Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hardest to Be


Each step deeper into the vessel was as though she were walking further into the past, her past. Slowly running her fingers along the wall of the hallway, she allowed herself a moment to smile, and not the playful flirtatious smiles she'd been slipping the Jedi Master. No, this smile was a real smile, one that came from a place of pure bliss, a font of joy that hadn't been tapped in many years. As she approached the lift that would take her to the bridge, she stopped and kneeled as she gently righted a small mouse droid that had managed to flip itself over in the excitement of the vessel coming back to life.

"There little one..."

She said softly as she slowly rose once more, her attention slowly shifting down each of the halls before she pressed the console to call the lift. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and held it, her ears perked up as she carefully listened to the hum of the machinery and the buzz of the droids that had come to life in turn. Hearing the low chime, she let the breath go as her eyes opened just as the door to the lift slipped aside. The trip to the bridge was relatively short, a few moments at most as she stepped out into the open layout of the room.

"It's been a while..."

Amelia said as she brought her hands up, carefully removing her helm and setting it aside before making her way towards the pilot's seat and slipping down into the comfortable, and all too familiar, seat. Looking over the console, she slowly ran her fingers over the controls, watching the panel light up as she began to bring the vessel fully to life. Looking up, she watched as the heavy doors to the outer hangar slowly began to creak open, the brilliant lights of Coruscant flooding into the hangar before the viewscreen polarized.

Taking her time, she carefully ran through the process, checking the controls as she heard the small beeps and whirs of the droids as each began to come onto the bridge. Her attention turned, only to fall upon R7 standing in the corner with an R2-series and R5-series droids in tow. Motioning towards the controls, she nodded silently before she turned her attention back to the console before her, a soft smirk slipping over her lips as she heard the happy beeps of the droids as they quickly went to work.

"Okay little ones, let's get this Songbird flying again."

The engines of the vessel roared to life as it began to slowly lift and press on, crossing the threshold of the hangar bay and slipping into the skies of Coruscant.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery allowed herself to sink further into the luxurious bed, her body relaxing into the soft embrace of the fine linens. The room was a haven of comfort and elegance, a stark contrast to the harsh realities of the galaxy she usually faced. The subtle lighting cast a warm glow, creating a peaceful atmosphere, almost like a dream.

Her eyes roamed across the room, taking in the refined details that spoke to Amelia's impeccable taste. Every piece of furniture, every accent, had been carefully selected to create an inviting and sophisticated space. It was easy to feel at home here, to let go of the usual burdens and simply be.

As she lay there, Valery's thoughts drifted to the journey ahead. There was a thrill of anticipation, not just for the mission, but for the adventure shared with Amelia. The Supreme Commander was a woman of many layers, each one more intriguing than the last, and Valery found herself drawn to the mystery she presented. There was a connection forming between them, one that could be vital for the future of the Alliance.

A soft smile played on her lips as she reached up to run her fingers through her hair, smoothing it out before she shifted her position on the bed. She moved with purpose, brushing her hair over one shoulder and sitting up on the edge of the bed, her posture relaxed and inviting.

She let the silence of the room wash over her, feeling the gentle hum of the ship beneath her feet. Then, the soft sound of footsteps echoed down the corridor outside, growing nearer with each passing second. With the ship on its way, Valery assumed it'd be Amelia and adjusted her posture slightly as a result, her hands resting on the bed beside and just behind her as she leaned back just enough to create a sense of invitation.

A moment later, she heard the door opening and welcomed Amelia with a warm smile. The journey to the Unknown Regions was a long one, so they had time to spare before they arrived for their mission.

"We're on our way?" Valery asked with a smirk.

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Mere moments, that was all it took for the Songbird to take flight once more, soaring into the skies of Coruscant as it slipped above the buildings. Amelia's attention remained forward as she carefully navigated the sky lanes and moving vessels around her until at that last instance the blue skies of Coruscant slipped away into the inky black of space dotted with the pinpoints of stars beyond. To have made such a journey on something other than a warship settled her mind, allowed her to collect herself, and find that she just might enjoy the journey ahead.

Slipping her hand over the console, she lightly pressed one of the myriad of controls before slowly leaning back in the seat. Her eyes fell upon the fore of the vessel, watching as it sprung to life and unleashed a large Solar Sail just as the engines slowly spooled back. Amelia took a moment to check over everything before she stood up, a soft smile on her lips as she looked to the small crew of droids and gave each a reaffirming nod.

"The ship is yours. When we reach the edge of Alliance space in the Glee Anselm System, please notify me."

Amelia lightly patted the dome of R7 before she took hold of her helm once more, tucking it under her arm before stepping into the lift. She had a feeling which room Valery may have found herself in, and it was easy to follow the path. She came to a stop just before the door, her eyes falling upon it as she took a breath before pressing the console on the side. With a soft hiss, the door opened, revealing the Jedi Master waiting for the woman as she stepped inside, her back to the door.

A small smirk grew across her lips as she carefully set the helm down on a small shelf, her attention falling entirely upon her companion for the journey as she made her way into the room. Nodding her head slightly, she never once pulled her attention away even as she began to carefully doff her armor.

"We are... We've some time before we reach the Glee Anselm System..."

Amelia offered a sly smirk to Valery before the door to the room hissed shut...



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery shifted her focus from the planet ahead to Amelia, her fiery gaze meeting the Supreme Commander's golden eyes. There was a flicker of curiosity in her eyes, as she stood ready to embark on her mission. Turning to a control panel, Valery rubbed her neck and tugged up her collar, before she began to examine the readings.

Their first scan of the planet.

"Looks like a promising start," Valery remarked, her tone carrying a touch of optimism. "It's quiet, out of the way, and from what I can sense, there's not much in the way of life forms or hostile activity. We should be able to explore without too many complications." She took a step closer to the console, her hand brushing lightly over the controls as she brought up more detailed scans of the planet's surface. The readings confirmed her initial assessment — temperate climate, low population density, and minimal interference from external forces.

Valery turned to Amelia, her expression thoughtful. "We could start by setting down near one of those mountain ranges," she suggested, pointing to a cluster of peaks visible on the planet's surface scan. "It'll give us a good vantage point, and if there are any caves or natural formations, they might provide the kind of shelter we're looking for. A place where our vault isn't easily accessible."

She stepped back, giving Amelia the space to review the data and offer her own thoughts. As she did, Valery adjusted the zipper of her jumpsuit again, pulling it up. Her mind briefly wandered to the complexities of their mission but those thoughts were quickly tucked away — they could do this together.

"What do you think?"


Amelia smirked slightly as her gaze met with Valery's, only breaking when she turned to the control panel. Her smirk grew slightly as she watched Valery tugging her collar up over her neck, a soft chuckle almost slipping free before she contained herself. Turning her attention to the console before her, she carefully guided the Songbird towards the planet that was nestled within the Unknown Regions far from where they had started.

Looking over the scans, she nodded quietly, her golden-yellow hues rapidly shifting over the information as she noted a few details of her own. Bringing her hand up, she lightly pointed to a few minor settlements on the far side of the planet, though they seemed nothing to worry about in the long run.

"Looks like poachers or seasonal hunters. I don't expect much trouble from them."

Amelia said as she let the controls of the vessel go, allowing the droids to take control as she rose from her seat and joined Valery. Standing at the woman's side, she crossed her arms over her chest as her attention remained on the planet, inspecting the readings and coming to a similar conclusion. The mountains were a good place to start, allowing for expansion into the depths whilst keeping their project a secret, she couldn't find a flaw in that thinking.

"I agree. It looks like they mainly run in a North-South orientation. We may want to get a better reading on the stone once we land to ensure that any natural caverns won't collapse on our heads. I'd hate to set up in a Limestone cavern..."

Taking a step back towards the console, she slipped back down into the chair, her hands taking the controls as R7 relinquished them in turn. Shifting her attention back to the vessel, she began to carefully go through the process to bring the Songbird towards the surface of the planet as she activated the landing sequence. A soft smile grew on Amelia's lips as she felt the vessel plunge towards the surface of the planet, not having felt the excitement of the unknown in some time now.


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