Like a raging
in a china shop, the young Cathar's voice was larger than he was. Awe-struck, the boy was mesmerized by each successive step. The initial glimpse through the foyer had been impressive. Then, as the layers and levels had become clearer, the boy's jaw had hung lower and lower as his eyes seemed to grow larger and larger.
A number of voices called out,
shushing the boy.
Curbing his enthusiasm as best he could, the young cat lowered his voice to a whisper as he repeated,
"This is amazing!"
The other members of the group fell away from his conscious mind, as visions of holobooks danced in his eyes. This was it. This was heaven. He had arrived. Just leave him here and point out a nice sunbeam where he could curl up. He'd happily die of old age here, having attempted to read everything.
Before he'd realized it, the cat was flanked on either side by servants. One was one of the library droids, while the other was a decraniated servant. As though predicting the preferences or needs of the visitors, this one had a pitcher of milk on a silver tray.
While the decraniated began to pour a glass for the boy, the droid introduced itself.
"Greetings, young one. I am K-12-Alpha. Please inform me if there are any materials you would like to pull from the archives."
The boy seemed not to be listening, instead looking up with a strange expression on his face, as though trying to figure out of the servant in front of him was alive or not, as the decraniated poured the milk and then handed the glass to the boy.
"That's not creepy at all," the youth murmured, watching the decraniated turn and depart.
"What do you... wow that's good milk," the boy began, only to trail off as he took a sip of the offered refreshment. He couldn't quite place the taste. Not nerf. Not bantha...
"What do you have on the Great Schism?" he asked, looking at the droid.
Not a school project. At least, not
per se. He supposed he could fashion it into a history or book report. More of the boy's own curiosity about the interplay and relationship between the Jedi and the Sith.
"We have an entire section devoted to the topic, young master," the droid offered graciously.
"Might I recommend starting with Saaj Calician's Chronicles of Darkness? And then you might also consult the Rammahgon for the Jedi perspective on the same..."
The boy blinked as the name that the droid dropped finally registered.
"Wait, the Dark Lord has a copy of Saaj Calician's writings?"
"It's an original manuscript, young master," the droid rebutted, rising up in the air a meter as if offended by the boy's suggestion that the archives would hold something as low-brow as a
"Recovered from..."
He normally didn't have this much trouble with inside voices. But he also was not normally inside a library this impressive.
He shrank down as more
shushing was directed his way.
"Awe-some!" he repeated in a whisper, before looking back at the droid.
"Yes, both of those will be great."
"Of course," the droid responded, before asking the obligatory,
"Will there be anything else?"
The young Cathar seemed to mull the question over. Just the Great Schism was going to be heavy reading, especially if he was looking at both the Sith and Jedi texts. That was probably a full load by itself, but of course the boy couldn't help himself.
More books, more better!
But also, what was
Darth Carnifex
's check out policy? Did they offer library cards? Frequent visitor punch cards?
"I suppose Naami will be wanting to build a lightsaber soon," the young kit mused aloud, taking a sip of his milk and then swirling it around in the glass. It'd be nice to make something for
Naamino Zuukamano
after the whole wayfinder ordeal.
"Do you have any materials that examine the historical development of the lightsaber and its significance in Sith culture?"
"Perhaps you would like to start with the development of the proto-saber?"
"Pro... proto-saber?" the Cathar echoed, his large eyes blinking again.
"This is a thing!?"
The Rho kit turned his head and barred his fangs at whoever was doing the shushing just now. There was learning going on here! Also,
proto-saber. WHAT!?
"The lightsaber was the product of a series of advancing innovations, including in the development of power cell tech..."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," the cat uttered, interrupting the droid. He wanted to
read about it. Not be lectured on it.
"Pull a book on that as well."
"Is there anything else?"
The young kit swallowed the last of the milk. A question in the back of his mind, but one he was hesitant to ask.
Kark it. When was the next time he was going to have an opportunity like this?
"I don't suppose the Dark Lord has any reference material on the Tsis-Kaar?" the boy asked, side-eyeing the droid.
There was a moment while the droid seemed to be processing what he'd asked.
"Information on that topic has been restricted," K-12-Alpha stated finally.
The boy rolled his eyes. Of course it was.
"Was worth a shot," he mused aloud. Even that was curious though.
Just who the Hutt were those guys, anyway?
"Is there anything else?"
The decraniated servant had returned to take the boy's now empty glass. Almost as a joke, the boy asked,
"Not unless the Dark Lord has any comic books..."
"My master has a catalog of many items, including comic books," the droid stated, as the boy watched the decraniated servant turn and leave again.
"That's never going to not be creepy," the boy mused, lazily turning his attention back to the droid. So there were comics? Color him skeptically curious. After all, just what kind of comics would a Sith Lord collect? Probably
old people comics...
"Perhaps you would be interested in the Adventures of Sackren Thal-Droma?"
The boy just blinked.
Then a second time.
shushing. Many
"I heard that
Darth Voracitos
had the author flayed alive and... and then everyone who ever sold one disintegrated because he thought one of the characters was a bad caricature of him!? It's the most banned comic book in the history of comic books!" The One Sith had banned it in outrage over characters they perceived as mocking them. And then the Republic-Jedi worlds had banned it as subversive.
Suffice to say, the HoloNet rumormill surrounding the comics was legendary in and of itself. But no one had ever seen a copy, though fake covers were known to crop up.
"We have all twenty one published volumes. Plus the storyboards for the unpublished twenty-second and twenty-third volumes," K-12-Alpha stated, unplussed by the boy's enthusiastic fanboying.
"Shall I add them to your pull list?"
How was this even a question right now?
"'Uhhhhh, YES PLEASE!"
He just
could not with the
shushing right now.