Darth Strosius
Finding a seat was easy, there were many. He could find a seat with a simple chair, table and light, and he could find a small stall with a semicircular sofa around an octagonal table. Both the desk and the table had little carvings cut into them, notes from students past acknowledging their existence. Now and then, a sleepy student stumbled off into another antechamber and closed a door behind them, presumably catching a few hours of respite.
It was strange how time passed one by when the outside world was shut away: Each minute went by like syrup, yet the hours vanished as quickly as a hot breath on a cold day.
The other students appeared disinterested in Alisteri.
They weren't avoiding him specifically, but rather avoided anyone not already affiliated with them. Their attitudes smelled of paranoia and faux protectiveness of their very important errands.
The droids that were present appeared to be very small and very quiet, so as to not disturb anyone engaged in serious research. The Sith were fickle creatures capable of much fury, it made sense not to irritate them needlessly.
The historical tome was dry, but rife with useful information concerning the Sith Empire's economic, legal, and ideological makeup.
It revealed that the Sith Emperor in fact held two separate titles: One being Dark
Lord of the Sith and the other being
Emperor of the Sith Empire. Hypothetically, in the event of succession, it was possible that the titles would be passed on to two different persons; at the time of the book's publishing, Darth Vornskr the Second, was the heir apparent of the Sith Empire. Her title as designated heir is the
Princess of Dromund Kaas. It was also revealed that the Sith Empire had a dual capital: Ravelin on Bastion, and New Kaas City on Dromund Kaas.
The tome also spent a lot of time tying the Sith Empire up to its predecessors, drawing lines of master-apprentice relationships to the Sith Empire of Darth Moridin, Darth Voracitos, and Ashin Varanin. It also tied the Sith Empire to the One Sith as it existed in the Core, which connected them to Darth Krayt's original One Sith, while leaving a parallel line to Palpatine's Empire, which connected them all the way back to Darth Bane.
From there, the tome delved into Darth Carnifex' Rule of Order as a Sith doctrine. It was a reaction to the weaknesses of the Rule of Two and Rule of One, substituting the individual Dark Lord with the concept of the Order as
embodied by the Dark Lord of the Sith. The differences were dry, obtuse, and difficult to understand.
The other two tomes provided a more practical approach to harnessing the dark side of the Force, being rife with examples and insightful commentary on applications of the Force from the perspective of a Sith.
Perhaps a full day later, Darth Ophidia returned. One moment she was gone, the next she was there, clearing her throat to gain her apprentice's attention.
Come with me. Bring that."
She spoke as she gestured to the crystal he had earned.