Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Halting the Gears (Republic Dominion of Gratos)

@A'dele Adonai

Leori had to shrug. "I am not certain. I haven't seen any of them anywhere today." She considered the possibility that they would in fact be on their own. "Do you have experience outside of Force healing?" The Jedi Master tilted her head as she waited for a response.
Setting up a triage
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

A'dele gave a nod, "I have experience healing, Master Sheltrak, but I am no where near the level of your expertise," she seemingly admitted, bowing her head slightly.

"It would honor me if you would but train me in a measure of your expertise, perhaps, in this I can grown in my own abilities," she confessed, raising her head to the Jedi Healer.
@A'dele Adonai

Leori nodded. "We have some time, as there are no reported casualties at the moment." She gestured for the Zabrak to follow her to the triage area. "The most important thing I can tell you is to conserve your energy. If you can patch it up without using the Force, do so. You will tire very quickly if you use the Force to heal every cut and scrape. Bacta patches do wonders for smaller injuries. Do you know how to suture a wound? Or start an IV?"
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

A'dele gave a nod. She had some minor experience with triage, but no real practical application, and she relayed it so, "I have some minor theoretical practice, Master Sheltrak," she told her, following Leori to the triage area as the rest of the Jedi padawans and Knight's began to set up around them.

She shook her head in the negative in the following questions," I am not knowledgeable in those aspects, Master," she admitted about the suturing a wound or starting and IV.
@A'dele Adonai

Leori offered the Zabrak a smile. "Not to worry, they are skills that can be practiced. Suturing is the easier skill, as it is rather like sewing. Starting an IV on the other hand can be tricky, as it is largely dependent on the patient's veins."

She grabbed a kit and hopped up on a stretcher. "Try it on my arm. I'll instruct you."

Atlas Kane

Wherever Kira and Antares are.

The sound of leafs rustling in the soft wind on this peaceful world. Hayato should come here more often. It's a great place for meditation, especially when you find a great and stable branch to sit on. Then you can enjoy it even more, without having bugs start crawling all over you after you have meditated for long enough that they regard you as part of the terrain. The sound of the leafs rustling, the singing of the birds, the occasional insect buzzing by, it all added to the peaceful and calm aura on Gratos, which made it perfect for meditation.

Crack. What was that? Crack. You heard that right? Crack. Oh no. Crack.

The branch Hayato was meditating on wasn't as stable as he had thought it was and if he wouldn't have been that deep in his meditation, he would have maybe heard the cracking of the branch, but he didn't and now it was falling to the ground time and falling to the ground time is never nice. Boom. Hayato had finally hit the ground. If it wasn't for the Force, which he had used to slow his fall, he would have probably seriously injured himself. ''Ouch.''

@[member="Kira Liadain"] @[member="Antares Windu"]
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

There was the smallest bit of of subtle hesitation from the Zabrak, as the Master healer opened the IV kit and proceeded to lay out the materials necessary for the procedure.

"Attempt it on your arm, Master?" her pale blue eyes widened, and if there was any way for her face to lose more color on her already white skin, it just did.

"Perhaps that isn't the best of ideas," she admitted, unsure how to proceed.
@A'dele Adonai

"Would you rather try it now, when all is calm, or when there are panicking people with injuries and ailments?" She already knew the answer. No one wanted to be learning when experience was needed. "I can sit still. Others will need restraining. Would you rather learn on a still patient or one flailing in pain?" Again, she knew the answer.

After a moment, she began to instruct the Zabrak, first on all of the steps involved so she would know the coming steps in advance, all the while gesturing to the various items in the kit. Then, she repeated only the first step and made a fist.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
@[member="Hayato"] @[member="Antares Windu"]

There was a sudden sound of a shifting of leaves, the resonating crack of wood, and then all of a sudden, a loud thump with an audible cry of pain. Startled at perhaps that a Graug had suddenly appeared to attack, Kira held one of the spikes of the sensors in her hand, brandishing it like a weapon -- though truth be told, it would have been better to use her saber.

Nonetheless, she held it out defensively, moving in front of Windu as if to protect him, "Watch out!" she cried out, her eyes upon the form that had fallen in front of them....

Only to give an odd curious look at the man who was clearly NOT a Graug. Still, cautious, Kira then asked, "Halt there!" like him being on the ground wasn't 'halting' enough, "Who are you?!" she demanded, as she didn't recognize him.
At the triage
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

A'dele gave a deep breath. There was wisdom in Master Sheltrak's words, A'dele seemingly knew this. She gave a nod, saying, "As you wish." Following Leori's instructions, the Zabrak took a strap of synthflesh to tie at an area around the middle of Leori's bicep. Two cool fingers went to lightly press against the pale purple veins barely beginning to rise due to her blood pressure and the restriction of blood flow.

"Is there a specific one to use?" came her question, as she surveyed to potential sites of entry. She would soon take an antiseptic to ensure the skin was free from any bacteria.

Atlas Kane

He had fallen face-first into the leafs and grass that covered the ground of Gratos. That, combined with his use of the Force had probably spared him from getting his nose broken and from what he could feel, he hadn't broken any other things either. From what he could feel, his arms were still movable, his legs didn't hurt (that much) and his ribs were still the way they should be. He might have a slight concussion, which would explain his headache, but nothing serious.

A voice called out to him, asking him who he was and to not move. He laid his hands on the ground and pushed himself away, then pulling his legs forward to make him able to change into a sitting pose that resembled that used for meditating. ''Me? Oh, I'm Hayato. Pleased to meet you!'' He said with a friendly smile on his face and a hand scratching the backside of his head, while the other rested on his knee. He hadn't expected anyone else, especially not fellow Force Users.

@[member="Kira Liadain"]
@A'dele Adonai

Leori nodded in approval as the Zabrak went to work. "All veins eventually lead to the same place. So, I choose the largest one that is readily available. For some beings, it is at the wrist, or on top of the hand. In some cases you may have to work further up the arm."

It was up to the Zabrak to choose the most convenient one for her. Leori continued to observe.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee

Kira still held the spiked sensor in her hands, brandishing just in the event the strange man would attack. Peering at him, who so dubbed himself Hayato, Kira cautiously approached.

Well he wasn't a Graug... but he could be a sith!

".... Kira," she said, narrowing her eyes, "Why are you here?" followed by "How did you get here?!" She pointed that sensor at him, as if attempting to poke him with it.
Antares nodded at the words, @[member="Kira Liadain"] said. "I will be going to the Ossus Academy as well." He said with a wide smile. And then there was a sound and a figure collapsed upon the floor in front of them. "Me watch out?" He cried when the Knight went in front of him, "you watch out!" And he tried step around her to go in front of her himself.

The Padawan took her arm and held her back from @[member="Hayato"], though with his other hand he held his lightsaber. "Why are you here?"

Atlas Kane

''I'm just here because this planet seemed like a great place to meditate!'' he said with the friendly smile still on his face. This was turning out to be great. Two new people he could try to make friends with. It was much better than just sitting in the trees and meditating.

His expression turned into one of confusion. There was a scanner of some sort being waved around in his face by one of them, the other was trying to hold her back and had a Lightsaber in his hand. ''Are you two Jedi?'' He asked, since it was most likely for them to be Jedi, if they were Sith they would've already attacked him.

@[member="Antares Windu"] @[member="Kira Liadain"]
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

A'dele took a deep breath, then gave a nod. Taking the appropriate solution, she disinfected the area. Then, taking the derma needle in hand, she proceeded to gently and carefully, guide in the needle to slide in the IV.

"Like this?" she asked, and while her hands were steady, her voice was seemingly showing a level of nervousness the normally placid Zabrak lacked.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
@Hayato @Antares Windu

Well you could have smacked Kira with a mudfish! The expression of shock and dismay was apparent, even as Antares stepped into protect her. Wait, wasn't -I- doing the protecting?!

On to other matters, "Meditate?" she gave a glance around at the jungle that was by all intents and purposes, ridden with the Darkside and potential Graug hostiles.

"HERE?" she repeated again in dismay. The spike of the sensor probe dipped a bit to the ground, as she perched one hand on her hip, chiding him, "In Graug?! Are you nuts?"

Clearly, he had to be.

"And yes.... we are Jedi... what about you? You're not one of the Order!"
@A'dele Adonai

Leori was watching her closely. "Yes. That's right. You're doing well." The Zabrak Jedi caught on very quickly. That was good. There were many other things that she could pick up on along the way.

She was quiet then so the Jedi could work without distraction.
@[member="Leori Sheltrak"]

So the Zabrak continued under the Master's guidance. It was fortunate for Leori that she had good veins to use, otherwise, she might have ended the lesson with plenty of bruises and a rather apologetic Jedi Knight.

With a small piece of gauze, the Jedi then pressed it against the entry point, then carefully slipped the needle out, leaving the IV catheter inside. A sense of relief seemed to bath her face at that.

"How is that?" she asked.
@A'dele Adonai

Leori nodded, with a smile. "Good. You did well."

She took a closer look, and flexed her fingers for good measure. It was in. And now it had to come out. "Alright, now you get to learn how to take it out."

The Jedi Master chuckled and explained how to take it out before gesturing to the Zabrak Jedi to give it a try. There was no danger to her, other than losing a little bit of blood.

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