Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heart of Stone


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Going after the pirate base as the ship came out of hyperspace she was moving with it and spoke. "Fire." She watched the turrets quickly go at it when she saw them firing off before ion taggers were going off at their fighters quickly. Like a rapid fire slugthrower they were providing it to track and keep all of them for destruction with the nano missiles that they were using. Sala'dine was prepared for the attack as she looked towards the station seeing what they had as a problem. The shadowport itself was all set up and dangerous before she pointed. "Have the cannons prepared and target the stabilization systems of the station. Drop it down on the planet."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
The dropping a station on the world might be a little drastic but she was looking at the dangers they posed and that station was almost built like a golan which meant they were not wanting to get close to it. The command and countermeasure systems of the ship detailing what they should be doing and how best to avoid the dangers of the station as well as the pirates ships here for a time. "Keep at it and launch fighters." She knew the massive hangers with the smaller squadrons in the ships would be handling this well enough so that wouldn't be a problem. All they needed to do for now was be safe and ready to survive with all of the others.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She was watching her before the one ship moved to allow the ships solar ionization cannon to fire. She wanted to see what it could do and as a forward mounted cannon she could see it bashing and tearing apart the enemy station. The large chunk of a hole within it before the nose of the ship was glowing now like a cherry hot before they were firing off the rest of the cannons forward. She could see the streaking lines as they impacted ships in the distance over the planets. She watched a number of the batteries from the ship as the mounted swivel batteries were letting loose mass driver rounds, ion shots and turbolasers. She could see them streaking across the expanse to impact.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She could see the shots smashing into the ships and station to damage it as their fighters were going ahead. To handle the situation and give more of the information that they needed on things before she was seeing the logistical suite of the ship itself. They had gotten stygium signatures here fro where they had been mining Kelsier to sneak off. They might have found the facility or some parts of it and were taking things to their base on the surface that one of the troop carriers were heading off to go and take over. She knew the station was going to be coming down as it had the massive gaping wound there before it was coming down. She was prepared for more of it as they were heading forward.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
They were moving in to meet the pirates and she was looking to broadside a number of them as the ship had the swivel batteries instead of just forward mounted firing arcs. They weren't going to miss a chance to have superior firepower and drive going forward until the Admiral prepared herself. "Alright then, let us go and drive the point in that robbing people is never good." She stuck with it before moving towards the planet. She set some fo the things about on the screena nd it was following the action thanks to the logistical probes for them, before standing tall and ready. "So have we received any sort of contact from the pirates. Usualy they like to talk and try to impress."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
There didn't seem to be any incoming for them, they have been moving and she could see the Herlads themselves moving through the one ship and another was on the surface with a walker from the drop pod that they were able to use as a command post. Setting up more of it while they were looking over sections had the Admiral prepared. "No Admiral ori, they have not tried to make contact and are ignoring our hailing attempts. Seems they prefer to just try and run or die." well she could work with that as well as the interdictors they had were running and pulsemass mines were being used to keep them in the system. it would also serve to keep others out of their businss.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
And business as Sala'dine was seeing with these pirates was good when another one fo their ships fell under the combined fire of the massive ship letting its escape pods loose so they could be scooped up by the Triage class that had joined with the floot to provide help should it be needed. She wasn't heartless and very serious in things but she was wanting to see what they would be able to do. She wanted to see more of it as the triage shuttles were going out and being protected by fighter escort until she was prepared. "If they don't want to say hello then we'll go with the next best thing that we will be able to do. I want it to be handled here well and ensure all of them are captured."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Sala'dine was looking to take some more of the information on about the ships. She wanted to work with them before she was preparing with some of the others. The soldiers and the Heralds were moving through the base as they had managed to find the stygium they had stolen along with other things they had raided and taken from around the area. Not much in terms thanks to the silvers works. She was looking over more of it getting parts of information on the screen until they stuck around for the jedi watchmen on the bridge with her to see. "We have a lot of the information to work with, now lets see what we will be able to get for you and your order master jedi."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
The jedi was looking at her and offering a bow of his head as they were prepared for a lot of things here... well she was certain they had managed to prepare for many more. "Thank you for that but it is unneeded. I know the navy has been working to replace the ships that were lost when we lost the space elves but they were only so helpful and if all it took to lose our nerve was them departing then it wasn't really ours to begin with. So show me what you have here." He seemed curious and Sala'dine was more then happy to explain the finer workings of the mapping and logistical componanets. Where they were going and what parts they were displaying for all of them as well as the pirates actions.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She stood there and there more on the bridge with the jedi as she felt the force from them coming out. looking to feel it but she was untrained in the force or the skills. She was looking at the different things they would be able to do as the pirates themselves were being taken away. Within the medical ships and the larger brigs as soldiers and heralds were moving over some of the things. She had the hardlight set up and displaying more of it as the logistical area of the ship was on display with the system when the fighters were attacking and going after them. The jedi aces were moving quickly and they were reporting in as they went into dogfights against the energy fighters along with shadow bombs disabling their main carriers.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She was wanting to see what they might be able to do, sticking around here before she allowed the force energies to flow around herself from the jedi master on the bridge. Sala'dine could feel the force energies curling around the small hairs on her neck were rsing up. She stayed there for a moment before looking out at the others to give them a few ideas and there was something coming. "Admiral, we have hyperspace openings at the edge fo the system." She saw it on the edge fo the sensors and her field of vision looking out upon the planet. "What is it." She wanted to know but the jedi was speaking. "it is alright, they do not mean us harm and we might be getting some reinforcements."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She was looking at the ships and there was not many with them, an MC180 with escort Watts classes and some of the other ships that they could provide. There wasn't a lot she had to admit but going over with most of it. "I see." Sala'dine was looking at parts of it before she stuck around to give herself more reason. "Coordinate with the ships and bring everything around that we will be able to do. I want to talk with them as soon as we can and see about getting those ships if they are here to help with us." She got nods from the others while they were all moving forward with a couple of things and she could see the Firekilns moving around faster and better able to outmatch the destroyers.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Sala'dine herself was setting up for more of it, she wanted to work with them and the screen changed as a woman appeared. Older and with a nasty scar over her eyes but she was clearly one fo the older Republic fleet commanders. Based on her bars and not her looks. "THis is the remnants of the Republic ninth fleet. We are here to assist in whatever way we can." She was watching them to see about reading their expressions but there wasn't much int he way of what the woman was presenting. She seemed genuine about wanting to help and given how the Republic itself was being run down by others well.... she wasn't going to turn down some of their ships.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
"We welcome you to join with us and help, have your ships coordinate and provide cover support for our destroyers as we move in for the final volley against their defenses. I want all guns running hot and dropships prepared." She got acknowledgement lights from all fo the ships to her orders as the Watts classes were opening up at the farthest range they could with their heavy cannon. Laying down a line of fire along with the MC180 that was surging forward to get into a formation withthe Omni class so that they would be able to tear through and handle easily the defenders on the surface. The ships were all moving with them towards the surface as Sala'dine prepared with the jedi master.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
"Looks like you are getting a ragtag fleet here of ships, but what is your plans for these firekilns admiral?" He was curious and she was as well, they were designed to be able to out fly a star destroyer and act more like a wolf pack picking at it and moving away as another came in once they had their guns trained and ready. Sticking around would just end up being a dangerous time before the others got in and she had a few ideas of how best to improve upon that. wolf like tactics and a better battle analysis computer with an advanced AI would serve a purpose for her to use. There were a few other things as well until she was letting the rest of the ships move around.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Her mind was already racing for what they might be abel to do with the fleet of ships, more then that if they could get an MC180 here they could look at it as the old bird was a testament to overpacking weapons and things on a large ship then using it in a fight. Hopefully the performance booster they had would serve to better outfit them as she was not expecting the specialized reactors they were developing to work with it. THe massive hanger and systems of the ships here were going to be working into overdrive if they were lucky before the rest fo the Republic fleet joined up with them. She was wondering where they had the Kenobi class praxium ships in all of this.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She wanted to get more of it but for now they had pirates to handle and all of the ships were moving into position around the planet. To blockade it as well as keep it interdicted for themselves. Sala'dine was prepared as she could see the transports going downt o start getting things loaded up, they were going to be filling the hangers as the different systems of the ship were working to give the woman a better idea. "Admiral we are gettign reports of the amount we shall be needing to store and the pirates seem to have been using the Levantines absence to stockpile. It looks like that were also sending parts and information outwards to other sources."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Alright then, they would be abel to go with it and bring all fo the information in. They were wanting to see some fo the more dangerous parts for what they were doing here. SHe walked through into the transport so that she could go down to the planet and head over to parts of it. "Alright see you down on the planet." She was prepared for it and they were heading down before the woman looked at it, looked at all of the things they had set up here with the soldiers. She was not wanting to harm the people down there as they might be slaves, maybe send them to Joza Perl who had been workign on many of the things that had been a danger to them. Slaves needed to be able to be rescued.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She would have to let it wait though as a few more ideas were coming to the woman when the transport was heading down tot he surface so they could see. Slaves here the pirates had captured and some that were captured trying to attack them off to the one side. The different slaves she could see were being given a field bag and told to get what they had or could carry so they had some stuff. If there wasn't anything the soldiers were instructed to give up some of the spare clothing on the ship where they could so the people would at the least be clothed to transport and travel around. Sala'dine was looking at the large group there walking as they got food and drinks.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Working with some fo the slaves as she came to the end of the line and the rooms where they had been storing their ill gotten gains were showing to the admiral. It gave the woman a few things until she turned over with a whistle to see all of it. "Now this is impressive." There were pieces, sections, areas that had been filled with containers and crates of raw materials such as different metals, ores, valuables from the robberies and she was guessing they were holding them until they could get the best prices for all of it. She wanted to see some more of the things where the others were going out. They had different peple and droids checking all of it.

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