Aggressive? Yeah. Part of just who I am. I'll tone it down a bit.i like yo moxie, a tad more aggressive than the conversation warrants, but I agree with the overall message.
I have no doubt people have ulterior motives but like, who cares. I’ve been surrounded by people pushing their agendas since day one, it never matters. The toxic types always end up having an empty feeling of “what now” even when the majority of the forum and my best advisors argue I threw them a bone. There’s never a plan, and people realize how very little those agendas matter in the end. Time ends up eroding most of it, and Staff kicks out the rest.
The real cake is what we decide to do as a community with the options in front of us.
It gets to me when we have had previous discussions on a Map wipe, and the same points are brought up about it. People are afraid of change and scared of what will come of it. They are worried it will be bad, and cause problems. When in truth, trying something new, is something that needs to be done. New job, new car, new house. Having to live on your own and out from under the safety net of family.
If people can do those things, and survive, and thrive, then why is it such a big deal on a website on the internet?
As you say, its the community that has to decide at the end of the day. So of course there are going to be a majority, and a minority of people on either side of the debate of a Map wipe. You can look at "Similar threads" and it shows that we have had this discussion twice last year in 2020 alone. And I know for a fact this debate had been up before then.
The Map wipe isn't to "Remove characters, and to get rid of all you have worked for." Its about removing stale, moldy and unused assets that are sitting there without story being done.
Chaos is like a bush. If you let it sit there, it will eventually die. But if you water it, trim the bad portions, then it will continue to grow and thrive. It may look ugly with those "Cut limbs" or the missing parts. But they grow back and do so with a much more vibrant color, and for the better health of the plant.
The Map game, is but ONE branch of the Chaos Bush that needs to be trimmed every so often to make sure that it doesn't kill the rest of the bush/site.