LOCATION: Shadow Temple | OBJECTIVE: Being a tour guide | POST #: 16
Matsu Ike
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Nodding as it looked like this was about it for the tour (he had work to do), Caltin quipped.
You have anything that could contain, shrink, or kill a Sarlacc without destroying everything around it? He laughed sardonically for a moment then stopped abruptly.
What am I saying? Of course you do… He quipped as a joke.
Pulling out a datapad and putting a headset comm-link in his ear, Caltin was listening to “chatter” as he was waiting his turn to speak.
Connel, you need me out there? There was a look of pride on his face, and a tiny smile, Matsu or Mistwalker,
MIGHT hear Connel coming through the link saying “No, we have it here. We’re good.” Caltin was happy to hear this. Not that he did not want to help, he
was Connel’s father after all, but it was good that he was really, truly fitting well into the role he was in now. Caltin was proud of Connel, he was finally starting to find his place in the universe. He was no longer just Caltin's son, but someone in his own right. He was making a difference, and that was something to be proud of.