Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hardest to Be


Galactic City, Senate District
500 Republica

Amelia sat quietly at the large desk that dominated a corner of the sitting area of the residence, her hand resting against her chin as she leaned back in her seat. Much of the city was still in disrepair, and the largest scar left upon Coruscant was yet to be addressed, and would likely not be done so until after the Conflict with both the resurgent Brotherhood and the Sith Order came to a close. These moments, when she could sit and permit her mind to walk away into its thoughts and muses were becoming few and far between as the Conflict continued. However, it permitted her those small moments in which she could call upon others to gauge their thoughts and find where their minds had settled. Some months prior she had attempted such a meeting with both the Sword and Shield and of the New Jedi Order; yet, life and the progression of things had decided to cut that meeting short, and much of what was to be had been left to the imagination.

Golden-yellow hues came to settle upon a large tome that was resting before her on the desk, the Songsteel ornately engraved and embedded with Hurrikane crystals. The woman had already seen a Galactic power undone from within and without, thought incapable of being brought low, only for it to fall from its greatest heights. She understood that the Alliance was unlikely to suffer a similar fate for it had not made similar steps or enemies that the Confederacy of Independent Systems had. However, it was still an experience that she sought to prevent, or, at the very least, mitigate its effects. That meeting had, in some ways, been to reveal this plan and bring two powerful individuals into the fold when it came to taking such action. For now, she would settle for one such individual, the Sword of the Jedi.

The woman looked towards the large windows, watching as the sun finally began to dip below the horizon and the lights of the vast Ecumenopolis began to flicker to life. Slowly rising from her seat, she carefully cradled a crystalline drinking vessel in her hand, taking a sip of the sanguine ichor that was held within. Amelia permitted a smile to grow across her lips as she made her way toward the private landing pad of the penthouse, knowing that her guest was to arrive soon. As she stood there silently, her golden-yellow hues fell upon the vast scar nestled within the Senate District of the City. She was still searching for answers as to how it had been accomplished, to create such a vessel in secret beneath the very seat of Government. It was this very fact that demanded action, and yet, she already knew what the response would be if it were left to the Senate to decide such a course.

A low sighing growl slipped from her lips at that thought as she knew the Senate would merely walk in a circle before patting themselves on the back as though they had accomplished something when nothing was done. It would take action, with or without approval, to get anything done and she was not willing to permit what had become her home to simply dissolve and collapse because a handful of Senators were more interested in their desires and lining their pockets with credits. The woman took the moment to focus herself, her attention shifting back to the large tome that was resting on the desk and the contents within. Taking another sip of the sanguine ichor, she turned back towards the private landing pad, patiently waiting for her guest to arrive.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery Noble approached the private landing pad of the Supreme Commander's penthouse, her sharp gaze taking in the sprawling cityscape of Coruscant as night began to fall. The air was cooler now, the orange and pink hues of the setting sun giving way to the glittering lights of the city below. As her starfighter settled softly onto the pad, she took a moment to center herself, feeling the weight of the upcoming conversation.

Stepping out, Valery tugged on the zipper of her jumpsuit to adjust it and made her way toward the entrance. The tension of the city's unrest and the lingering darkness from recent events seemed to echo through the Force, and Valery could sense the urgency behind this meeting. She had received Amelia's request with a measure of curiosity and concern; their last attempt to convene had been disrupted, leaving many things unsaid.

As she approached the penthouse, Valery immediately noticed the Supreme Commander standing near the large windows, a crystalline glass in her hand. The air inside was thick with unspoken thoughts, and Valery's keen senses picked up on the weight of Amelia's contemplations. She could see the tome resting on the desk and recognized the significance of this gathering.

But despite the professional urgency, she also looked forward to meeting a leader she respected again.


Amelia stood silently as her golden-yellow hues fell upon the Starfighter, watching the nimble craft slipping through the skies of Coruscant with ease as the vessel made its way towards the landing pad. A soft smile tugged at the edge of her lips as she permitted her attention to remain focused on the small craft, drawing her focus away from the scars left on the surface of the planet. Slipping her hand into her coat, the woman's attire was one of the few casual ensembles that graced the hangers of her closet. Amelia slowly brought the glass up to her lips once more, taking a slow sip of the sanguine ichor within the crystalline vessel before she once more cradled the glass in her hand.

The woman stepped forward, closing the distance between the two, though remained within the privacy tunnel that led into the penthouse proper. A soft sigh slipped from her lips as she felt an errant beam of light from the setting sun fall upon her cheek before it just as quickly slipped away under the horizon. A small burn graced her cheek, though Amelia seemed to not pay much mind nor attention to it as she slipped her hand from her pocket and extended her arm to shake the woman's hand.

"Jedi Master Valery."

Amelia's voice rang out softly as though it were dancing upon the still air that seemed to begin to slowly swirl and slip around the two women. Her golden-yellow hues remained fixated upon Valery, focused on the woman as she carefully brought her glass once more to her lips and peered over the rim. As she took a slow sip of the sanguine ichor from within, the small burn on her cheek seemed to lessen, slowly healing in the moment until there was no trace of it having happened. A soft smile remained on her lips as she brought the glass down back to her side.

"I hope your journey wasn't too difficult in these trying times."



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery stepped forward, her gaze briefly sweeping the room as she approached Amelia. The penthouse was tastefully decorated, a blend of luxury and the practical touches of a leader who clearly valued both form and function. It was a quiet contrast to the tension outside in the city below.

As she reached Amelia, Valery's eyes caught the small burn on the Supreme Commander's cheek, noticing how it quickly began to heal. The sight made her pause for a fraction of a second, but she chose not to comment, respecting Amelia's privacy and the subtleties of their unspoken understanding.

Instead, she extended her hand, her smile warm but tempered by the seriousness of their meeting. "Supreme Commander," Valery greeted politely, her voice steady. "The journey wasn't too difficult, thankfully. Coruscant may be tense, but I encountered no issues."

She glanced briefly at the large tome resting on the desk, sensing the weight of what was to come. "It's good to see you again," Valery continued, her tone reflecting her respect for the woman. The warm smile that followed added a touch of sincerity to it, making it clear that she was indeed happy to see Amelia again, "I'm ready to discuss whatever you need. I can tell there's a lot on your mind."


Amelia slowly stepped back, the heel of her backfoot shifting as she slowly turned to the side and motioned for the Jedi Master to enter the Penthouse. The main entrance beyond the private landing pad was dominated by a sunken conversation pit focused at the center of the room with steps leading up to a raised section beyond. Display cases lined the far wall as well as dominated the upper transitional area between the pit and where her desk stood waiting.

"What, if anything, do you know of the collapse of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the sacking of Naboo?"

The woman asked politely, not sure if her guest had been alive during the event as it seemed that time, for many, shifted and progressed in varying degrees. In her memory she calculated the event as having happened nearly Forty years prior; however, others often remembered it happening only a few years ago. Time and the agreement of its passing wasn't the reason for the meeting, rather, it was for the future of the Alliance. Still, the history and what had happened to the Confederacy of Independent Systems was just as important.

Amelia's attention shifted for a moment to one of the cases; golden-yellow hues falling upon the crown that was resting within before she made her way towards a large cabinet along the wall. Turning her attention back towards her guest, she lightly pressed her hand against the molding, the wall shifting slowly and opening to reveal a large selection of drinks in various decanters and vessels within. Without a word, Amelia carefully set her glass down before recovering a crystalline carafe filled with the same sanguine ichor from the case.

"Do you have a preference?"

She asked in an oddly sweet tone as she carefully poured the sanguine ichor into her crystalline drinking vessel, stopping a couple of fingers from the rim as her golden-yellow hues fell upon Valery once more.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

"I was there," Valery said as she stepped inside the penthouse and looked around, "My Padawan at the time was born on Naboo, so I joined her to help the innocents who were caught in the attack." She hadn't been around for most of the CIS's reign in that stretch of the Galaxy, and from what she had heard, she wouldn't have been an ally. But for so many innocents to die to monsters from the Nether was far beyond what a Jedi could accept.

She did not regret helping out that day.

As she spoke, Valery's eyes drifted to the various artifacts and displays lining the room, each one a silent testament to the weight of history. "I know very little about the CIS," she continued, her tone more contemplative, "But I couldn't sit by and do nothing when so many lives were lost that day."

She paused as Amelia poured the sanguine ichor, her focus returning to the Supreme Commander. "As for a drink, I'll have whatever you recommend," she added with a warm smile and an equally sweet tone, appreciating the gesture. But drinks aside, Valery was quite curious why Amelia had brought up the final days of the CIS.

Had there been something she missed?


Amelia nodded silently, listening carefully as she turned her back towards Valery, showing that she did not view the woman as a threat at that moment. Her attention shifted to the various drinks within the cabinet as she began to slowly make her way along the length of the display before stopping at a small section nestled in the middle. Reaching forward, her hands carefully wrapped around a tall, thin blue bottle before gingerly freeing it from its resting place within.

"And, what did you notice?"

She asked whilst slowly turning around once more, making her way back towards the small side table that her glass was resting on and awaiting her return. Amelia carefully plucked a long wine flute from its hanging position; lightly placing it down on the table next to her drinking vessel. Her attention once more shifted back to Valery as she seemed to act on muscle memory alone, her hands gently pulling the stopper from the neck of the Domaine de le Maison sur le Lac before skillfully pouring it into the waiting glass.

"Specifically, afterwards... When they cheered and celebrated the fall of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. When the people that had built so much were left with so little and forced to flee... What did you notice?"

Amelia asked as she replaced the stopper and carefully set the bottle down on the table, her free hand gently caressing the glass and lifting it to offer to her guest. In a near, eerily unison, her other hand lifted her crystalline vessel as she took another sip of the sanguine ichor. There was a reason for these questions, and it all tied into the current state of the Alliance. Amelia was merely providing the hints, revealing the strings as it were, and hoping that Valery was inquisitive enough to pull on them...



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery accepted the glass offered to her, her fingers brushing lightly against the cool surface as she considered Amelia’s question. She took a small sip, letting the taste settle on her tongue before she spoke, her eyes meeting Amelia’s with a mix of thoughtfulness and gravity.

"What I noticed," Valery began slowly, "was the emptiness that followed. The celebrations felt hollow, even to those who participated. The fall of the Confederacy was not just the end of a government; it was the loss of homes, of dreams that had been built over decades. People cheered, yes, but they were also left wondering what would fill the void left behind."

She paused, glancing briefly at the crystalline vessel in Amelia’s hand before continuing, "There was a sense of relief for some, no doubt. But for many others, it was a reminder of how fragile everything can be. They were left with nothing but uncertainty and the ruins of what once was."

Valery’s gaze grew more intense as she leaned forward slightly, her tone more direct. "But this isn't about the CIS, is it?" Valery asked, not oblivious to Amelia's hints. She turned to the woman, the edge of the glass against her soft lips, and her fiery eyes intensely focused.

"You fear such a thing could one day happen to the Alliance."


Amelia carefully turned away, pivoting on her heel as she gracefully reoriented herself before taking a single step forward, her hands nimbly transferred the drinking vessel from one to the other as she carefully listened to the answer given. Her fingers lightly danced on the top of the large desk as she made her way around it, though she did not remain slightly. Her lips parted as her voice slipped into existence, her mind pulling the memories from their dark corners to be brought forth once more.

"I was not on Naboo that day as it was not the only planet reeling from the attack of the Unmaker. Dozens of Systems required help, and I was only able to save a few handfuls at a time. When the Confederacy collapsed, countless Star Systems were left unprotected. Those of us that remained fled into Wild Space, into the Shiraya Expanse."

The woman paused for a moment as her gaze fell upon the large chair that sat quietly in the corner, patiently waiting. A soft smirk pulled at the corner of her lips as she looked up and once more faced Valery, her gaze meeting the intense focus of the fiery eyes that now fell upon her. Carefully leaning back, Amelia took her seat, her free hand motioning toward the chairs that sat opposite on the far side of the desk. A soft melodious ring filled the air as she set her crystalline drinking vessel down on the top of the desk, allowing its contents to settle as she brought her hand up and permitted her chin to rest against her fingers.

"We attempted to rebuild, and for a time it seemed possible. Then, people left, finding their way back into the Galaxy whilst others disappeared into the darkness. I spent years trying to rebuild what had been while others walked away from those who had followed them into the unknown."

Amelia leaned forward, her elbows coming to rest on the edge of the desk as her fingers pressed together. The woman kept her attention on the Jedi Master, already having understood what she was getting at with the inquiry. She was correct in her assessment, this was not merely about the CIS. Her right hand slipped away, coming down slowly until it was resting on the large Songsteel-covered tome that was now between the two women.

"The loss of the Deep Core is evidence enough that the Alliance is threatened and vulnerable from without. The scar just outside that window where the Senate Rotunda once stood is cause for concern and evidence that we are threatened from within. What... what do you think would happen were the Alliance to meet a similar fate to the Confederacy of Independent Systems?"



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery listened intently, her fiery eyes never leaving Amelia as she spoke. The weight of the question hung in the air, heavy with the implications of a potential future that mirrored the dark past they were both so intimately familiar with.

Taking a moment to collect her thoughts, Valery finally responded, her voice steady but laced with concern. "If the Alliance were to meet a similar fate, it would be catastrophic. The collapse of the Confederacy left a power vacuum that plunged entire systems into chaos, and many innocents suffered for it. The same would happen here, but on an even larger scale. The Alliance is a symbol of stability in the galaxy — if it were to fall, the ripple effects would be felt far and wide."

Especially now, with the Alliance surrounded by enemies. Not just Sith and imperials, but Mandalorians, too.

Valery leaned forward slightly, her tone becoming more resolute. "This isn't the first time our enemies have reached the core, however. I know little about the CIS and its former Strength, but the Alliance has always proven resilient." They had driven the Maw back from Tython to Exegol, and withstood many other threats since.

They would not easily collapse, but Valery understood why Amelia broached the subject now. Every day, it seemed like they gained more enemies and fewer allies.

"I assume you didn't bring me here to just discuss the problem? Do you have a solution if the worst were to happen?"


Amelia sat quietly, her hand grasping the crystalline vessel before bringing it to her lips once more to sip the sanguine ichor from within. Her golden-yellow hues remained staunchly upon Valery, watching the woman and listening carefully as another sly smirk crossed her lips. She was sure that many thought the Alliance too big to fail, though she had respect enough for the woman before her to know that she truly didn't believe that the Alliance could weather anything.

"Would you trust in that resiliency? Would you be able to trust those within the Alliance to have its best interest at heart and make the right decision? Or would they be more likely to line their own pockets at the expense of others? How quickly would certain individuals in the Senate be willing to lay out the carpet of capitulation if it meant wealth and survival for their own?"

The woman had learned early on just how willing the Senate was to shoot itself in the foot and put the welfare of the Alliance at risk if it meant a better deal for themselves. Certain elements within that august body were more enamored and interested in Credits than they were for the very people of the Alliance. However, the Master Jedi was correct in her assumption, she hadn't just been brought here to discuss the issue at hand and take no further action. After all, they were not the Federal Assembly...

"There was an idea..."

Amelia sat up straight, her free hand brushing a few wrinkles from her jacket before she pressed a button on the console to her right. A small holographic image projector flickered to life as a soft blue hue filled the room and began to project the image of a large door resting inside a semi-flooded cavern. The memory returned to her, and with it the emotions of seeing what could have been a boon, going to waste as the idea was brushed into the dark recesses of zeros and ones.

"The First Vault... It was during a conflict that saw the fall of a predecessor Sith Empire, along with other Governments on the Galactic Stage that caused the idea to come to light. Unfortunately, it could not be implemented before the Confederacy of Independent Systems met its fate."

Leaning forward slightly, her hand slipped away from the console and came to rest on the large tome in front of her. That sly smirk grew slightly into a smile that revealed that she did, indeed, have a plan.

"This... this is an evolution of an idea I had all those years ago that was too late to aid the CIS."



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery watched the holographic projection with intense focus, her mind already piecing together the implications of Amelia's words. The image of the First Vault stirred something deep within her — a mixture of curiosity and concern. She understood the weight of what was being proposed and the history that had led to this moment. She had even seen similar ideas used by the Jedi throughout history.

Ways to preserve and protect.

"Trusting in resiliency alone would be naive," Valery began, her voice steady. "The Alliance has many strengths, but as you said, it's vulnerable to internal corruption and external threats. I've seen it before — the Senate does not always act in the Alliance's best interest, especially when it concerns these conflicts." It was a shame and a contributing factor to the tension that always lingered between the Senate and the Jedi.

But was there really a solution?

"This vault," Valery began, "Is the idea behind it to preserve knowledge? Weapons? Artifacts?" She wasn't sure, so she wanted Amelia to give her a straightforward answer, "Or does it serve as a refuge for people who escaped the worst of a losing conflict?" She eyed the projection again and pursed her lips in thought.

"The Jedi have built vaults to preserve before."


Amelia carefully set the crystalline drinking vessel down on the top of the desk, her hands slipping back together as her fingers interlocked. Her attention shifted for a moment, looking to the lingering image of the First Vault as it flickered softly. Reaching for the console once more, she lightly pressed the controls to reveal the next series of images as the stellar map shifted away from Naboo and settled on Jutrand, the Capital of the Sith Order. Once more, images of a massive vault of similar design and detail began to slowly shift and flicker to life on the holographic projector.

"Before I settled in the Galactic Alliance, I sought to take action and develop a Society set on similar goals. The idea remained the same, the Aether Vault was to serve as a means to protect and preserve life, knowledge, and artifacts. It also held automated facilities that could be utilized to produce materials, weapons, and a vast array of other items."

She paused for a moment, her memories pulling from the depths as she thought back on the course of her life that saw her step away from the people that she had seen as friends. In another reality, she thought, perhaps she had remained with the Sith Order. Shaking the idea from her mind, she refocused herself upon Valery, the Jedi Master who had shown Amelia trust and welcomed her more openly than many others in the Alliance had. With a soft smile on her lips, she leaned back in her chair, resting her elbow against the arm as her chin was supported by two of her fingers.

"The Solania Initiative would seek to produce a means in which the collective knowledge of the Galactic Alliance could be preserved as well as provide a secured and protected haven for its citizens to avoid the harshest trials should the Alliance falter and collapse. It would provide the means for the Alliance to continue, be it reborn from the ashes or the establishment of something new."

Amelia looked at the large tome on the desk before she took in a slow breath, her free hand lightly tapping against the other arm rest of her chair as her eyes shifted back to Valery.

"It would also provide the means for the Alliance to act without the need to involve the Senate or the Jedi depending on the situation."



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery listened carefully, her eyes fixed on the holographic images as Amelia outlined the concept of the Solania Initiative. Of the vaults and the purpose behind them. The idea of preserving the Alliance's knowledge and resources in secretive vaults was both intriguing and concerning. How could they he hidden? What would the reaction be when people found out that such vaults were being built long before there was any sign of the Alliance collapsing?

It was hard, if not impossible to answer these questions, but before she joined Amelia in a project of this magnitude, she wanted to hear the Supreme Commander's thoughts.

"The idea of preserving knowledge and artifacts, and building safe havens isn't alien to me. The Jedi have vaults and Temples across the Galaxy that serve the same purpose," Valery began with a soft smile, "But this is a project on a far bigger scale. How would people know of these vaults if the Alliance were to suddenly collapse? I assume that they must remain secretive until the very last moment."

Otherwise, their enemies would learn of these vaults as well.

"My main concern is that we could end up projecting doubt about the future of the Alliance. A doubt that could cause people to panic. How would you make sure that only the right few learn about its existence?"


The question, no, the concern was valid. Amelia understood that if word reached the ears of the common masses it could easily cause doubt to spread, not to mention the implications if certain individuals in the Senate discovered what was being planned. Amelia already knew that there were those within the Alliance that had staunch anti-Alliance sentiments that would utilize it as a means to attempt to grab more power or further erode trust in the multi-system spanning Democracy. With her smile remaining upon her lips, she leaned forward, her hand lightly came to rest against the tome once more as she began to carefully open the Songsteel cover.

"It is a reasonable concern. And, you are correct in that these vaults would need to remain secretive until the last moment. However, to ensure that only a few are knowledgeable about this project has an answer within the Solania Initiative itself."

Amelia carefully flipped the pages as her nimble finger slowly scrolled down until she found what she was looking for. With a gentle grasp, she held a handful of the pages before turning them slowly, her golden-yellow hues falling upon each of the numbers in the corner before she found the page she was endeavoring to find. With the section chosen, she carefully spun the heavy tome so that it was facing Valery before she lightly pressed her index finger against the chapter title.

"Section Four, the Grey Hand outlines the means to establish a hierarchy of individuals that would oversee the implementation of the Solania Initiative and ensure that each action taken would be for the best interest of not only the Initiative; it must be in the best interest of the Alliance as well."

Amelia leaned back slightly, her hand slipping to cradle the crystalline drinking vessel once more as she took a long sip of the sanguine ichor. Treating the strange liquid much like it was wine, she carefully and slowly swirled it in the goblet, taking a moment to appreciate its viscosity before her attention once more fell upon the Jedi Master.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

"And who would these individuals be?"

Valery's fiery gaze lifted from the text, lingering on Amelia as she considered her words. There was something undeniably captivating about the woman before her — a blend of strength and elegance that was hard to ignore. Amelia's enigmatic nature only deepened the allure that surrounded the mysterious Supreme Commander few knew much about. Valery found herself momentarily lost in that mystery, wondering whether there were hidden intentions behind this grand plan, or if Amelia truly held the Alliance's best interests at heart.

"I assume yourself and now me," Valery continued, as she leaned back into her chair, crossed one leg over the other, and took a sip from her drink, "But who else would you trust with such knowledge? And what about the Jedi? We have vaults already, and I don't think I can get the Jedi to also store it elsewhere." These were tough questions, and it was possible that Amelia didn't even have the answers yet. This whole discussion could have been about just testing the waters with Valery.

But Valery was curious about implementation.

Her gaze remained steady, curious about the answers Amelia might provide. "If I were to agree to a plan like this, I'd want our focus to remain on winning the wars. We can't afford to become complacent, relying too heavily on fallback plans."

Last edited:

Amelia permitted that sly smirk to once more grace her lips, pulling at them just enough to reveal a hint of her fang before she brought the crystalline goblet back to her lips. As she slowly brought the glass away, it was almost as if her lips were stained red from the sanguine ichor that she'd been enjoying. Taking a similar cue from the Jedi Master, Amelia leaned back and crossed her leg over the other, the back of her knee coming to rest against her knee as she allowed her free hand to slip back and come to rest in her lap.

"There are few within the Alliance at this moment that I would consider potential individuals of interest beyond yourself and myself. However, there are those individuals that I would trust with this information and am willing to bring them into the fold as it were."

Amelia said softly, her golden-yellow hues once more focusing upon the glass in her hand as she swirled the ichor slowly. Holding it up to the dim light of the room, it was almost as if she were inspecting it as an individual would inspect a glass of wine. Her ears perked up when it came to the question of the Jedi, her smirk growing slightly as she pulled the glass from her line of sight and allowed her attention to fall upon Valery once more.

"I entrust the duties and concerns of the Jedi into your care. If you feel that the vaults the Jedi have are more than adequate to house those information and records that are of concern to them; then I would be a fool to attempt to otherwise force it from your hands."

The woman was more than willing to compromise, which was more than could be said for many in the Federal Assembly seeking only their intentions and best interest. When it came to the Solania Initiative, she knew that it could not be the sole purpose; rather, it should not be embraced at the cost of the Alliance. As she flicked her eyes towards the tome again, she slowly leaned forward, her free hand pushing the pages back to the forward table as her slender finger pointed out additional chapter heads.

"Of course, it was never the intention to solely rely upon this at the cost of the Alliance. Likewise, it was always planned to provide the Solania Initiative with the means to strike against the enemies of this Alliance without being bogged down by the voices of the Senate."

Her finger carefully pointed to Sections two and three of the book before she slowly leaned back, holding her free hand up as she took a moment to seemingly inspect her nails before laying her hand in her lap once more.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery's gaze lingered on Amelia as she spoke, captivated by the subtle reveal of a fang as she sipped from her glass. The small detail only deepened the mystery that surrounded this woman, and Valery found herself entranced by Amelia's every move — each one executed with effortless grace and calculated precision as if she commanded the space around her.

"Jedi knowledge and artifacts are secure, as far as I'm concerned," Valery said after a moment, her eyes briefly dropping to the glass in her own hand. She watched the crimson liquid swirl, her thoughts momentarily distracted by the striking similarity between the color of the drink and the stain on Amelia's lips. Then, she remembered the flash of a fang.

Could it be?

Pushing the thought aside, Valery refocused, her fiery gaze meeting Amelia's once more. "As for the Alliance, I believe there's potential here. But where do we begin? Who do we involve already?" There was a part of her that relished the idea of keeping this between them for now — Amelia's presence was compelling, and a closer partnership could prove invaluable. But she knew that eventually, others would need to be brought into the fold.

As she leaned back, Valery's fingers brushed away a few stray strands of hair, her hand then settling back in her lap. A strange tension lingered in the air between them, one that Valery couldn't quite place. Was it the gravity of their conversation, or was it something about the woman sitting across from her? Whatever it was, it kept her attention locked on Amelia, eager to see where this would lead.


Amelia nodded silently, not desiring to contest or press the issue regarding the knowledge and artifacts of the Jedi. Those would remain firmly the domain of the Order itself, removed from what she had planned. However, there were other objects, items crafted by sects beyond the Jedi that were still just as dangerous, easily causing ruin if handled incorrectly or in the wrong hands. It was those that she sought to hide and keep locked away from the Galaxy more so than what the Jedi Order already lay claim.

Bringing her glass back to her lips, she took the final sip of the sanguine ichor, a soft sigh slipping from her lips as the last drops slipped away. The woman collected a simple red square of cloth from the desk drawer, lightly pressing it against her lips before setting the cloth down back from where it had come. Amelia's lips, however, remained stained red for the moment as she set the crystalline goblet down and allowed her eyes to fall upon Valery again. It had been some time since she had a conversation in which the individual opposite her was just as intrigued or focused on the ideas as she, and it was... revitalizing.

"We begin where all things begin..."

Amelia said softly as she leaned forward, her finger once more pressing against the page of the book as she lightly tapped against the title of Section Five within the contents.

"Though the Deep Core has been taken by the resurgent Brotherhood of the Maw, this, Dark Empire, the plan need not focus solely on its location. A suitable position is all that is required, one that can be either within the confines of the Alliance itself or located outside to permit greater autonomy and avoidance of questions."

Moving slightly, Amelia pushed herself up from her seated position, rising to her full height once more as she carefully cradled her glass in her hand and made her way back towards the large cabinet of drinks.

"As for the others... Well, we'll get to that point as we come to it."



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery noticed herself lingering on Amelia's lips a moment too long, the crimson stain drawing her in like a moth to a flame. Quickly, she shifted her gaze back to Amelia's eyes, masking her curiosity with a warm smile. The conversation's weight was not lost on her — the notion of securing a future for the Alliance, a fallback in the face of inevitable challenges, resonated deeply with the Jedi Master. Considering the cyclical nature of this Galaxy, it was only a matter of time before the Alliance would draw its last breath, after all.

This could happen in the next few decades or even in a thousand years from now, but Valery knew there would be darker days eventually.

Together with Amelia, there was perhaps a way back to the light.

"Alright," Valery finally said, adjusting her posture and watching Amelia rise gracefully. "Let's start simple — finding a location." Her eyes followed Amelia as she moved towards the cabinet, a teasing smirk playing on Valery's lips. "Why don't you join me? All those meetings and office hours must make you eager to be out and about a little, no?"

Valery leaned forward, placing her glass on the table, before straightening up and brushing a few loose strands of hair back into place. "It might take some time to prepare everything, but I agree — it's a good initiative." Her words carried a blend of respect and intrigue, her interest in both the plan and the enigmatic woman before her evident.


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