THE Wookie Jedi
Is this an ability used by anyone and can someone maybe teach me this?
Yes but not all, do.Darth Sinna said:[member="sabrina"]
Nearly all sith in canon obtain the dark side corruption of yellowed eyes and slightly paled skin.
This being why "not all" do.Darth Praelior said:A darkside mask is an alchemy/sorcery skill for hiding the corrupting power of the darkside.
An example of this being false is Anakin's fall to the dark side. He had not used the dark side of the force at all, it was his actions and his fall to the dark side in terms of morality that caused his physical change. The usage of the force itself doesn't mean anything, the force apparently corrupts you as you synergize with it rather than just using it.Darth Veles said:The way I understand is that the more you use the Dark Side, the more it shows. If you use it carelessly, it will corrupt your body. So you can either balance it with the LS, use Force mask or buy a large package of Napalmex that will purge all filth from your body and leave you with scent of roses. Plus you will get a plastic figure of Darth Shara for free!
Not so much morals as the change in your way of thinking. I, for example, can do good things and still be evil - in fact I can do small things that seem neutral in the short term, but in the long term become heinously evil even to those whom are evil.Darth Veles said:So you say the corruption is caused by a change of morals? Not like it matters, Veles will not show signs of it either way
[member="Darth Sinna"]
This is why there are cybernetics and biots that can hold you together.Darth Vornskr said:The Dark Side will eventually deform your physical body.
The earliest sign is the pale pigmentation of the skin and the sulfuric irises, but eventually it'll continue to worsen and worsen.
Kaine's body is being devoured by his own power, and eventually his body will be used up and crumble to dust.
There is a lightside variant of force lightning known as Force Judgement, that is how they get away with that. As for the Memory Walk (Torture by Chagrin) - it has only been used by a single "light sider", that being Cade Skywalker, but he has a god-like ability to heal and reverse apparently all things and even revive the dead. Naturally he could remove his own dark side corruption.Darth Veles said:I guess everyone has their opinion, as I have seen many explanations what causes the body to become corrupt by the Dark Side. But how to explain some Jedi using Dark Side powers as Force lightning and Torture by Chagrin and showing no DS corruption? I never understood how those can have their signatures shine like a lighthouse when they actively use the Dark Side.
[member="Darth Sinna"]