Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hi guys nice to be here

[member="Corey Brave"]

Hi there, welcome to Chaos! Currently the Galactic Republic doesn't exist, the Galactic Alliance controlling Coruscant.

I think the best factions for this character would be Commenor and the Free Worlds Coalition. However, I'd love have you come aboard the Silver Jedi Order. We have a few organizations within the order that cater to non force sensitives, and they handle things like humanitarian missions and diplomacy.

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Faith Organa"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Hi [member="Corey Brave"] :) I found this site to be overwhelming and slightly intimidating when I first joined. It took me a couple of months before I joined a faction. Good on you for wanting to get your feet wet right away :)

Click here for info regarding new positions that have opened up. Our ad contained within also shows other positions available, and the link to our faction page.

If you have any questions, just give me a shout :)
The darkness lays ever near the light.
[member="Corey Brave"]

Welcome to chaos! I'm sure you'll love it here. What type of character are you looking to play?
If you are looking to play a dark side character, I'd suggest joining either The Sith Ascendancy, The Resurgent Empire or the First Order. If you're planning on going light side, try The Silver Jedi Order or The Dominion. If you're looking to go neutral, try the many smaller factions out there, you can find a list of the available factions here.

Hope you enjoy yourself!

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
[member="Corey Brave"]

The First Order is best order, and we're always looking for fresh politicians to serve our glorious Empire. [member="Natasi Fortan"], one of our admins is head of the government, and I know she's been really craving some nice, fresh politicians to administer it.

We have a clear progression tree for our members, so you can really feel that character progression from small town mayor, all the way up to Moff.

If you have any questions, feel free to join our discord. Our admins [member="Samka Derith"], [member="Rolf Amsel"], [member="Torian Pierce"] and [member="Asharad Graush"] would be more than happy to help you out.

Faction General Discord Link.

Andulf Nicholas Teraan

[member="Corey Brave"], greetings and looking forward to meeting with you on the board soon. At any rate, if its politics you looking into be in then let me be one to also extend the invitation join Free Worlds Coalition as well.

Connor Harrison

[member="Corey Brave"] Welcome to the Chaos. Enjoy and shout if you need help at anytime. :)

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