Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heart of Darkness (DMed Story)

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: THe Strip Mines
Objective: Meet up
Allies: [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Claire Ouron"] [member="Rasu Gan"] [member="Lyth Meran"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Jakkor Kess"] , [member="Xiarr Sair"] , [member="RC-506 Lock"] [member="Viktoria Kess"]

Matsu looked as she could feel some of them were coming, a better and stronger for a team where unity could become a bigger issue. Karen was planing to head off but with the others Matsu would be able to work. "Don't worry Lyth we'll work on it and try to get everything prepared. We don't want to be going into somethinglike what was on Dagobah." Patience was an important thing for them to practice and observe here as would be getting the others when she sensed Joshua and some of the others. "Come along." Moving out to look at josh and the other ones who had answered the call the jedi master dropped the main cloak clasping her hands behind her back. "Padawan welcome." Her oldest padawan yes and now a master but still her padawan when she was looking over towards the mines. "There is a lot of people we might have to wade through down there. Hopefully enough stun weapons."
Location: Voracion Citadel
Allies: [member="Elpsis Elaris"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | Mandalorians & Company.
Enemies: Rogue Sith
Objective: Infiltrate and Destroy the Omega

Charlyra rose to her feet – introspection complete. Omega. It threatened them all, Jedi, Ren, Mandalorian, or Mercenary. Her jaw was tightened, her eyes focused she was not afraid of this day. She welcomed it, days, weeks of training at the Villa on Tygara. Her Masters [member="Tempest"] and [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] have trained her well, and she was not alone. With her, Masters [member="Nima Tann"] and... [member="Elpsis Elaris"], they would work with the Mandalorians. They would work on behalf of their Alor, Siobhan. Her dark crimson robes fell silent around her body, dark crimson boots planted her two shotos at her ready both rested along her belt.

She could hear the Mandalorians, and kept her thoughts focused on their goals. Castameer – Firemane had sent a force here, a small but sizable force to help cover the Mandalorians' own massive army. Charlyra took a moment to channel her energies, eyes were aglow with a magenta hue. Her aura wasn't quiet it was – it was that of a young lioness. She pulled her hood down, the thick fabric folded onto itself on her back. As her dark black hair unfurled around her shoulders, her shotos' hilts glinted in the light as she began to take her steps forward. The ground battle would provide a distraction for their small team to get into the Citadel and find their way up to Omega.

Charlyra thought of her code, she thought of the force, and of course of Ammee. Her heart should be thinking of Neve. Sweet, beautiful Neve – and yet it yearned for the familiar touch of the Jedi Consular who perhaps if the Force willed it would be elsewhere. She was quiet as she walked, robes still quiet swaying as she moved, and she moved knowing each step could be her last.
Location: Voracion Citadel
Objective: Err...infiltrate the place, kill Sith and so on.
Enemies: Sithies.
Allies: Mandos, Team Firemane, [member="Charlyra Araano"], [member="Nima Tann"]

Once more unto the breach! Or something similarly melodramatic. It was time for Firemane Next Generation to shine...and hopefully not follow into Matriarch Siobhan Kerrigan's footsteps by getting maimed an awful lot.

Thanks to a certain shapeshifting infiltrator, Firemane had received advanced warning of what was coming. Apparently Sith were returning from the shadows - again! - and had a superweapon they were itching to use. How ironic that the vile threat that menaced the entire Galaxy was called Omega, considering the Firemane leadership's former association with a by now defunct galactic conglomerate called the Omega Protectorate, but this writer digresses. Before this post is buried beneath the grounds of meta, we shall move on.

Regardless, Elpsis Elaris was here and eager to kill things. Firemane had old ties with the Mandalorians, so it was only fitting they accompany them on this venture to infiltrate the Citadel, bathe its halls in Sith blood and foil the nefarious, omnicidal schemes. The Jedi and their allies were attacking elsewhere, but Elpsis cared not for them, for the revulsion she felt against all things Jedi was strong and was probably only surpassed by the burning hatred she felt for Sith. Basilisk war droids were raining down upon the Sith base, heralding the arrival of the Mandalorian warriors, eager to unleash a firestorm upon the infidels. The imposing citadel loomed large above them.

She could see Charlyra finishing her meditations, and did likewise. A quiet prayer left her lips, beseeching the Goddess, the Great White Wolf or whichever deity might be listening to give her strength, steady her aim and see them through this trial. The girl was clad from head to toe in crimson beskar'gam. Her lightsabre's hilt glinted in the light, her boltgun and hard-sound carbine were in reach and would probably see use today if her writer actually paid attention. She glanced over to Lyra. "Big citadel, hordes of murderous Sith. It's a party. Let's go," she said quietly with feigned nonchalance. "I'll take the lead. Remember what Auntie Sio taught us."

Visser Chernykh

No one makes the hero bleed.
Location: Before the Sith Academy
Allies: [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Thresh Sken"] | [member="Wolf"]

The masked man drew up beside the girl waiting there. He'd felt the call even through the foggy murk billowing out from the Academy. The Dark side was everywhere on this world but here it was very strong. It called to him without words too.

Whispers of the temptress Jezebel trying to lure him from the true path. Promises of power and glory for himself. Empty words of false prophets. Vainglory emerging from the mouths of failures.

His study of the Academy was broken when the girl spoke. Hidden eyes rested on her as he turned his head.

"I'm prepared, but are you."

Mael Ren's reply was not just in regards to enemies they could see. There would be other enemies unseen and unheard too. Enemies stronger than the harlot's call here and now. Foes who would test the very core of their faith and commitment.


Saint of the Damned
Potential Allies nearby: [member="Jakkor Kess"]

Slowly but surely, Lark approached the small group. He didn't think they had seen him, or sense him for that matter. There was so much chaos, and they were probably focused on keeping themselves alive and finding whatever group they were with. Lark had guessed they were Jedi, but he wasn't sure until he was closer. But he needed a way for them to take him in, instead of send him away.

He couldn't say he was a pilot who survived his crash, not only did he not have pilot clothes, he didn't want the Jedi probing him on where he was from. No, he wasn't a pilot. Lark was a slave who escaped a little before the battle started. His brother had been caught stealing from a guard, so he and his entire family was to be executed. The clothes were an issue. Lark's pants were gray, so at first glance they might pass as slave attire. They looked rugged enough anyways. He ripped his shirt off completely. He still barely felt the cold.

But the look wasn't complete. He approached the top of a small hill, but instead of walking down, Lark took the faster option and fell. Frost covered rocks bit sharply at his skin, the sting was small enough to normally be that of a cat, but under these conditions, it felt like a rancor was clawing at his skin.

Now that he was sufficiently bloodied, and pants well enough torn, perhaps he was safe to approach the Jedi. It wasn't perfect, but it was the best he could do at the moment. If he didn't make an attempt to join them, or if they turned him away, he'd die. But he felt as though the secrets in The Omega were worth it. Clutching his leg, he hurried to meet the group. He raised the other hand to show he was unarmed. Well, here goes nothing.

"Please... help.' Lark muttered, spitting up a bit of blood.


Bipolar Sith. What could go wrong.

(OOC: If everyone else gets to put songs so do I!)

Location: Sith Academy
Objective: Avoid people

Vustia changed her mind. Maybe it was good decision making, or maybe it was her mental condition affecting her judgement. She sat down and began meditating, closer to the dark side users she had felt before.

She decided that she wouldn't go to find trouble, trouble would have to find her.
The Reaper of Won Shasot
Location: Castameer, near the Strip Mines
The New Republic and her allies
Nearby: @Raeya Papaoida, [member="Tiland Kortun"], [member="Choli Vyn"]

"...confused me with my felllow Pantoran. My name is Lancaster." the woman said. And she was right. From a distance she seemed to resemble President Papanoida. However upon closer inspection, her voice and appearance showed her to be a different person. "Oh sorry." he apologized.

As they approached the downed craft he could see an old man extracting a young woman from the cockpit. Lancaster spoke to the old man, and suggested moving on. "What about her?" Dax asked, indicating the pilot.
Location: Castameer, Strip Mines, Near X-Wing Crash Site
Allies: Team Light Side, [member="Choli Vyn"], [member="Tiland Kortun"], [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Raeya Papanoida"], Others
Objective: Organize and Prepare

Surveying the debris of the crashed starfighter, Zark marveled at the serendipity of the moment. Of all the pilots from all the starfighters in the massive Alliance armada overhead, somehow a Rogue from his own ship had wound up in the path of his destiny. Was this a sign from the Force? An ill omen of tragedy to come, for Rogue Squadron and the entire galaxy, or did Choli's survival against all odds mean something else? Perhaps the Force wanted her here for a reason, he mused. Perhaps she had a role to play in events to come. It was a fool's hope, he hadn't trusted the Force's guidance for years, but it was better than the feeling of paralyzing dread the alternative would fill him with.

"Yeah yeah, you can buy me a new X-Wing if we don't die," he grinned at her, assessing the work the two Jedi who had rescued were doing on healing her wounds before nodding a curt approval and moving past them to survey the shantytown around them and, in the distance, the Air Base, "Give her a blaster if she doesn't have one."

A soldier from the squad he had brought with him was quick to obey the command he had called out over his shoulder, but the Captain's attention was elsewhere. He didn't like being out in the open like this, the sight and sound of Lieutenant Vyn's crash would likely be bringing company soon, and not the nice kind. Signaling with his empty hand, Zark motioned for his team to spread out and take up overwatch positions, establishing a temporary perimeter around the wrecked craft and the others nearby. The Knight reached out with the Force, and immediately regretted it. Out of practice as he was, the mass of emotion surrounding them almost overwhelmed him.

"There is much suffering here," Arix said beside him, the cyborg's voice eerie in the quiet.

"That's why we came."​
[member="Wolf"] | [member="Mael Ren"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Thresh Sken"]​
With the Four of them gathered, they stood at the Doorway.
Their Loyalty resolute, their Cause righteous.
Waiting for the others to arrive.
The other Sith and Dark Jedi could aid them, or die.
Formidable on their own, together as One the Knights of Ren were unconquerable.
They would form the power base of those intending to enter the Sith Academy.
Unless of course, someone would be foolish enough to challenge them.
For now, the Galaxy's main concern was the Rogue Sith and their dreadful weapon.
But in the shadows, the Supreme Leader watches, and waits.
Allies: [member="Jude Falkrowe"] | [member="CT-47B"] | [member="Tyger Tyger"] | [member="Kierel"]​
Potential allies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Nomar"] | [member="Vustia"]​

Thoja Arlos

Grand Marshal Contemplation
Location: Near Strip Mines
Objective: Head to meet point

Thoja crossed the vast expanse before him, using his armour's cloaking ability to move swiftly and silently. He could see smoke ahead of him, most likely a crash site probably from the battle above. Checking the datapad at his side, he followed the given directions.

"Let's do this." He muttered as he neared the rendezvous point. He look to see if anyone were there, and sure enough a small band of allies was forming. He uncloaked himself, revealing the badge of the 228th on his chest. "How many do we have?" He asked upon approaching the group.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Jakkor Kess"] [member="Xiarr Sair"] [member="RC-506 Lock"] [member="Viktoria Kess"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Claire Ouron"] [member="Rasu Gan"] [member="Lyth Meran"] [member="Matsu Ike"]


Disney's Princess
The Strip Mines
w/ [member="Solan Charr"] , [member="Bryce Bantam"] , [member="Effie Duanna"] - Blue flower goodbyes, greeting Solan (3)

"Karen had left the side of Matsu Ike and Claire Ouron. Now she pasted through the mud and the mist to find another group of allies stirring. That of a familiar Solan Charr, a grieving pilot (Bryce) , and a lovely half-Selphi (Effie). This was not the group that crowded around Tiland Kortun and Choli Vyn. However. Both parties were quite close to each other already. Surely. Such a gathering was the workings of the Force." ~ Sid's Log, The Omega War

Karen approached Charr as a very, very familiar ship was seen passing overhead. Ah. The Millennium Falcon. That meant Kira Vaal and her troupe were here too. Good. They just might need a legendary ship this day.

"Greetings Solan Charr."

Karen released the cloak on her Force Signature. Allowing everyone nearby to finally sense her in the Force.

"Many allies have found this place I see. Excellent. We'll need that strength to make it to the Rogue Sith's nearby Air Base. Just beyond the Shanty Town and it's War Factories. ...Anyway. I suppose I'll be tagging along with the King of Kesh for awhile. What's your status King? Ready for another war? You look like you could use another veteran at your side. Ha. ...Anyway. I am to follow. So just lead the way."

Roberts past only a simple glace at the others. Figuring Bryce and Effie for companions of the lost King. Noting the loss of friends and the growth of blue flowers. Alas... Karen had no time for such emotional distractions. The way of the Jedi was firm already. Her mind was focused. Focused on the golden paths. The eye into the void. Already she peered into the present now and into the many futures of doom and gloom that sprouted out from it. Her eye was single to the demon now. To that shrill sky superweapon.


"Ah. I should probably mention. We've got a large group of friends that way. Nearer your wolf friend and that downed starfighter. Mm. There are still many stragglers too. I just ran into a group of Silvers gathering to the east. Indeed. The Millennium Falcon is in our sky and many strange Factions gather to this planet already. My my. The Force gathers it's instruments. It is well with us this day. Let us make haste."

She lifted her rifle to point at the Shanty Town,

"We can meet everyone there. If we remain objectively focused. They will come to us."

Still. Karen aimed to stay with Charr for as long as possible. Already she could see the golden paths converging. And once again,

All paths lead to Omega.

Location: Voracion Citadel
Allies: [member="Cole Dagos"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"] | [member="Damien Daemon"] | [member="Dean Letham"] | [member="Rhan Komo"] |[member="Funky Balor"] | [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | Mandalorians | Black Sun | anyone I missed
Enemy: Sith
DM [member="Kith Verloren"]

Arla faced darkness in her life not once but twice for no one is every complete bereft of it, no it leaves its mark on you and waits to be born again. The Netherworld had offered opportunity to remove the doubt she felt about her own existence. Parents whose faces she didn't know suddenly were familiar she had asked the questions and gotten the answers, and peace about who and what she was finally was hers.

Firm about who she was gave her strength and courage to stand among the Vod knowing she belonged there. Her armor of purple and black showing her loyalty to the ways of the mando'ade and all her equipment.

This was a battle to not only take the Citadel but to fight the Sith. Sith and their dark magic, dar'jetti they could cloud your mind, and feed your avarice but they had to be more. The mando'ade had to be more than just warriors they needed to out think them, fight them on their home ground, and then they had to win.

Yes Ra had promised that they would take on the Sith, and here they were.

Part of her was afraid, what would happen to Avrum if she died today. What would happen to Avrum if they did not defeat the Sith? There was no easy answer for any of it.

She began putting one foot in front of the other, waiting for the group to thin out so she could begin to scan ahead. It already looked like a war zone. She ran to the first solid object a duracrete wall and looked ahead, where were they.

Voices filled with static filled the air, and her coms. They had to cut the chatter be mindful. Move with purpose.
Matsu Ike said:
Location: THe Strip Mines
Objective: Meet up
Allies: [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Claire Ouron"] [member="Rasu Gan"] [member="Lyth Meran"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Jakkor Kess"] , [member="Xiarr Sair"] , [member="RC-506 Lock"] [member="Viktoria Kess"]

Matsu looked as she could feel some of them were coming, a better and stronger for a team where unity could become a bigger issue. Karen was planing to head off but with the others Matsu would be able to work. "Don't worry Lyth we'll work on it and try to get everything prepared. We don't want to be going into somethinglike what was on Dagobah." Patience was an important thing for them to practice and observe here as would be getting the others when she sensed Joshua and some of the others. "Come along." Moving out to look at josh and the other ones who had answered the call the jedi master dropped the main cloak clasping her hands behind her back. "Padawan welcome." Her oldest padawan yes and now a master but still her padawan when she was looking over towards the mines. "There is a lot of people we might have to wade through down there. Hopefully enough stun weapons."
[member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Claire Ouron"] [member="Rasu Gan"] [member="Lyth Meran"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Jakkor Kess"] , [member="Xiarr Sair"] , [member="RC-506 Lock"] [member="Viktoria Kess"]

"Padawan? I haven't heard that one in a long time" Was the first thing the Jedi Master said as he would approach Matsu Ike with a light smirk on his face. "So, what's going on here?" The Jedi would inquire as he would look around at the group that had been assembled. "Prrretty big crowd you got going here. I came here because of a slave uprising, but apparently you guys are having a party here as well."

No, seriously. What was with all of the damn Jedi here?

And then he looked up at all the commotion and got to see what was going on for himself.

"Oh. Well chit."
Location: Near the Strip Mines
Allies: [member="Solan Charr"] , [member="Bryce Bantam"] , [member="Karen Roberts"]

Effie took a few moments to collect herself. She has only just caught up to the group and felt she needed a bit of time to get herself grounded. Effie raised her head, lips parted so words could escape them. But no words did. Something had rendered Effie speechless and that something was the poor young Bryce carrying a fallen comrade. A look of sorrow fell upon Effie's face as he passed. Death was always expected of war. But that did not make it any easier when it was one of your own who met this expectation.

Miri watched both Solan and Bryce perform the makeshift funeral rites for the victim. The quiet of the whole event was so eerie to Effie, but she could not help but think that the whole event was so strange and tragically beautiful. She could not look at Bryce when his emotions got the better of him. She hated to see people cry.

As far as Effie was concerned, the mission was off to a bad start. She turned to face Solan as he spoke to her, with watery eyes and a red nose, she had obviously been crying. Effie was still at a loss of words. She simply nodded at Solan, she was ready to leave when suddenly Karen approached.

Karen spoke to Solan and said something surprising. She referred to Solan as a king? Surely she was joking? Granted Effie had not known the man for long but surely that could not be true. Effie looked up at him, her brow furrowed with confusion.

"The king of kesh....?" She said in a soft but questioning tone
Location: Sith Academy territory
Allies: The First Order
Not far away: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Mael Ren"] | [member="Wolf"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Thresh Sken"]
DM: [member="Kith Verloren"]

The cold bit hard, he was sure but beneath his clothing, face bandana and snow glasses, Jude's temperature was secure from the ice cold. The body glove he wore also came with a thermal regulator. Geared up professionally like a typical agent of an intelligence service. The blonde's trek through the snow was by far slower and tougher as he had gone through the side where there were no paths. How else did he plan to sneak in ? Only by going through places where nobody ventured would he expect of having the least chance of being spotted or compromised.

Nonetheless, even the natural cover of snow that blended with his clothing and his unusual choice of passage did not stop him from being cautious and careful. His steps were planned ahead and they touched as lightly as possible the frozen ground. The soles on his grav boots were produced just for such weather, they certainly helped a lot. Slowly, but surely, the Sith Academy's main building - a pyramid - grew larger as he became closer to it. Jude's first step was finding a side entrance, an unconventional one. A ventilation shaft would most likely be the case but anything else better was always welcome. The agent's mind still remained close, although curiousity brewed within him to find out where the Ren were and what else might be in his vicinity.
LOCATION: Sith Academy - Approach
OBJECTIVE: Find a way in.
ALLIES: None yet. Maybe?
ENEMIES: None yet.
CLOSE BY: [member="Mael Ren"] | [member="Wolf"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Thresh Sken"]

Dressed all in white, she might have been some phantom save for the stark contrast of her hair whenever it escaped the confines of her fur-lined hood. The only piece of exposed skin turned pink by a cruel breeze were her cheeks, her bodysuit designed cover her neck and the lower half of her face to protect the more delicate scar tissue of her ruined mouth. She dragged her feet through the snowdrifts as she - like the tide - encroached on the Academy’s shores.

She reached out briefly, trying to find someone familiar, but only one known mind in return - an Acolyte, or at least he had been then. She returned the nod and continued her sweep. Though she didn’t press hard enough to catch actual thoughts every person moving towards the Academy was either thinking of loot or protecting what they considered their own. Most were unshielded, but there was one signature that seemed to be more purposely closed off. She gravitated towards it.

Now, Matsu had never had a problem making allies out of people who would usually be enemies if the situation called for it. She had grown up among the Lords of the Fringe and she’d never had a problem with a person just because they used the Force a certain way - a surprisingly lenient point of view considering the way she liked to fill the ranks of her Undead with Jedi, but she saw no point in shooting first if she could get something out of someone first. The man she found at the end of the quiet mind ([member="Jude Falkrowe"]) was unknown to her but she figured he wasn’t one of the Rogues responsible for the atrocity above - he would already be shooting at her, and he wouldn’t be walking around as if he didn’t have a key to the front door. She followed his searching gaze, moving closer.

“The drifts are lower towards the South,” she said quietly in to his mind, the only way she could speak without a mouth. “Could mean heat from vents.”

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
Location: Voracion Citadel
Objective: Find the weapon and destroy it. Also kill Sith.
Allies: #TeamFiremane | [member="Elpsis Elaris"] | [member="Charlyra Araano"] | Mandos
Enemies: Sith.

It has been a long time that Nima hasn't been in a battlefield. Now that she was fully recovered of her wounds and all, it was the time for the Twi'lek to do good once again! Today's mission seemed a bit different from the others, according to the Intelligence Unit, the Sith were back after a huge silence, hiding all this time in an unknown planet named Castameer to proceed with their evil plans. And there was a superweapon involved in this scenario. She was also informed that they were going to help the Mandalorians, which she didn't have much knowledge about except that one time when they tried to do a diplomatic meeting with the Silvers, but of course it didn't work out that well. She heard the news of their good fight with the Sith, though, and it was enough for her to trust them in this. Anyway, as the little briefing session ended in her mind, her reality returned to the area which already turned into a blood show.

She was wearing crimson light armor of Firemane, enough to keep her safe but flexible at the same time since she relied on her acrobatics a lot. Not a particular color choice she would make but it was an armor, color was not important. She controlled her lightsabers, both red and blue since she would need an extra, didn't know why but the aura that the red lightsaber had was making her feel stronger, also it was a weird feeling. Anyway, unfortunately for Elpsis, the New Generation still needed a little time to shine though as the Master joined both. "Elpsis. It's not a party, it's a warzone. And we are not throwing ourselves to Sith." She said, her tone was like a master educating her Padawan. But then she corrected herself. "We have a mission to do. Find the superweapon, destroy it, fast. Alright? We will kill the Sith on our way. Only on our way." This time her tone was like a friend's. The educating part was her old life reaction. "After the mission is done, I promise I'll join you take care of the rest." She smiled. She was protective, but she also knew that Elpsis and Charlyra were able to protect themselves very well.

"Check your equipment and let's proceed. The ground team can only buy us some time before they realize." She nodded afterwards. There was little room for chit-chat when there were a lot of things at stake! Also they were pretty out in the open right now, which was not a good strategy.
“They trespassed upon my thoughts. They were intruders whose knowledge of life was to me an irritating pretense, because I felt so sure they could not possibly know the things I knew. Their bearing, which was simply the bearing of commonplace individuals going about their business in the assurance of perfect safety, was offensive to me like the outrageous flaunting's of folly in the face of a danger it is unable to comprehend.
I had no particular desire to enlighten them."
- Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
The Sith Academy
[member="Atheus"] [member="Vustia"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Wolf"] [member="CT-47B"] [member="Tyger Tyger"] [member="Mael Ren"] [member="Thresh Sken"] [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Kierel"] [member="Darth Ophidia"] [member="Nomar"]

Those who approached the Academy from the front were flanked by giant eidolons of frozen stone. Silent, names lost to the ages, these motionless Sith Monoliths stared down at the approaching insects. They offered no insight in to what might lie ahead.

Almost no insight.

The arrival of Dark Force users at the grand gates triggered some unseen hand. Sweeping, ever so slowly, open through the snow, the massive doors opened for those approaching. There was no sign of a living person within the great, shadowed antechamber.

Oddly, despite the size of the doors, they made not a single whisper of sound as they opened.

It wouldn't be until those moving up the stairs reached the yawning opening itself that the reason would become clear.

As each person stepped foot through the entry way, an unnatural silence fell over them.

Within these halls, Darth Molior permitted no sound. And enforced it. For the length of their passage through the Sith Academy, they would be unable to speak or otherwise make any noise.

The grand entry way was cold and empty. What should have been large enough to send the echo of their footsteps back at them was instead eerily silent. A main, double staircase led up at the center of the back wall, through an opening curtained with shadows. Two other doors, smaller and closed, flanked the base of the staircase to the right and the left.

[member="Jude Falkrowe"]
Those who approached the Academy from the side moved through ice and treacherous footing. It was dangerous and at least one skeleton broken upon the rocks gave testament to the folly that was this path. But a careful, talented climber could reach the outer base of the Academy and eventually find a place where the hewn stone met bedrock- there, a passage.

Deliberately tunneled in to the stone, the passage was pitch black more than a few steps in. The tunnel slopped down, and ice covered the floor, making the footing unstable. Once inside, even the sound of their own breathing would be silenced.

Within these halls, Darth Molior permitted no sound. And enforced it. For the length of their passage through the Sith Academy, they would be unable to speak or otherwise make any noise.

The passageway led down, beneath the Academy. The feeling of MALICE was thick on the air, almost a physical weight. What horrors were hidden there? And dare they risk it?
Location: Voracion Citadel
Allies: :(
Enemies: Rogue Sith
Objective: Infiltrate and Destroy the Omega

Werah had landed his personal shuttle, and strode out onto the battlefield. Werah had managed to hear of the...weapon, that the rogue sith had been building here. If the galaxy was destroyed,it wold make things a little harder for Werah, so he had decided to come here and try and stop it in it's tracks. The TE's other forces were fighting elsewhere, unfortunately, so it seems like Werah was on his own, except for a lone Z-5 Droid. Checking his saber and his armour, Werah surveyed the battle nearby. The mandolorians were out in full force, and hundreds of other groups seemed to be clustered here, trying to get towards the Citadel. Looking up, Werah got a glorious view of the building. The Target.

Well, no time to waste", thought Werah, as he charged down to the battlefield. "For the Empire!". Werah clicked his fingers, summoning fire in his heavily armoured hands, and tried to fire the blaster without burning it. He got a shot off, but the blaster started sparking, and Werah decided that now was not the best time for pyrokinesis...
Location: Sith Academy territory
Allies: The First Order
Not far away: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Mael Ren"] | [member="Wolf"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Thresh Sken"]
DM: [member="Kith Verloren"]

A slight wind picked up and the piercing cold it brought could be even felt through all the heat preserving gear that Jude had been bundled with. Only slightly but still it made him realize the unbearable cold that was outside. Almost as if it was unnatural. The more he got closer to the Academy, the more unwelcoming was the trek becoming. At one point, the agent's boots fell upon something and cracked it into pieces.

A skeleton.

The crack startled him for just a bit and the sight of the smashed skeleton was not something that he appreciated seeing as he made his way forward more cautious than ever. Jude's scan of his upcoming path through the treacherous icy and snowy ground of the planet resulted in the sight of less layers of snow. A place where the snow's thick blanket was thinner. He moved in closer and shoveled away the snow to reveal ventilation shafts. Now, he would find use of his lightsaber tool. As he was about to un-clip it though, a stranger's presence protruded into his mind.

“The drifts are lower towards the South, could mean heat from vents.”

It startled the agent and unfortunately for him, he slipped and tumbled down and down until he crashed into a pile of snow. Numerous swear words piled in his mind but he waved them away to shake his head with the aim of removing the snow that covered him. Jude's first thing to do was to look at where he had found the shaft. He cursed under his breath at the sight of that location. It was unreachable from here.

The agent's sight turned to the left and fortune smiled his way. A passage. Crashing into the snow had revealed a passage. Was it intentional or was it the result of millennia old ruin that was consuming the Academy building from within ? The answer, although important, did not matter right now. He had accidentally found a way in. Or perhaps it was a way in. Only one way to find out.

Before that he had to deal with something else. The presence that had come in his mind. There was no reason for him to act the fool and keep going as if he had not heard it. Jude had been found out by someone. He opened his mind and entered the 'flow of the ethereal'. Threads upon threads moved around. Most radiating darkness. The mind that contacted him was no different. He found her by closing down his radius, it was a logical thing to do. No need of becoming a beacon. Jude focused the Force through the ethereal as a needle and made his way to the mind that had contacted him. He grasped at that mind and felt overwhelming power. A person strong with the Force. The agent kept his cool.

"Good catch." Jude passed to her [ [member="Matsu Xiangu"] ] mind. "My...'way' led me to what seems a passage into the Academy."

There was no point in lying, no point in hiding anymore. He had been found by someone who was still not considered an enemy and Jude was not an idiot. He could play his cards right, the strong in the Force person who had found him probably thought the same way considering what she had passed on to him. The agent's knowledge of behavior told him that perhaps both him and this feminine presence that had communicated with him telepathically were both on the same starting line. Cooperation, even with the oddest of beings and in the oddest situations, was always more beneficial than competition.

There was always time for competition. Jude would not be the fool that would beckon it earlier.

"Are you coming?"
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