Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Hidden Haven


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery’s breath caught in her throat when Amelia ripped away the tattered remains of her top, leaving her upper half bare. It wasn’t the first time Valery had seen her companion in action, but this raw display of power and confidence, combined with the sight of her unashamedly exposed form, sent a flush of heat to Valery’s cheeks. She quickly averted her gaze, trying to be respectful, but the image was already burned into her mind.

When she finally looked back, Amelia was already in motion, evading the massive boulder and moving in for the kill with a ferocity that left Valery both in awe and slightly concerned. The battle was over in a flash, Amelia’s vibrosword slicing through the Gundark with ruthless efficiency until its severed head hit the ground with a dull thud.

Valery’s breath slowly returned to normal as the echoes of the fight faded from the cavern. But then, as she saw Amelia drop to her knees, panting and leaning heavily on her blade for support, all of her relief was replaced by a wave of concern.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Valery hurried over to Amelia. She knelt beside her and hesitated for just a moment before resting a hand on Amelia’s shoulder.

“You did it,” Valery said, her voice softer than usual, tinged with both admiration and a hint of lingering fluster. But as she looked into Amelia’s eyes, she couldn’t hide her concern. “But next time, maybe ask for some help, alright?" She said with a smirk.

Valery then squeezed Amelia’s shoulder gently, her touch firm but reassuring. “Come on, let’s get you back to the ship. You need to rest and heal properly.”

Valery paused and blinked, "...and maybe get some new clothes."

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Amelia panted slightly, taking in a deep breath as she worked to control her breathing. Her attention, for the moment, remained focused on the corpse of the Gundark, making sure it was staying down even as she felt Valery’s hand coming to rest on her shoulder. Taking in another deep breath, she closed her eyes, her chest rising before slowly falling as she exhaled in a slow measured manner.

“I had it right where I wanted it…”

Amelia laughed slightly, her eyes opening slowly to reveal that the brilliant deep blue irises were slowly returning to her usual golden-yellow hues. Her ears perked up slightly, and she let out a small chuckle as she looked down before looking back at Valery.

“I’ve never had complaints before…”

Amelia smirked as she slowly rose, relying less on the blade to keep her steady. Rolling her shoulders, she took the moment to stretch, showing no attempt nor worry in covering her bare torso.

“We may have to camp out in the cavern for a bit, depending on if the sun is still up outside.”

She looked to Valery before she made her way towards the discarded pieces of armor. Amelia carefully collected her gauntlets, pulling them back on as her attention fell upon the tattered cuirass that lay in a small pile of rubble.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"I've never had complaints before…"

"So, this isn't your first wardrobe malfunction?" Valery smirked back, trying her best to keep her gaze up. But this proved difficult when Amelia rose to her feet, and she felt heat seep back into her cheeks. Valery quickly realized that maintaining her composure would be harder than she thought.

The confident way Amelia carried herself, completely unbothered by her situation, only made it more challenging for Valery. She found herself admiring the woman's unflinching self-assurance, even as she tried to maintain her own focus on the situation at hand.

Valery cleared her throat softly, trying to dispel the tension within her. "Looks like we might be staying here for a while, then," she said, remembering that without functioning armor, it'd be hard for Amelia to make it out of the caves. And she hadn't brought along another set, so Valery knew she couldn't head back on her own to fetch anything either.

Her mind shifted gears, focusing on the practicalities of their situation. "We should set up camp, find a safe spot deeper in the cave where we can wait until nightfall." She took a step closer, her concern for Amelia overriding her earlier flustered state. "You need time to recover too. That fight was intense."

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Amelia kneeled, setting the blade down for a moment as she picked up the tattered cuirass and carefully looked over it, a soft sigh slipping from her lips. The integrity of the armor was, without question, compromised, making setting up camp the most sensible and logical conclusion of the current situation. Still, she seemed to not want to part too easily with the object, even as she picked up her blade and rose once more, keeping the cuirass in her hand. A slight smirk played on her lips as she listened to the question, causing her to draw her attention once more to Valery before she stepped forward, leaning toward the woman.

"Won't be the last time, not likely."

Amelia said as she carefully sheathed the blade before leaning forward. Bending at her waist, Amelia reached past Valery and took a firm grasp of the helm that lay at the woman's feet. Slowly rising, she brought the helm up and slowly looked over it, inspecting it for any damages that may have happened from it having been temporarily discarded. For her part, she seemed so focused on collecting the items, that she didn't register that she was standing in front of Valery with the woman near eye level to her bare breasts.

"I agree. From the looks of it, this Gundark was a juvenile, maybe five or six years old. Its den may be deeper in this cavern... It's not going to need it anymore."

The woman said as she looked at the deceased form of the creature before taking a step toward the carcass. Setting the tattered cuirass down next to the body, she pulled a smaller vibroknife from her boot and began to carefully carve a few pieces of meat from the creature. If they were going to set up camp, it couldn't hurt to have something to eat later as the hours grew old. Each stroke was meticulous as she removed strips of flesh and set them in the cuirass, deciding to utilize it to carry the makeshift rations.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery's fiery gaze followed Amelia as she moved with purpose, collecting her gear and inspecting it with a level of care that Valery couldn't help but admire. But when Amelia leaned in close, her words carrying a teasing edge, Valery blinked again. The proximity, the playful confidence, and the way Amelia seemed completely unbothered by her own state of undress

But Valery was quick to recover, her focus shifting as Amelia bent forward to retrieve the discarded helm. For a brief moment, Valery found herself eye-level with Amelia's chest, her mind momentarily blanking as she quickly forced herself to look away, focusing instead on the Gundark's carcass.

"Juvenile or not, it put up a good fight," Valery finally replied, her voice steady as she turned her attention back to Amelia, who was now carving strips of meat from the creature. Rations for later, she assumed. "I don't sense any others, so let's hope there aren't bigger Gundarks still in these cave systems."

Taking a step back, Valery turned to the entrance of the cave and hummed in thought, "We should have enough supplies to make it through the night, but it's always better to be prepared." She paused, her eyes lingering on Amelia's handiwork for a moment before she spoke again, "I could head back to the ship and get some extra supplies? Gives you time to set up camp here and we'll be ready to explore more if we want to."

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Amelia took a moment to stretch, feeling the soreness of strained muscles pushed too far beginning to set in, though it was a pain that would ease. Lifting the cuirass, she set the helm on it before tucking them both into her side, ready to move from the location. Slowly surveying the area, her golden-yellow hues fell upon the crevasse that the creature originally pulled itself from. Nodding her head towards it, Amelia stepped forward, only to pause as she listened to Valery. Though she felt exhilaration during their fight, she also understood that at this moment, she would likely have difficulty challenging another, not to mention a whole family group of Gundarks.

"I think we would be better off remaining together. We're still not sure what the nocturnal fauna is on the planet, and finding a Gundark was, admittedly, a challenge."

Amelia took another step toward the fall wall, her golden-yellow hues focused upon it as she carefully scanned the area before looking back at Valery. Despite showing otherwise, she was, at the least, intelligent enough to understand that if they were to encounter anything else in the caverns, she would fare better with Valery there rather than the two being separated. Amelia rolled her shoulders again, lightly leaning her head left then right to limber up her neck as she continued to push back the fatigue and soreness that was setting in after the conflict.

Her attention remained firmly on Valery for the moment, watching the woman and offering a soft smile to show that she was okay. Truth be told, it had been some time since she had an individual showing the amount of concern that the Jedi was showing to her, and it was... odd. The feeling of care and compassion wasn't something she'd expected, though she wasn't about to push it away due to its strangeness or unfamiliarity. In her odd way, she was also showing that concern back, even if her exterior remained the cold and stony demeanor that she was accustomed to carrying.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery watched Amelia closely, her fiery gaze softening as she noted the subtle signs of fatigue and soreness in the Supreme Commander's movements. Despite Amelia's formidable strength and resilience, it was clear that the battle with the Gundark had taken its toll. Valery's concern deepened, but she also recognized the underlying pride in Amelia's expression — the thrill of the fight and the satisfaction of victory still fresh in her mind.

When Amelia suggested they stay together, Valery gave it some thought, then nodded in agreement. "You're right," she said, her tone gentle but firm. "You look like you need some rest, so it's probably better if I stay close. Before you decide to fight another Gundark on your own." She flashed the woman a grin, knowing Amelia would do just that if she had to. But given her situation, if they ran into trouble now, Valery would take care of it.

Amelia was at her strongest leading entire fleets — Valery was unmatched in single battle.

After a short pause, Valery's smile turned playful as she added, "Let's hope the night stays quiet, though. If we run into a lot more trouble, we'll have to reconsider this planet as an option for the vault." Turning away, Valery hummed in thought and idly raised a hand up through her hair, fixing it back in place.

"Do you want me to start a fire?" Valery asked, as she remembered Amelia's situation, and how cold it might be. "I can get one started without a problem."


"Someone had to fight it. After all, I'd hate to have made the Grandmaster break a fingernail..."

Amelia said with a sly smirk as her golden-yellow hues fell upon Valery, giving her a teasing prod in return. However, she couldn't argue against what had been said; if the situation called for it, she would easily rise to the challenge of facing off against such a creature once more. With the campsite already chosen, she carefully looked over the area, making sure nothing else was lying in wait or that the beast hadn't dragged some shiny bobble back to its lair that would turn out to be a dangerous object.

As she set the cuirass down, she placed the helm on a small rock before pressing her back against the wall of the cavern, worn smooth from water trickling down from above. Sliding down, she let out a soft sigh, the cool wall aiding in mitigating the soreness that she was feeling; looking to Valery and offering a smile, showing the fatigue finally setting in as she nodded quietly.

"At least we know about the Gundarks. I have a feeling that's the reason those minor camps are here."

Big Game Hunters and Poachers, would be easy enough to deal with, yet, they could potentially cause an issue if they were to discover new traffic over the planet or a concentration of droids working in the caverns. However, that was a problem to be solved later, one that Amelia made sure to note mentally.

"A fire would be good."

Amelia said as she leaned her head back, closing her eyes for a moment as she took in a deep breath, feeling the heat beginning to wick away from her body as she attempted to relax and recover from the ordeal.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery chuckled softly at Amelia's teasing, a playful glint in her fiery eyes as she shook her head. "I guess that's one way to keep me out of trouble," she replied with a smirk, appreciating the lighthearted banter despite the fatigue that was evident in Amelia's posture. As the Supreme Commander settled against the cavern wall, Valery could see the toll the fight had taken on her, and the need for rest was unmistakable.

When Amelia agreed to the fire, Valery gave a small nod, her expression shifting to one of quiet focus. She took a few steps away from Amelia, gathering a few stray branches and dried leaves from the cavern floor. With a simple gesture, she arranged them into a neat pile in the center of their makeshift camp. But instead of reaching for a lighter or flint, Valery extended her hand towards the kindling, her fingers splayed as she concentrated on the Force.

Slowly, Valery's fiery gaze intensified, her eyes glowing with an almost ethereal light as she called upon her connection to the Force. With a gentle exhale, she channeled that energy through her hand, and in an instant, a small flame sparked to life. The fire grew quickly, its warm light casting dancing shadows across the cavern walls. The flames themselves took on a unique hue, burning with the same intense, fiery glow as Valery's eyes — a deep, almost otherworldly orange that radiated both warmth and power.

The fire crackled softly, the heat immediately beginning to spread through the cool air of the cavern. Valery watched the flames for a moment, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the sight. It wasn't just about the warmth it provided — it was a symbol of her heart, of her ability to bring light and life even in the darkest of places.

Turning back to Amelia, Valery offered a soft smile, her eyes still reflecting the glow of the fire she had created. "That should keep us warm for the night," she said, her voice carrying a soothing, almost melodic quality. She then settled down near the fire, positioning herself close enough to feel its warmth, but with her senses still alert to any potential dangers that might be lurking in the shadows.

"Rest up, and maybe we can start cooking some food. You'll need the energy to recover," Valery said, knowing Amelia gained that energy another way, too.


Amelia offered a soft smile in return, her golden-yellow hues focusing upon Valery as she went about the task of collecting kindling and fuel for the fire. Amelia’s species were unique in their own way, cold blooded mammalians, however, they didn’t seem to suffer the same lethargy that other cold blooded species often experienced. Still, even though the cold never truly bothered her, she found a comfort in the warmth of a fire and the warmth of others. Watching Valery, she had expected a simple means of ignition, though it didn’t really surprise her that the woman would utilize the force to complete the task.

No matter how many times she’d encountered the Force and those that had the talent to tap into it and utilize it; she was always pleasantly surprised when she saw the Force used in new ways. Amelia shifted slightly, moving closer to both the fire and Valery as she let out a near silent sigh of contentment. The warmth of the fire mixed with the cool air, soothing and relaxing the sore and strained muscles as her natural healing continued at work to mend the damage.

A soft chuckle slipped from her lips as she listened to Valery, that sly smirk pulling at the edge of her mouth. Amelia nodded in understanding, and she was sure that the Jedi understood the needs, or at least some, of her species after having seen her in action.

“The rest would be nice, as would something to eat…”

She smirked, revealing a hint of her fang before leaning against Valery, her skin cool to the touch despite the fire roaring before them. As the adrenaline began to slip away from her form, she felt the symptoms of withdrawal slowly setting in, causing her to draw herself closer to her companion.

As the two stared into the flames and made idle chatter, their shadows danced upon the walls of the cavern, slowly entwining together until it was unclear which shadow belonged to whom…



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery watched the flames flicker and dance, her fiery gaze reflecting the warmth of the fire. The quiet crackling of the wood and the soft, rhythmic breaths of her companion created a sense of calm that settled over her like a comforting blanket. She could feel Amelia leaning into her, the coolness of her skin a stark contrast to the heat of the fire, and she instinctively shifted closer, offering her some warmth in return.

"It's been quite a day," Valery murmured softly, her voice carrying a note of exhaustion mixed with contentment. The adrenaline from the battle had long since faded, leaving behind a pleasant drowsiness that she welcomed. Her fingers absentmindedly traced patterns on the cool stone beside her, her mind drifting as the fire continued to crackle and pop.

For a while, they sat in companionable silence, the only sounds being the occasional whisper of the wind outside the cave and the steady rhythm of their breathing. The warmth of the fire and the presence of her companion were enough to lull Valery into a peaceful state, her thoughts growing quieter with each passing moment.

There was a lot more to be done, but that could wait until tomorrow.

The next morning, the cave was bathed in the soft, diffused light of dawn. Valery was already on her feet, stretching out the stiffness from her muscles as she stood near the entrance of the cave. The cool morning air brushed against her skin, a refreshing contrast to the warmth of the fire from the night before. She took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the earth and the faint aroma of the lingering smoke from their campfire.

Her gaze shifted between the entrance of the cave, where the light beckoned them toward the mountains outside, and the dark tunnels that led deeper into the earth. The choice of where to go next weighed on her mind, each path offering its own set of challenges and discoveries.

Turning back to Amelia, who had fetched herself a new undersuit, Valery offered a small, thoughtful smile. "So, what do you think?" she asked, her tone curious but light. "Should we explore more of these caves, or would you prefer to venture into the surrounding mountains?"

She knew that either choice would offer its own adventures, and she was eager to see where their journey would take them next.


Sleep had always been elusive to Amelia; the woman was plagued with night terrors and the nightmares of old memories that held a tight hold on her mind. Yet, that night, for perhaps the first time in many years was one in which she was soundless, her mind at ease and her memories quiet as she lay there before the fire with her companion close. That peacefulness, as elusive as it was, had also been shortlived as Amelia woke mere hours before sunrise. Looking at her companion, she ensured that the cavern was secured and that Valery would remain in a peaceful slumber as she slipped out back towards the ship.

Amelia took a moment to take in the stillness of the night, her golden-yellow hues peering into the canopy and just barely making out the shimmering stars of the heavens above. Despite the desire to rush off into the wilderness in her current state, she remained focused and pushed herself forward. The trip, both to the vessel and the return, was easy enough with the path that the two had forged ahead the day prior. And, despite her having become rather comfortable in the current state of dress, she knew that it was more of a hindrance when it came to moving during the day.

When she finally stirred from her slumber, her golden-yellow hues slowly shifted around the cavern before she quickly snapped, sitting up when she initially did not see Valery until she spotted the woman standing near the entrance of the cavern. It was clear that Amelia was back to her old self; the chance to rest and feed brought new strength and the wounds, both visible and unseen, had healed. Taking a moment to breathe as she calmed herself, Amelia slowly rose to stretch, ensuring that any lingering soreness was chased away and ensuring she was ready for the physical demands of the day to come.

"I think we can venture into the mountains. Locating vantage points and potential areas for watch posts would further our efforts here."

Despite having recovered a new undersuit, she had only remained coherent enough to return to the cavern and fall next to her companion. Turning her back to Valery, she went about removing what remained of her armor to set it aside before bending at the waist to remove the remnants of her previous undersuit. Each movement was fluid and graceful as she pulled the tight undersuit on, feeling the fabric hugging her form tightly as she stood and stretched. Carefully donning the rest of her armor, she secured her blade to her hips before lifting the helm and securing it in place.

Amelia looked to the remains of the campfire before extinguishing the last few embers, wanting to ensure that they didn't accidentally burn the forest down or leave a trace behind that they had been there. Approaching the entrance to the cavern, she stopped just next to Valery, offering a soft smile that was obscured by her helm before she leaned down and whispered something into her ear, the wind seeming to kick up at that moment and obscuring her voice; the words spoken known only to the two women and the Force as Amelia stepped out into the light of the day.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery felt a gentle breeze brush against her as Amelia stepped closer, her presence unmistakable even before she spoke. The quiet morning was filled with the soft rustling of leaves and the distant calls of unseen creatures, but for a moment, everything else seemed to fade as Amelia leaned in to whisper.

She turned her head slightly, catching Amelia's gaze through the visor of her helm, her fiery eyes reflecting both curiosity and amusement. The corners of her lips tugged into a knowing smile, and she nodded in response. There was an unspoken understanding between the two, a bond forged through shared battles and quiet moments like this one.

"A wise idea," Valery replied softly, her voice carrying her excitement for the day ahead. She glanced out at the mountains, their jagged peaks promising new challenges and discoveries. "The mountains it is. We'll find the best vantage points and make sure this place is secure."

Valery adjusted her gear, making sure everything was in place before she stepped toward the entrance of the cave. The morning light filtered through the trees, casting shadows on the ground, and the air was crisp and invigorating. It was the perfect day for an adventure.

"Do you want to lead the way? Or do you want to follow my senses?"


Amelia had come to terms with the fleeting moments that connected the Galaxy, small interactions that existed for mere instances and were gone just as quickly as they were created. It had become a fact of her life, that each moment just over the horizon could be the end; for this, she had embraced a life of conflict, one that sought to extend the moments of others even if it cost her life. Yet, here at the very edge of the Galaxy in Wild Space, she found herself wanting to draw the moment out longer. Even as they stepped out of the cavern and into the sunlight, she found herself desiring nothing more than to remain on the planet to extend this moment, despite knowing that they would eventually need to return to Coruscant, to the Alliance, and ensure that it would stand.

As her mind wandered there was a moment of clarity when the memory of an old meeting arose to the forefront of her mind. In what seemed to have been another life so long ago, she had made an offer to those she saw as friends, those individuals she wanted to keep close. Perhaps, she thought for the moment, that same offer could be made; only to then push that thought to the back of her mind as her golden-yellow hues focused upon Valery, her ears perking up as she listened to the woman speak.

"Perhaps you can keep us out of trouble?"

Amelia spoke softly, poking fun at herself at the moment before she turned her attention to the towering trees and thick foliage that dominated the forest at the base of the mountains. Each step brought them slowly out of the groves of trees, the light beginning to become more prevalent as the canopy above became sparser until they reached the subalpine zone. As they stood at the border of the two regions, her attention slowly swept over the sparsely vegetated mountainside, her senses perking up as she looked at Valery.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery smiled at Amelia's playful remark, a soft chuckle escaping her lips as they moved through the forest together. The sunlight filtered through the thinning canopy above, casting beautiful patterns on the ground as they ascended higher into the mountains. Valery's fiery eyes were alert, scanning their surroundings, but her mind was still on the quiet moments they'd shared earlier, and the way Amelia had subtly hinted at wanting to prolong this peaceful time.

As they reached the edge of the forest and stepped into the open subalpine zone, Valery paused to take in the breathtaking view. The towering peaks loomed above them, their jagged edges cutting into the clear blue sky, while the landscape below stretched out in a tapestry of greens and browns. It was wild and untamed, much like New Cov.

Valery turned to Amelia, her expression softening. "Trouble has a way of finding us, no matter where we go," she replied with a teasing smile, "But I think we'll manage just fine together." Her tone was light, but there was a deeper meaning beneath her words. They had faced challenges before, and they would face more in the future, but there was a trust between them that made those challenges feel surmountable.

"So," Valery began as they continued their walk, "I was curious... what got you to join with the Alliance? The CIS was quite different, no?"


As they took the final steps out of the forest and crossed into the subalpine zone, Amelia brought her arm up to block the sun from her vision. Though the visor was polarized and assisted in largely mitigating the sunlight, there were still moments that required just that small additional protection. A few moments later she brought her arm down, her eyes adjusting and the visor shifting slightly to better protect against the harsh sunlight as it bounced off a few patches of snow that remained at the lower elevations. If she had to take a guess, she would have said that they arrived a month or so into the spring cycle on the planet.

Amelia nodded quietly, unable to argue with the statement. The Alliance had largely been unattentive when it was caught off guard by the Invasion of the Deep Core; trouble had indeed, found them. Keeping her attention on Valery, she came to a simple realization, it had been years, many long years, since she'd trusted an individual as much as she was the Jedi Grandmaster. It was an odd feeling, yet, it was a welcomed one, to know that even if the world was being overtaken, she would have someone at her back to ensure that the world wouldn't overtake her. The thought alone brought a smile to her lips as they continued making their way along a natural game trail that cut along the lower foothills of the mountain.

"It was different, more so than most people gave it credit for. Too many were focused on the upper echelon and vilifying the Exarchs and Vicelord to see the good that was being done."

She remembered those days all too well, and how often the word Sith had been thrown about when it came to the Vicelord. Amelia, for her part, had not cared either way if the Vicelord had been a Sith, Jedi, or any other name of the dozens of Force Sects that existed. What she saw, what drew her to the Confederacy of Independent Systems in the first place was the order and stability it brought to an otherwise chaotic region.

"Before I came to the Alliance, I had gone to others, seeking a place in the Galaxy. Oddly enough, it was the Sith Order that put me on the path of joining the Alliance."

Amelia stopped for a moment, her attention falling fully upon Valery as she let out a soft chuckle. The people the Alliance were fighting at this moment on the other side of the Galaxy had been the ones that provided the Alliance with one of their greatest assets...



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery listened closely as Amelia spoke, her fiery gaze softening with curiosity and understanding. The contrast between their pasts — Valery's deep-rooted connection to the Jedi and Amelia's experiences within the Confederacy — made their bond all the more fascinating.

"It's interesting how our paths are shaped by unexpected forces," Valery said with a smile. "The Sith leading you toward the Alliance feels almost ironic, but it's also a reminder that we often find strength and direction in the least expected places."

Valery paused, letting the gravity of Amelia's words settle in. "What was it about the Sith Order that had you turn to us?" She suspected the chaos they caused within the Outer Rim, and the Alliance being a direct force of opposition against it. But perhaps there was more to the story, so Valery was eager to hear more about it.

"Either way, I'm glad it led you here," she added, her voice softening. "We're stronger together, especially now, with everything happening across the Galaxy."

Valery turned her gaze toward the path ahead, letting the cool mountain breeze brush through her dark hair. "Now, do you think we'll encounter more trouble up here, or will we get to enjoy this peaceful moment a little longer?" She grinned, teasing as they ventured deeper into the wilderness.


Stepping forward, Amelia offered a smile as she closed the short distance between the two. The question that was brought forward was something that even she struggled with answering at times. What had been the cause for her to walk away from the Sith Order, to essentially, turn her back to those that she had served with and alongside in the Confederacy of Independent Systems that had found a new home on Jutrand? As she took a few moments to ponder on the question and formulate an answer, she continued to close the short distance with Valery until she was standing next to the Jedi, her fingers lightly brushing against the back of Valery's hand.


Amelia finally responded, her mind racing as the memories poured in from the darkest corners as she thought back on the short moments she had spent with the Sith. Simply put, what she was seeking, what she had been seeking, did not and could not exist within the Sith.

"I sought to serve, to protect those that could not protect themselves. The Sith, by their nature, do not know how to serve beyond the service of their interest."

A small laugh slipped from her lips as she shifted her attention away from Valery, her golden-yellow hues falling upon the peaks that loomed high above the duo. She watched as the wind whipped over the peaks, sending snow fluttering and spraying into the air before slowly falling back towards the ground. Pulling her attention back toward the Jedi, the small smile remained beneath her helm, and in some manner, Amelia lamented being incapable of standing in the sun and having to hide her features away.

"I founded a group called The Ashen Guard. Its purpose in the Sith Order was to protect the Empress, though not necessarily the Emperor or the Sith Order itself. It sought not to gather power for itself, it sought to protect those deemed important. I understood that its purpose could not truly meld with the thoughts and purpose of the Sith. I turned my back on those I called friends for so long because it was what the people needed."

Her attention once more strayed as she seemed to stare into the distance before shaking her head and freeing herself of the entrapment of memories and thoughts.

"It's what the Galaxy needed."

Amelia said softly, almost whispering it before she stepped forward, her hand brushing lightly against Valery's side as she moved along the trail. For the moment the other thoughts and questions would go unanswered as Amelia attempted to refocus herself on the task at hand rather than dwelling upon the past.



Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery felt a warmth spread through her chest as Amelia closed the distance between them, their hands briefly brushing. Her fiery gaze softened as she listened intently to Amelia's reflections on service, a quiet understanding settling in her heart. It was a profound revelation — Amelia's desire to protect had driven her away from the Sith, despite the bonds she had formed within their ranks.

"I understand," Valery said softly, turning her gaze toward the snowy peaks. "You walked away from power to serve something greater, something the Sith could never truly understand." Her voice carried admiration, a deep respect for the choices Amelia had made.

As Amelia continued along the trail, her hand brushing lightly against Valery's side, the Jedi Master followed close behind, her mind briefly drifting to thoughts of the future. Together, they were strong, and their shared sense of purpose was what allowed them to keep going.

After a brief pause, Valery caught up and, with a teasing smile, added, "For now, let's stay focused on the path ahead, though. It could get dangerous~" She nudged Amelia gently before stepping forward, her eyes scanning their surroundings for potential threats as they ventured deeper into the mountains.


Amelia nodded quietly in agreement, though when she was lightly nudged by Valery, she playfully stumbled before righting herself as they continued on the path along the mountains. Her golden-yellow hues fell upon the Jedi once more for a moment, admiring her before forcing herself to once more focus on the task at hand. As they continued to ascend the slope of the foothills, she remained alert, keeping a careful watch as they crest a small rise that flattened out into an Alpine meadow.


She whispered, her attention slowly slipping over the grass and flowers before settling on a small herd of Mesa Groat that were currently grazing at the far end near a cut at the foot of the mountains. Golden-yellow hues slowly shifted over the small meadow, taking a moment to take stock of the discovery before she stepped forward, crossing from the rocky hillside onto the grass-covered alpine retreat. Kneeling, she lightly pressed her gauntlet against the dirt, her fingers splaying out into the grass before she looked up and noticed the shimmering water of a small pond tucked away in the corner of the meadow.

"This wouldn't be too bad of a location for a camp or watch tower."

Amelia said before she turned to face the path that they had just ascended. Her attention fell over the steep slope and the rugged trail that they had barely managed to cut out along the side. The area was difficult to reach and provided a commanding view of the surrounding foothills, as well as the treeline below.


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