attack correct?"

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Being a tour guide | POST #: 12
TAG (ALLIES) : Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
TAG (FOES) : @

Matsu wasn’t wrong in her observation, but there was something she was missing in the explanation.

Right now, that is what the “main” level is for. These ships down here are kept in storage for those who take the “Ace” or piloting classes and have no ship of their own. One they choose is theirs to keep. Well aware of the potential cost (though they were relatively cheap to build and are in a surplus. I get what you are saying though, and agree..

When Mistwalker offered a curt compliment, it was surprising but well received. He did nod at the question about munitions.

They are kept in a shielded vault, much like the armory we have for “Weapons Masters” and “Saber Instructors”.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

"An interesting prospect." She said it with a smile though as being assigned was one thing.. even having a ship built for you to specifications needed. She was looking at the area beyond the lift and mapping the temple in her own head while she looked it over. Generating the force and pushing it through rock and metal and the air to make a mental map that she could navigate anywhere as needed. The jedi master allowed herself once the lift was at the bottom to move around looking at some fo the ships and the room. Speed there for a moment until she came back. "Even more impressive in person and the shielded vault should do good. If you want we have munition fabricators which could replenish the vault."

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Being a tour guide | POST #: 12
TAG (ALLIES) : Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
TAG (FOES) : @

Of course you do. He laughed openly, it was a laugh meant to be good natured and not mean spirited. In all seriousness though, if you are willing to offer it, I am more than willing to accept..

Walking out amongst the ships himself, he pointed out.

I want to get some instruction prepared and going for engineering as well. Even if not specifically “Jedi” but in that being able to build and repair on the fly is important.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

Jara looked at him and gave a nod with a chuckle rumbling deep in his chest. "You have no idea some fo the thhings she has developed.. my auditors sometimes just give up." He said it looking around. "Since they have begun reverse engineering some of the Tasa archieves the tech division has opened entirely new areas." He spoke it while walking as Matsu continued to observe and take measurements within her own head. "Oh we have been doing more... each improvement allows several others to be made. Once we cracked how to power planets with a reactor the size of a grain of sand... we were able to improve and augment the converters to alter energy and other matter to what was needed... which allowed improved production of materials that would thus improve our power capabilities and the strength of many other devices... which cascaded into other improvements."

LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Being a tour guide | POST #: 13
TAG (ALLIES) : Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
TAG (FOES) : @

Alright, that is pretty much everything He patted an astromech that was rolling by happily as a couple of engineers were working on his personal ship “Spectre”. Not the biggest facility in the world, but it blends in well and serves its purpose.

Walking back over to the two of them he wondered.

What about “early warning” and “detection” tech?

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

"Oh for that we have a few things. The hyperspace security network we installed for the silver rest is still deployed and can do both detect and early warning but we have also developed two advanced detection systems. ONe for stealth tech and abilities while the other functions to detect foreign technologies being used." Matsu said it and looked at Caltin. "It is programmed to detect composition and energy that are not sasori." She said it while looking over a few things thaat they had. "There is also the old tried and true having a master of mistress of visions. We developed a focusing helmet to channel and enhance their abilities of sight."

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