Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hear it in the Wind

Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

She snickered to that and the ideas of taking one was also there... though sometimes disappearing people did raise questions and that led to more bodies which raised more questions... sometimes. IF you found the right one who no one would miss or liked then no one would really care afterall. The larger assassin going forwards as they were approached brought her attention around and to the ones there... then it was going to be a one on one fight and she stood there to the side twirling her hair as her hand slid the saber onto her hip... A little blood didn't hurt anyone and she smeared a little from her face on her and made a face of fear as the fight was going on.

"She is mad.... ravenous... she killed them in front of me." NOne of them were entirely truths or lies as she ran towards the bando and used her smaller frame for a moment to weave between them as the fight was happening. She could feel the violence coming and the confusion of the bando who were pushing her around to stop grabbing them in fear. "Please help me." As far as they knew she was just another one of the slaves who had been taken to a room for... reasons by their comrades... and she worked with that allowing them to push her to the side and she was behind them as the smell of charred flesh came.

"Hmmm meat." THe smirk was there and the saber activated a moment later with a snap and scream of pain when she was using the body as a shield to swing the saber around into the group who were movign to try and stop the larger woman... then realized they were being attacked from the back a moment later with a shield.

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike
Adilynne was enjoying every moment, the carnage, the rage feeding her emotions giving her the power to over power the Bando. At this point there was nothing the Bando could do to stop them.

The leaders own followers have betrayed him leaving him in the open. Adilynne new he was going to die, to kill him now would be to easy. The short muscular blonde was going to save him for last and let the fear of the both of them fester like an open wound waiting to be put out of his misery. She wanted herself and the Zeltron to kill every one first so his only thought was he was going to die.

Hearing their pleas, made her laugh. "Please help me". There wasn't going to be any help. One was laying on the ground in front of her, looking up at her. "Please dont kill me?"

"I'm just a sweet little girl" licking her lips digging the heal of her boot in his chest, thrusting her saber downwards inches above her foot, rotating her blade burning a whole right through him, dropping to her knee she buried her blade in his chest. Smirking while he coughed up blood splattering on her face.

"Whats the the matter my sweet?" Adilynne sweetly spoke to the dieing Bando.

One Bando was courageous, standing above her, was slashing down at her. Smiling, she grabbed his wrists with both her hands. Her rage giving her the strength to hold him in place while she was still on one knee. The Bando couldn't hold his weapon as it slipped through his fingers. His eyes wide open in fear as she rose to her feet. Grabbing his neck, with her rage hoisting him in the air. He probably never thought he would die in such a way by the hands of a women.

"Tsk, tsk, my sweet and you thought you could overpower me. Look at you,overwhelmed in fear."

Retrieving her saber, impaling him in the chest, spinning with an upward slash slicing him in half Smirking as both halves fell to the ground.

Adilynne was insane with rage, leaping into the crowd, her saber ingnited with both blades spinning. Just like before slicing the Bando limb by limb.
Another one she wrapped her leg around his head, forcing him to lean forward, her saber spinning lopping his head off..

Another charged after her, tossing her saber, spinning horizontal, slicing him half.
Before her blade returned her, somersaulting what resembled a handstand on his shoulders, she flipped over him at the same time tossing him into another crowd.

Retrieving her blade, with a spinning kick she knocked another one in the side of the head. Putting him in a choke hold, she squeezed, with the force she crushed his neck.

"Are you having as much fun as I am?" While the bodies piled up.
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

She could see the violence and the brutality of it... a grin was on her face wider when Adilynne was playing with her prey and it was quite welcoming. She stood there watching it and shivered.... "Ohhh it is quite fun." There was a smile on her face while she was moving around the bodies. Where she could collect parts needed to prove it. "So much destruction, have you ever considered fighting in one of the various empires? WHen they fight the jedi such destruction could benefit them possibly." She said it while she was checking a few more but she moved over to stand next to her while looking at the saber.

"Plus, there is the benefit that they like giving a place to let out such aggression and power." She might even go far... well maybe there was always an angry sith... it was the controlled ones who had the talent to know when to be brutal and to be off the chain... well that was the balance as it was. She shrugged.... "And not many would look like you might even get to take over one of those planets." THe smirk was there and she leaned against the wall. "So how many do you think are still around to torment... or are they going to start avoiding us?" Her saber came up to her hand and she played with the settings on it mostly looking at the halls to check over more of it.
Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Reaching behind, Adilynne was adjusting her pony tail. She didnt smile very often or ever, but the Zeltron made her smile. Heck she didnt like anyone but for some reason she was growing fond of her.

She was right Adilynne was unique not alot of people looked like her and she took alot of pride in how she looked, and most people didnt understand why and she didnt really care either

"This was an added pleasure, it's not often I get to share my destructive behavior with someone" she said as she adjusted the sword neatly strapped to her thigh.

"Well I am apart of the Sith empire, hopefully I will be able to have this much fun slaughtering for them." She chuckled.

"You are right, I dont image there are too many women....well who look like me. I do rather enjoy showing my feats, and displaying distruction giving them a reason to fear me. We may have caused them to run in fear. I wouldn't mind chasing after them giving them a reason to fear us."
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Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

Her eyebrow raised and well she was already part of the sith.. that was good. She might not be part of them but the Crusade was effective and run by former sith lords who found better religions. "Good... good." She said it and walked over and around breathing in the scent of the slaughter and her. "Oh there is plenty of fear, one of the most potent things that they have. Even if they don't know it. It's rather fun to remind some beings that there are far stronger and more dangerous predators." She stopped and stood there looking up at the woman. "But you do rather please me in this... your looks are not as important as what you can do after all."

She brought a hand up to pat her on the arm... switched it to grip for a moment and test it. "WOnderful now come... we have all these bodies for me and haven't yet gotten yours." The grin returned and walking with a bit of a skip she moved through the bodies skipping over them here and there... where she could. The albino zeltron was looking voer them and opening some of the doors so that they would be able to search and the rooms were largely empty... some filled with people she let go and gave weapons. "You have only this chance... kill the bando to escape and shove you deserve to live... or don't.... and stay out of our way... I care little about more bodies."

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Adilynne has spent most of her life alone, so any type of human interaction is completely new to her. She doesn't remember ever being complimented. She wasn't used to just any one touching her, or testing her arm with a solid grip. Smirking as she said "wonderful " at least someone appreciated it she thought.

"Pleased" raising an eyebrow, she said with a smile.

Adelynne sensed the same fear.They all feared them, and she was right it was fun watching them display there fear. It was true she wanted the leaders head, minus a limb or two.

Each room they entered, Adilynne didnt find anything of real use to her. Where the Bando went was unknown they just up and dissapeared. But she could sense them.

"I think it would please us both If we killed them all. But they are hiding in the shadows, we need to draw them near us" looking around as she slipped through searching for items. She felt the people were already condemed to die, giving them weapons only gave them false hope. She didn't care if they lived or died.

"They are condemned, they'll be dead soon enough"she didnt hide the smile of them dieing.She felt it in the force.

"They are coming"licking her lips"Im going to enjoy this"
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

She gave a shrug to that. "Perhaps, but their running around to try and escape will draw out the others... possibly or they will take up to try and get revenge which will make their hunting them down benefit us." She was all for a little bit and who knew what they might be able to do. It brought the smile to her face when she started walking and added a little strut but not much... allowing the force to enhance her senses and expand outwards as she was feeling around for others who might be hidden. Fear was something for them... but there was a resistance to feeling it that they had. THey were trying to remain how they were in charge... and that just made it oh so much sweeter.

THen she felt some of them coming and moved a little as she propped herself against the wall and was prepared for the attack. Her saber remaining there for a moment while she had it. The cross guard activating again when one came around the corner and she smalled it into the face when a bando came around and before he was able to see her. The body twisting upwards into a flip while she sent it flying forward with the force back into the others. Adilynne was right this was going to be fun and nothing bad really would come from it... maybe... if it did then they would handle it before she dropped to the floor in a splits and flipped back into a crouch avoiding a vibroblade.

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Adilynne was right behind Azlyn's attacker as he missed with his attack. Grabbing a fist full hair, pulling while she drove her heel into his back forcing him to his knees. Adilynne's light saber was already ingnited and with a swift swipe his body fell to ground. Smirking she was still holding his head.

"Just for you another one to add to your collection. I do believe I unederestemed you"

Quickly she spun around into a crouch, hitting him with an open handed punch in his midsection stunning him for a moment.she arose in the intent to kick him, instead she wrapped her leg around his neck, forcing him to lean forward. Releasing him, only to drive her knee dislocating his jaw, she spun, with a final upward slash his head toppled to the ground.

"You are right, they seem charged, but something is different in the shadows. I hope there is more to draw him out" She sad smirking. While a Banda lay twitching at her feet. He was going for a gun until she stepped on his wrist.

"You shouldn't have done that"

Kneeling while pressing her knee into his chest, Gripping his neck with her hand, she squeezed with the use of the force crushing his neck. Adilynne always enjoyed using force choke.
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

SHe couldn't agree more and drawing the leader out would need to be something big.. maybe or this was all a distraction so they could flee like a coward and get away from them. A possibility that they would have to accept... it was unlikely the bando were a lot of things but they were not cowards who would run.. blow everything up sure and kill the threat to them most likey... The zeltron was moving as she allowed her hands to grip the saber and more bodies around them were important.. some of the captives who had escaped were fighting and dying... mostly dying. Several of them managed to take one down before they were cut down and Azlyn kicked in the doors of a larger room while some were waiting for them.

The room was larger to see and she was looking at more of it.. the few bando who were in it and she coul see the one with the most adornments... the leader she was guessing as she stood there in the doorway with a grin on her face. "Well it looks like we found someone we have been looking for." Azlyn cocked her hips to the side with her best peter pan pose for a moment. She had a wider grin showing her teeth in a wicked look and eyes were locked on the people in the room shifting over each one quickly enough to take in the five of them and the table... that would only be a problem for a moment but her attention went to the ones around using the force to close the shutters of the room so there was only one exit.

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Adilynne locked the door by using the key pad. Now it was just them Adilynne and Azlyn. Walking behind her placing her hand on Azyn's shoulder. Giving Azlyn a smile as she gave her Peter pan pose making her entry before she unleashed her fury.

Adilynne couldn't resist the opportunity. Standing close to Azlyn. Adilynne gave them her best side bicep pose. Azlyn was swift as Peter pan, but Adilynne could be ruthless as a Barbarian.

"Well my dear, looks like the fun is about to start all over again." Still snickering, as she adjusted her pony tail once more, still flaunting herself.
They all were scared to death they were going to massacre them. Their assumptions were correct they all were going to die. The room was filled with a sense of fear and Adilynne knew it, as she stepped forward to the one sitting in front of her. She gave his mind a little push enhancing the fear he already felt. Placing her hands on his shoulders.Her arms tensed, Adilynne couldn't resist the temptation.Looking over her shoulder with an evil smile. Placing him in headlock, interlocking her fingers so he couldn't escape. Smiling while he struggled to break free. Holding him firmly. She could have put him to sleep, but she really wanted to break his neck with a force choke. Again glancing over with a smile.

"My dear, should I make him squirm, I could just snap his neck?"Either way she was going to kill him.
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

The door sealing was the main thing and she could feel the shift in all of them as they realized what was coming. The force around her body and through it so her body was limber. Where she was checking in many cases and Adilynne settling into the power and rage when she moved forward. She struck one of them quickly allowing the saber to snap outwards and smack into his face... the crunch of the covering as it shattered in his face with shards. Adilynne was moving herself towards the boss before grabbing the one who was stunned and hurt then smashing his head agaisnt the wall for a moment. Retrieving her saber and looking at the leader on the floor.

SHe looked at the quick carnage and slaughter moving around the table and checking the others with a quickly movement to the throat... if they were somehow still alive well... they would be making a sound and choking enough as it was. SHe would be able to check around as Adilyyne had him on the ground... holding him when she walked over and crouched looking at him. The grin was on her face though... cruel and wicked with gleaming eyes as she debated what might come of it... he would die but easy and quick or slow and painful... maybe something in the middle.... Or something quick but with massive amounts of pain... "Hmmm snapping the neck is so... easy... something painful for all of the trouble he has given us."

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Adilynne enjoyed the carnage about her as Azlyn killed the remaining Bando leaving their not so fearless leader to her. Smiling as the agile Zeltron took care of the remaining Bando. She was correct snapping his neck would be way to easy. Causing pain and suffering was much more to her liking and alot more fun.

Manipulating the force to enhance her strength, crouching down on one knee, Azyn did the same watching him. His legs flopped around as she tightly applied pressure with the choke hold. She couldn't help but chuckle while he tried to break free from the hold. The more he struggled the more pressure she applied until he started choking. Any more and his eyes would have popped out of his head. Still holding him in a head lock, reaching to her side, she unsheathed a vibro shiv, stabbing him in his upper thigh, with a quarter inch turn she pulled out the blade sheathing it. As he was about to scream, she was like a python l, instead of screaming he began choking trying to after himself.

Darkness filled the room as she dominated his mind to make him fear her to the point tears filled his eyes as the thought of death overwhelmed him.

As she stood up, grabbing the back of his head, she kept slamming him head first into the table. First shattering his nose, smiling as she heard his jaw crack numerous times breaking a corner off the table with his head. She couldn't help but smirk as his face tooked like ground hamburger. He raised his hands as if to say no more please have mercy. Adilynne laughed grabbing his wrist breaking each finger one by one. Grabbing his head, she brought up her knee breaking what was left of his chin.

She wasn't finished, kicking the side of knee, his body buckled forward, and she kneed him again. Only to hit him with an upper cut, at this point there was nothing left of his face leaving him unrecognizable. Laying on his back on the ground, she grabbed him by the neck, drawing on the force for her strength she hoisted him up and threw him against the wall. Igniting her light saber, in a serpentine formation she cut him down at the arms and then the legs before removing his head.

Grabbing his head she gave it to Azlyn. "I have a present for you." Smiling as she handed her the leaders head
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

THe sight of it was something to behold... not just because of all the violence that was there... and the pain.... there was also a beauty to it. In the chaos and violence you could see a whole lot of things after all. She stood off to the side and found a place where one of the bando was still alive....ish.... he was at least conscious enough as she wrapped an arm around his shoulders and held him up tightly with his guts being held in so he couldn't exactly grab for a weapon or her. "Oh this is the good part." She said it with a smile on her face getting larger and larger. "So tell me, what was the plan here?"

She was looking at him and grinning and he was as pale as she was from the blood loss. He seemed to be debating how quickly he could strangle her before he lost something vital. "Oh try it.. I give about ten seconds tops before you are going back tot he floor and I am looking down at you." He seemed to keep debating it and then tried to move his hand as it went away from his stomach and he reached for her blade as it activated and went into his hand going to the side and leaving a husk. Gravity took care of the rest when the wet plop came with a groan and he somehow got paler for the moment before falling over.

THen she looked back as the show was over and she was being offered another head. ONe more for the collection that had grown... she should make a skull throne from this... there was plenty of blood for a blood god and skulls for the skull throne. "Oh A present, usually when someone wants to impress me they get me dinner first."
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Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

The room smelled like death swarmed over, every one was dead, except mabe for one. He layed between Ayzlyn and herself. With a sway in her hips she knelt down taking the choking Bando in her right hand. She stood hoisting him up off the ground, crushing his neck allowing his dead corpse to fall to the ground.

"I thought I'd skip to dessert. Bando on a platter.' Saying with a grin.

Pointing down at a dead corpse, a lightning bolt shot out frying the Bondo .

A spiral of hair came undone of her poney tail. As she was twirling with her index finger, her hand on hip.

"How impressed are you? She smiled as she walked to the door. Looking back over her shoulder.

"Diner? Of headless corpes. Should I wear a dress?" She said smiling dinner wasn't out of the question.

Opening the door she was hoping for more Bando to show themselves. But they needed to find a ship.


Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

A dress... she debated asking about one made for her being ready quickly but... she didn't really need to care about that. "Hmmm a dress is always good. It does make wanting to go somewhere formal all the more appealing." Her finger went up t her hair as she twirled her hair and walked around. "Oh I am impressed, such violence, such power and rage contained in so much thickness." Her grin was there while she looked up. "It is quite thrilling. If only you had been around when the Crusade was within the galaxy... you would have been perfect for our god of war and death." Her grin remained and sshe was walking while collecting some of the heads with small clasps on the cord for her saber.

The collection process taking a minute while she was walking around from area to area collecting and retrieving her bag of ones already. No more bando for the moment and she had a haul while going towards the hanger bay. Their ships were in there and they should be able to find something nice. "THeir ships need a pilot maybe... might be worth salvaging anything from them just in case." She could preserve these and if there was an armory... weapons, some effects or valuables. "I mean we already killed them might as well rob their asses right?" Plus benefit of getting to walk behind the giant. "

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

The corridor to the hanger bay was pretty much empty, the both of them slaughtered most of them. A few paces down Aydilyne stopped for a moment. Taking something from a fallen Bando.

"I guess shopping is in order"Taking what she could find.Adilynne grinned she wasn't used to this kind of adoration. Peering around the corner sensing nothing around them. Adilynne had her left hand on her hip while she combed her hair with the other. Showing Azlyn her power and thickness.

'I'm glad your pleased, dinner it is then" she spoke with a wide grin.

"I would have loved to meet your god of war and death. Does he like powerful women" she said with growing grin.

Adilynne searched one of the shuttles, going through the main computer terminal. It would appear this ship is in working order. As Azlyn said they would need a pilot. Opening a locker she had possibly found her favorite weapon. Spinning she unleashed a variety of attacks with her new vibro whip,

'Something new to torment with. ,Always something new to steal.' sheathing her new weapon. Standing at the entrance of the shuttle. She walked back up the ramp, she couldn't help but adjust her poney tail again. Being a tease showing off again her "thickness" glancing over her shoulder "Can u fly?"
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Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

"I can." She said it looking at the weapon and the woman. THe crusade was long gone and those who remembered them were aged... mostly there were still a few worlds that might remember them far off in the distance sure. The sith were using some of the old world as it were and expanding outwards more. SHe looked for the best looking ship and started working on it with a grin. "HE did, at least his avatar in the galaxy did. Of the battles the crusade partook in few escaped the slaughter where it was needed. I served under the bringer of chaos Hali." She said it and crystal had made it quite the time with what they could bring and enjoy.

She opened it up and went in for the cold storage while she was moving things around to make space and was stacking her prizes. Dragging other things into the hold and placing it in a pile as she continued to effectively pick through and look over everything making the effort fast. Credits, jewels, weapons and sometimes armor that wasn't damaged.... tech equipment that could be use and implants that could be pulled with intact datacards to them. Command wands to be checked but she looked at Adilyyne with a nod of her head. "We have time to indulge.... where would you like to go?" The smile was there when she worked on raiding the other ships stores for what could be taken.
Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Adilynne had in fact read and studied about Hali, the god of chaos. She would have enjoyed following him bringing chaos to the galaxy taking part of the slaughter. To the best of her knowledge there were not many who would remember him. Lost in thought for a moment thinking about what it would feel like being a god bringing forth death and destruction.

Removing her weapons and placing the items she had found in storage. Through the whole massacre the two of them had yet to introduce themselves to one another. If they were to be traveling together one would think they would be on a first name basis. Since the two of them had been sharing cheeky innuendos it would be fitting to share their names with one another.

"The slaughter was more than enjoyable....I'm Adilynne. We should probably introduce ourselves while we are traveling together." Sill smiling.

Looking down at her own attire, one thing was for sure is she would need a change of clothes. She would have to search the ship to see if their was something she could wear. Once they decided where they were going, she desperately needed to freshen up and find something that wasn't covered in blood.

"Anywhere I can purchase new clothes." She chuckled

"I can't really run around the galaxy dressed like this."

Pulling at her shirt with a smirk. "Unless blood is the new sexy"
Adilynne Frose Adilynne Frose

Hmmm names were sometimes a good thing to have. "GOod point, I am Azlyn." She gave another curtsy to that when she was going around the ship. A table littered with weapons and other valuables. New clothing was well... "Well depends on the context I imagine... if you are roaming around a hospital maybe not... at a gathering of Hali... well then you are just the life of the party." She said it and went towards the cock pit to bring up many destinations while she debated where to go. They needed new clothing maybe. "But we can certainly find you something wonderful to wear... until then I will do the noble thing and protect your modesty."

SHe said it with a grin that was wide on her face sitting down in the seat and setting the coordinates. "Hmmm spira has good shopping and plenty of people who these could all be sold to... shopping and beach spas and resorts." She said it and lai out the course but there was plenty for them and she could drop off with the ones who were paying for the heads. She sent a message that they were goign to be arriving and bringing the bounty for payment... with the numbers of bando she had recovered.... more than enough and the warning that screw with her and find out what might be happening. "So Adilynne... I have seen you fight... but what do you do for fun?"

Azlyn Ike Azlyn Ike

Adilynne shared the same wide grin as Azlyn introduced herself. She was probably right, with all the blood all over herself the authorities would difenantly be involved.

"Perhaps one day you will take me to one of these gatherings" she wasn't one to say thank you she never had to.

"Thank you." Still sharing a wide grin.

Still Adilynne needed to find something to change into. Adilynne stepped away for a moment. Despite that god Hali would be impressed with her she still wanted to get out of her blood stained clothing
Although there were a few choices, nothing really interested her. Except mabe a pair of army cargo pants. The only shirts were tight fitting, she didnt mind them, but she was hoping for something more comfortable.

Not long after she returned to the cockpit as the coordinates for Sipra. Adilynne heard of Spira, but she has never been there. Actually she could vaguely remember the last time she had gone out and did something for herself. Her whole life revoved around training as an assassin at a young age, shortly after she fell to the dark side training as an sith.

To answer her question she didnt know how to answer that. She answered bluntly and to the point.

"My whole I have been dedicated in multi forms of training. Never really occurred to me to go out and do something for fun.This is the most fun I have had in killing so many Bando." Adilynne smiled thinking she would gave got bored with just her self.

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