LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Being a tour guide | POST #: 11
Matsu Ike
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Indeed, but the original tenets explain you will experience such feelings, just never let them define you. This of course went without saying among the three, but it was worth mentioning regardless.
He was not certain they were talking about the same thing when she brought up “biot ships” but if the image in his mind was consistent with what she was saying, there was more than enough room in the Starport.
I did not want to take too much away from the natural feel of being here, after all, we are “hiding in plain sight”. However there are several levels below us that are wide open as well.
Letting Mistawalker take his time and decide what he wanted, he of course received a few “uhhh” looks from those who had never seen his species before, but none of them were insulting(or at least not trying to be). When Matsu brought up the “Shyyyo’s Heart” tribe he nodded.
Yes, in fact several of them help with security as well as “day to day” of the common areas and Respite Zone. They are more than happy to be involved, even offering to do more. The question about getting from one Temple to another gave him pause. Was that something they
needed? He knew what she was asking, and was thinking it over.
Better to have it and not need it, right? Yes, I think that would be a good idea. However I must ask… say… “Force Forbid” those other locations were seized, or here for that matter… what is to stop opposing Forces from using these means as an ambush? It may sound “grim” but it was a genuine question, and Caltin was more concerned about protecting everyone that came to The Shadow Temple more than anything.