Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Here With Us Among the Clouds | The First Order & Atrisian Government

skin, bone, and arrogance
There had been a week of cultural exchanges, of discussions and negotiations, of photo opportunities and private meetings, and so when it came time to celebrate the union of the First Order and the Atrisians, it was decided that -- in deference to the youthful nature of the participants -- the signing celebration would be of a slightly less stiff-necked variety than was typical for the First Order. The invitation had gone out bidding participants to board the Carbonite Contessa at Pier 1138 of Cloud City's pleasure district. The atmospheric craft was luxurious, comfortable, and decidedly not too stuffy, with an airy atmosphere, expansive open and enclosed observation lounges, and event space for a crowd. The dress code was smart cocktail -- a distinction that Natasi Fortan had never heard of, but which the drones in the Etiquette and Protocol Office assured her would be understood.

This was how the Grand Moff of the First Order found herself standing in a black cocktail dress -- slightly longer than what was considered smart outside of Galidraani circles, and slightly shorter than what was considered proper for a respectable widow inside of Galidraani circles -- near one of the gangplanks to board the Carbonite Contessa, and next to [member="Dante Calgar"], Minister of Security for the First Order. She could hear the band from outside, for one of the open air observation lounges was apparently playing host to some kind of concert playing popular Atrisian tunes.

Her nose wrinkled before she could stop herself. She pulled her dark glasses down and peered up at the hovering pleasure craft.

"It's a bloody booze cruise," Natasi muttered to Dante incredulously, her dark eyes narrowing ominously. She pushed her sunglasses back up her nose and looked sidelong at her cabinet colleague. "I don't know if that's going to make this easier or harder." She tucked her handbag between her elbow and her side as she worked her gloves off carefully, then opened the clutch and deposited the gloves inside. "But it's a bit late now. I suppose we ought to get aboard before they cast off. It looks like we may be some of the last to arrive." The Grand Moff peered at the underside of her wrist, where a delicate platinum wristwatch clung to her skin and sighed.

She took a breath and began ascending the gangway, nodding a greeting to the two Stormtroopers guarding the entryway as she crossed the threshold. "I could murder a G&T right now," Natasi said, turning back to Calgar. "How about it, Moff Calgar?"

[member="The Major"] | [member="Madelyn Lowe"] | [member="Dante Calgar"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="Robogeber"] | [member="Morro"]​
[member="Kou'ha Escala"] | [member="Shoma Ike"] | [member="Junko Ike"] | [member="Erika Von Strauss"] | [member="Karl Von Strauss"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"]​
All members of the First Order and the Atrisian Empire are welcome.​
We ask that you observe a code of non-violence during the proceedings.​
Thank you!​
The Von Strauss twins, though a military family, were a rich family. That's how they were able to bolster the credit reserve of any government large enough to oppose whatever Republic was heading the galaxy at the time. These types of parties the twins had to attend every so often in their youth. and their style showed it no doubt. They arrived in one of Karl's custom air speeders. Erika was the first to step out, she was not in uniform though it would seem that she wore these type of dresses more often than naught. Though it also seemed as if the dress was a mild discomfort to the lady, as her bosom area was a little bit tight.

"Come on brother we don't want to miss the festivities, now would we?" She finished off the last of her sentence in a mocking manner towards her brother. He laughed and said something, but she was already walking up the gangway. As she passed one of the Stormtrooper, she quietly whispered, "My eyes, are up here Trooper." Then walked into the ship, heading straight for the bar.
Captain of the Naval Corp of Engineers
(Same opening, how boring, just a bit of variation) The Von Strauss twins, though a military family, were a rich family. That's how they were able to bolster the credit reserve of any government large enough to oppose whatever Republic was heading the galaxy at the time. These types of parties the twins had to attend every so often in their youth. and their style showed it no doubt. They arrived in one of Karl's custom air speeders. Erika was the first to step out followed by her brother Karl a few seconds later. As he got out he straightened his tie and put on his sunglasses.

"Come on brother we don't want to miss the festivities, now would we?" Asked Erika, putting a bit of her mocking voice into the last few words of the sentence.

"Of course I don't want to b--." Karl began to say until he looked over and she was already halfway up the gangway. "Ugh, you still need to learn patience." He said walking up the gangway. As he passed one of the Stormtroopers, he whispered, "She said something like, 'eyes up here' didn't she? Sorry about that." As he walked in, he also went straight for the bar.​

The Dragon's Fang reverted back from hyperspace.

The Atrisian ship drifted into high orbit of the planet Bespin. The luminous gas giant filled the viewport, behind which the young prince stared out over a future that still conflicted him. The path before them was the lesser of two evils. At least, that was what his closest advisors assured him. But their words seemed hollow.

The First Order.

It was wrong and Shoma knew it. He could only imagine how betrayed his allies in Coruscant First or the Royal House of Alderaan must have felt about Atrisia's capitulation. Yet, Junko had already opined that such thoughts were hubris. A union with the First Order provided military security in the absence of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force. Economic security as the Sith-Imperial Treaty normalized trade and tariffs along the major hyperlanes in the wake of the collapse of one of the galaxy's largest economies.

More than that, it provided reassurance that the weapons of the First Order's fearsome war machine would no longer be a threat to the people of Atrisia, and now the resources of the First Order could be put to use rebuilding Jar'Kai and Frisal.

If they played this right, Atrisia could emerge out of this union stronger and more powerful than it had been in any time since the death of Emperor [member="Akio Kahoshi"].

Not without cost. Already, the Alliance sympathizers in Quan'Lo had launched protests planet-wide that had caused the young prince to dispatch the Atrisian Royal Corps to suppress the chaos before it could attract the attention of the First Order's stormtrooper corps. The Imperialist factions at home in his native Xiaolang were already pushing for martial law, the consolidation of greater political power under the crown prince. And Shoma had resisted, as the democratic ideals of Quan'Lo had always represented the best of what the Alliance had stood for.


But the Alliance was gone. And the banners of the First Order were now hanging from Xiaolang Palace. There would need to be some changes at home so that Atrisia might be made into a more obedient member world of the First Order. Because obedience meant that their world would be beneath notice.

And Shoma very much preferred the image that [member="Natasi Fortan"] had painted of an Atrisian Commonwealth that was left to its own devices by the Moff Council.

He voyaged down to the planet inside of an E-9 explorer, a science vessel that had served as his means of conveyance since he was a small child. When they had arrived at the city in the clouds, the teen marveled at the tibana mining project there in mid-air.

Cloud City was everything that he had imagined it to be, and more.

He hoped that he would have time to play the tourist before he had to return to Atrisia. Experience had taught him not to get his hopes up, however. More the pity. To live in such interesting times, fighting to secure liberty for people across the galaxy, and yet lacking the personal freedom to be able to enjoy where those struggles took him.

Eschewing his usual preference for casual wear, the boy was dressed in a zhongshan suit. Spun of shell spider silk, the white suit seemed to shimmer with a pearlescent light. Embroidery in electrum thread added subtle touches of wealth and authority, as a matching short cape hung off the shoulders. White out on the outside, gold with the lining.

It was the mask for the day.

He didn't look like a monarch who was surrendering. Instead, he looked the part of a proud planetary ruler. Disembarking the E-9, he smiled and waved as he passed through the intergalactic press.

Not everything was smoke and mirrors, however. The lightsaber, more show piece than functional weapon, bounced against his hip in a casual reminder of his status as a former member of the New Jedi Order.

Smiling and waving, the teen passed up the gangplank as he boarded the Carbonite Contessa and swallowed the bile rising at the back of his throat even as he did.

[member="Junko Ike"] | [member="Garith Darkhold"] | [member="Nine Lives"]


Well-Known Member
"It's a bloody booze cruise, I don't know if that's going to make this easier or harder."

The Grand Moff was more or less correct - the event had been scheduled on a pleasure barge. Dante had been expecting something closer to home, perhaps a visit to the Kansai province or at very least a taste of the local cuisine aside the almost symbolic Koi gardens. Nope, instead the planning committee had booked a pleasure barge. *Achh.* Dante couldn't really complain, it allowed him to dress more comfortably although it almost felt a hair too casual standing this close to the Grand Moff. Once perhaps he had held aspirations for the office but over time the Minister of Security had discovered an unexpected ally in Natasi Fortan. Perhaps it was just as much a surprise for her.

"But it's a bit late now. I suppose we ought to get aboard before they cast off. It looks like we may be some of the last to arrive."
A quick glance around the two confirmed the Grand Moff's words. Replenishment hoses had been disconnected and the ground crew seemed to be prepping the vessel for departure. Dante nodded in agreement and fell in beside Natasi Fortan "It certainly appears that way. Shall we?" The Minister motioned with his arms towards the base of the boarding ramp. "Ladies first." He passed a curt nod and a wave towards the troopers as they passed.

"I could murder a G&T right now," Natasi said, turning back to Calgar. "How about it, Moff Calgar?"
"Only one?" He said jokingly. "No, I think you've got the right idea Ms. Fortan - a gin and tonic it is."

[member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Shoma Ike"] | @Anyone
This is not it.

Give me armour and a target.

A hand raised, brushing through his lengthening hair. Over the last few weeks he had grown accustomed to twisting it, tightening strands to grow together. He worked for the Security Bureau now. He couldn't be looking like a Stormtrooper anymore. Though that was a sentiment that had stayed constant with him from the moment he had accepted.

"Alright," he started carefully. This was the first person he had met who had also been a Stormtrooper prior to joining with the Security Bureau. Someone he could relate to, at least in some ways. He doubted he was also a... Child soldier, though that was pushed from the front of his mind. It probably wasn't a good starter to a conversation. "Most dangerous missiion you've been on. Go," and taking a seat at the bar, he turned to face his companion.

[member="Tobias Wrynn"]

Tobias Wrynn

Bright light.

It was disjointed and surreal in his memory, almost like a child's first breath. Wrynn sat with a vacant look staring into his drink, struggling with the thoughts that had riddled him now for weeks. Since his release from the Stormtrooper Corps and transition into the Security Bureau, he had ceased regular treatment for the constant headaches and vertigo.

Wrynn is your name. Tobias Wrynn.

He touched his head with a hand and shook it slightly, pushing away the thoughts. Images of battle filled his mind, of blows exchanged with various enemies and gunning down enemies of the Order. During all that, he retained only a scant premise of who he truly was. It bothered him at night, when he was off duty.

He glanced down at the medicine in his hand and remembered what the doctor had said. "The pain will go away if you take it, but your memories will not return. Your release from the Corps comes with certain liberties, so this choice is yours alone to make- but you may never know who you truly are again."

It had been nearly two months, two agonizing months as he refused to take the medicine, and images of a battle raged in frozen wastes had returned to him vividly. In those images, he was not in armor. In those images, he was locked in combat with a Stormtrooper. Wrynn narrowed his eyes and bit his lip.

If he continued to learn, his faith would falter. He knew that. He knew there were things that had been taken away, things that were erased to bring him to where he was. Despite that, the First Order had been good to him. He was treated with the same respect and given the same dignity as all of his Brothers. Something about fighting for a proper military felt like it was something he was always meant to do.

Most dangerous mission you've ever been on. Go.

His eyes snapped up to [member="Omari Vyken"], and he managed a smile. "Most dangerous?" he repeated the question, his voice strained and tired. "Let's see..."

Wrynn pressed his hand to his face and let the medicine drop onto his tongue. With a breath of resolve, he swallowed any chance of ever being the man he once was. The effects were almost immediate. The pain in his head slowly began to subside.

"Hoth," he said at last. "I was at Hoth when Outpost Veers was assaulted."

That was all he knew, and all he remembered. It was all he would ever remember. It was his very first engagement with the First Order, and regardless of which side he was on...

...which side was he on again?

The fog set in, and he remembered life as a Stormtrooper. With a sigh of relief, Wrynn lifted his drink at last and took a sip. "I don't recall much of it," he answered honestly, "but I know we won." He gave a laugh and replaced his glass on the bar.

"How about you?"
He wasn't too familiar with alcoholic drinks, he normally settled with something simple like water, or a fruit juice of some kind. But when he waved over to the bartender, hard set on his choice. "Janaran Rum," and he looked back to his newfound companion as he got around to answering his question. "Hoth, huh?" Omari hadn't been present there, but as soon as he got the access to it in the Bureau, he read through the reports, even watching some of the footage captured by Stormtrooper armour in that icy hellscape. "I heard y'all were outnumbered before reinforcements swept through their back lines and had the 'em scattering."

Offering a nod and a closed mouthed smile to the bartender before looking back to [member="Tobias Wrynn"]. "Me? Uh." He took a moment to think about it. One would've thought that he would've been in dozens of battles based on his resolve on the battlefield, but really, he was little more than a kid. But Omari tapped on his chin before he came to a conclusion. "Dosuun. When the Ssi-Ruuvi caught us at home, now that... That was something," he says, staring off into the distance as if reliving it in that exact moment.

The vast majority of the Order's war fleets departing from their home systems to take the fight to the glorified bipedal handbags, and torching their footholds in the Galaxy, but before their forces had even got to that first point of Endor, Dosuun's Defense Force was wiped like it was nothing. A young Empire, they hadn't had a chance at the time. But put this older, war-hardened Empire in that exact same situation?

Without a doubt, Omari was certain they would win.

"I was in charge of five other guys after our Sergeant died on the way to the spaceport." Evacuations. That's what he remembered doing at the start, and after that... Well it was certainly nothing heroic. "The Corps made me a Sergeant by the end of that. Ain't been on any major battlefield since."
Praetorian Initiate
Equipment |
Lightsaber & Training Lightsaber

Location | By the walls, Observation Lounge, Carbonite Contessa
Objectives | Try this supposedly super-duper awesome dessert!
With | [member="Primat Ren"], [member="Varas Ren"] & anyone who wants to join these poor Ren who needs more social graces
Status | Disconsolate at the fact she needs to wear nice things

[SIZE=11pt]Marriskcal let out an audible put upon sigh, her right hand going to pluck at the hem of her dress once again. Like with a lot of other things in the galaxy, she was swiftly learning, the dress sounded and looked better in concept than it was in actuality. Sure, it was pretty, it was shimmery, and it made her feel a little like how she imagined a princess would feel, but it was also impractical. Even when she wandered around in civilian clothing, the youngling always paired a sensible pair of pants with a variety of tunics. The richly embroidered gold and navy dress she was stuck wearing for the celebration was definitely not at all sensible!

It swished around her knees with every little movement she made and made her feel conscious about the her bare legs. And speaking of her legs… Oh, do I have issues with the shoes that I have to wear! If her dress was uncomfortable, the slightly heeled pumps were about a thousand times worse. While the youngling may not have a problem walking in them, but how they pinched! And they even had her put some sort of mousse – Wasn’t that the name of a dessert
[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]?![/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] – in her hair and made her brush her hair about a few hundred strokes before they were satisfied. All in all, Marriskcal was not a happy Ren.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It was only the lure of the Tibanna Split that stopped her from outright scowling at every person who passed by the plush settee of the area she had surveyed and plopped herself on.[/SIZE]
Location| Near Wall, Observation Lounge, Carbonite Contessa
Objective| Have fun!
Equipment| 1x Lightsaber(crimson)
With| [member="Varas Ren"] | [member="Marriskcal Lati"] | Anyone else who wants to Join us
Status| Doesn't know what to do

Primat wasn't one for these type of situations and events. He hadn't a clue for how to act at this party, hell he didn't even know anyone here. He just wished that some of the other Ren were here at least, then he would have someone to try and talk to. His glacier blue eyes which had previously been focused downwards towards nothingness, now slowly rose upwards out through the view-port window. It was...beautiful out there, it looked peaceful and surreal among the red and purple clouds. Primat wondered how it would feel to fly in a small craft through these breathtaking clouds, though he knew the thought was folly. He wasn't one for piloting small vessels, and he hadn't had much experience piloting said ships anyways.

He pulled at the collar of his white, button-up shirt. Primat wasn't familiar with this fancy attire people wore, and he wasn't much of a fan of it now, either. It felt constricting and limiting, and Primat felt as though it didn't suit him that well. The outfit he had been forced to wear looked nice, when it was hanging up. Though, he felt as though it looked terrible on him, making him feel a bit self conscious about how he looked right now. On the suit, sat a pinned First Order emblem that was red and black, fitting in nicely with his dark colored suit. Along with that, they had fancied up his hair a bit. Primat was actually quite fond of how they did it, and liked it immensely. He might try styling it like this more often. Though as for the suit, he could care less about it. Plus, he felt as though he was being choked by the tight white collar of his shirt. Maybe that was normal for these type of shirts? If it was, he didn't see why people liked wearing this type of stuff all of the time.

Primat turned around and made his way through the crowd, his eyes scanning across countless people to try and find someone he knew. Then, he could have sworn he had seen Marr and he made his way over to her, waving to her as he got close. "Hey, Marr, you look nice. How you holding up at this uh...event?"
The Mother of All Psy-Pires
Came to Bespin in: Castle Morpheus (

Saotome Envoy "Left Hand." (

With: Vera Mina (

Meier (

Wearing: Progenitor's Robes, Cocktail Dress.

Armed with: Progenitor's Sword, Hundred-Handed Giant.

Nine squeezed the rubber ball in her opulent chambers out of stress.

Ever since she had aborted the attempt to have [member="Shoma Ike"] killed, she had watched in horrified disgust as the peace treaty was signed. All of Atrisia's ancestors must be rolling in their graves, she thought, continuing to squeeze the red rubber ball.

Not for the first time, Nine wondered if her prior sacrifices meant anything at all, when she took the long view.

She had stopped Atrisia from being destroyed twice. Had that all been just to see this, just to watch Atrisia deliver itself willingly into slavery. With welcoming arms.

As the hooded vampire glided around in her chambers staring at her snack, an Arkanian Academic Professor that supported the First Order in his scholarly writings, a wispy haired fool in fancy black and gold civilian clothing, she realized this was stress eating she was engaged in, not to mention digging the bottom of the barrel, but this guy supported the First Order, the ones who had committed that atrocity on Coruscant. She'd had Vera engineer his delivery to her by feigning interest while in her supermodel disguise. Honey traps. Gets 'em every time. Man or Woman.

She knew she shouldn't eat while so stressed, but she had put off her feeding for weeks now and she was starting to get weak. Plus, food would help her live with the painful reality of this hateful thing the FO called peace.

The guy was bound and gagged, staring in pure fear. She knew that emotion, that memory, would taste very sweet, like warm chocolate, which normally made her feel ashamed when she tasted and ate it. But she was so pissed at what was happening she wasn't going to feel all that bad.

But first things first...

The Morpheus SAS beeped on the systems kiosk, alerting her Vera was on the way but displaying her photo ID, and the technical schematics of her construction. She had brought the dress.

She felt the hunger creeping up on her as she glided to her bedchambers doors, opening the. Vera stood, her pale skin and very black hair almost shimering in the low light, clad in her Morpheus-issue white leather dress and shoes.

The vampire, face concealed by her hood, the purple, glowing dots of light from the center of black eyes stared down at her creation as Vera held up a white box.

"Its finished."

"Gimme." Nine growled in her deep voice, taking the white box.

"You haven't eaten it yet?" Vera asked disinterestedly as she walked in, heels clicking on the polished, tiled floor, examining the crystal chandaliers and golden threaded finery more than her Master's helpless captive. She took a seat on a luxurious, long sofa of red satin fabric, watching with a smirk as the academic screamed. Golden lighting from faceted wall fixtures bathed the room in a saffron glow. The captive academic laid out on Nine's bed screamed all the harder.

"I wanted to see the dress first. Then eat."

The hooded vampire, dressed in her green shimmering robes, the white rose embroidery glimmering, shifting as she continued squeezing the red ball, examined the blood red dress.

"I still think you should kill Shoma." Vera said. "But you chickened out, as I expected."

"There are other ways to fight the First Order."

"But that boy will try to stop all of it. He thinks he's getting a good deal. You should suck it up and just get it over with. You're a karking vampire, My Liege. You really don't have to play by any one's rules but your own."

"Whats done is done."

"You are going to say I am wrong. But how do you know unless you try to play by your own rules?"

Nine looked at Vera. That cold smirk spread across the Biot's face.

The artificial lawyer stood up.

"Take this man for instance. Have you really truly had a decent meal since you woke up?"

"You've been talking to the A.I. again."

"As your attorney it was necessary to be made aware of the...peculiarities...of your condition. I know you can take more than weeks or months, and as it is my duty to look out for your best interests, I believe you should at least consider my next advice."

Nine stared. "Go on."

"Maybe you should consider...indulging..."

Nine stared at the Professor. He started thrashing around in total hysteria. Yeah, he was gonna taste good.

Nine was tempted to ignore such advice. It could only lead to trouble.

But the truth, was Nine was depressed. Her diet consisted of dull, transitory memories. Not that some of them could not taste delicious...but they could taste the same after a while.

And all this made it increasingly unlikely that she would ever have time to seek a cure. She'd be too busy weaponizing this disease of hers. And Sawa. Always Sawa in the a shadow made of blood.

That was a very sobering and unpleasant thought. But as Nine removed her hood and displayed her beautiful, delicate features and black hair, she realized she wanted to shut down. Just...shut down...

She turned to the Professor.

"I reaaaaaalllly hope it was worth it, bub, supporting these creeps I'm going to mingle with." Nine breathed as she leaned closer to the thrashing man, making him go still as her hand was placed on his chest. His pupils turned to dots when he saw Nine's black, metallic colored fangs snapped into place.

"This is why you shouldn't let beautiful women buy you drinks in bars..." Vera chuckled evily to Nine's captive as the Arch-Psy-Pire sank her fangs into the screaming man.

Even then, she half hesitated, taking weeks and months of his life. But many of his memories were unexpectedly tasty, and combined with Nine's stress, her hunger, her depression, and Vera's advice, it was a disaster waiting to happen.

Nine drank and drank and drank. His first airspeeder. The first time his father told him he was proud of him. The first time he punched someone. He enjoyed punching. And battle axes. Nine enjoyed axes also. Lots of things you could do with a hatchet...and a Stormtrooper.

As Nine drank a cold shock spread through her body, followed by a fast acting euphoria that lifted her spirits. Two years. Then three years. It felt like her brain was getting this wonderful massage. Her mouth tasted like chocolate.

She pulled back, hyperventilating. The world had a pleasant, peach colored tinge to her vision. She felt different. She felt invigorated. She felt...


The vampire licked the man's blood off her lips. She stared at Vera.

"Oh myyyyyyy..." Nine said, swooning a bit, fingers twitching. "Yoooouuuu...I remember yoooouuu...I remember laboring over your fleeeeessssh my daughter. My personal solution for removing troublesome...staaaaiiins..." Her voice had an oily croak to it, bordering on a hiss in the way she trailed some of her words.

"Well you don't have that depressed, mopey look on your face. A nice change of pace, I'll admit, My Liege."

"No neeeeed for such a disssssstant title...not when my hands have labored so to create you. You may call me Mother, from now onnnnnnn..." The Lovely Nine asserted, gliding from her unconscious victim back to her dress.

"Toooo Connnn-ser-va-tive...should have made it shorter..." Nine remarked, undoing her kimono, revealing herself to be wearing a functional black bra and underwear.

In the midst of all this, Nine suddenly force jumped onto the wall and crawled up it, facing Vera.

"Is something the matter, Mother?"

"Has this vessel been screeeeened for parakeets?"

"I'm afraid not." Vera answered dryly, an eyebrow raising.

"Snaaaake charmers?"

"I don't believe so."

"Have we reinstated En-hanced Interrooooogations for Mimes?"

"I am afraid I was not aware that was even a thing."

"The Miiiiiimes speak for The Demons from Beeeeyond. They scheme. They anger me." Nine growled, her Fugue-State in full effect. "We must find out what they are planning. And also, I require tinfoil. We must line this room with tin-foil."

"May I ask for what purpose?"

Lovely-Nine blinked at her artificial daughter. Her black hair fell around obsidian eyes. It was perfectly obvious why.

"So the First Order can't steaaaaal my viiiital essence."

Vera gave a smirk.

"Oh, this is going to be an interesting evening." The Biot said.

Later on...

The Castle Morpheus Cruiser came into orbit around Bespin, and soon after, A Saotome Envoy departed from the unsettling looking cruiser toward the destination spot. Meier was her chirpy, enthusiastic self, and seemed ecstatic when she got bumped from "Droid pilot and murder-experiment" to "Daughter."

After landing the ship, the hooded Vampire, wearing her ceremonial robes headed towards the Carbonite Contessa, Vera in tow. Meier waved at them before departing for the cockpit. The Envoy headed for Castle Morpheus after lifting off minutes later.

Walking up the gangplank With Vera, Nine undid her kimono as she passed by the bellhop, revealing her long, straight black hair, olive skin contrasted by her strange, unnatural eyes. Her blood red evening wear went a little past the knees but was tight fitting. But the strange obsidian eyes, the dots of purple in the middle of them the only way to know if she was staring at you, made her beautiful, but also very unnerving, especially due to her naturally twitching fingers and head, and the near-silent way she moved, even while wearing high heels, meant she turned heads and got people to move out of the way.

The raptor-like Nine stared at the gathering crowd of rich people.

"Soooo ma-ny wealthy beeeeeings. Should I in-tro-duce myseeeelllf?" Nine asked.

Vera looked around. "Hey, there's the Prince."

"Has he been delousssssed or blessssssed in the last three months? I abide neither." Nine asserted.

"Don't worry about it."

Nine stepped up to the prince in near silent fashion.

"Prince Sho-maaaa..." Nine croaked in her now oily manner. "A plea-suuuuure to seeeeee you. Come to ce-le-brate Atrisssssia's new...peaccccce?"
Junko paused standing near shoma but remaining quiet. SHe only stopped when someone else had approached him and she recognized the hologram's image in person. She knew some of the history and legends of her clan. "Lady Li-Ves." Junko bowed her head though and was looking at the place around them, a means to get some of the details taken care of and as far as outside places went... wasn't too bad. She was mostly concerned about reactions from others, she didn't deny it seemed a terrible way to do things... they should have sought death and glory taking thousands with them... but that would have been... well there might have been tales and stories about it if any survived more then likely they would have gotten blamed because of the deaths as arrogant and blady blady blah only wanted power. There was no situation where they could have come out well and Natasi had been more then fair all things considering. Junko might be opposed to her normally but she wasn't going to be so prideful she couldn't accept or at least acknowledge when something good could work out. Shoma had a lot of work to do if they were going to restore and rebuild their planet. Trade and the like needed to be able to be done.
Well, this was...

This was something, he supposed. Just what that something was remained to be seen. Total chit-show? Most likely. Horrible idea? Almost certainly. A trap? You didn't need to be a Mon Calamari to see this train wreck coming.

And still he put them on this track. He was not the conductor, his task was not to drive the train. The First Order had usurped that authority for themselves. But he still had a role to play. So it seemed that he was stuck in the role. The role of the diplomat. The role of the prince.

The role of the coincidence of birth that had somehow made him the one responsible for all of this.

...and, Holy Wapoe, was Lady Li-Ves drunk? Was this ship even out of dock yet?

Internally, the boy was mentally face-palming at the sound of the slow, slurred speech, even as he turned to face the woman addressing him. The notion that a slurred or drunken Atrisian noble would be an image that the First Order would associate with his planet was something that, in retrospect, he should have planned for. He hadn't, because in his hubris or naivety, he simply hadn't wanted the First Order to associate that kind of image with his planet.

It would be absolutely accurate image to associate with his planet. They were the world of the shochu chu-hi after all. And the sake bomb. And whatever one was supposed to do with that midori liquor. But, even still, not in front of the First Order, please.

One day, people. One fething day. Not even a day. A couple of hours. Was that too much to ask?

Of course it was.

Outwardly, the boy smiled and waved. He did that a lot. He was extremely well practiced at smiling and waving. Exceptionally good at this point, should anyone be looking for a coach and mentor. Was professional smiling and wave a thing? Because, at least in Shoma's line of work, it seemed as though that should really have been a thing.

"Lady Li-Ves, we are honored with your presence," the boy said. An entirely perfunctory remark that made a subtle reference to the holographic interruption that had taken place during the original negotiations on Atrisia. Whether she were here to create a disturbance again, he had no idea. But, even if so, at least she did so now in person as opposed to by projection. Points for that at the very least. "You are enjoying the cruise?" the young prince asked. Again, a perfunctory remark.

Glancing up, the boy took advantage of the pause in conversation in which to scan the room. It seemed that the Atrisians and their First Order counterparts had divided up into their own groupings.

He'd have to try and intrude on some of those if this evening was to be at all successful.

[member="Nine Lives"] | [member="Junko Ike"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"]
The Mother of All Psy-Pires
The Lovely Nine bowed to [member="Junko Ike"] and [member="Shoma Ike"], secretly delighting in his forced friendliness. She straightened up a bit, smiling openly as he repeated the words he had used before having [member="Garith Darkhold"] turn off the projector. She didn't hold that against Garith. He was just doing his job. But the boy was audacious to bring the subject up, even if indirectly--was he in league with the mimes?!

No. Not mimes. First Order. Right. First. Order.

"Nooow I am." She responded to his question.

"Annnnd it isssss eq-ual-ly honorable to be innnn your pres-cence, for whaaaaat you have doooone to save Atrissssia..." Nine replied smoothly, knowing her statement would have as many layers to it as his had for her. Inbetween wondering how his thoughts would taste, half considering hitting on Junko while eating his mind in front of all these rich karks, because boredom, The Lovely Nine wondered if any of these rich nobles would mind getting turned into a vampire. Hey! Here's a thought! Maybe she should try turning Shoma! Nah, he'd be angry. Nix that. Nix that.

"I apo-lo-gize for my speeeeech..." Nine elaborated, voice going almost unnaturally deep for a woman on the last stretched word. A few octaves away from being outright demonic. "My neuuuurolo-gi-cal coonnndition acts up from time-to-time."

Vera chose at that moment to walk in.

"My employer speaks correctly. She unfortunately is unable to control when the symptoms occur." Vera explained patiently, though she was keeping an eye on "Mother" just the same. "Oh and if she says anything weird, its just the condition. She's perfectly lucid, really."

"I need scissors! Sixty-One!" Nine said fervantly, drawing her hand closer to her chest, tightening it into a fist.

"That's the sort of stuff I mean." The raven haired Vera explained. It technically was not a lie. The Assassin Biot had detailed files on Nine's condition.

"Atrisssssssia's viiital essence musssst be safeguarded...sixtyonesixtyone. Sixty-One..."

"And stuff like that obviously." Vera added helpfully.

It had admittedly been hard, going through her creator's notes from the time she was first under the influence of a Fugue state. Her creator had apparently been even less lucid than she was now. Hell of a lot more fun though, Vera thought with her murderous brain.

"Atrissssia's fu-ture is im-por-tant especially its history..." Nine spoke, suddenly switching gears with a near terrifying mercurialness, voice going deep again at the last word. The tall woman took a few steps to the left of Shoma, steps which should have made a loud set of clicks, like Vera's had, as they had gone across the floor. But it was barely audible, a set of dull thuds against the surface. Her hands went crooked, her body could not help but register the prey in the room. She smelled the flesh of the Ike. Surely he wouldn't mind if she whipped out a razor and used it as a microphone. Wait! She hadn't brought a razor! Damn! Wait, did Vera have one? She liked those! Nine made a mental note to ask her later.

Vera's gotta have a razor, 'cause I need to sing, Nine thought in the tics of a second between her taking a few steps left of Shoma and then turning toward him.

"And Atrisssssssia issss se-cure now. Ssssse-cure innnn...strong hands." The tone of her voice gained that nigh-demonic quality on the last two words.

Nine conveniently left out what hands she meant.

"A whole newwww ge-ner-ation of...sub-jectsssss ..."

But not yours. We both know who they really belong to, don't we, 'Prince'? Nine thought to herself, though outwardly, her twitching, raptor-like manner was nothing but focused with a hungry intensity on the Prince, the glowing dots at the center of black eyes stared directly into the Prince's. No one could mistake her for drunk at this point. Not with that gaze.

"One can only hope that thissssss is the begin-ning of prosssss-per-ity..."

At the cost of our freedom. The Vampire thought bitterly.

Of all the things that disappointed Nine the most about the Jedi Order of this era was how many were unwilling to take risks. To bleed, to send others to their deaths for a cause. Her era's order had been nigh-tyrannical in how tight a lid they kept on things, but at least they had known what modern Jedi like Shoma, perhaps, had forgotten--sometimes you have to walk up to tyranny and just violently bite it like a vampire until it bled out or you did, because sometimes prey carried metal stakes. It happened sometimes.

"I, of-courssssse stand ready to assisssssssst any way posssssss-ible..."

"My employer has recently begun manufacturing efforts to supply Atrisia's security forces. His majesty of course, is entitled to one example of every product we roll out..." Vera elaborated.

"You desssseeerve all the assssiiissss-tance you can get...annnd-allll the acco-ladesssssss for the currrrrent situ-a-tionnnn..."

A double edged statement, but totally the truth.

Junko's lookin' fine, the Lovely Nine thought. Such golden locks...

"Noooot tooo clear on what we're ssssupposssed to do now that we're herrrrreeee..." Nine changed the subject, near silent as she walked back to stand next to Vera, hands stil in a crooked gesture.

"Neverrrrr actu-alllllly been to one-of-these...shinnnnndigsssss...before...Is thisssss how peaaaacccce happenssssss?" Nine asked Junko and Shoma.
Location | Open Observation Lounge, Carbonite Contessa
Objectives |
Melt and become one with these plush settees

With | ... his thoughts?
Status | Cloud watching. I think I see a tooka-shaped one!

[SIZE=11pt]His curiousity in learning more about other cultures has never quite waned in its intensity. Kou’ha would have liked the opportunity to immerse himself fully by wandering around Atrisia for several weeks, but alas, a slice of it would have to suffice. He took another sip of his drink and winced delicately at the sweet and fruity profile of the cocktail he was cajoled to sample. Despite the bartender assuring him that the intense sweetness of the Midori liquer would be balanced out by the lemon and gin, it was still overly saccharine to the Epicanthix. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gingerly, he placed the unfinished glass on the low table beside him, before he leaned back fully against his seat, allowing the plush settee to cradle his body. His dark eyes continued to take in the breathtaking vista of Bespin, watching as its famed clouds drifted indolently by. Kou’ha suit jacket was draped on the seat beside him, his bespoke ensemble were mostly in the shades of monochrome, of charcoal and lighter greys, with only a crimson tie serving as its accent. With the soft melodies drifting towards him, the Captain found himself content for the moment.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]All was well.[/SIZE]
Location: Near Wall, Observation Lounge, Carbonite Contessa
Objective: Get rowdy
Equipment: Clutch purse, breath mints
With: [member="Primat Ren"] [member="Marriskcal Lati"] | Anyone else who wants to Join us


Varas strode into a dressmaker’s shop on Avalonia, unironically wearing a ripped up sweatshirt, dirty jeans and combat boots. The place was very fancy and the Knight of Ren had no idea what she was doing.

Here goes nothing.

“May I help you?” sniffed a fussy tailor, two pins hanging out of the corner of her mouth.

“I want you to make me something sexy.”

“Sexy short, sexy tight, sexy colorful? Mysterious? Silk? Satin? My dear, there are plenty of interpretations of sexy. Do you want to look like a Princess? Or a Twi’lek? Or somewhere in between?”

These questions were hard for a socially awkward clone with a pretty, pale face but no fething clue of how to apply makeup to it.

“Somewhere in between?”

Varas put a credit chit down as a deposit for the dress. Measurements were taken, and in a week’s time, she’d pick up the gown.

**Fast forward to the booze cruise**​

Wearing her tailor-made dress and running clumsily in heels, the brunette clone barely made it onto the boarding ramp of the Carbonite Contessa, but she flashed her pass and eventually found Marr and Primat, walking up as though she wasn’t wearing a see-through napkin.

The blonde youngling looked adorable, her brother dashing and Varas? She felt severely underdressed.

“Are you guys drinking?” she asked as though it was something forbidden, and it likely was for the very young Ren. But Varas was feeling dangerously free, happy to have a break from the endless warring of the First Order and witnessing the forced diplomacy of Atrisia. She smiled at both of them, the familiar faces causing her to feel less self-conscious.
Location| Near Wall, Observation Lounge, Carbonite Contessa
Objective| Have fun!
Equipment| 1x Lightsaber(crimson)
With| [member="Varas Ren"] | [member="Marriskcal Lati"] | Anyone else who wants to Join us
Status| In Shock and Awe

Primat stood their smiling at Marr for a minute, awaiting her response. Though, as he waited he was interrupted. The person who had just spoke up, addressing both him and Marriskcal...was Varas. When he first heard her voice, blood rushed to Primat's cheeks, making him blush. It wasn't overly noticeable since he had his back to her for the moment, though he felt as though any moment Varas would figure out he was blushing just because of her presence being here. He hesitated in turning around, trying to prepare himself for seeing Varas in a dress. Trying his best to run through anything she could be wearing, he mentally prepared himself for turning around to face her. Val, you can do this. Just, turn around and talk to her, don't panic. You've fought Jedi and even insulted Kyrel, the Master of Ren, to his face. You called him a rat in the mud, if you did can do anything. Including this! He kept repeating those sentences in his head as he slowed his heart-rate down and as his blush slowly diminished from his cheeks, now looking nonexistent now as if he had never blushed just now. He kept trying to motivate himself to turn around and to try and calm his nerves at seeing her here, now.

Taking in a deep breath, then breathing out. In...and...Out. Then, Primat turned around to face Varas, certain that he had properly prepared himself for seeing her in a dress. He thought that he would have been ready after a minute of preparation to seeing her, however he was wrong. So, so very wrong. He had expected to see Varas dressed up all fancily of course, this was a party of sorts. Though, nothing prepared him for seeing her now...not even his self motivation to turn around and look at her. The dress was certainly see through, at least in the midsection it was. That, combined with beautiful she was...he couldn't handle it. Blood rushed to his cheeks again, and he could have sworn that he was visibly blushing now at seeing her.

In the eyes of Primat, Varas looked absolutely stunning and breathtaking and beautiful in that dress. His fingers were tingling at seeing her standing there, and his knees felt weak when his eyes fell upon her. His eyes stayed on her form for a few short moments, maybe a minute or two, in awe at her beauty. He hadn't meant to stare for so long, his eyes quickly moving to her face. He didn't want to seem rude for staring at her for such a long time, though it had taken effort on Primat's part to draw his eyes to her face alone. He wanted to say something to her, something profound...and something that she would love to hear.

Though, his mouth suddenly felt dry. It felt like his throat had closed up, making it hard for him to breath or speak. Which in actuality, nothing actually was happening to him. His heart-rate increased as he tried to come up with something, anything to tell her. He needed to compliment her, he felt it would be nice to do so. And, he just felt as though it would be the right thing for him to do in this instant. He wanted to find the right words to talk to her, to compliment her. He felt that he needed to say something profound and poetically beautiful to her.

Though, he hadn't any experience with poetry, or with saying or talking about beautiful things. Though, he could talk about one beautiful thing, and that thing was a beautiful woman. And her name, was Varas...
Praetorian Initiate
Equipment |
Lightsaber & Training Lightsaber

Location | By the walls, Observation Lounge, Carbonite Contessa
Objectives | Try this supposedly super-duper awesome dessert!
With | [member="Primat Ren"], [member="Varas Ren"] & anyone who wants to join these poor Ren who needs more social graces
Status | If I have to knock sense into your head, I will

[SIZE=11pt]Her eyes brightened at the sight of the familiar figure of Primat making his way towards her, her own hand raising to wave back at him. “Hello~ I’m glad to see you here.” It definitely came as a relief that was she not left to drown alone with a sea of strangers. “And… I’m barely coping.” It was the truth. Between the various emotions that were floating around and the many unknown faces wandering close by were setting off her fight or flight instincts, it was a wretched time for her indeed. “But I’m better now that I know I have you here with me.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]As the youngling was sitting with her back against the wall of the observation lounge, she was also the first to catch sight of her brunette sister. Marriskcal found herself blinking several times when the other drew near and she noticed the sheer diamante dress that Varas wore. Surreptitiously, the blonde closed both her hands around the edges of the settee she was perched on to stop herself from rubbing at her eyes in disbelief. No, Marr, don’t. You’ll make her uncomfortable. While her older sister was the very vision of loveliness, it was hard for the initiate to overlay the usual image she had of Varas with the ladylike Varas standing before them. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I’m glad you are able to join us, sister. We just got here ourselves,” Marriskcal said cheerily up at the female knight, sincerely delighted that they got to spend time together outside of their various assignments. “And we haven’t decided yet… but I’m not sure if they would even allow me to have any.” She ended her words with a pout. Marriskcal was naturally curious about alcoholic beverages, it being a drink that adults are allowed to indulged in, while she was a youngling trying to be become an adult as soon as possible. But for now, she has not quite decided how much she wanted to test her boundaries of what was acceptable and what was not. Perhaps later, after she has gotten a better read of the overall ambiance.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Despite the lilting tunes and muted conversations drifting towards where the three were, the looming silence of one Primat Ren was swiftly becoming evident. Sighing internally as she was wont to do of recent, Marriskcal peeked up at her brother from between her lashes. It was just as she has suspected. His brain has overloaded the moment Varas has spoken. As a good sibling, the youngling was beginning to think it was time for her to step him and give him a helpful push, or at least forcefully turn him to face Varas when Primat managed to accomplish it on his own.

Good job, brother!

Go on. Pay Varas a compliment

[SIZE=11pt]You can do it![/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]But any hope she held for her brother felt flat when she saw him go still. Oh, Primat Marriskcal grumbled about her brother’s severe affliction in her mind. While the youngling never did quite understand all these strong emotions that plagued the older male, she knew it fell to her to ensure that Primat did not allow their current situation to dip to the side of uncomfortable and cause Varas to feel apprehensive. The Ren seldom found time to unwind or dress up and attend social gatherings, and Marriskcal was not about to allow her well-meaning but so so awkwardly lovestruck brother ruin anyone’s evening just because he was stunned stupid by their sister. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It was time for her to move into action.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]With a bright grin aimed up at Varas, the blonde bounced to her feet and stepped up beside the older male. Curling both her arms into the crook of his left elbow, Marriskcal pulled herself close to Primat, the very picture of two siblings who got along really well. “You look really lovely today, Varas. We should try and find more occasions to dress up more often!” Or perhaps even find time to go out every time they had a lull between assignments[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]? Hidden between their bodies, the youngling gave her brother a sharp poke at his side, a subtle hint that he should continue from where she trailed off. Unless Primat gave any overt signs that there were something going on behind their backs, Varas should not be able to notice what Marriskcal was attempting.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]But nope. Her brother was not one for subtle hints today and continued to play the mooning bantha.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Time for desperate measures then.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Don’t you have something to say, brother[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]?” This time, the youngling was merciless and her encouragement was further punctuated by a very painful pinch.[/SIZE]

Tobias Wrynn

"I was," he said, "they were," and then, "we were."

His drink was empty. That needed fixing. He pointed to his drink and the bartender set to work immediately, topping him off with another whiskey sour.

Truth be told, he wasn't sure which it was but any one of them could be the truth. Tobias vividly remembered Tauntauns, Snowtroopers, and mercenaries on the frigid world. All of them fought for their lives. Every survivor learned hard lessons that day. Wrynn was simply struggling to remember what they were.

"We barely made it out," he said grimly. "I remember blacking out. That's all."

He recalled the attack Vyken referenced, the situation on Dosuun where the extragalactic threat made itself known. That was a time of change for the Order, a time where weaknesses came to light and the diligent worked tirelessly to correct them. Wrynn himself was decommissioned during that period, in transition between the Stormtrooper Corps and something else entirely.

He had always had his knack for battlefield intelligence. It was inexplicable, like an inborn talent; yet that kind of skill required learning, and he could not remember any sort of training. The Bureau put him through rigorous exercises to perfect his already considerable talent, and he rose quickly to the position of Specialist albeit seasons behind his superior officer, [member="Omari Vyken"] and his ranked peers.

The reality was, Wrynn had not climbed through the ranks as infantry. He scarcely recalled the most important battle of his career, a fact he was embarrassed to admit to his friend. The only thing Wrynn knew for certain was that he had always wanted to be a soldier.

Now, he was more than that.

It was his sworn duty to protect the citizens of the First Order. His position brought him face to face with death nearly every mission. Impossible odds were the norm. "They recognized your contribution," he told the other man, "and your response in the face of adversity. I'd wager not getting fielded in a major engagement speaks to their desire to not expend valuable assets frivolously."

He cracked a smile. This was what friendship was like, wasn't it? Wrynn couldn't recall.

It felt right, though.
Location: Near Wall, Observation Lounge, Carbonite Contessa
Objective: Drink champagne
Equipment: Clutch purse, breath mints
With: [member="Primat Ren"] [member="Marriskcal Lati"] | Anyone else who wants to Join us


At first Varas misinterpreted the look on Primat’s face as anything but adoration. I have made a major faux pas with this dress, she fretted, resolving it to be the last time getting something tailored without at least a picture to show the dressmaker.

But the way he kept staring at her…

Like the Avalonian modiste promised she felt incredibly sexy and for the first time, powerful in her womanhood like the strong Hapan who donated her DNA for Varas’s birth.

Marriskcal’s words provided a welcome distraction.

“There’s only one way to find out,” said Varas, eyeing a serving droid hovering nearby. She selected a glass of champagne from the round, flat surface and smiled at her brother and sister.

“No alarm bells yet. And you also look stunning. So do you, Primat. Oh Marr, I hear there’s an all-you-can-eat dessert bar that serves Tiabanna Splits!”

The Knight of Ren normally suppressed memories of Tmoxin but tonight she channeled that grace and poise from the redheaded ex-officer in an attempt to feel as beautiful as she may have looked.

“Do you know how to dance, brother?"

Maybe it was a hint.

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