Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hardest to Be


Amelia had never truly been one to embrace the nightlife, even during her younger years when she wore less or more revealing clothing than she was now. Taking a moment to collect her thoughts, she made a mental note that the time of year was soon coming again when she'd volunteer, a soft smile crossing her lips as she turned her head towards one of the other display cases. Her view settled on an aurodium-bound ornate book resting on a display secured in a glass case before she returned her attention to the task at hand.

"Finding a suitable location for this project is likely to be the most arduous task that requires completion. It should be a place that not many know about and fewer still would be willing to venture. Though the Deep Core does offer a myriad of celestial bodies, traveling to and from it can be difficult."

The woman spoke softly as she turned towards the large cabinet, her hands gently wrapping around an ornate crystalline carafe as she carefully removed it from its place. Lifting the vessel to the light, it revealed a sanguine ichor similar to what she'd been drinking, though it seemed brighter when it was held up to the light. Amelia smiled slightly as she carefully set the container back down, seemingly pleased with the results of the inspection before she began to carefully look over the other collection of strange, ornate vessels that lined the cabinet.

"It has been some time since I've ventured out beyond the confines of home or office. However, truth be told, I've never been one to embrace the aspects of partying. Even those few galas I've attended were often done out of duty rather than a true desire to let loose as the phrase goes."

Amelia smirked softly as she seemingly found what she was looking for in the cabinet, her hands gracefully removing another ornate pitcher that held a strange blue liquid within. Carefully swirling the container, the liquid seemed to have a similar viscosity to the sanguine ichor she'd been drinking. Turning to her guest, her golden-yellow hues fell upon Valery; she was carefully removing the stopper from the container and bringing the item to her nose.

"What did you have in mind Master Jedi?"

The woman was understanding enough of proper etiquette and manners that she wasn't about to turn the offer down out of hand without first hearing what the plan was. Even as she took a moment to admire the slight hint of copper, her attention always remained on Valery, never slipping away unless it was to draw attention to some other point or object in the room.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery watched Amelia with quiet interest, noting the careful way she inspected the vessels and spoke of her past. There was a subtle elegance to everything Amelia did, from the way she moved to how she chose her words. It made Valery wonder what lay beneath the surface, what thoughts and motivations drove the Supreme Commander in moments like this.

"A remote and secure location, yet accessible enough for our purposes," Valery echoed, considering the challenge. "The Deep Core might be difficult, but perhaps there are places within the Outer Rim, the Unknown Regions, or even Wild Space that could serve us just as well — places far from prying eyes that are less likely to be compromised if the Alliance were to fall."

She leaned forward slightly, her expression shifting into a smirk, "As for getting out and about, I wasn't thinking of parties or galas either. More of an exploration, a chance to find something new together. We could take a trip to survey potential locations ourselves. Not only would it help with the project, but it might be a nice change of pace for both of us."

Valery smiled warmly, her fiery eyes locking onto Amelia's golden ones. "What do you say? It could be the start of something important, and perhaps even a bit… enjoyable." Not that she was opposed to parties or galas, but inspecting worlds and searching for special locations could be fun, too.

As long as she felt a little adventurous.


Amelia slowly set the ornate pitcher down on a small end table, allowing the blue ichor within to settle as she gently took up an empty glass. She wasn't about to do something as barbaric as reuse her previous goblet, thus mixing and muddling the flavors and tastes of the two liquids together into something less palatable. As she took up the pitcher once more and began to slowly pour the blue ichor into the new glass, she took a moment to think about possible locations that could be utilized when her mind latched to the word that caused her lips to curl into a soft smirk.

Wild Space, much of the edge of the Galaxy was considered as such and what better place was there to avoid prying eyes? Bringing the glass to her nose, she took in the slight scent of copper before taking a sip of the blue ichor, enjoying it much as an individual would wine. Closing her eyes for a moment as she savored the flavor, she thought about the handful of regions within Wild Space that she was familiar with that could be utilized. Lightly tapping her finger against the side of the glass, she slowly opened her eyes before moving towards the desk to set the glass down before leaning over the edge to press a button on the console to shift the projected image into a map of the Galaxy.

"Here... Galactic North of the Core worlds is an area of the Unknown Regions, Wild Space, that would be perfect."

Amelia said before standing up straight again, her hand brushing a few wrinkles from her coat before slipping her hand into her pocket. Taking up the glass with her free hand, she stepped away from the image of the map, her attention falling upon a display case set along the opposite wall. It had been some time since she'd been out in the Galaxy in a capacity that wasn't standing on the bridge of a warship. Bringing her hand out of her pocket, her fingers lightly pressed against the glass case that held a display of a handful of lightsabers. She'd collected them long ago in her earlier years, many of them brought to her by an agent of hers who was likely long since passed; Amelia thought about the young woman for a moment before pushing those thoughts away.

"It's been some time since I've ventured into the Galaxy like that."

She paused for a moment before she looked back at Valery, a woman who seemed intent on pulling an older, ancient form of Amelia from deep within the recesses of her mind. Amelia began to slowly run her index finger along the rim of the glass in her hand, a soft, almost eerie melody ringing out as she thought on the idea of the two of them trekking into the darkness of space to find something that could or could not be there.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery watched as Amelia delicately handled the blue ichor. The way Amelia savored the drink, taking in the scent before sipping, showed a deep appreciation for the finer details — something Valery admired. She could sense the gears turning in Amelia's mind, and when the map of the galaxy appeared, Valery leaned in slightly, her curiosity piqued.

"The Galactic North... the Unknown Regions," Valery echoed, her gaze tracing the outline of the map. "It's a vast, unpredictable area — perfect for keeping something hidden, yet accessible when needed."

She smiled warmly as Amelia moved toward the display case of lightsabers. The collection intrigued her, but it was the subtle shift in Amelia's demeanor that caught her attention. The way her fingers glided along the glass, the soft, haunting melody she created by running her finger around the rim of the glass — all of it hinted at a side of Amelia that she hadn't been able to show in quite some time, and a side that Valery was eager to explore further because of just that.

Adventure could connect people in ways no conversation or meeting ever would.

"It sounds like it's been far too long since you've had the chance to step away from the responsibilities and pressures of leadership," Valery said, her tone gentle yet encouraging. Understanding. "This could be an opportunity for both of us — not just to find the right location, but to reconnect with the galaxy in a way we haven't in some time."

She stood up, her movements fluid and purposeful, and took a step closer to Amelia, "And for a good cause, too. One day, our efforts might provide people with a safe haven they need during darker times."

She paused and flashed the woman an inviting smirk, "What do you say? Are you joining me?"



Amelia took a moment to collect her thoughts, her attention shifting away from Valery as she looked towards the various display cases that filled the room. Each piece had its memories, a story that called to how it had been collected, pried from an individual's hands or the Galaxy itself, and brought back into her possession. Taking a sip of the blue ichor, she permitted her attention to settle once more on the map that flickered silently, the region of space far to the north highlighted and pulsing slightly to reveal the planned destination.
Her fingers lightly tapped on the side of the glass as she made her way back towards the desk, setting the glass down before she slipped both of her hands into her pockets. Her attention seemed to settle on the wall behind the desk, those golden-yellow hues fixating on the area before she let out a soft sigh as she stepped around the desk. The memories flooded into her mind once more as she thought of those days before she had held the responsibilities that she now had, even during a time before the Confederacy of Independent Systems rose in power. She remembered a day on Geonosis, the arena. She could still taste the sand and blood mixing in her mouth that day as she stopped short of the wall.
Slipping her hand from her pocket, she slowly brought it up, stopping for a moment as she looked over her shoulder to Valery. It had been too long since she found herself in the company of an individual who had the means to push her to strive toward a greater meaning or purpose. She thought back to her time on Jutrand and the words that the Dread Empress had spoken to her before she looked back at the wall.
"Then it's time old friend..."
Amelia spoke, not directly to Valery, it seemed as though it was more to the room or as if she were addressing another unseen individual. Her hand lightly pressed against the wall causing a chime to sound off as the wall shifted and pulled away to reveal an almost ancient suit of armor and its helm.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery watched in silence as Amelia moved about the room, her gaze following the Supreme Commander with a mixture of curiosity and respect. There was a weight to Amelia's movements, a sense of history that Valery could almost feel emanating from the woman. When Amelia paused in front of the wall, Valery sensed that something significant was about to happen. The chime that echoed through the room as the hidden compartment was revealed only heightened that feeling.

The sight of the ancient armor took Valery by surprise. It was clearly more than just protection — it was a relic, a piece of Amelia's past that carried stories of battles fought and victories won. Valery's fiery gaze shifted from the armor to Amelia, noting the way her hand lingered on the wall, the way her voice had softened, as though speaking to an old companion.

As Amelia's attention returned to her, Valery's lips curled into a playful smirk. "So, I'll get to see the Supreme Commander in armor? I feel honored," she teased lightly, her tone laced with genuine admiration. Valery's eyes sparkled with mischief as she added with a wink, "Now I can't wait to see you in action,"

The thought of the two of them going on this journey together, both literally and figuratively armored for the challenges ahead, filled Valery with a renewed sense of purpose. This was more than just an exploration; it was the beginning of something that could shape the future of the Alliance


Amelia smirked slightly as she looked over the armor, her hand lightly running along the ancient metal as her ears perked up whilst listening to Valery. A devilish grin pulled at her lips as she shrugged her shoulders, slipping the coat off with ease before carefully hanging it up on a nearby hook. Looking over her shoulder, the hint of her fangs was more prominent, almost as if she were flashing them to the woman as she spoke in response to Valery's statement of seeing her in action.

"The last time I wore this armor, I tore a Sith Trooper's throat out..."

She paused for a moment as she looked back at the armor, her fingers dancing lightly over the metal and tapping out a soft, melodic dirge as she began to hum in tune softly. The memories of those days were flooding back into her mind as the taste of iron and sand filled her mouth.

"With my teeth..."

Amelia finished her sentence as her hand slipped away and lightly grasped the zipper at the front of her blouse. Pulling it down, she rolled her shoulders slightly before she slipped the garment off, hanging it just as she had her jacket. Keeping herself forward with her back to Valery, the scars of her past were easy to see, dancing across her physique and having never properly healed despite her species' capabilities. She was showing an untold level of trust to Valery, allowing the woman to see a more vulnerable side of the normally stoic Supreme Commander as well as keeping her back to the woman, leaving herself open to a strike.

Slipping her hands along the armor once more, she carefully removed the upper portion of a body suit and slowly pulled it over her figure, rolling it down until it covered her upper half and hid away the past once more. In looking toward securing the future of the Alliance, the past of her life was being slowly brought into the present.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery felt her breath hitch the moment Amelia turned, revealing the prominent hint of her fangs as she removed her coat with practiced ease. The sight of those fangs, combined with Amelia's words about tearing out a Sith Trooper's throat, sent a shiver down Valery's spine. She knew Amelia was formidable, but this glimpse into her past — into her more primal side—was both thrilling and unsettling.

As Amelia continued to undress, slipping out of her blouse and revealing the scars etched into her skin, Valery's eyes couldn't help but follow the movement, tracing the lines of Amelia's form. The scars told a story of battles hard-fought, of survival, and Valery found herself captivated by the strength they represented.

When Amelia finally began to don the armor, Valery's gaze lingered a moment too long, taking in the contrast between the vulnerability of the exposed scars and the strength the armor symbolized. Her cheeks flushed slightly, a warmth spreading through her as her mind briefly wandered to thoughts she quickly pushed aside.

Clearing her throat softly, Valery tried to regain her composure. "You certainly know how to leave an impression," she murmured, her voice tinged with both admiration and a hint of flustered amusement. She managed a small, appreciative smile, though the blush still tinged her cheeks.

She felt honored to witness this side of Amelia but also caught off guard by the effect it had on her.

"I uh, should be ready to head out whenever. I have my gear ready." Valery smiled, tugged up the zipper of her jumpsuit, and patted her sides to make sure her lightsabers were secured.

Anything to provide a moment of distraction,



Amelia moved with a graceful focus, each movement intentional and fluid as she slowly leaned forward, bending at the waist whilst keeping her back towards Valery. Remaining on course with the task at hand, she remained silent, even as she removed her clothing without seeming to care that another individual was in the room with her or that said individual was likely watching. Shifting her weight slightly, she carefully pulled on the lower half of the bodysuit, allowing it to slip over her figure before she stood up straight once more, her hands slipping over the material to ensure that the fabric was contouring to her figure as it was intended.
Shifting her attention back towards the armor, she began to process of donning the intricate pieces, her body moving on memory alone as she settled into a routine from long ago. A soft smirk crossed her lips as she felt the metal beneath her touch once more, her ears perking up as she heard it scrape slightly against each other as she moved carefully. Pulling the gauntlets on, she squeezed her hands, her golden-yellow hues falling upon the pieces as the past flooded back into her mind.
Amelia took a moment to collect herself as she allowed her focus to fall upon the helm that now sat alone. Her eyes seemed to peer through the object, as though she were delving into the past before her hands reached up slowly to grasp the sides. Lifting the object free from its place, she brought it to her forehead, resting it against her skin for a moment before she skillfully flipped it around in her hands.
"There is no armor against fate..."
She said softly before leaning her head forward, the familiar feeling of metal against her skin brought a soft smirk to her lips as she pulled the helm on and set it into place. Slowly raising her head, a long adornment crest fell over the back of the helm as she slowly turned from the hidden case. Her hand pressed against the pad once more as the door shifted away and covered the recess once more. Amelia's attention fell on Valery again before she stepped forward, moving towards the display case of lightsabers before pressing her hand firmly against the display. Beneath the case a small drawer slipped free, revealing an old vibrosword nestled in a stand below.
Looking back towards Valery as she pulled the blade free, she slipped it into her belt with ease, a soft smirk upon her lips as she pulled along the belt to ensure the blade was held in place.
"Shall we?"



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery did her best to keep her gaze steady, trying to focus on anything but Amelia's continued undressing. But no matter how hard she tried, her eyes betrayed her, flickering down to catch glimpses of the smooth movement of fabric over skin, the way Amelia's body was revealed with each piece of clothing removed. The flush on Valery's cheeks deepened, her heart racing as she caught herself staring yet again.

When Amelia bent at the waist, Valery's breath caught in her throat, her gaze tracing the lines of the other woman's form before she quickly forced herself to look away, though her eyes didn't seem to want to obey.

Focus, Valery, she silently urged herself, but it was difficult with Amelia moving with such grace and confidence, seemingly unaffected by Valery's presence in the room.

As Amelia began donning the armor, Valery managed to keep her gaze up and cleared her throat, trying to shake off the flustered feeling that still lingered. "Ready when you are," Valery said, her voice betraying just a hint of the nerves she was trying to suppress. She offered a smile, though her cheeks were still slightly flushed as they prepared to head out.

"I came here in my X-wing, so I only have room for one," Valery continued, "Do you have a shuttle we can use?"


Amelia paused for a moment as though she were taking in the information and processing it before she looked towards Valery's X-wing sitting quietly on the private Skydock. It had been some time since she'd traveled off-planet in anything other than one of the many massive warships that the Alliance was fielding in its vast Armadas. However, the more she thought on it, the more a soft smirk grew on her lips as she motioned to Valery before slipping past and heading towards the entrance to the private Turbolift. Pressing the console next to the door, she looked over her shoulder before stepping forward as the lift hissed open to reveal what appeared to be another room of considerable size.

"Coming, Master Jedi?"

She asked, almost flirtatiously as she stepped into the lift and slipped down onto a bench seat that dominated much of the opposite wall. The lift itself was just as lavishly and brilliantly decorated as the interior of Amelia's penthouse, even complete with a couple of smaller display cases of older weapons and artifacts that she'd collected over the years. As she leaned back, she stretched her arms along the back of the seat, crossing one leg over the other and allowing it to hang lightly off of her knee.

"These private lifts span the bulk of the building and will take us to a private hangar. It'll be a while though, after all, the building is thousands of stories in height."

Amelia smiled softly as she leaned forward and pressed her hand against the edge of a table near the bench seat. The top of the furnishing hissed softly as it opened, a small drink cabinet slowly rising from within. It was clear, that no matter where she went, Amelia was more than prepared to host guests or provide some means of refreshment to an individual, be it herself or another. Leaning back once more, she laid her head back, closing her eyes as she waited for her guest to step inside.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery watched Amelia with quiet curiosity, noting the almost playful tone in her voice as she invited her into the lift. The Supreme Commander's confidence was both intriguing and slightly disarming, and Valery found herself momentarily off-balance as she followed Amelia into the lavishly decorated lift. The environment, with its luxurious touches and curated artifacts, felt like a world away from the usual chaos of war and the pressures of leadership.

Stepping inside, Valery took a moment to appreciate the space, her eyes briefly lingering on the older weapons and artifacts displayed within the lift. Everything about this place seemed to reflect Amelia's refined tastes and meticulous attention to detail. It was impressive, but also a reminder of how different their lives were outside of this collaboration.

"Quite the setup you have here," Valery commented with a warm smile as she moved closer to the bench where Amelia was seated. There was a teasing glint in her eyes as she added, "You make it hard for a guest to leave." She settled into a seat across from Amelia, her posture relaxed, though there was still a hint of the earlier flustered feeling in her expression.

The door of the lift finally closed, leaving the two women in a moment of silence. Valery heard the sound of her heart beating faster but kept her eyes on the other woman. Feeling the heat, Valery tugged on the zipper of her jumpsuit again, adjusting it down under the ruse of getting comfortable inside the warmth of the lift.

"What kind of ship are we taking?" Valery asked eventually, breaking the silence, curious about what awaited them in the private hangar.


Amelia smiled softly at the comment, though the lift had been designed and decorated to be more aesthetically pleasing to her eye, she could also understand how others could view it as a trap in one way or another. As Valery took the seat along the bench, Amelia's ears perked up slightly, that soft smirk seeming to grow slightly as she could hear the other woman's heart beating quicker. Leaning forward, Amelia began to reach for one of the glasses before stopping when the question of what ship they were taking was brought up.

Either she was truly oblivious to the flustered state she'd placed Valery in or was deciding to pay no attention to it, was knowledge only known to Amelia at that moment. Smiling softly, she slowly rose from her seat, stretching for a moment before she turned towards Valery and leaned forward, her cuirass in the woman's face as she reached for a cabinet mounted to the wall behind her.

"Excuse my reach..."

Amelia said as she looked down at Valery before her attention shifted back to the task at hand. Pressing her finger against the buttons next to the cabinet, it popped open silently to reveal a few odds and ends that Amelia began to go through. With a soft sigh of contentment, she pulled free a small object, palming it in her hand before closing the cabinet once more. Slowly straightening herself up, Amelia took a step back before she slipped gracefully into her seat once more, placing one leg over the other as she set the small disk down on the edge of the table before activating the item.

The image of a vessel flickered to life, its age apparent, and much like many of the items she owned, could easily be considered a relic at this point. It was from the time she spent her years with the Confederacy of Independent Systems so many years prior. The memories of those times resurfaced, flooding her mind for a moment before she pushed them back into the darker corners, focusing on the here and now.

"A Songbird II-class Personal Luxury Yacht. Constructed during the height of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, there's likely only a handful of these vessels still in existence. When the Confederacy collapsed, many of the corporations during that time that produced this vessel also went defunct."

Amelia leaned back as she turned her attention towards Valery, her golden-yellow hues settling upon the woman and taking note of the slight... loosening of the zipper of her jumpsuit. A soft smirk pulled at the edge of her lips as she looked back to the image of the old vessel.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery's eyes widened slightly as Amelia leaned over her, the sudden proximity and the unexpected closeness of the cuirass sending a rush of warmth to her cheeks. She could feel her heart beating faster, and despite her best efforts to maintain composure, a soft blush crept across her face. The smell of Amelia’s perfume, subtle and enticing, only added to the flustered feeling she was trying to suppress.

"Um, no problem at all," Valery managed to murmur, her voice betraying the slight hitch in her breath as she found herself momentarily at a loss for words. When Amelia turned back to her seat, Valery exhaled softly, trying to regain her composure, though the soft smirk on Amelia's face as she noticed the lowered zipper didn't go unnoticed by Valery, and she felt another wave of heat rush through her.

Valery leaned forward slightly, her hand instinctively reaching up to adjust the zipper, but instead, she paused, her fiery eyes meeting Amelia's golden-yellow hues. There was a playful challenge in her gaze, a silent acknowledgment of the tension between them.

"A Songbird II-class," Valery said, her voice steadier now, as she tried to focus, "That sounds like a beautiful ship. I can't wait to see it fly." She offered Amelia a warm, slightly mischievous smile, hoping to steer the conversation back to the mission while also acknowledging the playful dynamic that had developed between them.

"With a ship like that, it sounds like we’ll be traveling in style, too," Valery added, leaning back a little, though she kept her gaze locked on Amelia, still curious about what more the woman might


Amelia nodded quietly as she reached for the glass she had originally intended to take into her possession. Holding it lightly in her hand, she carefully removed the stopper from a small though still ornate carafe that was resting beside it in the refrigerated cabinet within the table. Pouring the sanguine ichor into the glass, she stopped midway up the glass before replacing the stopper. Each movement was fluid and direct as she took the goblet in her hand and leaned back, her free arm coming to rest along the back of the bench once more as she took a sip.

"They were designed to show off wealth, though some did find their way into the hands of Diplomats and Ambassadors, one even found its way into the possession of a paramilitary organization."

A slight smirk crossed her lips as she thought about the vessel, the Lionheart, which had been crafted as a special gift years ago. Bringing the glass back to her lips, she took another small sip, the sanguine ichor once more staining her lips a dark red as she savored the beverage. It wasn't difficult to see why so many seemed to have an eye for the Grandmaster of the New Jedi Order, the thought alone bringing that sly smirk back as she lightly ran her finger along the rim of her glass.

Turning her attention back to the image of the vessel, her golden-yellow hues locked onto the flickering image as old memories bubbled to the surface. Even with the tension between the two, it was still, so far, a pleasant experience having a reason to finally leave the ivory tower she'd taken residence in that didn't include going to the office or making her way toward some warzone at the edge of Alliance space. Her focus once more returned to Valery, nodding in agreement to the statement that she had made.

"It was designed to include a Solar Sail for pleasure cruises, as well as amenities often associated with the upper class. Usually, it requires a full crew of fifteen to properly operate, however, the astromechs and droids on board will be more than enough to ensure our needs for navigation and maintenance on the vessel are met."

Amelia carefully set the goblet down on the table, shifting slightly so that she was facing more towards Valery. Her free hand pulled back before coming to rest against her thigh as her fingers lightly tapped against the cuisses to create a soft melodic tune that filled the turbolift as it continued to delve into the depths of the building towards the private hangar.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery watched Amelia's movements with quiet fascination, the fluidity and precision in every motion mesmerizing her. It was hard not to be captivated. But Valery quickly caught herself, realizing she had been staring a bit too long.

With a small, playful smile, Valery reached up to fix a loose strand of her dark hair, tucking it behind her ear as she leaned forward slightly. "Sounds like we'll be traveling in style then," she said with a teasing hint in her voice. "Maybe we'll even have time to enjoy that solar sail while we're out there. I wouldn't mind a little break if we can afford it."

Her fiery eyes met Amelia's golden gaze again, and she allowed herself to relax, the earlier tension easing into a more comfortable, almost flirtatious exchange. "I have to admit," Valery continued, her tone softer, "I'm curious to see how you handle yourself out there, beyond the walls of your office. I have a feeling you’re full of surprises."

As the melodic tapping from Amelia's fingers filled the lift, Valery felt a warm anticipation growing inside her. This journey was shaping up to be far more interesting than she had initially expected.


Amelia smirked slightly as her ears perked up, hearing the lift beginning to slow as it reached its destination. Some part of her was damming that the turbolift moved as quickly as it did; the other part enjoyed the tease as she shifted slightly. Looking toward the doors, she slowly rose from her seat, stretching just slightly as she stepped forward, each step singing out softly as metal pressed against metal.

"It's been some time since the Songbird got a chance to spread its wings as it were."

She said while looking over her shoulder, showing the clear intention to utilize the Solar Sail, at least while they were still in Alliance space. Turning her attention forward, she watched as the doors hissed open, revealing a small hallway that was just as decorated and well-kept as the private turbolift. Its walls were lined with various paintings and a few artifacts, and despite there not having been a visitor in the area for some time, the hall remained spotless and devoid of dust.

Amelia stepped forward, her movement fluid as each step took her down the hall, her attention focused now on what lay ahead. It was only halfway down the hall when she came to a stop, her head turning towards an old portrait drawing her attention for the moment. A soft smile crossed her lips as she turned to face the portrait, admiring it as though she'd not seen in it some time, and it had been. Bringing one hand up, she lightly brushed her fingers against the plague as though she were shining the object before her voice slipped out quietly.

"Happier times..."

The words trailed off before she straightened herself up, turning back towards Valery before motioning with her head as she slowly looked to the large doors at the end of the hall. Taking a moment to collect her thoughts, she closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, the memories of that fateful night from so many centuries ago flooded into her mind for a brief moment before slipping away. Snapping her eyes open, she appeared to have resolved herself as she moved with purpose towards the doors once more.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery watched Amelia with a mixture of curiosity and admiration as the woman rose and moved gracefully toward the door of the lift. There was something undeniably captivating about the way Amelia carried herself — the quiet confidence, the fluidity of her movements, and the subtle hints of emotion she allowed to surface. It was easy to see why she held such a powerful position within the Alliance, but there was also so much more beneath the surface that Valery wanted to understand.

As Amelia paused to admire the portrait, Valery noticed the fleeting look of nostalgia in her eyes, the way her fingers gently brushed the plaque as if trying to connect with a memory long past. Valery felt a pang of empathy, recognizing that look — the kind that spoke of loss and longing, of times that could never be recaptured.

Having gone through a long time in stasis, Valery understood that feeling well.

But before Valery could say anything, Amelia had already turned back toward her, motioning with a slight nod of her head toward the large doors at the end of the hall. There was a brief moment where their eyes met, and Valery could sense the resolve that had settled within Amelia. Whatever memories had surfaced, they had been pushed aside in favor of the present task.

Valery offered a warm, understanding smile, her own heart feeling the weight of shared experiences, even if they had never spoken of them directly. "I imagine we'll create new memories on this journey," Valery said softly, her voice laced with both encouragement and a hint of that earlier playful tone.

She always loved a good adventure.

As they neared the doors, Valery allowed herself a moment to appreciate the sense of adventure that was brewing between them. "I'm ready when you are," Valery said, her fiery eyes locking onto Amelia's golden gaze once more, a small, confident smile playing on her lips. "Will you be flying? Or should we take turns?" Valery finally asked.

"It's going to be a long journey to get there."


Amelia looked to Valery, her golden-yellow hues locking with her fiery stare as she leaned forward closer to the woman. Her hand slowly moved up as her fingers lightly pressed a control panel to Valery's right before Amelia slowly leaned back. Her ears perked up as she heard the large doors groan and growl as they were awakened for the first time in years to reveal the waiting vessel that had been slumbering beyond. A soft smirk remained on her lips as she turned her attention to the Luxury Yacht before she stepped forward, making her way towards one of the smaller boarding ramps.

"Once we get out of the atmosphere the droids will do the bulk of the flying unless we're otherwise required."

Amelia paused for a moment as she looked up at the large vessel, admiring it once more as though it was the very first time she'd seen it. Her small smirk grew into a slight smile as she continued forward, her heavy footfalls sounding out in the cavernous private hangar bay that was housing the ancient ship. Stepping onto the boarding ramp, she let out a soft sigh, her golden-yellow hues falling upon the door ahead of her before she pushed herself forward toward the waiting hatch. There was no turning back from this moment, and the plan that had been set out was finally getting a chance to be brought together.

Pressing a small console on the side of the vessel, the hatch slipped open, the lights within flickering for a moment as they were brought to life. Passing over the threshold, Amelia could feel it, feel the vessel beginning to awaken from its deep slumber as the lights continued to flicker and spring to life. Her attention was pulled toward the end of the hall as she moved forward before kneeling, her hand coming to rest on the dome of an R7-series Astromech droid as she gave its sensor eye a quick wipe to brush away some dust.

"R7, we're going to be heading out, can you get everyone together?"

Amelia's voice was soft and sweet as she spoke to the astromech, showing a fondness for the mechanical being that she often didn't show to others save for a few. Straightening herself out again, she looked back to Valery before she motioned towards the end of the hall.

"I'll be making my way towards the bridge, make yourself at home."



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery watched Amelia as she moved through the hangar with an air of quiet command. There was something almost enchanting about the way Amelia interacted with her ship as if she was reconnecting with an old friend. Valery followed closely behind, her eyes drawn to the Luxury Yacht that loomed before them — a relic of the past, much like herself, and yet still vibrant with potential.

Also much like herself.

When Amelia turned to her, Valery nodded in understanding as the Supreme Commander mentioned heading to the bridge. The ship was coming to life around them, lights flickering on, systems whirring back to action, and Valery could feel the subtle hum of the vessel beneath her feet. This was going to be their home for the journey ahead, and the prospect of exploring it intrigued her.

"I'll do just that," Valery replied with a warm smile, her voice carrying a hint of playful mischief. "I'll see you in a bit." Either she'd join Amelia on the bridge, or perhaps they'd spend their time getting to know each other once the droids were flying them to their destination.

With that, Valery made her way down one of the side corridors, letting her hand trail along the smooth, polished walls. The ship's interior was just as refined as the rest of Amelia's surroundings, each detail carefully curated to exude a sense of elegance and comfort. It was clear that this was a vessel meant for more than just simple travel — it was a place of luxury, a retreat from the chaos of the galaxy.

Eventually, Valery found a room, the door sliding open with a soft hiss as she entered. The room was beautifully decorated, mirroring the sophistication of Amelia's penthouse. The bed was large and inviting, adorned with fine linens that looked as comfortable as they were stylish. The walls were lined with subtle, warm lighting that cast a gentle glow across the room, highlighting the exquisite furnishings and carefully chosen accents.

With a contented sigh, Valery kicked off her boots and crossed the room to the bed, letting herself sink down onto the soft mattress. She leaned back, her eyes drifting over the room's decor as she absorbed the atmosphere.

As she sat there, Valery couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions — excitement for the journey ahead, curiosity about the woman she was beginning to know better, and a sense of peace that she rarely allowed herself to indulge in. For now, she would take a moment to relax, to enjoy the calm before they embarked on their adventure.


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