Darth Zilti
Blasphemers beware...
Objective: Her own reflection
Location: Belgar, capital of Belgaroth
Allies: 1 x squad Sitherhood troopers
Enemies: Her conscience
Maja – now Darth Zilti – reflected on her true nature. It was so much more than the killings.
She sat on a park-bench as the troopers kept guard around her. Her eyes were closed in meditative reflection.
‘I execute with the power of my mind. I become a storm, a weapon strong enough to warp bulkheads. I become death itself!’
Bottled up for twenty standard years, her innate power had finally burst forth and could never again be stoppered. All the years of repression, guiltless crimes, suppressed emotion. Newly reborn, she was at great risk. But only because she didn't realise what she was capable of summoning.
She had never considered turning back but now, having been so recently Knighted she knew it was where the path bifurcates. Here and now she needed to decide whether to disavow her power or to venture courageously and unscrupulously into the depths of her potential – no matter the consequences.
She could devote the rest of her life to trying to make sense of this power, this gift, but that was not her way. She knew it was a dark path into a trackless wilderness from which few return. But in Matsu she had a guide, at any rate.
But the Sith are considered to be evil? Yet hadn’t she just defined herself as a storm? She was death itself. Was she evil, then, or simply stronger and more awake than others? Who gives more shape to sentient history: the good, who adhere to the tried and true, or those who seek to rouse beings from their stupor and lead them to glory?
‘A storm I am, but a much-needed one, to wash away the old and complacent and prune the galaxy of deadweight.' She knew her shortcomings. She was ambitious, arrogant and insidious. And a murderer.
And she reflected on the words she spoke to her Master on Ambria. Heart-felt words. ‘I have pledged that it is my will to join my destiny forever with the Order of the Sith Lords. I am at one with the Dark-side of the Force, and my power is beyond contradiction.’
Her eyes snapped open. “OK girls,” she said, “That’s enough of a rest, time to do what I do best.”