Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Heart of Stone


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She was moving with a number of the slaves after they finished up. All of that information, plus the ore and crystals they had discovered would come to her until she was moving with a thought. "How many slaves did they have here?" The one droid with her was providing the information. "We have rescued nearly four hundred who were being prepared for sale to various rings and cartels across the galaxy. Given what the information is showing the large amount of silver jedi activity to stop pirates and slavers have been working to get all of their buyers causing them to stockpile more people and equipment where it can while searching for new markets further out."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
That was a testament to the work that they were doing to try and force pirates and slavers out fo silver space. It would go a long way if they could keep it up and put them out of business. She was looking at many of the things before the jedi with her and the admiral were heading through the area. She could see more of the things on the datapad as it was coming up for them to get a better idea of the inventory the droids were reporting that they were trying to catalogue so they could keep all of the tracks of information. "THat is a good thing then, perhaps we'll go for the heart of the slavers and pirates at Nar Shadda should we have the chance to really set ourselves up."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She was thinking in the long term, to work on controlling and wiping out the criminal elements within silver space was going to be something that couldn't be taken lightly. The criminals after all were going to e there regardless it just mattered what they did to really handle them. If they tried to wipe them all out there would likely be resistance but if they were smart about it then they could work with the people who were tired of it and wanted something better who would support the idea of keeping away the criminals in the long term. She knew many of the others had some ideas about what they could do and without going into huge details would need to really push it.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
though now that she had some people like Arisa Yune who was proving effective when she showed up and these Republic ship that could prove useful. She knew a number of them were originally thought of by silver jedi members and that Sasori was looking to reclaim one or two of the designs it had made. If all went well this could help them remake and rebuild their own conditions compared to the others. Sala'dine would have to work with them as she saw a malos coming down and raised an eyebrow but she was guessing the commander who was leading these ragtag Republic ships was the one who was coming down to meet her. It would make sense and give a chance to see her.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
The woman who arrived to meet Sala'dine was standing there and presenting herself for now, it gave her a better idea of her as well as how she might approach the situation since she was not afraid to get in front of her men. Might explain the scar over her face and where she could be a hotheaded commander. Sala'dine was looking at more of it before she went over towards her. "Welcome." She was looking at the other people and crates being brought out with the transports that were down here as a number of areas they could see them. She wasn't worried about it and with this woman going with them they might be able to load up more of the equipment.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She was looking at the equipment and at the fleet commander as they were heading up and out. Transports ready to take her back after a couple of hours and she wanted to get a small tour of the ship. Specifically of the Watts class that was there that she could see so that she would know what she was getting her hands on before they were moving through the rest of the area. Sala'dine planned a few other areas they could work on and test out in this case such as with the ships for transports and for them to go back around. She wanted to see some other parts and the systems of the ship were preforming very well, better then expected as they were not running dozens but the essentials.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
More information, more readout and more people were flooding in. These ones captured from them and she was going to have to decide what to do with them as they all moved about in the area. She coudln't just kill them but putting them on the larger transports where they would end up as there were to many for their brigs on the ships would not help the people. THey also couldn't just leave them here to starve or worse like they would have likely done to other ships if they didn't take slaves. So Sala'dine was torn about what she could and should be able to do before a new idea came to her. "Alright, we can't fit all of them with us and we can't kill them. Call in one of the mining ships. We'll have them work there for now as labor while we get them placed."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
That would have to do for some fo them before she was moving aorund now. They had the stygium the pirates had stolen and it would have to do. Here and now they had it loaded up so the last leg of her travels would have to be going to see them use all fo the stygium collected to work on more of the polymer plates for the ships. She wanted to do it and they would have it for the armor that the shadow guards would be able to wear. Give some elite stealth soldiers that the jedi themselves could use with the rangers instead of just relying on people who flirted with the sith and darkside for fun then acted surprised when they were fallen. "Good work."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She was seeing all fo them around her before they came around. Loading up part of it so that the admiral was able to work on parts here and there. "THank you admiral." One of the soldiers was with her as the Heralds stood around making sure none fo the captured pirates were causing problems for now. She could see where they were being loaded to work on the mining transports and breaking up the rocks and crystals so that the jediw ould be able to do more things with them. It would not be easy but it also wouldn't be such a terrible things to have when she looked it all over on her tactical pad. The soldiers, the engineers, the technicians and the heralds were here.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
There was more coming and more being put on but for the most part they were done here and Sala'dine was moving over to the transport that would take her to the other ships while she was being joined. Some crystals for her foil that she could experiment with in a case as they were just the right size and always a chance they could prove useful in the future as opposed to just searching for other things. She wanted to make sure everything she did was above board before really pushing to have their works on display to the others and the assembly so the information here was being sent to the station where the ore and crystal was being processed into the ploymer plates.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
They were heading back towards the crucible station now, a chance to unload all of the things that they had found and send the ships back for the rest. The other ships there were also being loaded into the large hanger bay of the ship on racks the engineers could look at and in some cases these pirate vessels could be used to make new ships or service the other ones. Cannabalizing parts was just part of it all so they could have intact ones with the rest being spare parts broken down for later use. Sala'dine was going over some fo the other resources they had in her mind until she was looking at more of the works here. In the hanger itself was racks of ships.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
They were all in the hanger as the information was being presented on the different fighters designed within. Some fo them were old model alphs that had been recovered from the empire and those could come in handy if they were looking to really make something but most likely they would serve to provide materials. There wasn't a whole lot of good coming from these materials but one of the broken ships they had recovered was a dmaged and non functional stealth x it could give them some ideas for what to do with the polymer itself that would work if they could get it onto fighters and make them really fast like the jedi starfighter they had designed. Or get the right combination for gunships that could be used to fly around.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Some more work in the things that they were doing and once the hanger was filled with more people. She could see the watts class as it was being brought up. She could see the design and thanks to the works that were being done, the original makers of the ship itself were being brought up so that they would be able to handle it. Sasori had gotten permission from the chancellor long ago she remembered but now they were needing to work on it and produce the ship instead of risking others getting it through less then upstanding means now that the Republic was gone. She could see the vallue fo the ship and working to improve it as bes tthey could and would be able to.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Sala'dine watched some things roll across the screen when the rest of the people with her arrived to the ship. "Admiral we are loaded up and have all of the stygium ore taken from the planet. We can once returned to the processing station start using it to create more polymet for projects and to give to those who need it." They said it and provided a look for the woman to see it before staying around with some of it. "Very well, then once we are able to, let us jump to hyperspace and head off towards the processing station." She grinned to herself while looking over the data that was on the screen about it coming in from the mining transports that were getting as much crystal as it could.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She was looking at the tonnage of crystals that had been recovered as well as the rock they had taken to put it into the dangerous things. Sticking around before she was looking at a few of the things until the crew that was there with them. Sala'dine arrived on the bridge of the ship taking a seat before she brought her hands up to her head rubbing at the temples. This was almost over and there was only one thing left to do with the processing at the station to make more of the ship polymer itself. "Argh." She was looking at parts of it before they were going with it and she rubbed at the temples making it all feel better in her head and around her eyes.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She was feeling it in her head as the force was abuzz compared to many of the other things. She was letting the force energies come around before as she was looking over at other parts of it. She could feel the force in this body and it showed with some things but she was not easily trained for a bunch of things. She wasn't like the jedi around herself who were working on more parts of it. She wasn't running off fully trained and in power so that she would be abl to test it out with a small look on her face. "Oh my head is throbbing." She stuck there but could feel the other jedi that had coe to the bridge when they arrived. She was going off to meet with the commanders and others about the updates.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
She saw a couple of them so that they would be able to move around. To give a few other ideas until the admiral was looking up at the others but they were giving her a few more ideas. So that they would all be able to move around and provide new information about the ship. They were working on some fo the things here and out there until she spoke. "So how have your field tests gone?" The station here was hooking up with more information that they would be able to develop. She knew several were wnatign to make and develop system for the ship as well and ones like Arisa might have some ideas of what could be used for them and in some things.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
"Report." She was looking at the information they were putting up for the progress reports and putting up other sources of information that they would be able to use for themselves. She wanted to work on more of it though seeing all of them. "We have been working on the upgrades and overhaul of the reactor that you provided. The weapon systems are reporting that they will be working at stronger levels then previously thought possible and the output for the weapons is more desirable then before." Sala'dine was looking over all of the information itself until she was looking up other details and parts of it. Sending the information to the jedi assembly for them to look over and see.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
"We have been working on some other things as well, the ships you have reovered should provide information as well as some fo the research data such as crystal augmentation of weapons. With the right amount of research and development the people int he labs should be abel to handle it." She was getting some nods as one of the main doctors were speaking. "And this information as well as the field reports on the Heralds would be better if they had managed to get more use but ground side reports will be needed. We want to make sure their training and everything will be better to give them the best and most superior levels of training compared to others in the galaxy."


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
Hmm she was looking at more of it until they were moving about. She had some field data of the heralds for all of this and would be abel to give it more of a chance maybe as well as more of the information in general about the ships. With the imperial research has and would be useful for a number of advancements that they could use. She knew they were also going to be looking at achieving a number of advancements without it but having something to compare it to would allow you to not fall into the same pitfalls with the research that might have made it fall. She could look at more as here witht he others she cold get to her office and start organizing with the others. "I'll be handling the projects and leading some of the big things in the future."

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