Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hauntruss Trapped and Gyndine Conspiracy

Allies: [member="Kyle Amedis"] [member="Hans Vaiden"] [member="Darth Hauntruss"] [member="Cylus Jest"] [member="Silara Kuhn"]
Enemies: [member="Roshki Belawiiks"] [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Ceska Starshield"] [member="Corvus Raaf"]

The massive ship was an exquisite example of the finest in naval engineering. Commander Temi was at the side of [member="Darth Hauntruss"] patiently listening, not just to the leader of the Imperial Inquisition, but to the other engineers and various crew members. Her senses were heightened like the days when she protected the Hapan Queen Mother as one of her Royal Guards.

Suddenly the lights in the facility flickered and then went dark. Tmoxin, instinctively withdrawing her E11, was in Imperial uniform and not in armor so if she were to engage in battle she would need to be aware of where cover was at all times. Watching the stormtroopers react and ready themselves for a firefight, the Commander began assessing entrances and exits for an escape route in case she needed to usher her superior officer out of the facility. Tmoxin’s relationship with the Sith was… complicated. But as she had served her Queen so many years before, she would dutifully serve Dauth Hauntruss, and would without hesitation, protect the Warmaster with her life.

“Sgt. Major Ulysses, take Squad One with you to provide backup for the shuttle that’s under attack.” The Sgt. Major nodded and motioned for Squad One to fight their way down to the landing pad.

“Squad Two, stay here to protect Darth Hauntruss.”

Tmoxin then turned towards the engineers, crew and other members of the facility who were nearby and pointed her blaster at them “I want all of you against the wall where I can see you! You too," she said specifically to the lead engineer. "Any sudden move and my squad will fire, do you understand?"

In a time of crisis when your adversary was unknown it was a good idea to assume that anyone, except your closest allies, could be your enemy.
Allies: [member="Corvus Raaf"] - [member="Veino Garn"] - [member="Roshki Belawiiks"] - [member="Ceska Starshield"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Hauntruss"] - [member="Kyle Amedis"] - [member="Hans Vaiden"] - [member="Cylus Jest"] - [member="Silara Kuhn"] - [member="Tmoxin Temi"]

Kian chuckled at his apprentice's comment, but he couldn't feel the warmth and joy that laughter usually brought on. He was too worried to be jovial. Kian would be facing an enemy he'd faced before. That didn't scare Kian. What scared him was that this would be the first test of his apprentice against a Sith....and it was a dangerous Sith to go against.

"Soon enough Roshki." Kian said turning toward her. "[member="Darth Hauntruss"] is a dangerous opponent. We've faced off before. Once we're in combat, rely on your training.....and be careful." Kian said as he felt the tell-tale signs of the ship exiting hyperspace.

They'd reached their destination.

"Time to go." Kian said leading Roshki to the turbolift and down to the hangar. The Gnost Dural, with its stealth activated, wouldn't draw much attention, but just to be safe, it still hung back behind the small asteroid field, not engaging in the combat. In the hangar were two A-Type Stiletto fighters. The plan was really simple, use the basic stealth capabilities of the ships to get to infiltrate and capture the Sith Lord while the battle raged around them. Kian liked simple even if things had a tendency to get complicated.

"I never bothered to ask." Kian said laughing. "I hope you can fly." Kian said rising up into the cockpit and indicating the vessel that was to be Roshki's for the mission.

"Grandmaster [member="Corvus Raaf"]," Came the brisk, accented voice, "This is commander Akysa Lank of the Bastila Shan....your vessel is ready." The young, female officer said over the comm lines to the Grandmaster. She stood on the bridge of the ship. It had just left hyperspace and was in the process of linking its rings together to activate the heavy shields on the vessel.

"We're ready for you to board and take command."

[member="Veino Garn"] - If your going after Hauntruss we should meet up!

Cylus Jest

Servant of the Inquisition
Cylus, clad in the white armor of the stormtroopers backed away as the explosion slammed his hearing. It was quite loud, as most bombs and other devices of the sort were. Most of all, it was rude however, he was having such a good conversation with the [member="Kyle Amedis"] fellow about morality.

As blaster bolts began to fly, he kept close with Kyle, raising his E-11 and sending a couple of bolts back towards the origin of the others and hearing a satisfied grunt as it met mark.
"So, I suppose we both called it then?" He grunted as he searched for cover

Enemies= [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Veino Garn"] | [member="Roshki Belawiiks"] | [member="Ceska Starshield"] | [member="Kian Karr"]
Allies= [member="Darth Hauntruss"] | [member="Hans Vaiden"] | [member="Silara Kuhn"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Kyle Amedis"]

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
Location: Outside Area 67 Administrator Building
Allies: [member="Corvus Raaf"] - [member="Veino Garn"] - [member="Roshki Belawiiks"] - [member="Kian Karr"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Hauntruss"] - [member="Kyle Amedis"] - [member="Hans Vaiden"] - [member="Cylus Jest"] - [member="Silara Kuhn"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"]
Directly Engaging: Area 67 Ship Yards
Objective: Find and apprehend Darth Hauntruss' Entourage

Everyone was silent, the tension in the air palpable. Unsure when the call for them to attack would finally filter in, everyone kept their safeties off and their clips full. Just when it seemed as if the entire operation had been called off, the comm channel that every single Insurgent member outside the Administrator buildings was a part of suddenly began to broadcast orders. "Attack Now! For the Republic!" Everyone gave a single hearthy cheer before everyone rushed to attack the Ship Yards.

The sounds of battle were soon heard everywhere as blaster bolts and the screaming of the wounded drowned out every other sound. One detachment had been sent off to deal with the transport ship which the Sith Lords had used to arrive on the planet. With their only mode of transportation destroyed, they would be even more vulnerable to the Insurgent forces. Or at least, that is what the Insurgent High Command believed. Lurcano didn't care very much, all he wanted was the credits he was due to be paid and as much trouble for the One Sith that he could manage to achieve.

While a stream of insurgent forces went off to secure the Sith Lords transport vessel, Lurcano along with Talia and the various other officers who commanded the insurgents made a bee line straight for the Administration building which was presumably where Darth Hauntruss and her entourage were located. Placing blast charges on the doors, there was a small countdown before an explosion. Once the some cleared, the path was wide open for the most part and everyone filtered through.

Talia shouted out orders to the insurgent forces as they were instructed to spread out and take control over the facility one by one. Finally only Talia, Lurcano, and a squad of 20 or so other insurgent forces. The faced little opposition as they raced through the facility looking for Hauntruss though other squads radioed in signs of staunch resistance as the squads which had been sent by [member="Tmoxin Temi"] began to make their way towards the landing pads. 'Thankfully most of the resistance is on the Landing Bay. The insurgent squads tasked with taking those will have a rough time of it. Perhaps I should have gone with them to make sure things went as planned. Ah bugger, it's to late now.'

'Hopefully we'll be the ones to find this Sith Lord we're supposed to be on the look out for. It's unlikely in a facility such as this, but who knows what faith has in store for us eh?'

Rounding a corner the group of soldiers finally seemed to catch a break. A long hallway was ahead of them and it seemed to lead into a type of observatory room. Imperial Stormtroopers could be vaguely made out as well as several out figures who were all presumably apart of Darth Hauntruss' entourage. Their discovery was punctuated by several blaster bolts which were shot towards their general direction. A bolt slammed directly into Lurcano's chest but his blow protected him from it. A good thing to, because otherwise he would surely have died. Scrambling for cover all along the hallway, the insurgent forces began a fire fight with the Imperial Stormtroopers tasked with protecting Darth Hauntruss.

"Keep firing, and move up when you get the chance! We can't let them get away!" While Lurcano shouted this out, he moved forward while firing his gun and advanced to another piece of cover. A few moments later other insurgent forces followed with varying degrees of successes. This would be a hard fight for either side.
Location: Space...
Allies: [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] | [member="Veino Garn"] | [member="Roshki Belawiiks"] | [member="Kian Karr"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Hauntruss"] | [member="Kyle Amedis"] | [member="Hans Vaiden"] | [member="Cylus Jest"] | [member="Silara Kuhn"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"]
Objective: Put nine years of learning into practice...

As Corvus sat in her cockpit, awaiting the news she could depart, she heard an incoming message:

"Grandmaster Corvus Raaf," Came the brisk, accented voice, "This is Commander Akysa Lank of the Bastila Shan....your vessel is ready. We're ready for you to board and take command."

This was unexpected but pleasing. “Message received and understood Commander. I’ll be with you presently.”

She immediately disembarked and hopped into a J-1 interceptor – a ship designed by a Jedi, for a Jedi. She gained clearance and left the capital ship and made hr way to the Bastila Shan. By now the shielding ring was in place and she marvelled at the ship’s design as she entered the small hangar. A dozen ships just like hers were present, with twelve Jedi pilots ready to scramble at a moment’s notice.

She bowed to each of them as she walked briskly out of the hangar and made her way to the bridge.

“Commander,” she offered as she bowed low, “Thank you for being so prompt. Your timing could not have been better.”

“Welcome aboard GrandMaster,” the officer replied, “Glad to be of service.”

The Jedi smiled and waved a had dismissively. “Corvus, please. Now…whilst you do the difficult part of getting us into position, could someone please escort me to the meditation chamber? I’ve only ever seen the schematics and am intrigued to see it for real.”

A young Lieutenant stepped forward, “Please follow me.”

Corvus bowed her exit and followed the officer to the chamber itself. Some ten metres in diameter, it had jagged walls that sloped inwards and a flat surface where Corvus would be expected to crouch for the duration of the battle. Directly in front of it was a giant holoscreen that displayed detailed tactical information.

She could feel the benefit of the sphere already. It focused the Force and would allow her to amplify her intentions and send them out over great distances to control armies, boost the morale, stamina and overall battle prowess of allies whilst simultaneously reducing the opposition’s combat-effectiveness by eroding their will to fight.

She immediately sat in a cross-legged position on the floor and closed her eyes, connecting to the Force. “I am ready,” she said into the com-link embedded into the giant screen.

Connor Harrison

Location: Landing Pad
Allies: [member="Cylus Jest"] | [member="Silara Kuhn"] | [member="Hans Vaiden"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"]
Enemies: [member="Roshki Belawiiks"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Ceska Starshield"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Lurcano Car'dann"]
Objection: Move to the Facility

”This is intolerable!”

A round of blaster fire hit the ship above his head, sending a shower of sparks down over Kyle, but thanks to the armour it didn’t faze him as he edged back, returning fire just as vigorously. He glanced right to where the Sith and Imperials had come from.

”I’m heading into the complex - we can only hold of ships for so long with the E11s and I’d rather try my chances inside with an advantage of the surroundings rather than out there!”

Moving low and quick, Kyle ran across the landing pad and slid forward behind another docked ship, his armor clattering on the ground. The ramp into the complex was just behind them, and it didn’t take long for a pocket of other troopers to take the lead and edge back over to secure their positions in and around the facility.
Location: Shipyards Viewing Bay
Allies: [member="Cylus Jest"] | [member="Silara Kuhn"] | [member="Hans Vaiden"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"]
Enemies: [member="Roshki Belawiiks"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Ceska Starshield"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Lurcano Car'dann"]
Objection: Moving to Communication tower, will intersect with Kian, Lurcano and Talia there.

The lights cut and during the chaos the representatives of the corporations scrambled to reconnect communications. They were now isolated. Now help could be radioed in. The head of the delegation turned to Hauntruss in a sudden jerk and with arms out stretched he pleaded for time. "You had told me the situation was secured, Representative." Hauntruss hissed in suppressed rage. "If we can just retake the communication tower then we co-" the Representative was cut short by the force. Hauntruss did not flinch as she choked him to death. A final jerk from his broken neck caused his legs to spasm and his body to flop down onto the deck. "You have failed me for the last time." Hauntruss delivered her verdict.

The room shook as Hauntruss' rage grew. The metal panels of the walls shook and the bolts inside of them vibrated into a mechanical clanking melody. Hauntruss took a deep breath and the storm subsided. Now was the time for work. Hauntruss waved her hand at her associates. Pointing to [member="Tmoxin Temi"] she gave out her orders in a loud bark, "Radio in the rest of my stormtroopers, they are to converge on that communication tower! At once!" Hauntruss then turned her irritated gaze at the rest of the corporation representatives, "Advance preparations for the Project Q. I want that ship fully operational in the next two hours! We are to leave on that vessel. Am I clear!" The representatives dashed away into the main ship facility the minute Hauntruss finished.

"Come with me." said Hauntruss as she used the force to open the door. "I will deal with this rebellion myself! To the communication towers. Once we take the tower the full force my fleet can be brought to beer."
Location: En route to Communication Tower
Enemies: [member="Roshki Belawiiks"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Ceska Starshield"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Lurcano Car'dann"]
Allies: [member="Cylus Jest"] | [member="Silara Kuhn"] | [member="Hans Vaiden"] | [member="Kyle Amedis"]
Objective: Call for reinforcements and protect [member="Darth Hauntruss"]

“Yes, Lord Hauntruss,” said Commander Temi. As the group of them followed the Sith Lord to the location of the tower, a mobile commlink was quickly established by Squad Two and Tmoxin radioed up to The Scourge. If Captain Vaiden was near the main communication channel on the Destroyer he would hear her familiar voice calling for dropships to take the 182nd from ship to planet.

“This is Commander Temi. We have a code red situation on the ground. Requesting immediate deployment of one full battalion to Gyndine. Position the heaviest concentration of troops in the location of the communication tower. I want the rest securing all points of entry around Area 67.” She stopped for a moment and then added, “Please relay to the Captain that we may need fighter support as well but I’ll know more once I receive full intelligence on the number and position of hostiles in the area.”

Once off of the radio, she got the received the grim report that Squad One was taking heavy fire along with the stormtroopers originally stationed at the landing pad. “Pull back and dig in,” the Commander ordered. “Reinforcements are on the way so if possible make your way to the tower and we'll regroup there once we arrive."

Cylus Jest

Servant of the Inquisition
Allies: [member="Hans Vaiden"] | [member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Kyle Amedis"] | [member="Darth Hauntruss"] | [member="Silara Kuhn"]
Enemies: [member="Roshki Belawiiks"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Ceska Starshield"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Lurcano Car'dann"]

Cylus flinched slightly as a blaster bolt narrowly struck him in the skull, plastoid armor was good and all, but direct hits like that were lethal. He dropped to his knee, giving off a crack of blaster fire as his E-11 sent a stream of fire down at the enemy, catching the offender in the throat and downing him in an instant.

It was at that moment that [member="Kyle Amedis"] had started to pull back, he understood the reasoning behind it. However, they had orders and orders were meant to be followed. Another bolt scraped along his leg, he could feel the searing heat radiating off of the plastoid, but he seemed to be alright.

The comlinks gave off a voice, the familiar voice of [member="Tmoxin Temi"] which ordered the Squad out of the combat zone and towards a communication tower of some sort. It didn't look to be terribly far away, but it would probably be dangerous all the same trying to avoid blaster fire on the way. He laid down another burst of E-11 fire before standing and sprinting towards the tower, hopefully he could avoid being shot.

Roshki Belawiiks

We all have demons. I've just decided to feed mine
Allies: [member="Kian Karr"] [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Enemies: [member="Cylus Jest"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Darth Hauntruss"] [member="Kyle Amedis"]
Location: With that stinky Kel Dor
Objective: Try not to get killed in her own ship

Though I kept up my smirk, it had faded from its original position just a tad. I wasn't exactly the greatest Jedi out there, skills-wise -- My Shii-Cho was getting a lot better, but I still was not confident enough to move beyond that or my training saber, and my Force abilities, while definitely having an increase from my first year were nowhere near the proper level -- but even I could sense the apprehension my Master had. So, following closely behind the Kel Dor, I made an attempt to dissuade his worry. "Pfffft, that crazy-as-kark Sith lady's gonna regret going toe-to-toe with me, Double Kay. Just you watch." Giving a cheeky grin, I added, "Maybe then you'll let me upgrade to a real lightsaber." Even though we both knew who was really holding me back, I still liked to poke fun at him. Especially in moments like this.

Can't say I didn't have my good qualities, too.

We finally arrived in the hangar, and my jaw dropped in amazement. Those were two really sleek ships -- and they must've cost a fortune. I hadn't done much flying in terms of spaceships, but I had loved doing the drag races back on Commenor, with the speeder bikes my gang and I had re-rigged for ourselves. Almost nothing compared to the experience of the wind smacking your face, bugs getting in your teeth, and pretending to mow down pedestrians.

... Yeah, yeah, so I wasn't that good of a person back then. But, digressing, flying was fun. My problem? I wasn't very good at it.

Which was why my jaw almost dropped off my skull entirely when Karr told me to hop in one. By myself. While at the wheel. "Wait wait wait," I said, shaking my head as I walked towards my ship. Stopping at the foot of it, I looked up and ran a hand over the top of my montrals. "You're telling me that this very expensive-looking, decked-out and highly weaponized boomerang of a ship is what the Jedi have decided to put at the hands of a formerly delinquent street thief and AV junkie who only has experience with swoop bikes and speeders?" Almost reverently, I climbed up and sat in the pilot's seat, rubbing the side of the ship. All of the sudden, a dastardly wicked grin spread across my face, and I let out a deliciously evil cackle which would have given any old Sith a run for their mone. "The fools! The fools!" Still cackling, I pulled the lid of this pod down and strapped in, fitting the head piece on before falling silent.

Crap. I had no idea how to fly this thing. I didn't even know how to turn it on! My lips twisted in a scowl, I flipped on the coms (at least I knew how to do that) and contacted the Kel Dor. "Hey, Double Kay. After you're done laughing at me -- because trust me, I know you're laughing at me -- can you tell me how to operate this thing? Without blowing it up, that is."
Kian chuckled at his padawan and with a sarcastic smile splayed across his masked face said.

"You'll find a cheat sheet under the seat." Kian shook his head as he jumped into the cockpit and the ship rose into the air. "Or you could just ask the droid to fly for you!" Kian said referring to the astromech droid he'd had placed on the ship for her. Kian had full confidence in his apprentice and given the stealth capabilities of the vessel wasn't anticipating any fighting on the way.

"Just try not to hit me." Kian said and his ship shot forward into space.

The two Jedi made their way across the dark stretch of the space, using their unusual approach vector to keep them away from the ensuing battle. Kian had one objective in mind....and he could feel her presence. It wasn't hard to find her. Her dark aura was like a beacon to the Jedi Shadow. He'd spent a great deal of his time hunting the Sith, but none of them carried the overwhelming sense of corruption that [member="Darth Hauntruss"] carried.

Setting the ships down at relatively safe location, Kian leapt from his ship and motioned for [member="Roshki Belawiiks"] to follow him as closely and cautiously as possible. It wouldn't take them long to reach their destination. They had settled down not far from the shipyard facilities.

"Remember what I said.....this one is very, very dangerous." Kian said, "Trust in the force and in your training." Kian had been working with Roshki on the first form of lightsaber combat, Shii Cho and he had to admit that the girl was a fast learner. Soon they would be progressing away from the basics and into a more refined form.

When Kian's eyes finally settled on the form of the Sith Lord, his jaw set. They appeared to be engaged with the rebel cells, the advantage in surprise and numbers of the rebels was doing its part to hold back the superior fire power and training of the stormtroopers. Their advantage wouldn't last for long though, so they had to act quickly. Leaping from behind cover, Kian ignited his silver lightsaber blade and began to make his way toward the Sith.

They had business to settle.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] - [member="Roshki Belawiiks"] - [member="Veino Garn"]​
[member="Cylus Jest"] - [member="Tmoxin Temi"] - [member="Kyle Amedis"] - [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] - [member="Darth Hauntruss"]​

Roshki Belawiiks

We all have demons. I've just decided to feed mine
"Droid?" I twisted around in my seat and caught sight of a black and blue astromech droid already docked in my ship. A beeping from the dashboard caused me to look back in time to see text scroll across the screen:

<<Yes, droid! I am R7-B3, at your service!>>

"Well, 'scuse me little guy. I didn't mean to ignore you. R7-B3 you said?" I rubbed my chin thoughtfully as the droid tootled in confirmation. "How 'bout I call you Bruiser, instead?"

<<Bruiser? What inspired that name?>>

"Your color scheme, my friend!" I exclaimed, laughing as I resettled in my seat. "Now, let's take off and kick some Sithspawn buttinski!" Bruiser made a raspberry noise that was soon drowned out by the sound of the engines roaring to life. As the craft rose into the air, I let out a whoop of excitement before steering towards Karr and following him out of the hangar. Well, alright, Bruiser did most of the work, but I still helped!

As our ships finally touched down, I couldn't help but let a frown crawl onto my face. There was something....dark ahead. Dark, twisted, and downright icky. And, if I was truthful with myself, a little bit scary.

Karr jumped out of his vessel and motioned for me to do the same. Unbuckling, I opened the hatch and let out a soft whistle at Bruiser. "Hey, make sure no one takes our ship. And I mean no one -- at all. I don't care who they are, if they ain't me they ain't getting my ship. Alright?" Bruiser let out a noise which I took as a confirmation, and leapt down after my Master.

Within a couple of long paces, I was right beside Karr, sneaking along like the Jedi Ninja Shadows we were. "You say that now, Double Kay, but just you watch -- it'll be some rampant bull rancor that takes her out, not us," I said, in an attempt to lighten the situation. Now, don't get me wrong, I knew that we had to be careful, and the possibility of one or both of us dying was (gulp!) very high, but I didn't sense so much as know what the capture of this particular Sith meant to the Kel Dor. I didn't know the history between these two, but even I knew it was important for my Master to be mindful.

Hah, wasn't that funny? I, the Padawan, was telling Double Kay, the Master, to be mindful. Today was a weird day, after all.

As we drew close, Karr ignited his lightsaber and I followed suit. The yellow blade of the training saber I was using (which I had turned up to the highest setting, so that it would be on par with an actual lightsaber) had become a familiar sight, and the hum a comforting noise. Even so, I looked forward to when the right time would be for me to craft my own personal one, and put the two purple crystals I'd found a long, long time ago into it.

As we ran forward, my lightsaber was held in what I secretly called the Mobile Shii-Cho Form (Or MoSChoFo for short). My gut twinned with apprehension at the thought of what we were going to do. Dealing with bombers? No big deal. Being trapped in shell and killing an innocent? Totally over it (not really). Breaking into the Supreme Commander's office and stealing things? Pffft. All in a day's work.

Facing off against a Sith Darth person whom even Karr genuinely thought was dangerous? Yeah... Totally going to be easy. Totally.

Just keep telling yourself that, sweet cheeks.

Hauntruss! You should use this song here, right here for any up-and-coming fight scenes! :D

[member="Kian Karr"] [member="Darth Hauntruss"]

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