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Here Comes The Freedom Train (The Republic Invasion Of Korriban)

The Dark Ace


Sith Academy

Of all the people they could of chose for this suicide mission, the new guy was forced to go. Typical. Dark Ace's unfortunate assignment was fairly simple. Observe the goings on of the war from the side of the leadership. The losing side mind you, thus the ire for his assignment. The horrid thought of a blue saber disemboweling him passed by. Grim thoughts shouldn't be, he was of course under diplomatic immunity. And so long as he was careful no harm would come to him.

Ace took step down the ancient hallway of the Academy. A cold wind in the Force felt like it trailed towards the main chamber. Very worrying, was this Volcanus' doing. It had to be. Before any actual investigation could be done that wave or dark energy washed over him, causing his body to flinch. It was empowering this energy, better then an attack. This extra reserve may come in handy. Dark Ace continued down the hall and past the fortifications to the throne room. Emperor Vulcanus sat like a smouldering heap up on that chair. He had an unnerving appearance, not that it would do him any good when the Jedi showed up. Ace had leaned up against a pillar just in view so he could see Krag. He didn't have to talk to him at least unless either wanted. Kind of thankful for that.
Arvis looked to the lightsaber on his waist. He was quiet for a while. His hands brushed over the holster of one of the two blaster pistols that were on his legs. And then his hand raised up to the lightsaber that had been constructed by Sarge, no doubt. It was an elegantly made lightsaber. "I killed nobody for it." He said, looking at the helmet that was in his hand. "I took it from a Jedi who was so generous to guide it to me through the Force." He said, before he placed his titanium helmet over his head after he pulled off his hood.

Throwing his hood back up over his helmet, he glanced to the side at Darth Avara. Then he looked out at the sun, and the republic shuttles being shot down. And then he noticed something. Something he never thought of, a parachuter. A sole parachuter. It seemed the Jedi had some sense. Though that sense didn't come in numbers.

"We've got company." He said aloud. He felt the presence of the Jedi growing as he came closer. It was like a beacon within the darkness. A bright white light, that wiped away the darkness. Like the sun creeping through your window after a long night's rest.

@[member="Carn Dista"]
@[member="Adamus Straife"]
"You don't say," Avara spoke, a cold iron voice emanating from within the mask. Immediately, the dark side pooled within him, and gathering all of his hatred, his despicable spite and bile and fury for the Jedi, he unleashed a mighty cascading and destructive wave over the temple doors. His strength in the Force was formidable, but boosted by Korriban's nexus, Avara was a force to be reckoned with. The rubble flew across the sky, much of the debris aimed at the lone Jedi descending on his parachute. The rest of the rubble piled, tanned stone and rock crumbled over the archway and blocked the path inside the palace. All in his intentions. Darth Avara withdrew his lightsaber into his hand, and his thumb traced over the ignition, yet he did not press. He would wait for the opportune moment, the perfect chance to strike at the Jedi. "Draw your weapon, Arvis. This one is strong."

@[member="Carn Dista"] @[member="Arvis Syphex"]

Iella moved to the side of Master Syn and waited for the those to present. Dressed in her Gungnir amour and has her Taozin necklace to conceal her presence within the force. Her usual weapons adorned her , blaster whip and saber all attached to her belt neatly around her waist. Korriban .. the name was enough to bring them all here, and she would like nothing better then to repay the destruction of the library and temple on Ossus by the Sith and destroy their precious Valley of the Dark Lords when the time came, but moreover to take Korriban. She smiled at the idea .." time to take out the garbage".

She looked at Syn and knew soon enough they would be informed of his plan.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
@[member="Iella E`ron"]

Syn gave a nod and spoke while cracking his knuckles. "Anyone else get in and be ready. This is going to be an interesting ride." The jedi master moved to the center leaving space for other who might want to join them afterwards as he began to focus, to feel the force but also feel the white current. Feel that river and tide plus the entire transport, he wouldn't be able to hold it for long, he wouldn't be able to mask more then one ship but that was all they would need to cut through it as he placed his hands down and reached out. The immersion going to cloak them all for enough time and the transport was out of the ship. Then they were headed for the large hanger while the jedi master continued to focus on their concealment on their cloaking to protect them. All they needed to do now was get inside and they would be able to do the damage needed.

Location: Troop Transport

Wasting no time Iella boarded the transport behind Syn and readied herself. The cloak of the current wrapping around them all, the familiar shimmer of the light bending around for a moment before all was clear again, she had seen it before on more then one occasion. Iella focused her concentration on the impending fight to come, this will not be easy and she needed to be ready to face the opposition. And there would be.

The objective was clear enough, to take the ship. As the transport approached ... her lightsaber sprang to her hand and she wrapped her fingers tightly around the leather bound hilt. The force and connection to the lightsaber pulsing through her skin, the leather feeling warm in her palm. She removed her emotions and drew in the thrill of the coming fight, letting it energize her and strengthen her resolve and her limbs.
Crash Landing His Transport

The smokey ruin of the Freedom Bus smote the sky with dark pillars of it's fiery demise. Meters away from it's wreckage lay Jedi Master Tefka, wheezing on the ground.

"I HATE FLYING!" He yelled in defiance at the sky.

Aside from the distant thunder of explosions as Sith flak met Republic transports and the crackling flame of Tefka's wreckage, the planet was very... quiet.

"Time to get a move on..." He said to those around him. "We've landed way off course."

"Are the troops in place?" Vinyata asked commander Jeran as they stood on the red rocky ground overlooking the Academy and The Valley of the Dark Lords.

"Yes general." Jeran replied to her. The more than capable commander that had been at her side for 5,000 years through war, Sith power plays, stasis, and other crazy adventures had developed a special bond with Vinyata, they both could calculate each other's moves and commanded forces with extreme efficiency. Several star-destroyers loomed overhead high in the red cloudy Korriban sky as they began to deploy fighters and engage with the oncoming Republic fleet. Vinyata had ordered her elite legion of troops: Serpent Legion to take up defensive positions on encampments, trench lines, and naturally defensible positions to protect the Academy and Valley of the Dark Lords. Vinyata internally swelled with pride as she saw her commandos clad in black armor engraved with purple decals and the best weaponry technology efficiently set up positions. She looked all around, Sith military forces were setting up lethal defensive positions, anti-aircraft and artillery batteries were set up and ready to destroy the Republic invaders.

Taking a deep breath, Vinyata let the dark side of the force flow through her. The dark side radiated from everywhere and everyone on this planet, and she could sense it empowering her and her fellow Sith beyond their natural abilities. Vinyata glanced down at her saberstaff, she had since modified the crystal of her staff so when it activated purple force lightning ran up and down the blades of the saberstaff, and it was possible for her to direct it and shoot at targets, although the results would be erratic and unpredictable.

"Open fire." Vinyata said, and instantly an array of missile, ion, and laser batteries began hammering away at the first waves of oncoming Republic shuttles, fighters, and gunships.

Vinyata turned on her heel and started to make her way toward the academy, there she would link up with one of her instructors and plan events further from their. Besides, it helped to be fighting alongside the only Sith Marauder in the galaxy.

The failure at Dromund Kaas was unfortunate, but it was expected. But no matter how much one could try and reason with Voracitos on the sensibility of trying to hold down the fort on Korriban, was an absurd notion. It was impossible. It could not be done. Not that... anyone was talking to him of course, but the point was the same. The Girth of Gluttony and its Spores of Greed blazed through hyperspace nearing the time to which he would arrive to defend Korriban in absolutely every way he was capable of. Though he would like not to admit it, Voracitos had a substantial amount of sentiment for Korriban, the land of his childhood (him being the rare exception of a Sith with a good one, in his eyes at least; well, he was then a "happy" boy). He of course, would express no such sentiment in his life having then much bigger things to worry about that wasn't upholding his memories in place. The reason why the Dark Lord exhibited such haste now, was because he was dead, and losing your memory was a very very real prospect he had to worry about, and the enemy holding his former land could possibly accelerate that, until he was a thoughtless beast of the higher plane who sought only to watch Ashin die, and hold no memory as to why or who she was or what she meant to him in life. The justification for rushing to Korriban wasn't important. What was important that suddenly the Sith Emperor (the current one that is) would be frozen in time for but an instant, as a purple cloud smoldered into existence before him. The plump shape quickly wrapped around the corpulent shape it was meant to represent...

The Shadow Emperor.

"Krag." His voice boomed in the head of the alien dictator. "I hold your mind in this place to speak with you but a moment. I do not request this. I was Emperor before you and I did not relinquish my rule, and being conscious and alive in spirit, the sleuth of petty rulers thereafter the Assassin Tyrin Ardik's murder, were of a false nature. You had been loyal to me in my reign long before, and you first as my subject and the Sith's King second, shall remain so... or a fate worse then death shall await you." He stared deadly into the eyes of his audience of one, showing that obviously... he knew from experience what death felt like... AND held the power to make it oh so much worse for Krag.

"I do not ask of you anything you would not do already, so let not your pride blind you to the situation you are no presented in... I have infiltrated your mind to relay this message to you, I pulled down your defenses when we are to be considered equals. I hold your mind in my spiritual hand. So think wisely in how you shall react to my presence. You have one sole objective Krag, a command unto you higher than your expected obedience, I Destined you this commandment..." Suddenly, the ghost appeared in full disgusting view of Krag's face, revealing the face buried somewhere upon this world... the dead one that had belonged to him.

"YOU. SHALL. NOT. LET. MY. HOUSE. FALL." The echo of each word resonated multiple times around Krag's head as the ghost faded instantly. For a moment thereafter there was silence. But Krag would hear his whispered voice once more behind him... very, uncomfortably close to what passed as the aliens ear.

"I'm deathless Krag, and I can hold a grudge for a long, long time. You could just as easily become my new Ashin should you fail today... I don't want that Krag, thus as insurance, I grant you an ounce of my own strength. Use it wisely, or it shall be the last time you hold any degree of power again." The perceived frozen time ceased and Krag was left alone now to fulfill his duty as Emperor of the Sith.

The Shadow of Voracitos cut through the fabric of space at godspeed, to smite those who would try and rob him of his memory.
Korriban - Sith Academy - Inside Adjacent Room next to the Hanger Bay at the Overlook
Three shots, and three more soldiers fell into the dust as they got out of their dropships, meeting what Storm Troopers were unlucky enough to be stationed here at this time. He discharged the battery, allowing it to cool, then reengaged again, focusing his sights on the next three Republic Soldiers below that marched with the rest. Then Sorin felt a rubble as missiles, ions, and lasers were launched from their locations, firing on the dropships coming into proximity. About time they started firing. As much confidence Sorin had in his skills as a sniper, there was no way he was going to put that big of a dent into them at this rate. As their troops closed the distance, he began seeing blue, green, and yellow mix in with the troops: the Jedi were about to begin their engagement.

'I wonder...' Focusing his sights on one Jedi, their blue lightsaber swaying with their movements, he fired a shot. The Jedi saw it coming and deflected the shot with a swing, causing it to go off in some random direction. 'If one doesn't work against you...' Recharging the battery, Sorin aimed again, and this time fired three shots in succession. The Jedi deflected one before the next two went through their chest, dropping them immediately in the dust. 'I could get use to this.' Looks like he invented a new game for himself: How many Jedi could he snipe before they got here?

As he looked around, setting his sights on a dropship, aiming for the pilot to drive it out of the sky, it suddenly disappeared. 'What?!' Adjusting his sight to expand its vision, it had indeed vanished on him. 'Let's hope they don't have anymore of those.' Setting sights on another dropship, he fired three bolts, their blue plasma soaring through the air towards their target. While he couldn't do anything against a ship's shields, a dropship trying to set troops on the ground was an entirely different story. The bolts flew and collided with the forward screen of the pilot's seat, ripping through it, and punching holes into the pilot, now a corpse. It came down with a bang, colliding with the earth like a ton of bricks. As he focused in on the wreckage, this small green thing was nearby, and seemed to yell out something based on mouth movement. With his sights on it, he was about to fire, when another dropship got in the way. 'Damn it, stop ruining my shots!' With a furious frustration, he adjusted his sights on the dropship and fired at the pilot, making them deceased as the ship then crashed into the ground shortly afterward. By the time he looked back, he saw no sight of this green midget.

'Damn...' Time to move on, it seemed. Discharging, then reengaging the battery, he focused on the nearest Jedi target and fired three shots in succession.
@[member="Eruna Delmarra"]

Balaya gave a nod of her head while she moved, the reports on her datapad about the Republic troopers had her moving and pulling the twi'lek off to the side while she looked up. Into the sky as the massive sight of the Acerbatis the largest ship was fighting with the Republic. Her hand moved to trace the girls jaw while she spoke low enough for no one else to hear but for Eruna to be abel to hear. "You have done well and if all else fails, if the academy falls. Go into the valley and by the Eternal pyre is the TIE Haunter, if all else fails and you cannot find me take it and follow the coordinates. You'll be able to rebuild and learn much to strike back against the jedi in time." Her eyes narrowed and Balaya pulled her up to mirror that one moment on Vendaxa while she pushed her lips to her apprentices and ran the armored fingers over her cheek bones.

Balaya pulled away and looked down for a moment as a smile came to her face and she chanted a little, using the spell to enhance again Eruna, just like on the Apotheosis with the darkside until it was something addictive and tasty. That euphoric feeling of the ancient sith spell so she could fight with more power and skill then she had normally. "Be strong my apprentice and fight well, for we'll either live and kill our enemies or perish one way. I'd rather have us taking a full copy of the archives stored here and leaving. Wouldn't you?" The smile was back while her fingers went to the lekku moving back just a bit so her form was in her apprentices full sight. "You have done better then most, I am glad to say you may have even been a powerful sith. My Darth Traya, my first and strongest apprentice compared to the rest."

With another look Balaya just took her hand while moving it so they could go and was off moving through the hallways towards the stairs to get lower and into the bowels of the academy as she spoke. "We'll secure the information and head out to fight in the Valley, your droid if he can bring the ship around to us could make for a hasty escape."​
@Balaya Zambrano

Eruna stiffed a bit when she felt her master's hands against her face. The way she spoke made her see what she was going to do and Eruna could barley give a smile to it. She gasped a bit when she felt the Sith power being fed into her. Then their lips met and Eruna could not help but wrap her arms around the zeltron's waist. When Balaya explained what was at stake and what they would be saving Eruna nodded before using her communicator to send the coordinates to R7. The droid, having received them, changed course to reach the TIE fighter.

As they continued on Eruna said "You can trust R7, master. He's been better that most droid I've seen." She stood close enough as they walked before saying "But I won't leave you behind, master. I can't. Not after everything you've taught me. Everything you still need to teach me." She put her hand on her shoulder to stop her for a moment before saying "As long as we survive the Sith still live on."

Eruna did not fully realize what she was saying. She'd never shown such commitment before, not to anyone or anything. And ye now she sounded like a dutiful solider. In the past she'd have run at the first major sign of trouble, but not here and now. Now she had reason to fight, reason to go on, reason to commit. She began to think on where she and Balaya would be able to go to should the Empire truly fall. Not many allies to call on.....expect one.
Landed way off course somewhere...

He grunted and lifted himself back up on his feet, looking around at the others that may have survived the supposed horrendous crash. He watched as @[member="Tefka"] wobbled himself back onto his creature-like feet. They had landed way off course somewhere on the surface of Korriban. He kept his keen senses and wits about him in case there were any Sith approaching them. After dusting himself off, he walked over to Tefka and waited for the next objective of the semi-failed-mission-to-land-correctly-on-Korriban-plan.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Bridge to Academy - Murder Bridge

Attacks into Sith space had been swift and powerful. The Sith seemed to have been rapidly crumbling under the might of the Republic. It was almost too easy for Selena to really believe it was happening. This was the Empire that had had the Republic in a fearful state. The Sith Empire which had made the council prior to hers weary of any kind of action. She could not fathom why given how rapidly they were collapsing under the might of the Republic. Good seemed to truly be winning out over evil. It was this chain of victory that had brought her to Korriban, the birth place of the vile Sith. The darkside had existed long before the Sith, but the heritage of the present breed had its roots here. Here on this desert world riddled with ruins and graves of ancient Sith Lords. Today it would surely fall to the Republic though.

Selena Halcyon and a group of Jedi as well as Republic troops moved on the Sith Academy. Her advance took her to a bridge over a fairly deep chasm. Sith met her and her comrades on the bridge in Force. It would be a long fight across it but a fight that she was willing to push through.

Lord Ghoul

Valley of the Sith Lords
Not So Near Republic LZ
Tefka's Crash Site.
@[member="Tefka"] @[member="Darc Xavior Talus"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Simone"]

"We've landed way off course."

"Understatement," a filtered voice. Cold and sardonic.

The Voice emerged from behind a half-finished temple, idly twirling a dagger in his right hand. He was clad head-to-toe in scarred phrik armor and radiated a a violent, conflicted aura that spoke of evil but carried the touch of Light. The figure whistled as he took in the sight of Tefka, Dragonsflame, and Darc.

"Grandmasters galore. And an angel too. Looks like I hit the jackpot."

Lightning danced around the gloved fingertips of his left hand.

"Excuse me, I'm forgetting my manners. I am Mikhail Shorn." He gestured behind him at the half-finished colossus of black stone with Massassi inscriptions. "And this is my temple."
@[member="Mikhail Shorn"] @Tefka @Darc Xavior Talus @Joshua DragonsFlame @Simone

Leina was with the group when it crashed and she rolled with the others as the Republioc came down. Her lightsaber going out of her hand as she got up slowly and brushed herself off the hilt comign to her hand as she looked on and at the others. There was much that needed to be done but she looked at them all. "Ah masters, I think we're in the wrong place, isn't this supposed to be an academy? Where's the meditation garden and flowers? Oh we should do a rain dance and make it a better place. Or we could..." Her voice trailed off while looking at the wisties as they spoke around her and she gave a nod of her head in understanding. "I see. Hey listen there are siths here. We should ask them if they would surrender cause otherwise it won't be nice to hurt them."

Leina skipped around while she went off in the opposite direction of the Thronebreaker and made a looked. She still knew how to do what mister Hion did... not an actual bellow but mimicking the sound would sound the hour of the siths defeat. Leina took a breathe and focused on her vocal cords with the force as she let loose a breath and then a sound that was just like a fog horn going off.


Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Tefka"] @[member="Darc Xavior Talus"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Simone"] @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

Crashing ships destroyed his reverie, and the obese Dark Lord, clad in vonduun skerr armor, sloughed through the sand toward the gathering. The ground curled away from his armored underbelly as he crested dunes and slithered over broken colonnades. He came up alongside the Thronebreaker, though not too close, and a crimson lightstaff snapped to life.

"I have tricked and learned from a Sith god older than the Republic, married the Mandalore, slept with Anaya Fen, defeated the one known as Sarge, served as right hand to Velok, seduced the Vice Chancellor of the Republic at her own wedding, learned from the Aing-Tii Monks, spent decades outside the galaxy itself, and faced down a thermonuclear explosion with-"

He broke off in annoyance as @[member="Leina Snowfire"] made some kind of non-concussive mimickry of a Force Bellow.

"I am Rasho the Hutt. I, unlike my esteemed associate here, do not have a temple yet." He levelled the ignited lightstaff at Darc Xavior Talus -- or perhaps he was pointing at Dragonsflame.

"You'll do fine, prettyboy."

Not that that narrowed it down much.
"Valley of the Dead Lords"
@[member="Tallia Farn"], @[member="Reela Witko"], @[member="Saki"], @[member="Kelios Shara-Da"], @[member="Balaya Zambrano"], @[member="Vinyata Nicashii"], @[member="Tefka"], @[member="Iella E`ron"], @[member="Syn"], @[member="Adamus Straife"], @[member="Arvis Syphex"], @[member=Rasho the Hutt"], @[member=Selena Halcyon"]
[OOC: if my tag is not highlighted on your post and you don't PM me don't get mad if I accidentally overlook your post.]

The very air A'donari inhaled repeatedly into through calm intervals held the weight of the hatred Korriban housed. The birth of the Dark Side had stained the world for longer than he cared to imagine. The presence of Sith in the waiting screamed and tore at his emotions causing his emotional state to shake. The light within was weakening. The Jedi around him allowed him the stability to control himself. How long that would hold up was as much a mystery to him as anyone else. He was a Nautolan wielded by the force but still only a Nautolan. Never once had he imagined the path of the Jedi would lead him here. Yet..... there he stood.

Death and pain surrounded the ship as it shook violently during the descent to the surface. The ship was destined for a path of hell. A'donari had known it though he hadn't given his comrades any for warning nor had he planned for them to stay with him. The decision was his alone to make. The Valley of Death sat before them now heavily fortified. It had to be broken, and it wasn't going to happen by wishing on a star. A'donari raised his voice over the sounds of battle and shaking of the Dropship for his two Padawans and fellow Knights to hear. "I'm afraid this is where I get off. We'll need you all to take out as any of their defenses as you can for our ships to make it safer. It is my place to stay with our soldiers. I will meet with you again in this life or someday when the force has embraced us all. May the force be with you!" A huge beam of laser fire rocketed past the ship hitting another behind them causing the ship to slam violently from side to side as the pilot took greater measures in maneuvering the air craft.

Never touching down Soldiers jumped and rolled onto the surface. Hundreds of soldiers, from other Republic transport ships, hitting planet side and running for cover. Blaster fire, Ion cannons, and missiles blew the sky above the Valley of the Dark Lords to bits. A'donari did the same following his unit. His eyes burning hot white within his visor while he felt the destruction around him. Calm was a lot to ask though that was what he was giving his all towards. From deep within he felt a twitch and reached out with the force grabbing a rocket on a collision course with the ship he had just been transported by. Just in time he pushed it under the Dropship where it exploded. The explosion pushed the vehicle some thirty feet into the air and chard the bottom. The ship was safe but limping away at best.

During his moment of distraction a missile aimed at his location detonated in front of him sending him twenty feet into the air and tumbling on the red sand. His armor scorched. New body aches were begging him to pass out though he couldn't. Ships and men were falling from the skies creating cover for some soldiers while crushing those less fortunate. A ship in free fall was only twenty feet above him when he noticed it. Giving everything he had at the moment A'donari dug into the ground with his boots and sprung off of the ground sailing to his feet. A limp body fell before his next stride forcing him to dive to the right while drawing his Blaster Rifle taking cover behind a mangled drop ship. He spoke as smoothly as his breathing would allow to the soldiers in his units. "Remember your training. Take cover and focus on the anti air craft defenses." No answer. Other Captains Comm's were also being fed into his comm though he paid them little mind in the moment as most were reporting live feed for losses and an arial view of the battle. A loud scream came over the comm just before it cut out. Taking it's place was the sound of an explosion. A dropship crashed into one of the Ion Cannons sending a new array of smoke and fire into the red Korriban sky.

Ava Solborne

The crash had been terrible. Equa didn't like crashes, especially because they reminded her his own skills. After laying down for about two seconds, Equa raised just to find the people who were on the bridge before near the crash site now. He ran towards @[member="Tefka"] to help him, because he was clearly the oldest one there. But he was interrupted by @[member="Mikhail Shorn"].

And then came the Hutt. Equa would've wanted to destroy them, but he decided to wait for someone's order to do that.

Lord Ghoul

Valley of the Sith Lords
Not So Near Republic LZ
Tefka's Crash Site.
@Tefka @Darc Xavior Talus @Joshua DragonsFlame @Simone @[member="Rasho the Hutt"] @[member="Leina Snowfire"] @[member="Equa Dominator"]

Shorn cringed in momentary pain as the sound met his ears. Unfortunately, the non-shockwave technique of Force Bellow worked about as well for Hion as it did for Leina. Shorn did what seemingly every Force User in the galaxy knew how to do, if only by instinct. He formed small telekinetic pockets around his ears that were really entirely unnecessary since his insulated helmet protected him from such sonic attacks in the first place. And, magically, Mikhail heard a blissful nothing.

The Thronebreaker grimaced, more out of annoyance than hurt. Doubly so since a fat, armored, saberstaff wielding Sith Hutt suddenly sludged up beside him. The full effect of Shorn's icy glare was lost behind his visor.

"What did the Sith do to get you involved, Tubby? Promise you a lifetime supply of McYodas?"

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