Kyra Perl
tef the tease
What they have done so far is worth nothing?
blah blah blah send it blah blah thanos snap gif
I'm not going to mince words, this was the sentiment people had about the idea of a map reset the first time we did one and it was quickly proven to affect people in entirely the opposite manner.Why should so many people's achieved be ruined? I mean it's like and feels... What they have done so far is worth nothing? They have to throw away years of hard work?
Amen.yes if my faction isnt on the map
no if my faction is on the map
Would anything be done to keep the same factions from sprouting up again? I figure the communities will likely stay the same, each echo chamber will probably remain intact, despite the map shake up, so how do we keep GA/NIO/SJC/CIS/etc. II Electric Boogaloo from bringing back the status quo in a month or a few?
I have so much work I have done here though.
Yes, and so had a majority of people on the site along side you. Cantifex ran the Sith Empire for legit years, Tathra ran the Bryn, as a completely unique faction for 2(?) Years. The Silver Jedi were borne from the people who left the Old GA faction back in like 2015. What is holding you back isn't your feelings of how much work you have done. What's holding you back is the fear of potentially losing all of that. You can legit write a story of the faction going minor, but still barely staying alive and attempting to rebuild under a new name.
Holding so much value on a website where if Tefka stopped making his payments, would all just vanish into thin air. The only thing you'd have is memories and whatever is saved in your clouds/computers. It's a website that you chose to spend this kind of time on, knowing it could be taken away without acknowledging that fact.
Factions will just be 2.0 versions. Nothing will change.
No, it forces people to have to remake whatever base they had. It could entirely fail if they can't support it, and it can create new stories where because of whatever ic reason for the map wipe, could shift how the faction works. Sure there would be attempts, but it's always going to happen that way. Those who want to do something new with the map wipe, will likely be the ones leading the charge with the major factions. As that is what happened last time.
It's just to wipe the map of the big players who have been there. It's toxic.
If they are a big faction that is still active, and can rebrand, or just chug along, then they can continue the stories they are playing. All it means is more chances for them to do more threads and get more activity. That is, if they are active. If they are pretty much dead in the water, then yes the faction will fall. It's a necessary evil of the map wipe.
Stating it's toxic and that it would ruin the faction climate, is just ignorance. Yes while some may have alterior motives for why they want it, the map game is mostly an OOC game, that is formatted to work in the IC environment. There are games where there is no map game, yet it's still toxic because of other factors. The map wipe isn't toxic. It's the people who play the map game.
You play into this game. You did the dominions, invasions and other threads. You could have opted out. Blaming it as toxic or being only for the benefit of smaller factions, shows you just don't want to lose what you got, because you don't want to interact with others.
Wipe the map. Now or later, I don't care. I can always write a new character, with a new story, and still have fun with a majority of writers here.