Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Here Comes The Freedom Train (The Republic Invasion Of Korriban)

"I've told you about playing your music on the bridge, Lieutenant Qwagster."
The Jedi Master walked away from his Navigation Officer's holodeck, heading towards the front of the bridge. He stood on board the TGR Liberty, a Republic capital ship. Before him, an orange bauble in his view - Korriban.

"Ready the transports," Tefka said, leaving the bridge and heading towards the hangar bay. "I want to be the first one to touch soil." Qwagster nodded.

A platoon of men stood ready to receive the Jedi Master at his transport - the first of many.

"Sir, we've got chatter. 7th and 8th fleet just arrived. 3rd should be arriving soon. The Phoenix Legion says they're ready to go when you are," Lt. Qwagster chimed in on the holocomms. "Also..."

"We're getting chatter from the Sith."
"So much for the suprise. We jumped too close. They know we're here."
"Good," Tefka responded, patting a platoon soldier on the helmet to let him know he was ready. "I want them to know."
Tefka looked forward.​
"Choo choo, motherkarkers."
The bay beneath them dropped, and plumes of transports erupted from the TGR Liberty.​
Josh had never met Tefka in his life, only seen and heard of him. But as he walked onto the bridge, he took a breath as he realized the gravity of their situation. The last month had been nothing but endless war, and so far the Republic was winning... And now, they were going to take Korriban. Where the Emperor was apparently just being crowned.

But he could sense it... A familiar presence on the planet.... No... He couldn't be here too, would he?

He sighed, before looking down at the green Jedi Master. He gave a bow in respect to his fellow councillor.

"Master Tefka" he greeted, looking out at their destination. "I need to ask a favor, while we're on Korriban"


Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Corporal Quaggler? What precisely are you listening to?"

"A, um, incantation, milord. Put to music."

Rasho sampled the beat, nose flaring wide enough to consume your average anorexic prettyboy Jedi Master. One nostril disgorged an unrecognizable form, recently or currently alive. "I recognize this incantation. Please turn it up, Corporal."

"Yes, milord."

"All aboard! Hahahah-"

"HOHOHOHOHOHO." Rasho's thunderous laughter drowned out the entire first verse, save for references to 'hate' and 'foes.' The troops in the hovertransport winced, but made no comment. He caught up with the refrain in a powerful basso profundo- "Mental wounds not healing, hoom, life's a bitter shame. I'm going off the raaaails on a crazy traaaaain-"

The hovertrans skidded to a halt, and Rasho the Hutt disembarked, unignited lightstaff clutched in one hand and Hutt vonduun skerr armor clacking and rustling around his stout form. This seemed as good a place as any to kill Jedi.

The Valley of the Dark Lords sprawled out before him, and he choked on windblown dust until snot ran out his mouth.

Ava Solborne

Equa didn't remember the last time he had seriously fought for something. The invasion of Manaan was a tiny little thing for him. And there was a reason for that: no one saw him doing anything. He had basically just walked around the place, doing nothing. But now she felt like the invasion of Korriban is the place where he can shine again.

Of course she didn't forget the Inner Peace thing.

Before he even came here, he meditated and did his typical rituals. Such a war was probably something that would disturb a Jedi Knight's peace. It was better to be safe than to feel the power of consequences.

But now he stood on the bridge of the ship, though a bit away from both @[member="Tefka"] and @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]. Neither had he ever seen Master Tefka before, so it was a honour to be on a mission with him.
@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Tefka's eyes were wide with fear as they descended rapidly into the atmosphere of Korriban, anti-aircraft flak shells setting the atmosphere ablaze.

His skin rippled with velocity.

Water leaked from his pores.

He threw up, the vomit splashing against his own face and the clone troopers visor next to him.

The Jedi Master's hands gripped the seat's handlebars, white knuckling.

"I need to ask a favor, while we're on Korriban," said Josh Dragonsflame, calmly.

Tefka's wide eyes slowly....

....glanced.... Joshua...

Balaya was in the cafeteria with her apprentice when the attack came and then the reports that they were being invaded by the Republic as she stood up and spilled the caf on her. The scolding hot liquid went down her cleavage as she gritted her teeth and looked up to the large sign.


Her anger flared before stepping away and looking at @[member="Eruna Delmarra"] then towards the academy. "Well this is going to be your first real test, stay with me and prepare yourself. The fight will be for everything apprentice." She started moving while the armor gleamed and let the saber on her belt com to her hand.


The Ugly Duckling dropped out of hyperspace some distance behind the Republic fleet. Her signature clearly flashing up on people's displays as a civilian vessel, it took less than a minute before her comms were filled with soldiers yelling at her to get clear. Simone ignored them all and streamed for the surface. Weaving inexpertly through oncoming anti-aircraft fire she gripped the yolk with white hands.

"I'm gunna die, I'm gunna die ohfethohfethohfeth" She closed her eyes, then remembered she couldn't fly with her eyes closed.


"SHUT THE KARK UP!" She shouted back at them. "TRYING NOT TO DIE HERE!"

The things she did, for the sake of the truth.

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden

A laugh echoed throughout the halls of the New Imperial Palace as Krag received the reports from Naval Intelligence that the Jedi had arrived in the system. Even with the large durasteel doors of the throne room closed, Krag's thunderous boom of a laugh was shaking glass in the training rooms of the top floor of the has-been academy. Leaning forward, Krag looked down at the Sith Officer who had given him the report and smiled at him with the grin of a devil who had just received the souls of a thousand men.

"Prepare all of the academy's forces and send my Graug to meet the Republic at their landing zone." Krag growled with a cynical pleasure as he clicked his razor sharp claws on the armrest of his throne. The throne that originally stood in the room had been replaced by a throne of Kaleesh slave bones that had been melded together to shape the new seat of Sith power.

"It will be done, Emperor Vulcanus" the officer said before spinning on his heel and marching towards the doors but, before he could leave, Krag boomed out to him one last time

"Captain, for every Republic soldier who survives this battle, I shall execute two men in his place...starting with you." Krag growled

The officer gulped and bowed one last time, "Yes, mi'lord."
Freedom Bus Descent

The paladin braced himself to a nearby seat as the Liberty dropped to a steep descent. @[member="Tefka"] just ahead of him had splattered vomit on himself and the official next to him. The Sith knew of their presence over Korriban and it only made the paragon intensify his need to smite evil. This crazy train was certainly not stopping. To see himself on the opposite end of the stick seemed more invigorating than when he was Sith. There was a sudden tremor as the Liberty penetrated Korriban's atmosphere. He fought so many wars here for centuries, but this round he was to take part of it the right way for the first time in his life. He looked to @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] briefly before reaching the console next to him to switch the music back on.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@Selena Halcyon @Kiskla Grayson @Rianna Organa @Carn Dista @Phylis Alince @Iella E`ron @Matsu Ike @Avy Valla @Karen Roberts @Daella Apparine @Diana Moridena @Marcello Matteo @[member="Karen Roberts"] @[member="Tallia Farn"]

"Alright you all know the stakes, this is Korriban and there is no greater blow we can deliver to the sith. All off you work together and pay attention for booby traps. Commander Roberts will be leading the fleets against the dreadnaught." With a look at the people there he moved quickly and quietly while making a face. as he contemplated what they were going to need to do and he let out a breath. Glad for the Taozin bracelet to hide his force presence and the armor. "I need a small team to come with me on the one transport." He had a plan but he would need Karen to provide the distraction and possibly a few more jedi masters to come with him or knights. "Commander Roberts we'll need a distraction to make it through to the hangers of the ship and for you to work on disabling the shields to their hanger." He looked at the few jedi he had been fighting with since Metalorn whe the campaign had started, and had a smirk while motioning Iella to be part of the team. She had fought with him at Metalorn, Ossus, Dac and now here as they punched into the heart. He wasn't going to have anyone else not covering his back while the gungnir armor and dashi robes set about. The other robes converted into a kama for protection at his legs.​
Republic war ship With Soldiers and Bombs and other Jedi shaped like a Sith A$$ kicking machine...... (Different big ship from Tefka's^)
@[member="Reela Witko"]

His energy had changed. It hadn't taken long for him to notice it as well. After coming back and capturing the Emperor single handedly @[member="Kaine Zambrano"], and all. Life as a Jedi was all he had lived for but what he had never understood was how important it was to still live. Ben had tried to make this clear but it wasn't until A'donari had been forced away from his Master did he understand what it truly meant. Looking out from the bridge of the ship A'donari saw the planet beneath him beginning to grow from that of a red speck to a wall of red planet. This was the real deal. All wars were though. To him all that was waiting down there was a chance to save as many lives as possible. The Sith would fight back though. They always wanted to cross sabers with the Jedi. It was what they lived for.... What a waist.

Ava Solborne

Equa slowly started feeling a strange feeling inside her body. No, it was actually all around her body. He didn't know much about the feeling, but he had heard some people call it nervousness. Of course he had felt it before, but not after he started believing in Inner Peace. Peace didn't allow people to feel nervous, which probably meant, that Equa is slowly slipping to the Absolute Chaos.

But no, probably everyone was nervous at the moment. It was a powerful Dark Side planet, after all. Sith had advantages here not only because of that, but also because it was their home. It had been their capital a long time, so probably most of Sith knew a lot about it.

When Master Tefka and Joshua talked with each other, Equa was a bit scared by the voice of the green alien Master. It was a voice he had not heard for a long time.

Reela Witko

Nautolan. Princess. Jedi.
@A'donari Cinn

As the ship came closer and closer to Korriban, the Sith home world, Reela was busy stretching and muttering to herself on staying calm and focused on the battle. She was pacing as well showing how nervous she was. Even with her new master with her Reela was worried how the battle would go. She hadn't faced Sith before and even all the training with the Jedi was only leading up to this eventual outcome. She started to wish TC was here but he, for the first time, insisted on staying behind. Reela thought it ironic: this being the one time she felt she needed him around and he was the one who said no. She took deep breath and rubbed her hands while waiting, glancing back at her master now-and-then to wait for his command.
Korrisn? Korribn? Korrisbn? Korrisban? Korrisbun? Korirrirbn? Korriben? Korrirnban? Korirrnabn? Korirrnbn? Korrirahabsban? Korirsbn?
| @[member="Carn Dista"] | @[member="Sorin Vanado"] |


Horuset system, Korriban. Sith Academy

Darth Ayra was stood at the entrance of the Sith Academy. It was where she trained the cadets that formed her regiment, the Marauders of Korriban. Thus far she was the only Sith Marauder, but that would soon change, if she had her way. She wore her sleak black, Sith robe that hung over her equally as black combat uniform underneath. On that particular day, she was wearing her durasteel Armor, as she planned to do through the martial art of Hi'jakata with Sorin Vanado, the newest cadet she had recruited. She was waiting for her new student to make his way to the entrance. She checked her chrono. He had two minutes before he was late.

As she looked back up from her chrono, she felt a disturbance in the force. Ayra was compelled to step outside and look up at the sky, to see ships coming down. Suddenly, death in sproadic spells began to fill her like the flickering warmth of a camp fire, such as the one she shared with Darth Mendacium, her Sith Master, when she was thirteen. Then something else began to manifest around and inside of her.


It was pure, dark, unadulterated, uncontrolled and mixed with surprise and the audacity of it all. "They are attacking here?" she murmured, her stare cold as she watched the ships land. "They are trying to take Korriban?" Her hand found her Lightsaber, but she did not ignite it yet. She stood at that entrance, waiting. Waiting for the first unlucky Jedi or Republic servicemen to make their way here. She would kill them all for this.
@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Tefka"]​
Leina was in the transport with Tefka and heading to the ground while she smiled and danced while the wisties went around her head. She knew enough to fight and arresting the emperor could use her special mastery of form zero. She could do it and she could make him say he was sorry for being a big meanie head. Her skipping and singing to herself was more then enough while she got into that zone of being ready.
Seeing the coffee spill Eruna gave a hiss, knowing how painful that had to be for her master. But then the fact the Republic, the JEDI even, were attacking made her stand in attention as her master did. When @Balaya Zambrano told her to be ready and stick with her, since this fight would be for everything, she stopped and looked to her astromech droid, R7. "R7. You know what to do." she looked back to her master before saying to him "Make sure it's a two seater." As the droid rolled away and Eruna went back to following Balaya she explained "Just in case we need to make a break for it. I hate to say it, master, but I have a bad feeling on this one."
The second the words left Josh's lips, they descended. The sight was far worse then Josh had imagined it.... His knuckles grew white as he gripped whatever he could to keep himself steady. He felt sick... But he kept his composure. Fear was something that the Sith could sense... And they fed on it.

He took a deep breath, and a pang of pity crossed his face as he watched the reactions of Tefka. Bad timing, it seemed. Even when Tefka had turned, and answered him in a voice that would make many the man cringe, he kept his composure, staring into the eyes of the Jedi Master without an inch of intimidation. Inside, he was questioning himself, and was surprised at the reaction of Tefka... But he hadn't come so far just to freak out right before they stormed Korriban.

"My apologies, Master @[member="Tefka"]" he said calmly. "I can ask this later, if you wish to...." he took a breath, choosing his words carefully. "Speak again at another time" he said calmly.

"I had come originally to make sure that preparations were complete, but something has caught my attention, that I'd like to speak to you about" he explained. "One that could provide a strong hand for the Republic, or at least take one away from the Sith" he said. "And yes... There is a personal stake in this on my part, a small one... Though it will benefit us as a whole, it's also very important to me. Moreso then before after the lessons I learned after Sao's death" he said calmly.



Came in like a wrecking maul
@A'donari Cinn @[member="Reela Witko"]

Saki moved as she secured the final touches on the bracers she was wearing. The metal a cool and nice sensation and the transports to take them down to the planet below. It loomed but all that was coming to her was a smirk as she looked at the one knight she had seen on Metalorn before the wipe and they had a real chance to interact. Her armorweave vest and kama providing the protection while the saber on her thigh strap stayed in place. It was more then enough to wreck the sith academy and the vaapad wrecking ball walked into it all ready making sure the armorweave flaps were over the boots. "You two ready to go and kick some sith arse?"​
Arvis watched as his Master, Krag, the Sith Emperor delivered orders to the Sith Officer. He watched as the man went off to do as he was told. He stood in front of the foot of the throne and said. "I shall fight by your side, Master." He spoke with confidence. He didn't plan on dying that die. He was ready to kill Jedi on this fine evening. They came to the home of the Sith, they would learn what a mistake that was.

He was armed in his titanium armour set, his gauntlets specially made to protect him from glancing strikes with a lightsaber. His black Sith robes was over the armour. It concealed it quite well.

Placing the helmet over his head, and the hood over the helmet so that the helmet was unseen, Arvis clasped his hands behind his back and waited to follow his Master to whatever hell he would conjure.

@[member="Equa Dominator"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Leina Snowfire"]

Tefka abhorred flying.

The transport continued through the atmosphere of Korriban. He looked to his right, and there was Joshua. He looked to his left, and there was Leina. He looked across from him, and there sat Equa, though he looked like he was miles away. The Jedi Master never understood how these young'uns could tolerate such horrendous conditions while flying.

Tefka wiped snot, vomit, and drool from his mouth.


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