Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hidden Haven


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery felt the familiar hum of the ship beneath her feet as Amelia guided the Songbird toward the planet's surface. The anticipation of exploring something new, untouched by the chaos that usually dominated their lives, filled her with a sense of calm yet tingling excitement. She glanced over at Amelia, who was focused and determined, yet with that ever-present smirk that suggested she was enjoying this as much as Valery was.

As the Songbird descended, the landscape below them became clearer — rugged mountains with jagged peaks piercing the sky, their slopes dotted with thick forests that seemed almost black from this height. A sense of isolation enveloped the area, and Valery could already feel the wind sweeping across those ridges, carrying the crisp, untouched air of a place far removed from civilization.

The Songbird touched down gently on a flat outcrop not much later, the engines humming softly as they powered down. Valery stood, her long hair cascading over her shoulders, the dark waves catching the soft light of the ship's interior as she prepared herself for the environment outside. She reached up, securing her hair with a simple tie before she turned to the exit. The hatch opened with a soft hiss, and a rush of cool, clean air filled the cabin. Valery stepped forward, the wind immediately tugging at her hair, sending loose strands fluttering around her face. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, breathing in the sharp scent of pine and stone, a scent that was as invigorating as it was grounding.

Valery stepped out onto the stone, her boots crunching softly against the ancient rock. She looked back at Amelia, her eyes shining with excitement and determination, "Beautiful, isn't it?" Valery asked as she looked around.

"This could be the place."


Amelia let out a long, slow breath, having held it when she began the descent to bring the Songbird to the ground. Though she remembered well, it had still been a long time since she had piloted a vessel. Cycling down the systems, Amelia looked over the console, carefully going through the checklist before she rose from the seat and took the first look out of the polarized viewscreen. Stepping away from the console, she lightly brought her hand down to rub the dome of the Astromech near her before she kneeled next to it and lightly brushed her hand over a couple of spots she'd missed while cleaning the droid.

"Take good care of the ship R7."

She said sweetly before slowly rising, she'd always found it easier to connect with droids and animals more so than individuals. Taking a moment to center herself, she checked over her armor and the vibrosword at her hip before stepping forward. Each step rang through the vessel as she made her way toward the boarding ramp, feeling the cool air rushing into the halls as it made its way around Valery. Peering out past Valery, the woman let out a slight hiss of pain, feeling the sunlight brushing against her skin before she stepped back into the darkness and artificial lights of the vessel.

It was only a moment before she felt the burn already healing, thankful that she had a source of the sanguine ichor already on the vessel during the trip. Amelia looked to her helm before attaching an additional face piece to the front to provide the protection she would need to keep her from the sun; the helm slipping down over her head as she pulled it into place. As she stepped forward, she felt the warmth of the sun as the rays pressed against her armor, a soft smirk beneath the faceplate forming as she looked at Valery.

"It is..."

Whether she was talking about the woman or the planet would only be known to her for the moment as she continued down the boarding ramp, her attention slowly shifting over the immediate area surrounding their makeshift landing pad.

"Away from major lanes of traffic and conflict, easily accessible resources for makeshift shelter whilst permanent structures are created. This could be..."



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery watched Amelia step down the ramp, her gaze lingering on the woman's armored form as she emerged from the ship. But as the sun's rays touched the other woman, Valery noticed something happening again. Unlike herself, who reveled in the feel of the sun and wind against her skin, Amelia seemed to shy away from it, her reaction subtle but unmistakable. The sun burned her skin, forcing her to never expose her skin to the sun.

As Valery's eyes traveled over Amelia, she realized that every inch of her was covered, from the armor that shielded her to the faceplate that now concealed her features. It was an unfortunate choice for such a beautiful day, but then again, a perfect day for her wasn't a perfect day for someone else.

"I have to admit," Valery began, her tone soft and thoughtful as she glanced up at the sky, "This place is even more stunning than I imagined. But..." She hesitated, her fiery gaze returning to Amelia, "I noticed you might not be too fond of the sunlight."

She offered a warm, understanding smile, not wanting to make her companion uncomfortable. "If you'd like, we can do some exploring tonight as well. The mountains should be even more breathtaking under the stars, and it would give you a chance to move around more freely without the sun." Valery took a step closer, her voice lowering to a more caring tone, "It's important that you enjoy this journey too, and I can't imagine it being comfortable to wear all that armor."

Though, it was possible that they'd end up needing the protection.

"For now, where shall we begin?"


Amelia took a moment to orient herself before her attention shifted to Valery, and though her face was now covered, her golden-yellow hues easily locked with Valery's fiery gaze. A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she figured that now was as good a time as any to let on to the little secret. After all, with as much time as they'd already spent with one another, and the many more adventures that were likely to come in the future, it couldn't hurt to trust the Jedi Master.

Stepping forward, she slipped into a shaded area before carefully removing her gauntlet. With her attention on Valery, she held her hand out into the sun for a brief moment, feeling the pain coursing through her hand before she pulled it back and allowed a small hiss of pain to slip from her lips. Flexing her hand, she closed her eyes beneath her helm before rolling her head slightly and focusing on Valery again. The burn began to heal already, however, it would take a bit more time due to the extended exposure the burn would still heal in short order.

"My species' suffers from an acute photosensitivity. Though, unlike the legends and myths of old, we don't burst into flames when we're exposed to sunlight."

Amelia felt no need to hide the fact from her companion as she looked at her hand, watching the burn heal before she slipped the gauntlet back over her hand and fastened it in place. The offer that they explore the area at night was a welcome one, however, there were still unanswered questions when it came to the night cycle on the planet, specifically, how cold it would get once the sun had set. Still, the prospect of getting out of the armor for some time was one that she wasn't going to easily dismiss.

"Before we venture out at night, we should check on the overall climate to ensure no drastic temperature changes between the day and night cycles. For now, I believe there were some caverns North of our location that should be worth a look."



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery watched intently as Amelia stepped into the shade and revealed her hand to the sunlight. The brief moment of exposure, followed by the sharp hiss of pain, made Valery's heart skip a beat with concern. She hadn't realized just how sensitive Amelia truly was to the sun, and the sight of her skin burning and then slowly healing sparked a protective instinct within her.

When Amelia explained her species' acute photosensitivity, Valery's expression softened with understanding. It was a vulnerability that the Supreme Commander rarely allowed others to see, and Valery felt a sense of privilege in being trusted with this knowledge.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with that," Valery said gently, her tone full of empathy. "I can't imagine how difficult it must be to navigate a galaxy where most life revolves around the sun." She offered Amelia a warm smile, hoping to alleviate any discomfort. "But thank you for sharing that with me. It helps me understand you better."

When Amelia suggested checking the climate before venturing out at night, Valery nodded in agreement. It was a practical approach, and she appreciated Amelia's careful consideration of the environment they were in. The mention of the caverns to the north piqued Valery's interest as well.

"That sounds like a good plan," Valery replied, her fiery eyes reflecting her eagerness to explore. "Caverns could offer us a good starting point, and it might provide shelter as well. For us, and for the vault we might build here. Let's head that way and see what we find."



Amelia nodded quietly before she looked to her hand, taking the moment to check that the gauntlet was secured as she pulled on the fasteners and twisted her arm back and forth. Once she was satisfied, she stepped forward back into the Sun, once more feeling the heat of its rays begin to warm the armor. The show of concern was appreciated, though she still had difficulty in accepting that others would show that for her, having spent much of her life as a tool, a weapon of war.
“I’ve grown accustomed to the life, and I find that moving at night clears the mind and shows the truth behind the veil that many do not often see.”
Turning her attention toward their planned destination, she stepped forward, feeling her boots pressing firmly into the soil with each step. Her golden-yellow hues fell upon a massive tree, one that seemed to attempt to emulate or compete with the Wroshyr Trees of Kashyyyk. Focusing on the gargantuan feat of nature, she lightly placed her hand against its trunk, looking up into the canopy as though she were inspecting the foliage for any signs of life high above.
“We should also keep an eye out for any native fauna. Catalogue what can be domesticated, and those that might prove a threat.”
Amelia turned her attention back to Valery for a moment before shifting her focus back towards the thick underbrush that lay before them. Her next step taken pushed forward as her heart and mind urged her on toward the caverns.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

As Amelia spoke of her nocturnal tendencies, Valery glanced over, her fiery eyes softening with understanding, "There's something special about the night," Valery agreed, her voice thoughtful as she navigated the uneven terrain, "It's peaceful and quiet, even if life itself is not." The air was thick with the scent of pine and rich earth, and now and then, the distant calls of unknown creatures echoed through the forest. It was a place teeming with life, and yet it held an air of mystery and quietude that Valery found both captivating and humbling.

As they continued toward the caverns, Valery noticed Amelia pausing to examine the massive tree. She followed her gaze upward, admiring the sheer size of the ancient trunk that seemed to reach endlessly into the sky. It was a reminder of just how old and powerful nature could be, a perfect place to protect something as important as the vault they intended to create.

When Amelia mentioned the native fauna, Valery nodded in agreement. "Good idea. We'll want to make sure we understand the ecosystem here. The last thing we need is to disturb the balance or get caught off guard by something dangerous." She glanced around, her senses on high alert, ready to pick up any signs of movement in the underbrush.

"We also need to figure out resources, and how we can move them here to build something unnoticed." She looked back at Amelia, a smirk tugging at her lips, "But something tells me you've already got that figured out."

"For now, let's keep moving,"
Valery said, her voice carrying a note of anticipation. "The caverns should be just ahead. Once we reach them, we can start assessing their suitability and see what else this place has to offer." She flashed Amelia a reassuring smile and continued forward. Already, her senses were alerting her to something up ahead — a source of life that she couldn't quite understand yet.

Was it dangerous? Or was it harmless?


Each step brought the duo closer to the caverns that they had been seeking out, each step having been measured and weighed for its outcome. Amelia stopped for a moment, her attention seeming to focus on something, though she couldn't pinpoint the exact location as she slowly lowered herself to the ground. Her hand lightly reached out, taking a scoop of the dirt in her grasp before she allowed it to slowly sift away between her fingers until the last particles slipped away into the soft alpine breeze.

Looking back over her shoulder, her attention fell upon Valery once more as that smirk remained beneath her helm. Nodding quietly, she slowly rose once more, her attention slowly shifting over the foliage around them as she seemed to be searching for something, almost as if she were on a hunt. Her voice dropped slightly, becoming calm and focused as the words slipped from her lips.

"Resources and transportation of such will be difficult to overcome. Likewise, we'll want to manufacture everything on site and utilize droids to do the bulk of the construction to protect the location."

Amelia moved towards Valery until she stood before her, towering over the woman as she leaned forward. Her hand reached out, brushing slightly against her cheek before her fingers pressed against the large tree behind the woman. Amelia's attention focused on what appeared to be a handful of scars on the trunk, the sap already dried and the bark healing as she brought her hand back. It was different for Amelia, the feeling that was surging within her, a more primal force filling her veins as her ears perked up, listening to each little noise that was made around the two women.

"I agree, we should get to the caverns."

The woman slowly turned, her back now to Valery as her attention shifted, once more looking up into the canopies as though expecting something to drop from above upon the two women. Even as she felt a heightened alert, she found the primal force surging in her veins to be exhilarating.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery felt a shiver run down her spine as Amelia's hand brushed against her cheek. The touch was brief, almost fleeting, but it left a warmth that lingered longer than she expected. Her fiery eyes met Amelia's golden gaze for just a moment, as a crimson blush seeped into her cheeks. Despite a moment of being flustered, Valery smirked softly, knowing that Amelia was aware of the effect she had, but Valery wasn't one to let herself get too distracted. Not with so much at stake. Still, the moment of closeness between them had made the journey feel more personal, more connected than just a mission for the Alliance.

Taking a deep breath to center herself, Valery followed Amelia as they continued through the dense forest. The air grew cooler as they descended a slight slope, the canopy overhead thickening until only slivers of sunlight pierced through the leaves. The sounds of the forest seemed to fade, replaced by an eerie silence that was occasionally broken by the distant drip of water. The terrain shifted from soft earth to rocky ground, the path narrowing as the trees gave way to towering stone walls covered in moss and creeping vines.

Finally, the mouth of a cavern loomed before them, a yawning entrance that seemed to swallow the light. Valery paused at the threshold, her Keshian eyes adjusting to the dimness within. The cavern was vast, the ceiling high and lost in shadow, with ancient stalactites hanging like the fangs of some primordial beast. The walls glistened with moisture, and the air was thick with the scent of earth and minerals, cool and refreshing after the warmth of the forest.

"This is quite something, hm?" Valery turned around to face her companion, her fiery eyes now nearly glowing in the lack of natural light. In front of her, she no longer just saw Amelia, armored up to be protected against the sun. She now saw a gentle heat from within her, an infrared light that cast a dim glow against the cavern walls.

While faint, suggesting her species was cold-blooded, it was quite beautiful.

"Finding droids to work here shouldn't be hard. Just getting the resources will be a challenge," Valery theorized as she looked around, her gaze sweeping across walls until they found the ceiling, "Very little light here, too." She turned back to Amelia with quite a smirk tugging at her lips, "Should make it easier for you to move around freely."

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A deep sigh slipped from Amelia's lips as she stood otherwise silently within the cavern as she slowly leaned her head back. Closing her eyes for a moment, she brought her hands up, grasping the sides of the helm firmly before slowly removing it to feel the cool, damp air against her skin. A soft smirk grew upon her lips, revealing her fangs as her golden-yellow hues slowly opened. With the sunlight no longer an issue, she saw everything, for her, the cavern was illuminated as her eyes were better suited for the darkness.

Amelia carefully tucked the helm beneath her arm, cradling the object as she slowly inspected the cavern. Even as she looked back towards the entrance, she noticed that the sunlight was choked away as vines and roots provided a natural barrier that hid the entrance just so. Stepping forward, she lightly placed her hand against one of the stalagmites that rose from the floor, feeling the damp, cool rock even through the heavy gauntlet. A silent nod in agreement was all that was needed as she continued to admire the natural cavern, her ears perking up as she heard the soft dripping of water from the ceiling so far above.

"Automated vessels should be able to overcome that issue of ferrying resources here."

The woman slowly moved closer to Valery, her golden-yellow hues falling upon her companion as she took a moment to admire the near-glowing irises. So far the journey had been worthwhile, from the companionship to the discovery of just this cavern alone, Amelia was thankful that she had allowed herself to be urged to leave Coruscant behind. As she looked at Valery, that soft smirk grew slightly before she stepped forward, her arm slipping around her shoulder to gently turn the woman to face the wall opposite of where they stood.

Brilliant fungus flared with bright blue bioluminescence, bathing the cavern in a soft blue glow that seemed to attract a handful of moths and other flying insects to them. While they were not her favorite creatures, she still had respect for the tasks that they carried out in their manner; their discovery only caused her desire to delve deeper into the cavern to grow within. However, she also understood the dangers that would be involved with venturing further into the cavern, even with their combined skills.

"Shall we?"

Amelia asked as her hand slipped down, brushing against Valery's back slightly before she stepped forward, her hand brushing against her side as she brought it forward to rest against the hilt of her vibrosword.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery nodded in agreement, her gaze lingering on the cavern walls as she considered Amelia's suggestion. "Automated vessels will be perfect for this. They can work in the dark, stay undetected, and they can't be traced back to us," she said, her tone thoughtful as she imagined the possibilities. "We can bring in resources without drawing too much attention."

Her thoughts, however, quickly shifted as she felt Amelia's presence draw closer. Valery's fiery eyes, now glowing softly in the dim light of the cavern, met Amelia's golden gaze. The connection between them was almost palpable, a silent exchange of understanding. As Amelia's arm slipped around her shoulder, gently guiding her to face the opposite wall, Valery's breath caught slightly, the unexpected closeness sending a pleasant shiver down her spine. When Amelia's hand slid down to her back, lingering for just a moment before it brushed against her side, Valery couldn't help but lean into the touch slightly, before speaking.

"I'm ready," Valery said, determined and eager to explore more of this beautiful cave. However, as the two began walking, she quickly realized they weren't alone.

Something else lurked in the shadows of the caverns.

"I sense something up ahead," Valery said, even though the only sound they could hear were their footsteps echoing through the open chasm, "It might be watching us." She smirked at the thought and glanced aside, her orange eyes piercing through locks of her dark-brown bangs that waved along to the sway of her body with each step she took.

"Should I take lead?" Valery's hand shifted to her lightsaber as she posed the question. With anybody else, it might have been a serious one, but she knew the Supreme Commander could handle herself.

Her question was more of a challenge, as well as a curiosity to see her in action.


That soft, sly smirk grew as her ears perked up, Amelia listening to the darkness and hearing the faintest of sounds. Something deep within her had slowly clawed its way from the deepest reaches of memories and need as she brought her hand down to her side. Gripping the hilt of the vibrosword, she found herself not drawing the weapon, rather, she was removing it and permitting it to fall to her side before she stepped forward, her helm toppling to the ground in turn. Amelia slowly pulled the heavy gauntlets away, allowing them to drop with ease as she flexed her hands, her nails seeming to grow into sharp claw-like talons.

Amelia looked to Valery for a moment, and where golden-yellow hues would have been peering at the woman, her eyes had shifted. Brilliant, deep blue irises stared at the Jedi before Amelia slowly turned her attention back to the darkness, a low growl slipping from her lips as the fangs she'd often keep hidden away appeared to have grown. Taking another step forward, Amelia lowered herself slowly, crouching as she peered into the darkness, waiting patiently as her voice slipped into the void.

"It's been a while since I've had an opportunity such as this..."

She said before stepping forward again, another soft growl slipping from her lips as she seemed to be calling out a challenge to whatever creature was waiting in the darkness beyond. Those brilliant, deep blue irises pierced into the darkness, her ears perked as she heard silence... Not a single noise slipped free, it was as if anything within the cavern that had been active quickly fled or hid from whatever, or whoever had arrived within the cavern.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery's fiery gaze remained locked on Amelia as she shed her armor, revealing the sharp talons that had replaced her nails and the fangs that now glinted in the dim light. The transformation was mesmerizing, and for a moment, Valery found herself captivated by the primal energy that radiated from the Supreme Commander. It was a side of Amelia she had only glimpsed before, and now, standing in the depths of this ancient cavern, that side was fully unleashed.

A soft smile tugged at the corners of Valery's lips as she watched Amelia crouch low, her posture predatory and her senses keenly attuned to the darkness ahead. The low growl that slipped from Amelia's lips sent a shiver down Valery's spine, but it wasn't fear that she felt.

She was thrilled to see the woman in action.

"All yours," Valery said, her voice calm but with an edge of playful challenge. "It seems you've been waiting for a moment like this. I won't stand in your way but I'm here if you need me." She released her grip on her lightsaber, letting her hand fall to her side as she took a step back, giving Amelia the space she needed.

Soon, a low, rumbling growl echoed through the cavern, reverberating off the walls. From the depths of a shadowy crevice, a pair of glowing red eyes pierced through the darkness. A hulking form began to emerge, its massive frame blocking the light as it stepped forward. The creature's powerful arms, each as thick as a tree trunk, ended in hands with claws that glinted ominously in the dim light.

"A Gundark," Valery muttered, her voice steady but tense. The creature's deep growl intensified, and it bared its fangs, sharp and ready to tear through flesh and bone.


Amelia had faced off against a myriad of threats and opponents over her long years of life. It was the first time in a long time that she felt the emotion that was flooding through her body, it hadn't even filled her mind when she was standing on the bridge of a warship in the middle of a pitched battle. For the first time in Centuries, she felt fear, genuine fear, and yet, she was still excited. Her deep blue irises focused upon the Gundark as it emerged from the darkness, her heart pounding, nearly beating right out of her chest and her body shivered when she heard its roar, feeling the cavern vibrate and shiver in response.

However, her response was to challenge it in turn. Even as the beast roared out its territorial claim, Amelia roared in defiance as she bared her fangs, flexing her hands again as she stepped forward. Her body seemed to move on its own as she charged towards the beast, dropping just as it swung its massive claw at her head, her claw-like fingernails ripping into its side as she rolled past the creature before letting out a deep growling hiss of pain. She felt its other claw swing back, connecting with her back and shredding the armor, tearing into the flesh.

"So that's how it's going to be..."

Amelia growled as she slowly stood up, the deep cuts along her back already beginning to close and heal as she looked at the Gundark with a devilish smile. Pulling at the fasteners along her side, she shrugged out of her armor, the cuirass dropping to the ground next to her as she stood defiant. Her upper body was covered in a now tattered bodyglove and the remaining armor below her waist, though she was more than pleased with the result. A challenge, a real challenge that she could sink her teeth into, and she planned on doing just that...



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery's breath caught as she watched the intense exchange between Amelia and the hulking Gundark. The roar of the creature reverberated through the cavern, shaking loose bits of debris from the ceiling and sending a chill down Valery's spine. Her instincts screamed at her to jump in, to help Amelia the moment she saw the Gundark's massive claws tear through her armor and into her back. Her hand instinctively tightened around the hilt of her lightsaber, ready to spring into action.

But then she saw it — the wounds on Amelia's back closing rapidly, the deep gashes knitting themselves back together with an almost eerie speed. Valery's fiery eyes widened in surprise and awe as the Supreme Commander shrugged off the injury as if it were nothing more than a scratch. The healing process was nothing short of extraordinary, and it sent a clear message.

The initial shock gave way to a smirk as Valery slowly released the tension in her body, her grip on the lightsaber loosening. Amelia had this under control. The fierce determination in her eyes, the way she cast off the remnants of her armor, and that devilish smile told Valery everything she needed to know — this was a fight Amelia wanted, maybe even needed.

Stepping back slightly, Valery kept her senses sharp, her gaze locked onto the scene before her. She was ready to intervene if necessary, but for now, this was Amelia's battle. The thrill of watching her fight was palpable, and Valery couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and admiration for the woman who stood defiantly against the beast.

But the Gundark was far from finished. With a roar that shook the very ground beneath them, it reared back, its powerful muscles bunching and flexing as it prepared to charge. Its red eyes burned with fury and pain, the wounds on its side fueling its rage. It lowered its head, baring its fangs once more, and in a split second, the massive creature lunged forward with terrifying speed, its jaws wide open, aiming to devour Amelia in a single, brutal strike.

Valery's heart raced as she watched the beast charge toward Amelia, the sheer force of its charge causing the air around them to whip into a frenzy. She stood ready, every muscle in her body coiled and prepared to leap to Amelia's defense, but she held herself back, trusting that the Supreme Commander was ready to meet this monstrous challenge


Amelia peered to the side for a brief moment, her eyes falling upon Valery before she lightly shook her head when she noticed her hand gripping her lightsaber. If there was a moment where she could no longer hold her own, it wasn't this moment, not yet. With a smile on her lips, she let out a slight laugh as she crouched down, her body shaking as she felt the chilling roar reverberate throughout the cavern. She watched the beast carefully, her eyes focused intently as she followed its motions and watched it prepare to charge.

"Come now..."

She growled softly as she stepped forward, her foot slamming into the rocky floor of the cavern, almost as though she were challenging the beast. Amelia reacted the moment that the Gundark charged, the woman rushing headlong into the fray as they both quickly closed the distance. At the last moment just slid forward, narrowly avoiding the massive claw that swung at her head, however, she quickly grabbed onto its small arm; and as the momentum carried her up, an ear-piercing howl filled the cavern.

Amelia stood silently for a moment, her hand dropping down to her side and holding it as she felt the sting of a new wound, though she had her trophy. She slowly turned to face the Gundark, watching as the beast slammed into the opposite wall, her hand holding its smaller claw that had lodged into her side. However, the arm itself was no longer on the Gundark, the joint dangling and resting against Amelia's thigh as she pulled it from her side and threw it across the cavern.

"That stings..."

She growled softly, noticing that the wound, though healing, was taking a bit longer this time around. Still, it wasn't something to worry about just yet, and she pushed those fears into the back of her mind as she stepped forward. The two of them weren't done just yet, and she still wanted more of the creature even as she was being battered and bruised.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery’s fiery gaze remained fixed on the brutal confrontation unfolding before her. Amelia moved with an almost primal ferocity, challenging the Gundark in a way that left Valery both impressed and deeply concerned. The Supreme Commander’s strength and resolve were undeniable, but as Valery watched her tear the creature’s arm free, she couldn’t help but notice something unsettling.

Amelia’s wounds weren’t healing as swiftly as before.

The deep gash in her side, while still closing, was doing so at a noticeably slower pace, and that sent a wave of worry through Valery’s mind. She knew how powerful Amelia was, how determined, but seeing her struggle to heal raised alarms that Valery couldn’t ignore. Her instincts screamed at her to step in, to help, but she hesitated. This was Amelia’s fight, and Valery didn’t want to undermine her by intervening too soon.

“Amelia…” Valery’s tone was soft yet urgent, her eyes locked on the wound that seemed to resist healing. She wanted to tell her to be careful, to not push herself too far, but she knew better than to try and pull Amelia back from a fight she was determined to finish.

The Gundark, roaring in rage and agony, wasn’t done yet either. Its powerful body trembled with fury, despite its pain and Valery could see it readying for another attack. The sight of the massive beast preparing to charge sent Valery’s heart racing, every instinct urging her to act, but she forced herself to stay still, her muscles tense with the effort of holding back.

This time, the Gundark reached for a large rock, and held it in its clawed hand as it charged the silver-haired woman, intent on beating her to death with a rock at least twice her own weight.


Amelia’s ears perked up when she heard her name, her attention shifting to Valery for a moment. She could see her body tensed, knowing she wanted to step in and help. Shaking her head slightly, she held her hand up in a gesture to keep her back, it wasn’t time, not yet. As she returned her attention to the roaring beast, she winced slightly, feeling the sting of pain in her side, yet she also felt a rush she’d not felt in years.

Watching as the beast hefted the large rock into its hand, she understood its intentions. She could respect that the creature was wanting to finish this, and perhaps, it was time to bring it to an end. Straightening herself, Amelia let out another defiant growl at the beast before once more charging headlong at the creature, her movements swift and fluid even with the fresh wound in her side. With the distance closing once more, she quickly rolled forward just as the boulder was brought down…

Dust and debris filled the cavern as the rock slammed into the ground. In the haze, a figure, as Amelia slowly rose in front of the Gundark, the boulder having slammed down behind her and narrowly missing. A devilish girl remained as she slipped under the beast’s arm and oriented herself behind the creature, her claws digging into its back before her hand grabbed the side of its head.

Forcing its head to one side, she reared her head back, growling deeply before her fangs pierced into its flesh. Amelia drank deeply the ichor that poured from the creature, though the taste was not one that she preferred. Feeling the creature thrashing about, twisting and turning to get to it, she growled as she was finally shaken free and thrown off, her back slamming into the wall. The sanguine ichor stained her lips, running down her chin, though it produced the desired effect…

The wound at her side began to rapidly heal faster than even the deep cuts to her back had.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery watched in stunned silence as Amelia bit into the Gundark, her fangs sinking deep into its flesh. The scene before her was raw and visceral, an unsettling blend of primal savagery and cold efficiency. As the Gundark thrashed in pain and fury, Valery's concern deepened. She could see the wound on Amelia's side starting to close rapidly, the effects of the creature's blood rejuvenating her almost immediately.

It was quite a thing to behold.

The Gundark, now enraged beyond reason, let out a deafening roar that echoed through the cavern. Its eyes, bloodshot and wild, locked onto Amelia with a singular focus. It was no longer just fighting for survival — it was out for revenge. In a surge of adrenaline-fueled rage, the beast ripped another massive rock from the cave floor, this one even larger than the last.

Valery's heart skipped a beat. "Amelia, watch out!" she shouted, her voice carrying a sense of urgency she couldn't contain. But before the words had fully left her lips, the Gundark heaved the boulder with all its might, hurling it directly at Amelia with a force that shook the very ground beneath them. The boulder hurtled through the air, the sound of its passage a terrifying whoosh. Valery's breath caught in her throat, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and faith as she waited to see how Amelia would respond to the Gundark's furious, final assault.

She had to end it now.


Amelia smiled, the fear and enjoyment of the fight mixing within her as she pushed herself off of the wall. Straightening herself up, she rolled her shoulders, a low growl slipping from her lips as she felt the tattered body glove hanging off of her figure. Without a second thought she pulled at the fabric, tearing the shredded cloth away and leaving her upper half bare.

Her eyes fell upon the Gundark, her body shivering in anticipation as she felt its roar coursing through her body and shaking the cavern. Amelia’s ears perked up as she heard Valery’s voice shouting out a warning, however, she didn’t seem to register it before she acted. Stepping forward, she steeled her nerves, pressing on as she seemed to be heading for a collision course with the boulder rushing through the air.

In a split moment, Amelia dropped, rolling under the boulder, barely clearing the space as it soared above. That devilish smirk of hers grew as she popped back up, the blade she had discarded earlier now firmly in her hand as she rushed forward. Pressing firmly, she activated the vibrosword, the blade humming as it quickly tore through the Gundark’s muscular arm, causing it to let out another roar of pain.

However, the roar would be short lived as she quickly spun around, bringing the blade into contact with the torn flesh where she had previously sunk her fangs into the creature. Slicing rapidly, the vibrosword made quick work of its task, removing the Gundark’s head from her shoulders.

“It’s done…”

Amelia panted, attempting to catch her breath as she dropped to her knees, her hand holding her blade firmly as she utilized it to keep herself upright.


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