Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hi's and Bye's

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
[member="Macoda Haberon"]

So you're the scallywag who's been trying to steal my job as Queen's pilot! Prepare to prove your flying skills in a dangerous and pointless manner if Bradshaw ever catches wind lol.

Other than that, welcome aboard and congratulations for finding the best group of RPrs on the site :D
[member="Bradshaw Ku"]

Oh you wanna bet boy? Last time Darlyn lost his temper he crushed the neck of an alien dog-raptor thing on bespin. And he barely knew what he was doing back then, and much weaker.

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
Don't know in what context [member="Darlyn Excron"] did that, but considering he doesn't consistently lose his s**t when anything upsetting happens (which would obviously be terrible for a head of security lol), I'd say Bradshaw might have him beat on that front.

However, I'm more talking about frequency of temper, rather than severity. Brashaw has so far only really made a mess, so I wouldn't be surprised if Darlyn does a lot more damage when he's mad.

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Bradshaw Ku"]

I may have thrown two protocol droids against the wall so hard they broke, probably in a lovely shower of parts.

Yeah, Brad wins in frequency, but Darlyn certainly boils over a lot more when the bursting point comes. Side note [member="Lady Kay"], I'm assuming that Darlyn's laid bare a few of his concerns with Kay by this point. Since it does technically take place after the cave in thread, presumably.
Bradshaw Ku said:
[member="Macoda Haberon"]

Good, haha, because Bradshaw has a lot more experience piloting ships than he does fighting on them.
Piloting them straight into the ground perhaps...

You'll be lucky if Cillian lets you back on the Vagabond.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Yes [member="Bradshaw Ku"] has had a few temper tantrums. [member="Darlyn Excron"] is usually a bit more contained.

And yes Darlyn, this does take place after the cave-in thread

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