Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heart of a Graveyard (OS Dominion of Belgaroth)


Objective: Her own reflection
Location: Belgar, capital of Belgaroth
Allies: 1 x squad Sitherhood troopers
Enemies: Her conscience

Maja – now Darth Zilti – reflected on her true nature. It was so much more than the killings.

She sat on a park-bench as the troopers kept guard around her. Her eyes were closed in meditative reflection.

‘I execute with the power of my mind. I become a storm, a weapon strong enough to warp bulkheads. I become death itself!’

Bottled up for twenty standard years, her innate power had finally burst forth and could never again be stoppered. All the years of repression, guiltless crimes, suppressed emotion. Newly reborn, she was at great risk. But only because she didn't realise what she was capable of summoning.

She had never considered turning back but now, having been so recently Knighted she knew it was where the path bifurcates. Here and now she needed to decide whether to disavow her power or to venture courageously and unscrupulously into the depths of her potential – no matter the consequences.

She could devote the rest of her life to trying to make sense of this power, this gift, but that was not her way. She knew it was a dark path into a trackless wilderness from which few return. But in Matsu she had a guide, at any rate.

But the Sith are considered to be evil? Yet hadn’t she just defined herself as a storm? She was death itself. Was she evil, then, or simply stronger and more awake than others? Who gives more shape to sentient history: the good, who adhere to the tried and true, or those who seek to rouse beings from their stupor and lead them to glory?

‘A storm I am, but a much-needed one, to wash away the old and complacent and prune the galaxy of deadweight.' She knew her shortcomings. She was ambitious, arrogant and insidious. And a murderer.

And she reflected on the words she spoke to her Master on Ambria. Heart-felt words. ‘I have pledged that it is my will to join my destiny forever with the Order of the Sith Lords. I am at one with the Dark-side of the Force, and my power is beyond contradiction.’

Her eyes snapped open. “OK girls,” she said, “That’s enough of a rest, time to do what I do best.”
Primary: A & E
Secondary: C
Location: Drop ship on the way to a scrapyard.
Allies: Any who wish to help([member="Greta Kohler"] [member="Sage Bane"] ). four troopers as bodyguards. (Marcus / E'vy heavy trooper, Zerrid / Jumper Light assault trooper, Rixar / comz Commanding/communications officer, Silvia / Ripah Combat Medic.)
Enemy's: Those that stand in his way.
Equipment: 1 x BTI Hex frag grenade, 1x BTI-WB Woebringer (Pistol strapped to his hip), Standard lightsaber (also strapped to hip (on the other side)), Sith infantry armor covered over by his own tattered robes.

T'zanith listened to Rixar explain what had happened while Zerrid dragged one of the bodies over, all the while grumbling and complaining like a child to himself. "Zerrid you were placed under my command so you will follow orders so cease your childish whining already." T'zanith said calmly to Zerrid as he finally got the body to the rest of them. With a gesture of his head to Silvia he ordered her to examine the local while he pointed at Zerrid and Marcus and then pointed were his own eyes should be on his helmet and then gestured around them so that they'd know they were supposed to keep watch. "Sir this man is mutated." Silvia then said after a few moments of examination. "By what?" Rixar asked as he moved to look at the man. T'zanith didn't need to look to know, the man had been mutated by an amateur alchemist and not a very good one at that, seeing with the force had it's perks. "Alchemy... must have been their leader with the sword." T'zanith then said as he looked towards were the locals had sprung from. 'That means he must have something that he learned it from.' He thought and he cracked a smile under his helmet, might not be a waster trip after all.
"If what you say is true then shouldn't we call for back up?" Marcus then said, earning a slight scoff from T'zanith but he had to admit some help might be required if these men were the practice the alchemist used then what would be the finished result? "You can alert any sith or troopers in the area of our location and tell them we might require back up." He said and then finished the rest in his mind. 'But I will not brazenly admit I need help with my first command.'
After Rixar had placed the call in T'zanith gestured for them to move forward towards were the locals came from. "Are you kidding me? we're moving towards the creepy guy with magic powers that likes to experiment on people?!" Zerrid whine earning a smack on the back of his head by Marcus, it seemed like T'zaith wasn't the only one annoyed by his whining.
Once they were at the position the locals had sprung out from the team noticed a pair of trails that had gotten heavy traffic recently and there were a few locals that had gotten hit but died while retreating on both trails. "This is were we split up Rancor squad you take the left, I'll take the right. Stay in constant communication and check in if anything happens let me know straight away as well as if you find anything." T'zanith then said as he moved towards the path on the right and the team followed his orders.
Objective: Infiltrate and silence an Anti-Sith organisation.
Location: Belgar.
Allies: A solid information network, a chauffeur, and a bomb.
Enemies: NPC Jedi.

As she was setting the bomb, the felt the presence of the Jedi coming closer and closer. They had found her and a cellar was not the best place to escape from, she had to admit. Perhaps bombing was not her forte. In fact, it was rather frustrating. Frustration she would take out on the Jedi once it pranced into the room with its head full of righteousness and whatnot. As her cover was blown, she averted from her initial plan of using a timer. Instead, she connected the explosives to a trigger held in her left hand. With her stealth field still active, she squeezed into a corner aligned with the door. She would rather not chance on the Jedi coming down there alone. To make it further more difficult to find her, she made her signature as small as that of a rodent. Could he still feel her? It would be more difficult, surely. Surely, her terentatek leather hood helped as well, keeping surface thoughts from being read.

The door splintered suddenly, and a figure stepped in. Wearing a brown cloak and brandishing a sky-blue sabre. No one stepped in behind it. Alone then, very good. She stood and squeezed the trigger of the bomb, arming it. She felt a little click in her hand as the trigger set. If she let go, it would go off. Saiah would rather not be there when the bomb went off.

Clearly, the Jedi heard the click and turned towards Saiah’s location. A blue sabre ignited and flew from the Jedi’s hand. She would have lost her head, had she not faced a similar technique against Iziz Vei. To evade, Saiah jumped sideways, into a forward roll. She let go of her Art of the Small, and turned off the invisibility. It was only a distraction now. Her red blade came alive with a snap-hiss and illuminated the room, contesting the blue blade of her opponent. Which had incidentally returned to its master’s hand. The two combatants now got their first real look at each other. Her opponent was a female Zabrak. Amber skin, green eyes. Horns crested the front of her skull, a small black ponytail protruded from the back of her head, and facial tattoos ran down her cheeks. Saiah made sure the jedi could see her left hand where she held the switch.

“If I let go, it goes off. Boom, everyone dies. Touch your comlink, and I let go. Sith don't fear death. Do you?”
Objective: D
Location: Outskirts of Belgar
Allies: One Sith | [member="Jacen Cavill"]

Seeing that the empowered man made no move to assault, nor defend himself, Nerius chose to aid in this end. Lunging forward he swept the blue blade of the stolen lightsaber through the spinal column of the nearest man, then while spinning he used the momentum to carry the weapon around until it met resistance against the armor of another. Switching from side to side, Nerius batted swiped and slashed until finally the body fell to pieces.

"What have we here? Someone thought they came prepared." Nerius said with a cackle, then leapt backward due to an influx of attackers lunging his way. Swinging the saber around to defend, he cleaved off an arm at the elbow, then swept it down to lash at one of his opponents' legs.

Ducking, then raising a leg near simultaneously, he dodged dual blows as they came his way. The man was using a massive club, why Nerius could not fathom, yet it was very obviously happening. Lunging with the massive hunk of metal, intent to slam into the Pink Blob's head, he thought he would end the fight.

Instead, it slammed into Nerius' shoulder, causing it to stick at an impossible angle, seemingly nearly torn off. With a flourish, the saber was brought up, hacked the club to pieces, and was already planted into the torso of the man before he had the time to see Nerius' flesh began to pull at itself until it sat naturally.

Now it wasn't like the blow didn't hurt, of course it did, but he was forced to ignore then heal it, so he could continue with the battle. He would be able to acknowledge pain later.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Objective: Infiltrate and silence an Anti-Sith organisation.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Location: Belgar.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Allies: A solid information network, a chauffeur, and a bomb.
Enemies: NPC Jedi.

“There is no death - There is only the Force. Jedi do not know fear for themselves.”

“And the people upstairs? I let go and they die, we die. Everybody gets a piece of the action. Do you think their families would forgive you for not protecting their loved ones?”

Saiah grinned a wicked grin; she knew this one was ready to kill her. She had already tried. However, trying to kill a shadow, and attempting to kill a person right in front of you were two very different things. This was the reason she had shown herself. No matter how ‘evil’ the Jedi perceived Saiah, she would still be a life to take. She would sow seeds of doubt where she could, and reap from them as the duel went on.

“Nor will they forgive you if you succeed.”

“I am unforgiven by nature. When I took the mantle of Sith, I abandoned such notions.”

“There is still redemption, I can take you in!”

“Redemption is a lie the weak tell themselves when they cannot persevere in the Dark Side.”

“Then you will not be persuaded?”

Saiah whirled her blade into the Makashi salute and turned her right side to the Jedi, there were no need for further words. Her actions spoke for themselves. This one was well trained. Their verbal spar gave Saiah no strong opening for attack. Saiah exhaled slowly as the power of the Dark Side churned inside her. The Jedi did similarly, assuming her own position and exhaling to connect to the Force. Then they unleashed upon each other.
Objective: A
Location: The Scrapyard
Allies: [member="Greta Kohler"]
Enemies: [member="Syala Daivik"] (claimed)




Sage grinned darkly as he watched the child's lightsaber slice through the rigid extremities of his walking cadavers. Here an arm was lopped off. There a leg. Finally the severed heads of the decomposed dotted the landscape of the Belgaroth Scrapyard like heads of rotten cabbage. The violence gave the Sith Lord a predatory flash of bloodlust that also ignited a feeding frenzy in his amphistaff arm. As the Jedi turned to face him, Sage's face held a rictus of pain as his black, leathery tentacles burst from the pale human skin of their masquer. The creatures hissed and snapped at the air around them, hungry and incensed.

"Shhhhh," he coaxed reassuringly. "You'll eat soon." His eyes flashed to the Jedi as he gave one a gentle pat on its serpentine head.

"Yes, I was a Jedi briefly," he admitted with an impassive gaze. "But I quickly learned that being a Jedi meant being shackled to those dull and hypocritical ideologies you spout. While being a Sith means that I am free."

The time for talk had run out for the Jedi. He had given her ample chance to leave him alone, but she seemed determined to keep poking the bear. It was her funeral, then. Without a word or fanfare, Sage moved like a blur towards the child. One arm thrust his lightsaber at her midsection, striking out with a flurry of jabs indicative of the Ataru form. Meanwhile, the Jedi would also be dealing with his amphistaves, with each of the three tentacles attempting to coil itself around her. One went for her arm. Another tried to curl itself around her leg. Finally, the third attempted to wind itself around her slender neck.


The Second Seal, broken.
Objective: B
Location: Belgar
Allies: [member="Darth Pyrrhus"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Darth Raven"]
An ambush.

Oh, it was a solid plan, she'd give them that. When on your home turf, and in a city no less, you'd be a fool not to go that route. They even added charges! Quite advanced tactics, really,a s far as sloppily organized militia goes.

Still sloppily organized milita, though. No way around it.

And when there was no way around something… well. One must cut their way through, mustn't one? That was, at least, how Vrag viewed things, had as long as she could remember. Wasting time wasn't something she was particularly fond of, and efficiency was practically her life's motto; going around things… simply not her style.

"Singularity mines, now!" she snapped into her oggzil the moment blaster fire started raining down upon them from the roofs, and soon enough the opposition would realize just how bad an idea it was to shoot from a tall building when that building was rendered foundation-less.


She was too focused to gloat, busy as she was breezing through her ranks, closing in on the rebels who would stymie their progress through the streets (like pebbles trying to stand in the way of a flood), the handle of her saber in her firm grip, blade unignited.

As soon as space opened up, the woman unloaded a whole salvo of thud bugs from her carbine, sending the front line of the enemy tumbling and screaming into their comrades in the back. Before any of them could get the drop on her, the Hand was already cleaving through the upstarts, dodging and weaving amongst their own people so that they would hesitate to shoot; even if only for a fraction of a second, that singular moment of restraint was all she needed.

And did she ever use it; oh, she did. From one opponent to the next, the firrerreo used the dead and the dying as cover even as the Legion Yun'Do and the Sith troops mowed down the rest in unison, bloodlust and discipline working in unison against the poorly trained guerilla forces.

And then the sound of gunfire petered out, only echoed in the distance, where other such ambushes were being dealt with, swiftly and with a deadly efficacy.

Dear feth, did she love her job.​
Objective: Alphabet/E
Location: Belgar
Allies: [member="Vrag"], [member="Darth Vornskr"]​
Above the onrushing Sith forces sat a lone droid, blinking red eyes clicking and whirring as they focused, refocused, and then zoomed in on the people below. Holding his hands up so they were parallel to the ground, Disciple hummed a quiet tune to himself while making running motions with his fingers. "Run, run as fast as you can...," he giggles, entirely undroidlike in bearing and tone.

" can't catch me I'm the..."

His words halted as sharply as his head tilted. If he'd been organic his neck would have snapped, so far canted was his head. Was that... was that joy? HOW DARE THEY. Subjugation wasn't about joy!

It was about... subjugation! This was an affront to his [dubious] honor... or lack thereof.

Bringing his hands up so that they formed a cup around his 'lips,' he looked down to the woman so enjoying herself and did the one thing Sith always should do. He made it known he didn't approve of her. How, you ask?


"Boooooooooooooooooooo. Get off the stage."

Get out the way, too. Get out the way.

No wait, that's not how this song went. Where was he? His hands dropped, arms limply resting atop his knees as his feet kicked despondently to and fro like a child with a favorite toy suddenly and violently removed from his possession. There was something he wanted to do. What was it?! He couldn't remember.

All of the sads.
Location: The Scrapyard
Objective: A
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Sage Bane"] (claimed), [member="Greta Kohler"]

The monstrosity that tore through the flesh of his arm until it had taken its place fully gave her pause, a flash of fear freezing her in place. Still her subconscious began to analyze the creature that stuck fast to his shoulder, identifying it as Vong-formed and therefore likely impervious to her lightsaber or any other sort of weapon, melee or otherwise. That, coupled with just who wielded it, left her at a severe disadvantage. As if facing down a Sith Lord by herself wasn't trouble enough. But it also seemed to feel some of the pain its master did, and vice versa, if the pain that radiated from him via the Force was any indicator. That was some kind of upper hand, even if it was a minute one in comparison to what he was capable of.

Within seconds he was upon her - careful - and Syala snapped back to reality just in time enough to meet his crimson blade with her own turquoise one, sparks flying as she barely deflected the strikes. This was her first time in bladed combat with another sensitive that wasn't merely sparring, and to say it was overwhelming for the young Knight would be an understatement. By opening herself to the Force and allowing it to hum through every nerve ending she was able to fight through instinct, every minute shift of her saber guided by an ethereal hand. He was aggressive and unrelenting, but she persevered with her defense, meeting his blade with hers only long enough to deflect the strike, not wanting to exhaust herself so soon. To do that would be to welcome death.

A shift to the side allowed her to avoid the amphistaff intended for her throat, and she flashed out at it with her blade as it recoiled. However, the ones meant for her arm and her leg weren't so easily dodged. Within moments she found herself held immobile by the leathery tentacles, unable to shift her left leg and right arm so much as a millimeter in either direction. Instead of panicking she remained calm, almost unnaturally so, any trace of fear having dissolved from her eyes. It was as if she had already accepted her fate, with no concern as to whether she died or lived. Quietly she studied him, drinking in every aspect of his appearance. "Free to do what? Enslave others as you once were? I see the markings about your neck, Sith. Why condemn others to what you once suffered?"

Without waiting for his reply she closed her eyes, allowing herself to sink deeper into the blanket of the Force, the physical realm becoming nearly nonexistent to her senses, reminiscent of a state of semi-consciousness. Within this web of focus she allowed the ethereal to sink into every pore, the Light permeating her entirely. Slowly she stretched outward with this sensation, attempting to lever the amphistaves from about her arm and leg. Her brow was creased with silent determination, and she knew that success was the only option. The alternative was something her young mind refused to consider. But she still didn't regret her decision to confront the Sith. Someone had to, and it was better her than an innocent civilian.
Primary: A & E
Secondary: C
Location: Drop ship on the way to a scrapyard.
Allies: Any who wish to help([member="Greta Kohler"] [member="Sage Bane"] ). four troopers as bodyguards. (Marcus / E'vy heavy trooper, Zerrid / Jumper Light assault trooper, Rixar / comz Commanding/communications officer, Silvia / Ripah Combat Medic.)
Enemy's: Those that stand in his way.
Equipment: 1 x BTI Hex frag grenade, 1x BTI-WB Woebringer (Pistol strapped to his hip), Standard lightsaber (also strapped to hip (on the other side)), Sith infantry armor covered over by his own tattered robes.

T'zanith continued on his own, hearing the complaints of Zerrid drown out little by little as the distance increased between them. 'Finally the loudmouth is silenced' He thought as he walked along the path he had chosen. The area around him was curious to T'zanith, most of it looked a little like it was deliberately placed and constructed by the locals, with a few large plates of durasteel lining the edges of the path. 'This is a bit too obvious if you ask me.' He thought as one of the plates were pushed down in front of him and a local came out holding onto a rusty pipe screaming some profanity at him. With a slight sigh he gripped the plate under the local and moved it over to push the local back to were he had come from, closing the durasteel plate after him. "Apparently cultivating intelligence is not that high of a priority among you idiots." He then said with a smirk as he moved a pipe to keep the plate from being able to be pushed down again.
He chuckled a little to himself as the local was banging against the plate and screaming something about being claustrophobic.
After walking a few more steps the claustrophobic local escaped with the help a very tall and strongly built brute of a man. "That is.... Different." T'zanith mumbled as he took out his lightsaber and ignited it as the two men charged towards him. The first and supsecuently the smaller local came charging first who clumsily tried to hit T'zanith with an overhead smash with a pipe, sufficed to say the man was released from his stupidity... along with his head. The big brute however wasn't as easy as he waited for the smaller local to fall down before he sprinted towards T'zanith and drop kicked him, sending him flying back. Sliding along the ground he let out a groan as he then noticed that a durasteel plate was being pushed down heading towards him. "Oh chit not my day."
Objective: Infiltrate and silence an Anti-Sith organisation.
Location: Belgar.
Allies: A solid information network, a chauffeur, and a bomb.
Enemies: NPC Jedi.

Saiah threw her left hand up, shooting a torrent of lightning at the Zabrak who in turn extended her hand and received it. Saiah pushed her lightning and the Zabrak pushed back as she tried to control the raw Force energy. As Saiah cut the stream, the Zabrak sent a small portion back, which Saiah absorbed into her lightsabre. The Jedi unleashed a wave of Force energy knocking Saiah back against the wall. She slammed into the duracrete foundations. The Jedi rushed in with her lightsabre, aiming to pin Saiah to the wall with the plasma blade, but the Rattataki Assassin slipped out of her grasp and pushed the Zabrak at the wall, adding to her momentum and preventing her from pivoting. Once again, they took their places opposing each other. Between them, they knew it was time to cross blades. Saiah raised the tip of her blade to point at the Jedi’s chin. The Jedi held her blade vertically and assumed a deep stance. Then they charged.

Saiah lunged forward with a thrust and the Jedi crouched down, while swiping for her midriff. Saiah changed the trajectory in a fluent motion to intercept the attack, but something was off about the angle. When Saiah’s red blade met the blue, it was far too close. She felt the Jedi’s blade connecting with her beskar breastplate, her own blade slowing it down. The Jedi tried to disengage, and Saiah felt it in her blade. She stepped in and tried to force the Jedi’s blade onto its wielder. However, the Jedi was stronger. Their blades swerved back and forth between them without losing contact as the two combatants tried to lure their way through their opponent’s defence until they wound up pressing hilt to hilt. Simultaneously they disengaged. Saiah tried to take the offence with a new cut, but the Jedi avoided it with her acrobatics and unleashed another barrage of quick strikes. Saiah was forced on the defensive, and again something was off about the angles of her attack. Some came in too soon or too late. It made no sense.
Objective: A
Location: The Scrapyard
Allies: [member="Greta Kohler"]
Enemies: [member="Syala Daivik"] (claimed)

Two of the flexible appendages of Sage's amphistaff arm had coiled themselves tightly around the Jedi's gangly limbs. One had wrapped itself around her right arm and the other was wound around her left limb. Grips constricted like vices. She wasn't going anywhere now. The third tentacle reared back after having been rebuffed by her blue blade. Relentlessly it struck out again, this time whipping itself at her hand, attempting to dislodge her lightsaber pommel. A trance-like state took over the girl, and her form radiated with the lightside.

"What do you know of my markings!?" Sage hissed, as his trio of serpents harmonized with synchronized hisses. On his face was a painting of pure animal rage, the look of a man beyond reason. "The furrows in my skin are the marks of the pain I needed to endure."

As he held her tightly in his black leathery grasp, the Sith Illusionist pressed an image into her brain. It was a vision, but it would look starkly lifelike, and feel just as real. The Sith Lord's hand broke through her chest and painfully wrapped his cold, bony fingers around her heart. The Jedi would feel agony as hand prodded around in her rib cage.

You want to know pain? I will show you pain.

Sage's hand gripped the muscle firmly, letting it pulse in his fingers for a few moments. Thu-thump. Thu-thump. Then he yanked it out and shoved it in his mouth, biting into it like a ripe pomegranate.


Thick, red viscera flowed down his chin in rivers, and once he was done consuming the organ, he licked his hands clean.

"Who is your Master, child?" the illusion of the Sith Lord demanded, a mixture of her blood and spittle flecking off his lips.

"I want to know who to send the pieces to."
Location: The Scrapyard
Objective: A
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Sage Bane"] (claimed), [member="Greta Kohler"]

A sharp cry of pain escaped her, stifling only when Syala drew on the Force to lessen the burden and expel a degree of the agony. The feeling of her most vital organ being torn from her chest was an indescribable sensation, one without any comparison that she could fathom. Somewhere in the back of her mind her logical side told her that the chances of something such as this transpiring were slim to none. At the very least she wouldn't have survived the ordeal. But for the moment that was overridden by the hollow sensation of her broken ribs and the space where her heart quite literally had been moments earlier. Illusion or not, the pain assaulting her nerve-endings was all too real.

The sight of her blood flowing from his lips was almost too much to bear, and she screwed her eyes shut against it, drawing in a long breath. Only when she had quelled the rising sensation of nausea did she finally open her eyes, regarding him with a touch more wariness at the power he commanded. It wasn't as if she necessarily feared him, but one capable of this much deserved something resembling respect. Still she didn't speak, the muscles of her jaw ticcing as she continued to suppress the relentless twisting and turning of her stomach. Silently she had to steel herself with the reminder that she was a Jedi. This was what she had trained for, fought to obtain. And he wouldn't take it away.

Her breathing was unsteady, but she still regarded him with a steely determination. There wasn't any way she would be compromising, not after coming this far. Despite what he seemed to think, she wasn't quite so easily cowed. "Who my Master is shouldn't concern you. It isn't he you have to contend with. Don't worry yourself with anything unnecessary, Sith." What she had no doubt of was that once her Master heard of things he would hunt down this man, doing all that was required in order to find the Sith and make him pay. Regardless of what assurances she would give Connor, he would pursue the Sith Lord. Not that it was any concern of hers.

"No one needs to suffer what you did. It was a mistake that you did in the first place. If it was possible, I would take it all back. You deserve better." And that was something she wholly believed, no matter what he had inflicted on her. Any and everyone deserved to live a life of peace, to be given a second chance or a chance at all. That wasn't hindered by the life they currently led or the one they had suffered previously. If he wished to seek out redemption one day and sought her out, she wouldn't hesitate to assist him in the endeavor. It was only her duty, and her wish. That was the life she had accepted.

At that moment she released the energy she had gathered in her core, the burst intended for his midsection, meant to knock him off his feet. "But I would advise you not to underestimate an individual just due to their age or apparent skill level."
Objective: A
Location: The Scrapyard
Allies: [member="Greta Kohler"]
Enemies: [member="Syala Daivik"] (claimed)

The illusion dissipated, and Sage stood before his foe, lips unsullied, his red blade sparkling dangerously close to the Jedi's unblemished face. She was still mewling like a newborn kitten, trying to talk to him, to appeal to his anguish over his own lost childhood. He ignored her pity party. Sage was busy looking for another more important piece of information in her mind. Connor. As soon as she thought it, he plucked the name right out of her thoughts, like a ripe Shurra fruit. This Jedi Master named Connor would deeply regret letting his former protege step foot on Belgaroth, and he would make sure the man remembered the name Sage Bane.

Along came her unexpected Force repulse, and unprepared for it, the Sith Lord tumbled backwards, head over heels, into the hillock of garbage. His amphistaves were still tightly wound around her limbs, so like acrobats in a circus act, she went tumbling along with him. As they landed, his lightsaber flew from his grasp, its red blade deactivating into silence that he broke with a curse.

"Kaae veatiuena!"

The Jedi landed on top of him, but wouldn't be there for long. Two black tentacles lifted her up and threw her straight down onto the ground in a powerful body slam. The other free amphistaff would strike out inches from the girl's face. Strings of spittle stretched up and down its open mouth as it sprayed its blinding poison at both her eyes. The tentacles uncoiled, releasing her, as he scrambled to his feet, zig-zagging backwards to put some distance between them.

There was a chorus of clicking as Sage's soldiers drew their pistols, but Sage held up a pale hand, instructing his men to hold their fire. He wanted to send a message to the Silver Jedi Order, and he would need the girl alive to deliver it.
Location: The Scrapyard
Objective: A
Allies: None
Enemies: [member="Sage Bane"] (claimed), [member="Greta Kohler"]

The Force push hadn't had the exact result Syala had anticipated, but it had dissipated the illusion and allowed her to at least temporarily stun the man, though she suffered much of the same as he. The landing itself wasn't anything more than she'd anticipated, and she could already feel bruises forming. But her training had prepared her for this much, and so despite being taken by surprise she was relatively unfazed. Sparring matches with her Master had been just as rough as this, if not a degree more, and it was something her unmuscled frame had adapted to. Her less than intentional slam to the ground, however, was another matter altogether.

Landing on her back with a grunt of pain, she silently noted that his lightsaber had flown from his grasp, leaving the both of them at least temporarily unarmed. The amphistaff that hovered mere inches from her face caused her to reflexively flinch, though for her own part she put on something of a brave face. It was all she could do to not break down and forfeit the fight completely. This was far more than she had bargained for when she first confronted him, and from their first exchange she wouldn't have guessed him capable of this much. However, in the words that came from her own mouth, it was best not to underestimate one's opponent until you've seen just what they're capable of.

As the poison was spat at her eyes she squeezed them shut, but even that wasn't enough. The burning began immediately, and suddenly the pain she had experienced through the illusion meant nothing in comparison to this. Once again she cried out in pain, pressing the heels of her hands to her closed eyes, nothing seeming to alleviate the sensation. Eventually even her voice gave out, and she fell silent, simply lying there. Her jaw was clenched, but she wouldn't allow herself to spill tears. She refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing her crying. Despite these self-assurances silent tears began to spill, borne out of both pain and frustration, cutting trails through the dirt on her face.

Finally she managed to open her eyes, or at least, she thought she did. With a hand held in front of her face she couldn't see her own appendage, and only then did it dawn on her: she was blind. Slowly she pushed herself to her knees, her limbs shaky, movements jerky. All thoughts of fighting had nearly left her mind, but she was still vaguely aware that he likely wouldn't allow her to leave so easily. Her breathing was far more ragged than before, and she raised her face to look at him, or where she perceived him to be via the Force. Barely did she recognize she wasn't restrained any longer. Quietly she uttered a threat that wouldn't have dared passed her lips in any other scenario, her voice hoarse, "You will pay for this, I can assure you. And it will be by my own hand."
Primary: A & E
Secondary: C
Location: Drop ship on the way to a scrapyard.
Allies: Any who wish to help(Greta Kohler Sage Bane ). four troopers as bodyguards. (Marcus / E'vy heavy trooper, Zerrid / Jumper Light assault trooper, Rixar / comz Commanding/communications officer, Silvia / Ripah Combat Medic.)
Enemy's: Those that stand in his way.
Equipment: 1 x BTI Hex frag grenade, 1x BTI-WB Woebringer (Pistol strapped to his hip), Standard lightsaber (also strapped to hip (on the other side)), Sith infantry armor covered over by his own tattered robes.

As the durasteel was falling on top of him he rolled out of the way but his robe was pinned under it as another brute came out from behind the durasteel plate and punched him in the gut, sending him flying back into the wall of the path. "Oh come on wasn't one enough already?!" He said to himself as he reached out with the force and began to choke the newer brute, suspending him in the air. He couldn't choke the brute for long as the other came charging at him forcing him to simply push the brute away. Drawing his lightsaber he met the first brute head on and sliced at his arm, taking it clean off and cauterizing the wound.
Sufficed to say the man screamed his head off, at least until it was cut off. Unlike most sith, T'zanith didn't really revel in bringing pain to his enemies but it did have a certain little flair to it as if also gave him a small measure of power. Though he just used that little measure of power to finish the last brute with a force choke as he simply waited for him to die and then walked along the path.
The more he walked down the path the darker it began to feel. 'A makeshift dark side nexus? no can't be doesn't even look like that in the force, must simply be were that leader guy conducts his experiments or alchemy.' He thought as he felt a little like he was walking towards a tunnel.
Objective: A
Location: The Scrapyard
Allies: [member="Greta Kohler"]
Enemies: [member="Syala Daivik"]

The Jedi turned to face Sage, and he marvelled at his handiwork. Her face was raw, with parts of her skin peeling away. Her sightless eyes were red-rimmed and milky-white.

"Now you have your own markings, Syala," he pointed out.

To add insult to injury, the Sith Lord used her name, a personal detail he had pulled from the innermost reaches of her mind. Sage enjoyed that moment when his victim realized that no thoughts were safe from him. The looks on their faces were always priceless. Syala's physical scars would not last forever, of course. She could get synthskin and cyber eyes. Contrarily, her mental scars would be almost impossible to erase completely.

"You should be thanking me," he added with an amused grin. "The pain will make you stronger."

He deliberated for a moment. Should he remove her arms and legs as well? Sage decided against it. She could die from the shock of those types of grave injuries. If that happened, then who would send his message to the Silver Jedi? Instead, Sage turned and hoisted himself up on his steed. His men followed his lead.

"Tell the Silver Jedi to keep a tighter leash on their Knights."

With that last word of advice, the Sith Lord dug his heels into his Guarlara with a cry, and sped away, deeper into the Belgaroth Scrapyard.
Posts: [3/20]
Objective: A
Location: The Scrapyard
Allies: [member="Sage Bane"]
Enemies: [member="Syala Daivik"]

As Greta was roaming around in her Armadillo, looking for the force signature of the light sided presence she had felt earlier. Moving as fast as the vehicle would allow her, she urged it towards the direction of the supposed lightsider. The acolyte could feel the presence shrinking by the moment, as if the assumed Jedi was taking quite the beating. In a bid to hurry before it shrank even further, she opted to search instead for the powerful dark presence instead. That one, was much easier, as it grew stronger as she got closer and closer to the location. Eventually, amid the numerous hillocks and mountains of junks, she made out see a pair of figures from the vehicle's heads-up-display.

Getting out of the Armadillo armed with macrobinoculars in hand, Greta gazed towards the two figures in the distance. What looked like two saber-wielding fighters were duelling with each other. As the acolyte zoomed in further, she recognised the crimson saber toting fellow to be one of the Hands, namely Sith Lord [member="Sage Bane"] himself. She did not recognise his opponent, a young woman who looked very much like a Jedi would. Blue blade and all. The woman must have been the source of the light side presence she had felt earlier.

Watching the battle unfold between her eyes, Greta felt both dread and excitement as she watched the Hand inflict such immense pain and torture upon the Jedi. The acolyte felt excitement in watching the Jedi suffer, and imagined herself as the one who would inflict such pain in the future as well. The dread came from the thought of fighting such a formidable foe with such tools at his disposal. As evil and cruel as she could be, that sent a shiver down her spine. The girl still had plenty to learn in the art of being evil like the Sith Lord himself.
Objective: B
Location: Belgar, capital of Belgaroth
Allies: [member=Vrag], [member=Darth Raven], [member=Cyrus Tregessar], @OS peeps at obj B
Enemies: Togrutas only have friends

Tanek, and a selected few of those melee Nautolan soldiers that had not been gunned down in their dash towards the enemy lines, descended upon them. Unlike previous times, however, he did not lose himself in a mindless haze of blood and battle. Every step, every swing of the blade was calculated and executed with cool precision. His blade sliced through opposition with ease, using the accurate thrusts and stabs typical for Form II. Using the form against living targets was so much more fun.

As soon as they had reached them, that engagement had been decided. With swift footwork and positioning, Tanek used their own ranks against them. He was never caught standing still, and he moved in such a way that they could not fire upon him without fear of hitting one of their own. Some did, of course, as terror and survival instinct kicked in, but it did them little good. What his Vong armour didn't absorb, passed him, and went into their comrades. The criminals were quick to rout. They lacked the moral of a professional army, such as the one they fought. Professional as they were, they would not allow them to escape. They were not taking any prisoners either.

The melee troops gave chase upon those closest, and those further away were gunned down by ranged units. Tanek elegantly finished off his remaining opponents, sometimes with elaborate Makashi sequences. They were hardly necessary, but this battle was becoming not so much about winning, as it was about lightsaber training. The criminals in his way just happened to become practice dolls.

Once finished with his section, he'd turn to where he had last seen Vrag, to see if she was in need of support. He had barely been able to turn fully, before he realized how ridiculous that question was. She had already cleared her area. The ambush, brave as it may have been, had been quickly squashed. "Onwards then." he muttered. With these out of the way, chances were, they'd be allowed to waltz mostly unopposed towards their target: the government building.
Objective: C
Location: Space
Allies: [member="Darth Venefica"]

"Now now my lady, hate isn't the exact feeling I have for you. I enjoy your company far too much. But, don't kill all the beasts. I'm going to need a couple." Mid sentence his droid had already plotted a course towards the facility Venefica had mentioned. No reason for him to keep the Voice waiting any longer. He would lean back in his seat as he glanced over the blood he had saved. Fear coursed through the vials, palpable to those with enough strength in the Force to feel it. Refill packets for an Alchemy Basin, more or less. Or, with around ten, a start up. While fresh blood always made the strongest connection, what the pair would do didn't need fresh. Just enough to see if the spawn in mind was possible.

It would be minutes before the Sith Lord leaped out of his still flying ship just above the entrance to the building Venefica had mentioned. With a muted thud he would land, already pulling free his golden lightsaber as he looked about. Ferus's voice would carry out with the aid of the Force, sing song almost as the primal urge to spill blood filled his mind once more.

"So, where is the killing?"

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