Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hidden Haven


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery's fiery eyes followed Amelia's movements as she knelt to touch the grass, her golden-yellow gaze sweeping over the meadow before landing on the distant pond. The natural beauty of the scene was undeniable, but more than that, it felt like the perfect spot — secluded, high up, and commanding a view of the surroundings that would be hard for any intruder to approach unnoticed.

Valery stepped forward, her boots sinking slightly into the soft ground, and took a deep breath, savoring the fresh, crisp mountain air. The peacefulness of the moment contrasted sharply with the battles they'd both faced and for a brief moment, she allowed herself to enjoy the serenity. It was rare, after all, for them to find such a perfect place in the midst of their mission.

"You know," Valery began with a teasing grin, nudging Amelia gently with her elbow again, "I'd almost think you're picking spots based on their view more than their tactical advantages." Her tone was light, teasing, but she shifted away from it when she took a second look.

"You're right, though. We could set up a temporary camp here, explore a bit more, and then decide on the best location for a watch tower," Valery continued, her eyes drifting to the mountains beyond. "But I'm definitely curious about what lies further up. Want to keep going?"


Amelia smirked beneath her helm after being nudged by Valery, slowly crouching down as she placed her hand against the soft grass of the alpine meadow. Her attention shifted over to the view once more, admiring it before slowly rising and brushing her hands against one another to remove any dirt or dust. Looking over her shoulder, she lightly nudged Valery in turn before pivoting on her hind foot and moving across the meadow.

"Why can't it be both?"

She said with a knowing smirk that was hidden beneath her helm. As much as she focused on strategic locals, she was just as easily enamored with the beauty that could come with them. It couldn't hurt to provide something nice to look at whilst an individual was stuck on guard duty in a tower by themselves. Pausing for a moment, her attention turned to the steep rockface before them as she attempted to locate a path or trail that went beyond the meadow.

"If we can find a means to ascend higher up the slope."

Amelia continued to scan the area, her eyes settling on a small stream that was trickling down from above before falling to the pond below. She was hesitant, or rather, cautious, feeling that attempting to push further along the small creek would be more dangerous than attempting to free climb without any support. Amelia began to slowly pace along the length of the meadow, attempting to find a clear path or small animal trail that would allow the two to press on into the higher elevations.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery chuckled at Amelia's playful nudge, her fiery eyes scanning the meadow and the rock face ahead. The beauty of the place was undeniable, but Valery's mind shifted back to the task as Amelia's words echoed in her mind.

"Both, huh?" Valery smirked, her voice light but thoughtful. "I suppose I can agree to that."

Stepping beside Amelia, Valery followed her gaze to the stream trickling down from above. "That could be our way up," she mused, but she was also cautious. The path along the creek looked treacherous, especially without proper climbing gear. Still, Valery wasn't one to back down from a challenge.

"Let's see if there's a safer trail nearby first," she suggested, her eyes sharp as she began searching for a better route, her instincts and the Force guiding her, "What should we put up there? Sensors and equipment to detect anybody approaching? Defenses?" She wondered if Amelia wanted to rely just on this location being hidden, or if she was also planning to install proper defense mechanisms against intruders.


Amelia stood silently, watching the rock face carefully as the sun began to slip behind the peaks above. Kneeling, she allowed her attention to fall upon the small herd of Mesa Groat at the far end of the meadow, watching as they seemed to begin to slip away one by one. Smiling slightly, she stood once more, lightly nudging Valery before pointing toward the slowly diminishing herd.

“That might be our way up. Looks like they’ve got a path they’re taking.”

Amelia then turned her attention to the meadow again as she began to consider the question that had been poised. As much as she’s merely like to allow the meadow to remain untouched, to rely on its seclusion, she understood that defenses would be needed. Perhaps they could find a more secluded location for a safe haven of their own; that could wait.

Looking over the meadow, she slowly drew her attention up to the peaks once more. In her mind the constructs began to coalesce into existence, pulling themselves together and falling into place.

“There, that peak…”

Amelia pointed to one of the larger peaks higher up from the meadow.

“If we can reach it and survey the area, it looks to be a perfect position for a Planetary Ion Cannon. As for here, some basic defensive positions would also assist in keeping the watch post secure.”



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery's fiery gaze followed Amelia's gesture toward the retreating Mesa Groat, her keen eyes tracking the subtle path the animals had carved into the mountain. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips — it was always fascinating how nature could often provide the answers they sought.

"Looks like they've been navigating this terrain far longer than we have," Valery mused softly, nodding in agreement. "I think you're right. Following their path might be the safest way up."

Her attention shifted as Amelia pointed to the peak in the distance. The Jedi Master studied it thoughtfully, recognizing its strategic value. "An Ion Cannon would give us significant control over this region but wouldn't it be easy to detect? Draw attention to it?" Valery hummed in thought, then continued, "The meadow below could serve as a natural buffer, with defensive positions tucked away along the edges. It would blend into the landscape perfectly. I assume droids would hold those positions?"

She paused for a moment, taking in the beauty of the mountains and the serene meadow. Despite the need for defenses, Valery couldn't help but feel the weight of altering such a peaceful place. Still, necessity came first.

"Let's head up and see what we can find," Valery added, her voice firm but still laced with a hint of wonder. "We'll know more once we're up there." She gestured toward the path the Mesa Groat had taken and began to lead the way, confident that together, they'd make the best use of the land without losing sight of its beauty.


Amelia nodded quietly, following alongside Valery as the two moved towards the animal path at the far end of the meadow. As much as she would have preferred to leave the meadow untouched save for a personal retreat, she also understood the need for the defensive fortifications. A soft sigh slipped from her lips as they stepped into the shadow of the mountain, only a few rays of sunlight peeked through, leaving small beams to grace the meadow. It was the perfect moment, and Amelia intended to take advantage of it for at least a few passing minutes.

"To ensure the continued secrecy, it would be best to staff and defend the area with droids to start. Important and needed personnel can always be brought in as needed."

Amelia said softly, her hands reaching up to the helm before carefully removing the object. Taking in a deep breath, she slowly exhaled, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the cool air that touched her skin from standing in the shade of the mountain. Her long silver hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall as she removed her helm, a soft smile crossing her lips as she tucked the helm beneath her arm for the moment.

"You are correct, placing a Planetary Ion Cannon on that peak would likely result in it being easily detectable. We would need to further fortify the position, additional shield generators to protect the weapon as well as reinforced command centers and bunkers beneath to protect its power source."

The woman smiled before making her way towards the animal path, doing her best to remain in the shadow of the mountain. Finding what appeared to be a sizeable though comfortable boulder, Amelia set her helm down before climbing up and settling in. Her golden-yellow hues fell upon the valley below, watching as the shadows of the mountains began to slowly creep over the landscape.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery followed alongside Amelia as they made their way toward the path the Mesa Groat had used, her eyes catching the subtle beauty of the sunlight filtering through the mountains. For a moment, she allowed herself to appreciate the serenity, but Amelia's words pulled her back to the task at hand.

"Droids should be fine. It'll be tricky to maintain a supply line, and droids don't need much." Valery nodded, considering the advantages of using droids, rather than people to defend this place. As Amelia removed her helm and settled on a boulder, Valery watched her for a moment, drawn away from a more tactical mind for a moment.

Though after watching the silver strands dance along to the wind, she blinked and forced herself to focus again.

"Shield generators would be crucial, especially with how exposed the peak is," Valery added thoughtfully, as she settled down near her companion, gazing at the valley below. "We'll need to scout that higher peak to see how much room we have for everything. Still... I worry that building such a construction will draw people here."

But was leaving it undefended an option?

Her eyes flicked to the horizon where the sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows over the landscape. "It's incredible how peaceful it feels here. A part of me wishes we didn't have to change that." She allowed herself a brief moment of reflection, appreciating the stillness of the moment before standing again, ready to continue.

"Shall we press on or head back and go up there tomorrow? The sun will set soon, which makes it easier for you to travel around. But we've been at it for a while." She smiled softly, her fiery gaze catching Amelia's for a moment before turning toward the animal path once more.


"I think the best course of action is to head back for now. If we can make it to the ship, we can at least run a few scans and gather some more information on the higher elevations."

Amelia said as she slowly stood before carefully slipping down the side of the boulder. Leaning up against the rock, her golden-yellow hues locked with Valery's fiery gaze, a soft smile crossing her lips to reveal a hint of her fangs. The day had been long, and though the night would mean she could move more easily, she also understood the need to moderate themselves. As much as she also wanted to press on, she didn't want either of them to injure themselves due to lack of sleep or from pushing themselves too hard.

Taking up the helm from where it sat on the boulder, Amelia tucked it under her left arm before looking back to Valery. Reaching her right hand up, she offered it to her companion as a gesture to assist her down from the top of the boulder. While she was sure that the woman was more than capable of getting down herself, it still couldn't hurt to offer assistance. For a brief moment, she drew her attention to the animal path, looking over her shoulder before shifting her attention back to Valery.

"Let's make a note of the path, a small marking that we can locate in the morning, that should make finding the path again a bit easier. We have a good lay of the land, and getting back up here in the morning should be a bit easier as well."

Amelia offered a small smile, her hand still held up to assist Valery down.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery smiled warmly at Amelia, appreciating the offer of assistance even though she could easily make her way down on her own. She accepted the hand with a firm but gentle grip, sliding off the boulder to stand beside Amelia. Her fiery eyes met the golden-yellow hues of her companion, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Thank you," she said softly, her gaze lingering for a moment before turning toward the path. "Marking the trail sounds like a smart idea — we don’t want to waste time searching for it again."

Valery unclipped her lightsaber hilt, activating it with a soft snap-hiss, and gently carved a small symbol into the stone beside the path. The soft glow of the blade illuminated the fading daylight, leaving behind a subtle marker that only those attuned to the Force would notice.

"Now we’ll find it in no time tomorrow," she said, extinguishing her blade. "And heading back to the ship is the smart call. We’ve pushed enough for today."

With a deep breath, Valery turned back to Amelia, her smile softening again. "Let's head back and get some rest. Tomorrow, we’ll have the strength and focus to push forward properly."

She gestured for Amelia to lead the way, content to follow her companion's pace as they descended the mountain trail together.


Amelia offered a silent nod in return before her hand slipped free of Valery's as the Jedi walked off toward the head of the animal trail. Watching her ignite her lightsaber, she took the moment to admire the color and even wondered what kind of crystal she had been utilizing in its construction. However, it could also be said that she was admiring something other than just the color of the lightsaber when Valery walked away; her attention snapping toward the trees below and the trail that the two had followed to reach the meadow.

"Rest does sound good, it'll also give us a moment to clean up and gather something to eat."

Amelia said softly, waiting for a few moments until she was rejoined with Valery. As the sun continued to set over the mountains and the shadows grew larger, she saw no need to return her helm to where it had been sitting. Rather, she kept the object tucked under her left arm, keeping it both out of the way and close if anything happened. Her long white hair seemed to dance softly as it hung over her shoulders, a soft breeze slipping through and rustling a few tresses out of place.

The darkness of the forest was something else, almost aetherial or otherworldly as the thick canopy drowned out the light of the stars above. Amelia looked back, her golden-yellow hues falling upon Valery as though she were checking to make sure that she hadn't lost the woman in the dark. Though she was sure of her skills, Amelia still showed some concern for the wellbeing of the Jedi Master, wanting to bring her back home relatively unscathed and in one piece.

As they continued to trek back along the path they had set out on that morning, something caught her attention. Amelia stopped, her hand holding out to the side as she instinctively grabbed Valery's right side as though she were guiding her to stand behind her. Amelia's ears perked up, her eyes focusing when she saw them, a set of glowing eyes in the darkness. Her attention was quickly drawn to another set that peered at them from the dark, the low growl of a canine filled the air as the three jet black creatures stepped forward.


Amelia growled as she began to set the helm down, her hand reaching for the hilt of her blade.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

As the low growl of the Vornskr echoed through the forest, Valery's fiery gaze sharpened, locking onto the glowing eyes that pierced through the darkness. A familiar rush of adrenaline surged through her veins, but unlike the fear she had felt as a Padawan when a Vornskr had scarred her face, there was now only a calm intensity in her expression. The scar — a constant reminder of that fateful encounter — tingled slightly, as if reacting to the presence of the creatures.

Valery stepped forward beside Amelia, her lightsaber hissing to life with a brilliant violet glow that illuminated the jungle around them. The hum of her blade cut through the night, steady and controlled, just like her demeanor.

"They're hunting us," Valery said softly, her voice calm but tinged with determination. "Don't get hit by their tails."

Her stance shifted, grounding herself firmly in the dirt. She wasn't that scared girl anymore. Her fear had long since been replaced with experience, skill, and a deeper connection to the Force. These creatures could sense that now, but they wouldn't know how far she'd come since her last encounter with their kind.

"Stay close," she murmured to Amelia, her fiery gaze locked on the creatures as they began to circle.

A roar, a growl, and the first leaped at the Supreme Commander.


Amelia's heart seemed to stop beating, her breathing slowed as she lowered her stance. Her golden-yellow hues carefully tracked the beasts as they began to slowly circle the two women, her fingers slowly wrapping around the hilt of her blade. When she heard those three words, a slight smirk tugged at the edge of her lips, her eyes slowly flashing into the brilliant, vibrant blue once more. If they wanted to hunt them, then perhaps it was only fair that she hunt them in return. Her ears perked up as she let out a low growl of her own in a challenged response.

Her attention quickly shifted, focusing on the beast that struck first, her sly smirk turning into a devilish grin as she quickly took a step to the side. Her grasp upon the hilt of her blade was firm, drawing the weapon from its sheath as she brought it up in a fluid over-arching motion. A loud yelping, squealing roar of pain filled the air as the creature soared through the air, passing in front of Amelia. Her back was firmly pressed against Valery's, watching as the creature slammed into the base of a tree.

"Watch their tails, got it..."

Amelia said with a soft chuckle as she stood there defiantly. In her right hand, she held the hilt of her blade in a firm grip, the blade itself stained with the blood of the Vornskr. In her left hand, she held the beast's tail, twitching and flicking back and forth before finally going limp. She watched as the beast growled weakly before slowly pushing itself up once more; Amelia laughing slightly again at the good sport.

"Anything else I should worry about?"



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery's stance shifted slightly, her fiery gaze focused on the circling Vornskrs, their predatory eyes locked onto her. A sharp breath escaped her lips before she spoke, her voice steady but tinged with warning.

"Their tails can deliver a paralyzing shock," Valery explained, her lightsaber now firmly in hand. "Other than that... they've got nasty claws and teeth." She glanced briefly at Amelia, impressed with her swift handling of the beast. "But the real danger is their ability to hunt Force-sensitives. Which is why they're drawn to me."

As if on cue, the remaining Vornskrs' attention seemed almost solely locked onto Valery, their movements calculating. Amelia was still a target as well, but only because she stood in the way of them reaching their favorite prey — someone sensitive to the Force. Their eyes gleamed with a predatory hunger, and their growls deepened as they began closing in on her, sensing the strength of her connection to the Force.

"Just stay sharp," Valery added with a slight smirk, "I'll handle keeping their attention. Gives you a chance to strike." She braced herself for the next attack, knowing these creatures wouldn't relent easily.

She didn't have to wait long.

Three Vornskr all jumped at her at once, forcing her into action. With a quick shift of her hand, Valery reached out into the Force and froze their bodies in mid-air with a telekinetic grip. A heartbeat later, and the beasts were tossed back, their bodies crashing into rocks and trees.



Amelia quickly threw the Vornskr tail away, letting it wriggle and thrash before the appendage went still. Shifting her stance slightly, Amelia kept a close watch on the beasts as they began to regroup, circling them once more. Amelia slowly brought the blade to her side before shifting it to a high guard above her head. Bringing her second hand up, she gripped the hilt firmly, her thumb slipping up before pressing firmly against a button just along the crossguard.

A soft humming noise began to slip forth from the hilt, the ultrasonic vibration generator having been activated, the blade began to vibrate, appearing almost like a blurry afterimage of itself. Engravings along the length of the blade were illuminated in a blue glow, revealing its Echani background in its construction. Amelia stepped forward, patiently waiting for her opening as she slowly brought the blade down once more, each movement a counter to the movement made by the Vornskr as they continued to circle.

"At least we're getting a better understanding of what to expect on this planet."

Amelia said with a slight smirk, her blade humming as she continued to watch the creatures, waiting for their next move. Shifting her stance again, she carefully moved behind Valery, their backs pressed against one another again as Amelia closed her eyes for a moment. Her ears perked up, her smirk growing as she slowly crouched, waiting for the right moment.

"Try not to break a nail while you're distracting them..."

Upon hearing the word, Amelia sprung into action, quickly slipping around from behind Valery. Her eyes snapped open, vibrant blue spheres falling upon the three creatures frozen in midair. Amelia rolled forward, slipping under the first and popping up behind it just as Valery sent the three creatures flying back. Planting herself firmly, she brought her blade up in a single fluid motion, the weapon humming as the vibrating blade cut into the flesh of the Vornskr, cleaving the beast in two as the remains slammed into the rocks and trees behind the woman.

Amelia pivoted on her hind foot, bringing her blade into a low guard in front of her with her back towards Valery. Her attention moved back and forth between the two remaining creatures.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery's fiery gaze remained locked on the two remaining Vornskr as they circled, their growls growing deeper and more aggressive. The faint hum of her violet blade cut through the night air, its glow casting shadows across the trees as she maintained a low, ready stance. Feeling Amelia move behind her, Valery couldn't help but smirk at her comment.

"Don't worry, I'll try to keep my nails intact."

As the beasts growled louder, Valery's eyes narrowed, her senses expanding to track their movement. She knew what the Vornskr were — creatures bred to hunt those strong in the Force. Their targeting of her, their primal focus on her presence, was almost palpable, but it was a mistake. With a sudden shift in stance, Valery sent a powerful wave of the Force crashing into the Vornskr, launching them back. In the split second they flew through the air, Amelia darted forward, cleaving one in two with precision.

Valery's attention then turned to the last Vornskr. Its snarling visage reflected the glow of her saber as it recovered, only for Valery to step forward, her movements fluid and fast. With a quick, graceful twist of her body, she spun her lightsaber and struck, the blade cutting through the beast with a flash of violet light.

As the final Vornskr fell, Valery straightened and let out a slow breath, her eyes still glowing with intensity. "That's all of them," she said, turning to Amelia with a small smirk of victory.

Though something fierce still lingered in her eyes, even as the adrenaline of the battle began to fade.


Amelia took a moment to survey the field, her vibrant blue eyes slowly shifting back to the golden-yellow hues as she took in a deep breath. Slowly bringing her blade down to her side, she pressed the button once more, shutting off the generator in the hilt of the weapon. Ever thorough, she moved between each of the beasts, no matter how badly damaged or injured they were, she quickly pressed the blade into the skulls of each creature. It was better to be sure that each had been dispatched entirely, rather than walk off and be attacked by one playing dead.

"Are all of your fingernails intact?"

Amelia said with a slight smirk as she brought her blade up, swinging it to her side for a moment before trapping the blade between her forearm and upper arm in the crook of her elbow. Pulling the blade through slowly, she wiped the blood from the weapon before carefully replacing it in its sheath. That was, at least one con, that a lightsaber did not have; the need to remove blood from the blade after its use. Kneeling near one of the Vornskr, she looked over the body, studying it before slowly standing, her attention shifting back to Valery.

As she locked eyes with that fiery gaze she smirked, noticing that fierce intensity that was still held within. Closing the distance between them, she stood at Valery's side, her hand lightly brushing against the woman's before gently wrapping her fingers around her wrist. With a soft nudge, Amelia stepped forward, lightly pulling Valery with her as she looked further down the path.

"We're almost back to the ship."

Amelia said before looking over her shoulder, her eyebrow arched slightly before she turned away, her hand slipping free from Valery's wrist as she continued down the path.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery's eyes lingered on Amelia as she moved through the field, efficiently ensuring that each Vornskr was dispatched for good. The Jedi Master's intense gaze softened slightly when Amelia turned back, the tension of the encounter easing from her posture. There was always something captivating about how Amelia moved with purpose and calm, even during such chaos.

Valery's smirk and tease about her nails drew a quiet chuckle from her lips. She raised her hands, flexing her fingers dramatically to show them off. "All intact, just like I promised," she quipped, an amused smile tugging at her lips.

She then watched as Amelia approached and wrapped her fingers gently around her wrist. The unexpected contact sent a pleasant, almost comforting warmth spreading through Valery's arm. She allowed herself to be pulled forward, her gaze momentarily locked on Amelia's, an unspoken understanding passing between them. Valery then glanced over her shoulder at the fallen creatures, ensuring nothing stirred.

When Amelia released her, Valery felt the absence acutely but shook it off. With a content sigh, she followed, her steps light and her shoulders finally dropping from their battle-readied position. "Lead the way, then," she said softly. "After what we just faced, I think I'm looking forward to seeing the ship again… and maybe catching a break before the next round of excitement."

As they continued down the path, Valery glanced at Amelia's back, the hint of a smile still lingering on her lips. It felt good to have someone she could count on, someone who knew when to push and support her.

It felt like they were a team.


"A nice hot bath sounds divine..."

Amelia said, without much thought, as she looked over her shoulder as though she were checking to make sure that Valery was still following behind. The two had a rough couple of days, from fighting a Gundark to being ambushed by Vornskr; the trip had been as enjoyable as it was filled with unknown threats and dangers to overcome. Amelia pushed on along the trail, her attention focusing forward, her ears perked up as she carefully listened to their surroundings. Her golden-yellow hues peered into the darkness, watching every little shadow and movement that she noticed.

"Do you hear that?"

Amelia asked, stopping for a moment as the noises of the Forest began to slowly flitter into the air once more. Looking at Valery, she offered a smile as she listened to the insects chirping and calling out once more; even the minuscule squeaks of nocturnal rodents could be heard with ease. It was clear, at least for now, that they were no longer in danger; that there was no large predator or pack of such trekking through the undergrowth.

Turning back toward the path, she continued one, momentarily stopping from time to time to appreciate the sounds and scents of the forest. As the canopy above thinned out along the edge of the clearing that they had landed in originally, her attention was drawn toward the heavens. A soft smile crossed her lips as she stopped before looking at Valery. Her fingers lightly grasped Valery's chin before gently lifting her head at the same time that she looked once more.

The night sky was filled with the soft twinkling pinpoints of light, the stars of thousands upon thousands of countless systems, and there they were... Removed from everything, not a single hint of light to mar or obstruct the view that they had. For a moment, at least, Amelia seemed to feel everything melt away, the worry, the stress, the responsibilities. Nothing mattered except the two women standing side by side staring at the stars and nebula above.

The ship and its amenities could wait a few moments longer...


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