Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hoist the Colors and set Sail! (Expeditionary Fleet/Open)


The Darkness feeds me
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

Tyranus looks back down at his foot and grimaces in pain. Luckily he survived but at a cost. Tyranus couldn't believe that he lost his left foot but he was glad he was alive. He began to calm down as the last of his wounds were patched up and he began to breath slowly but sill deeply. He sighed in pain and continued to have his eyes closed. He opened them and looked around, his vision blurry from the sudden pain and he sighed again.
"Sorry mate, I haven't ever had the chance to learn Force Healing." He reach out and yanked the knife out before reaching out though the Force to stem the blood and hold everything in place, "But I do know enough to get the knife out safely." Reaching into his pouch he pulled out bacta pacts, gauze, thread and a sterile needle contained in a pack. He set work a quickly as he dared. First he used the bacta, sealing up the trauma done to Venris's insides. After he had done what he could he opened the pack containing the needle and started to sew the wound closed. Once done he wrapped the wound using the gauze. "Okay, you should be good. Just don't go pulling that side if you can. Now, c'mon. Lets check on the others."

[member="Venris Helion"] [member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Tyranus Collik"]
[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] [member="Tyranus Collik"]

Venris nodded and glanced towards Vassara and Tyranus, seeing that the latter had lost his entire foot. Somehow Venris couldn't help but find that to be morbidly amusing in some twisted way, though he would never voice such a thought out loud. "Well...on the bright side, we've won ourselves a warehouse full of goods from this little skirmish."
[member="Venris Helion"] [member="Tyranus Collik"] [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] [member="Daniel Imura"]

Location: Outside the Warehouse
Vassara's leg was still wounded slightly but she ignored the pain. With a grunt she kneeled down and lifted Tyranus up onto her shoulders. Slowly she picked her way through the remianing crowd of men. Most of the pirates had been slain or fled and dark side presence was strong in this area. Vassara sighed.
So much for being a Jedi today. Still she had achieved a few small victories over her passion. She was learning to temper it, slowly.
Without a word she entered the warehouse and laid Tyranus down on the crates, making a makeshift bed for him. Then she emerged, nodding to Zavzen, Daniel and Venris.
The townspeople leader approached now, his face scruffy and wearing old tattered leather vesting.
"We helped you, now help us."
"What else do you seek? Who is the ruling power here anyways?"
The Pirate laughed.
"There is none to speak of. The hutts have moved in and raised tarrifs, recruiting a few crews to help their plans along."
Vassara rasied an eyebrow.
"What plans?"
"They have ascertained a source of Phrik and have been mining it for some time now. I think they used our taxes to do it. Here, I managed to sneak a map off one of their enforcers who was drunk at the tavern. It contains the location of the mines. Inside here is liable to be our hard earned goods, and some of that there phrik."
"You're talking in circles now pirate. What do you want? We control the warehouse now. I'll lower your taxes to five percent, but we retain the warehouse and the docking rights to the island. Deal?"
The pirate hemmed and hawed, his men gathered round now in a circle. Vassaras eyes darted about and she felt a pang of dread. She desperately needed to avoid another fight. Especially as two of her men were wounded. A Wardens duty to her crew came before all else.
"Deal. We wish to control the phrik and remove the hutts. Do this and we will be eternally in your debt."
"Excellent. I'll consult the crew, also do you possess any healers here? We need one."
"Aye I know of a Witch somewhere in town. I'll send her your way."
"Good, have your men go to the Red Beards Tavern. My crew took it over. Your welcome to have a drink or two, but don’t demolish the reserves."
Vassara retreated inside the warehouse now. She found a place on a nearby crate and settled down, waiting for the witch to arrive. The day had grown long and it was time to rest. If they could heal up, the last legs of the journey could begin.


The Darkness feeds me
[member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Venris Helion"] [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]
Tyranus breathed deeply and then sighed as he laid on the crates, a hint of frustration showing on his face. He leaned back on the crates and turned his back to the group trying to keep his mind on thinking rather then on the pain in his leg. He breathed deeply again and then focused again on thinking. He couldn't believe that now he lost his left foot will, at least he didn't lose all of his leg or his other arm but it still was the most pain he had ever felt since he lost his arm. He brought his lightsaber to him and then looked about the silver lightsaber shaft, he held it tightly in his hand and then reached to his neck and pulled out a silver necklace. It was similar to a Military Dog Tag but at the end of it was a Custom carved Mandalorion symbol made out of pure silver with a Mandalorion metal outlining painted in blue. He put his lightsaber to his belt and held his necklace tightly in his hand and he closed his eyes.
[member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Tyranus Collik"] [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]

Venris walked over to where Vas and Tyranus were, now feeling a good deal better thanks to Zevzan's medical assistance. "Well...that went well for the most part." He signed and leaned against a wall close by. "We can get Tyranus a prosthetic foot , probably could sell some of the stuff in here to pay for it too, after that....going up against the Hutts doesn't sound too out of the way for us, considering our general disposition towards their kind."

Venris glanced towards Zavzen. "Oh, and Zav here can help you all out with any minor injuries like he did with me....heck, I'd probably be dead right now if he hadn't come in when he did. I shouldn't have let my guard down."

After a few moments of silence Venris felt the lingering presence of the darkness swell all around the group, spreading like some infection in the aftermath of the battle. He looked over at Vassara, noting how her mood seemed to have taken a down turn despite their victory. "Vas....are you alright?"
@Tyranus Collik @Zavzen Sae'ryx [member="Venris Helion"]

"I'm not sure. We took over most of the island, but at what price? What does this place hold for us anyways?"

Blood had been paid. The Dark side was knocking at the door and now more than ever she could feel a growing rage building. she wanted to hurt something or someone and badly. The day was almost over now and the sun was setting in the bay.

"But we must continue, I don't know why, but I have this feeling we have to."

She sat back just as a knock at the door came.

Vassaras hand drew her pistol rapidly aiming towards the door.


The door creaked open and there stood the Witch. She was tall, taller than most. Black cloak and glowing eyes. The force felt very odd about her, not Sith or Jedi, but oddly maligned. Almost as if she ought not to exist. Vassara looked her over and lowered the revolver, letting her head tilt back. As she walked over to Tyranus she kept a close eye on the situation.
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

Venris tensed as he saw the Witch, unable to make anything of her from his prior knowledge. She did not appear to be aligned with Bogan, or the dark side, from what his senses told him, but neither was she attuned to Ashla, the light, as the Jedi were. This witch was an unknown, and her very presence put him on edge.

"I suppose that you are the Witch that the citizens spoke of," He said, managing to sound polite at the very least. "Thank you for taking the time to come here. My friends are in dire need of healing."
[member="Venris Helion"] [member="Tyranus Collik"] [member="Vassara Raxis"]

Zavzen was sat meditating off to the side while everything was happening, dead to the world, trying to regain the energy he had lost. He only looked up when he heard Venris talk. "You know, I could probably forge Tyranus a new foot." He said once he heard what had happened to his friend. Zavzen, to, was surprised when started to feel Bogan swirl around the Captain. He was about to ask when he felt an unusual Force Presence making its way closer, at a guess he would say that it was the witch, non the less though his hand came to rest on Reaper's hilt, ready to attack if necessary.
[member="Tyranus Collik"] [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] [member="Venris Helion"]

Vassara watched with an idle eyes as the cloaked woman made her way towards Tyrnaus. She opened her palms, which bore strange runes carved in scars on them. For a second she almost regretted letting this woman in and then bolted from the crate, raising her pistol again.


"Yes?" She whispered, neither turning nor flinching. Her hands still remained over Tyranus foot and chest wound. Vassara felt the air around her crackle with a strange arcane energy. Venris misgivings manifested as waves of fear in the force, crashing through her with the mixed sensations. Light battled unknown energies which vied for dominance over the growing darkside in her soul.

"If you harm us in any way, or trick us....I will kill you. Jedi or no!"

The Witch chukled, not responding and simply continued her movement of her hands over the wounds. As she spoke she bgean a whipering chant, a spell of some sort. Vassara felt the magics in the room, as if the earth itself was melding with the void and calling forth a wave of arcan power into her grasp. Her eyes glowed green more furiously now and the wounds of the Mando began to suddenly stitch themselves shut in rapid fashion.

The process was rather quick, and something told Vassara she had healed many wounds.

Next she moved to the far end of the room, repeating the same process with Venris. But something was off. As a Spacer she had keen ear for sounds and the inflections of her tone did not match her first spell. Vassara felt a twinge of panic and suddenly felt a crashing prickle in the back of her mind. She was paralysed and unable to respond.

In fact she was no longer even in the room.

It was dark and the mists of the void were swirling around her. Vassara had no weapons, no clothes. She stood in a timeless, nameless dimension, the force far far away from her grasp. Then she appeared. The Witch, slowly gliding over the surface of the fog, black cloak flowing behind her.

Her face still was shrouded except for those eyes, those piercing green eyes.....

"Who are you, where have you taken me!" She roared. This had to be some Sith trickery.

"Who I am is not important Vassara of the Raxis famiy. It is who you are that is a shatterpoint in this galaxy."

Vassaras eyes flared with rage. Despite the anxiety and anger within her, the force was oddly errant.

"Do not try to resist me as my time is short and I have no use for your petty squabbles Vassara. Know this, we are everywhere and nowhere. At this exact moment, you are fully conscious and alert, standing in the same room as me and all your friends. Your conscious however is deep inside your mind."

"This is ridiculous, release me at once!"

"Not until I've had my say. You claim yourself to be a Jedi. A robin hood rogue who steals from the rich, gives to the poor and defends the meek. This is a lie, you are no Jedi."

Vassara clenched her jaw, muscles tightening.

"You're lying, how would you even know. I am sworn to uphold the Jedi code."

"'You are sworn to uphold a dogma created by those who have no understanding of forces both deep beneath and above the relative dimension you mortals perceive as the force. I am the oracle of the force, as you would call it. A rogue Nightsister, exiled by my clan and sacrificed to destroy things many would keep a secret. I see the past, the present the future and in between."

Despite her rage she was unable to fathom such a thing. She could feel the clock of her mind ticking as the woman spoke.

"Then tell me witch, what is my future?"

"Your future is what you make of it Raxis. I will garner you this detail. You are no Jedi, despite what you may believe. Neither are you a Sith, Je'daii or Witch. You are something different altogether. Your birth has set in motion things that cannot be undone. In the end, you will fall, and your death shall be a turning point for the galaxy."

"Death is not a comforting subject for me, your talking in riddles witch."

The witch cackled.

"As I have told you, you are not a Jedi. Beware that which you seek. You hate the Sith, despite your numerous attempt to control your passion, it will be your undoing. You have only two paths ahead of you. One is already behind. You will be powerful, you will move the galaxy in your own way. Yet in the end what your passion seeks will destroy you. If you continue your current path, you risk becoming the things you most despise in this galaxy. If you should choose to tread another path, all paths will lead to the close. In the end I will be there, but for now....I will be watching."

Vassara felt a needling prick and roared in pain. Her head began to burn as she felt the powers of the woman imprint her very soul. Her force connection was seared, turned red hot. Her body was racked with pain and ecstasy at the same time. A small spiral was beginning to form in her flesh, scarring the tissue.

It was a mark. A way for the Witch to track her though space and through time. This must have been what she was waiting for. As the mark grew, the witch began to subside, her presence diminishing.



Not a second had passed. The Witch was still chanting, healing Venris and Vassara stood there, eyes still steely, looking down the barrel of her sights. She was not sure what had happened. Obviously since time had stopped no one else had noticed her odd shift in the spectrum. Or had they. Had they too been marked or had she appeared, offering some unknown truth to them?

Either way she did not intend to share her experience. Not quite yet....
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

Venris could sense Vassara's unease after the Witch was finished healing Tyranus. When the strange woman approached him to heal his wound he held up one hand. "My injury was already treated, thank you, but-"

He froze as she rested her hands on his side, the feeling of the Witch's mysterious energies flooding his entire body, occupying every pore, flowing through every vein and digging into every bone. To anybody else it would have lasted for barely a second, but to was so much longer. His body did not respond to any of his commands, his lungs ached as they cried out for oxygen, a chill ran up his spin and down every limb like his body had been filled with liquid mercury. His eyes rolled back into his head, and then darkness closed in around him.

Just like she had done with Vassara, the Witch had torn Venris away from the world he knew, the world of the living. He was drifting naked in the void, unable to feel or perceive anything, to move or cry out. He could still feel the universe as he knew it off in the distance, like a distant and fading beacon of hope in the darkness. A choked noise escaped from his throat as the Witch, in a repeat of before (even if Venris didn't know it), slowly melted out of the shadows and became all too clear in his vision, coming closer to him as he tried to will himself to move, to fight this...

But his muscles were stiff as steel, and not even the call of the Force reached him in this nightmare world that the Witch had taken him to.

"Who...what are you?" Venris whispered, receiving only the shadow of a smile that only served to aggravate the frightened Je'daii. "ANSWER ME!"

The Witch raised one finger, setting it on his lips to silence him, and Venris now could not even speak or tear his eyes away from the monster before him. "What is the reason for your being what YOU are...what YOU shall become, Venris...son of Talo, scion of House Helion. Fallen Jedi...lost wanderer in the dark."

She drew away from him. "I have no patience for your anger, boy, so hear my words clearly and mark them, for I shall not repeat myself. You turned your back on one Code and choose to bind yourself to one or another, claiming that it shall lead you to your path in life. Jedi, Je'daii, rogue, matter what you decide on however you shall never reach the end of that path alive."

Venris' spine began to arch, his body contorting as a strangled noise of pain escaped from him. Something was on his back. Something was digging its claws into him! Burning him!

"You shall remain a bystander, a watcher, a witness to the events that shape your galaxy and your universe....but you shall only ever witness from the shadows where you will tread." The Witch cooed, one finger stroking the side of his face as black markings crawled across his back like spiders, taking up everything between and below his shoulders and above his waistline. "But this need not be your damnation. The choice will be given to you in time, the chance to escape your fate shall present itself when the final light goes out."

She leaned in and grasped his face in one hand as the pain faded, forcing him to look her in the eyes. "The path you so desire will lead you to death and beyond, through realms that will scar and corrupt you, force you to suffer and die; but what comes at the end of that path depends solely on your own actions, your own resolve and strength." The Witch released him, letting Venris drop as the marking faded from view, still present but concealed from any form of observation known to mortal minds.

"Why...would you tell me this?" Venris coughed. "What do you have to gain from my fate? Why would you warn me of what lays in store?"

The Witch chuckled softly. "Poor deluded child...this is no warning, it is fact. Regardless of whether you succeed or fail, whether you escape your destiny or are confined to it, whichever path you tread I shall be there waiting for you at its end...and until you arrive there...I shall be watching."

Venris opened his eyes, and not a moment had passed since the Witch had healed his wound and moved on. He released a breath, unable to even collapse to his knees due to every joint in his body being locked. He stared at the wall ahead of him, a blank expression that betrayed no emotion on his face. For all any other bystanders cared he may as well have looked like his usual self. He even felt normal for the burning on his back, cold yet hot like many lightsabers carving into him.

The young rogue exhaled and managed to somehow set himself down on a crate to recover from the traumatic vision he had been plunged into. He shut his eyes and bowed his head, hunching over and leaning his forehead into his folded hands while his elbows rested on his legs, propping his forearms up. On any other day Venris would have been visibly distressed, screaming and shouting or even waving a weapon at the Witch after what he just saw...but he was oddly...calm, like something prevented him from expressing the stress and terror that had built up during the Witch's conversation with him.

One last thing struck him as odd...he knew what was on his back. He just knew what it was. He knew that it was a mark to keep track of him as she had promised she would, and no matter how far he went or how long he ran she could find him again.

But the dread of seeing this Witch again did not come close to the dread of what lay in store for him, if he words were to be believed...and he knew they were.


The Darkness feeds me
[member="Vassara Raxis"]
Tyranus felt a burning sensation while his wound were healed and he tried to sit up but stopped when his head started to hurt badly and when the fluids in his stomach began to churn. He faced the others and just continued to lay their while he continued to grip his necklace in his hand tightly but not tight enough for sweat to form along his palm. Tyranus breathed deeply and then closed his eyes and just laid their, breathing evenly but still deeply and a bit hazed and staggered. He looked towards the witch feeling a strange force from her but he ignored it, anybody who didn't attack him or his allies he pretty much trusted. His mandalorion helmet laid by the crate along with his mandalorion armor, all he was wearing was his black tanktop and some armored pants.
[member="Venris Helion"] [member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Tyranus Collik"]

Zavzen sat at the back of the room, watching as the witch first healed Tyranus then Venris, tense. He had felt something through the Force twice now and it seemed to originate from the Witch and tie itself the Vassara and Venris. They did not seem harmed but when he had reached out with his weak Empathy skills, he had found the two to be in the centre of a maelstrom of emotions and feelings that seemed to blend together and create a mental atmosphere of pure chaos. As such, while he hadn't drawn his sword, his hand had been getting progressively tighter on the hilt.

As the witch seemed to turn to leave, Zavzen relaxed his muscles minutely but kept his guard up. Even with his preparation though he wasn't ready when he felt something emerge from the witch's aura and link with his. Nor was he ready for his world to fade before being replaced by a black nothingness that surrounded him on all sides. The witch soon appeared in front of him. He looked around himself in a curious manner, "Fascinating. I take it that this is the representation of a mental link between us? I reminds me of my training with Alexandra."

"Indeed." The witch said before returning to staring at him, which Zavzen was all to glad to return, waiting for her to make the next move. "Zavzen Sae'ryx, a slave. A fighter, an explorer, a defender, you are all those but a slave you still are." For some reason hearing these words made Zavzen's anger suddenly jump to the surface. Growling, he fought to control his anger, there was no need to let it consume him and control his actions.


"You have tied yourself to your past, it holds you back, chains you down." The witch let out a cackle that sent a shiver down the zabrak's spine. "And you hate to be held back, don't you dear? You hate it but you let it happen!" The witch stepped forwards and ran a finger down his left cheek, crossing over his scars. "You let it define you, you make it your image." Again he witch cackled.

"Enough!" Zavzen suddenly bellowed, annoyance bubbling beneath his voice. "If you ave pulled me here to insult me, to tear into me, we might as well return, Witch! I have no need to hear what you speak!"

"Oh, but you do, but you do, if you wish to survive you illness."

Zavzen snorted, "I'll survive. I already know this. You seem to delight in trying to speak riddles, but you are wrong all the same."

This time the witch snorted, "We both know that your body will survive, but not your mind. Even now you feel it pulling at your mind, don't you? Trying to alter what you see, what you hear, what you think. We both know that you prise your mind, the only thing that you have when you were a physical slave, boy."

Zavzen swallowed, trying to calm himself before he realised what was causing his emotions to go so wild. Reaching into himself through the Force he stopped himself from feeling the emotions around him, something he hadn't stopped doing from when he had checked up on his two friends. Zavzen swallowed again. "Why do you tell me this?"

"I tell you to tell you, slave!" The witched cackled once again. She reached out and ran three fingers over the scars on his face. Immediately he felt them burn. To him it felt like someone had lain molten metal on top of his wounds, it felt like someone was whipping away his skin, it felt like something was burrowing its way into his very skin. It hurt! He collapsed to the floor, curled up in a fetal position, clutching at his face. He more felt than heard the witch move until she was crouched over the top of his. He soon felt her breathe on his ear as she whispered to him.

With a suddenness that surprised him, Zavzen was back sitting where he had been before being sent into the metal realm. He was disorientated from both the sudden lack of pain and change of scenery. He glared at the witch across the room with a viciousness that surprised him. Taking a deep breathe, Zavzen let himself relax, now he understood what Vassara and Venris had felt. Knowledge was in his head, knowledge he hadn't had before. That whatever that pain had been, it would allow the witch to observe him, to track him. As he stared at the witch he let what she had said to him echo around his head.

"It would be a shame to lose one such as you, who understands hardship and suffering and fights against it, to the darkness you let in. Stay a slave and you will be consumed. And remember this: 'Once you know what you seek, let the gasses, not light, guide you!"


The Darkness feeds me
[member="Vassara Raxis"]
Suddenly, Tyranus found himself in a dark foggy room with the witch right in front of him. He looked around, perplexed by his surroundings and then he looked towards the witch and began to speak. He crossed his arms as he began to speak.

Why are you doing this, Witch?

The witch stares up towards Tyranus, a slight smirk on her face. She grumbles something under her breath and then she begins to speak with her voice raspy but with a hint of dread.

Tyranus, Fighter, Gladiator, Slave and a coward! You ran from your brother at the time of need and as for Karma will, it took it's toll on you and you.........Will always be a Slave! Being held down by the chains of your past and being dragged into a pit in which you will never escape from or flee from unless you release your past to one you trust, Vassara!

Tyranus stood perplexed by the Witch's speech. Soon, his eyes darted and he looked straight into the Witch's eyes without a hint of doubt in his eyes or mind. Tyranus began to speak back to the witch with rage in his voice.

Who are you to say I'm a coward!! I was not a coward I saved hundreds of people at the expense of twenty family, I did what was necessary to save most other then a select FEW!

The Witch chuckled slightly before responding to Tyranus still the tone of dread in her voice but with less of a raspy tune.

You Child! In the near future you will die, I have foreseen it and in the processes of death your brother, Krell will also die once and for all when then, out of the flames a sith shall appear, one more sinister then palpetine, even more powerful then all darth lords combined for............he came from the Ancient Sith Empire and he still lives to this day!

The Witch paused to breath and add to affect before continuing her statement.

Although, you might survive your death and in the moment of need you shall return to your fellow crew members but they won't believe your alive. Also, Soon very Soon you will reveal your past for your brother shall appear and in the time of need, you will be blinded by your ignorance and past!

Tyranus fell to his hands and knees breathing deeply, like the words the witch carried had much weight to them pressing down upon Tyranus pushing him down to the ground. Tyranus began to speak again breathing deeply and with a slight weaker tone then before and a more raspier tone.

You LIE! Why do you tell me these things If I will die!

The witch chuckled again and showed a grin before responding to his question.

I tell you this for your have a part to play in the destiny of the galaxy.......One that will carry weight to it for generations and generations to COME!

Suddenly the scene vanished before him and he looked around and then towards the witch, wondering if all of that was real or a illusion of the witch. He breathed deeply before setting his head back down upon the crates and he closed his eyes again trying to clear his mind while continuing to hold his mandalorion necklace tightly.
[member="Tyranus Collik"] [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] [member="Venris Helion"]

The Next Day:
Part III
Vassara had woken and grabbed her usual cup of stim caf. As the group muddled about the warehouse and the town she had acquired several speeders. They were old and rusty, but those were the best kind to take into the jungle. After all shiny new speeders broke down fast under the gruelling conditions.

"Alright guys gather up."

Vassara drew a map in the sand of the intelligence the townsfolk had passed to her. The hutts were at the facility some where out in the jungle. They had several layers of defences and buccaneers with old fashioned swords and slugthrowers roving.

"We have the main camp here. That's where the guards all live. We have the facility here." She marked another section of the square.

"This is where they store the phrik and the drills. The whole thing is encased in log walls with stun wire atop. The inner section contains the offices, the outer, the mining shafts. We're going in quiet. We'll slip past the guards, move to the offices and use the controls there to turn the automatic defences against our foes."

It was a daring plan, but times called for it. She could only imagine the power they could wield with a fully operational phrik mine.

[member="Vassara Raxis"]

Zavzen looked over the map again, trying to see if there was any other way that the task could be completed, he liked to look over all of his options. A minute later he nodded, coming to the conclusion that Vassara's plan was the best possible choice for getting the job done quick and easy, along with a low chance of further injuries or deaths among the group.

"Well, I have two question. One, from which angle are we going to attack from?" Zavzen let a feral smirk cross his lips, "And two, when do we start?"
[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] [member="Vassara Raxis"]

"If need be I could sneak ahead and clear out some of the guards discretely," Venris offered. "Or at least scout out their patrol routes and spot any unexpected surprises. These Hutts are crafty, and they like to modify their property quite often based on my experience with their outposts." He was checking over every one of his blades, set out across a nearby table and making sure each was clean and sharp, ready for cutting.

This whole operation reminded Venris of...pretty much every mission he had been givene to infiltrate some base for a rival client. It may have been to free someone, kill someone or plant a bomb but all those times Venris had been alone. Now he had to operate with a team...not that he considered that bad of course, but it might take some adjusting.
[member="Tyranus Collik"] [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] [member="Venris Helion"]

Vassara nodded to them all.

"We will attack from the southwest corner. Venris can slip over the walls, and we'll provide cover. Venris will go in on the northwest side. We'll draw them by making some large explosions, maybe shooting a bit. Then we'll fall back and harass."

Vassara was master at deception by now. Contrary to the Jedi code she'd had to lie and cheat her way out of many situations. She welcomed this. A chance to finally do some good, even at the cost of blood on their hands. If the blood was of practical slavers, she felt justified.

"So let's move then."

She mounted her speeder and kicked the engine crank, letting it roar to life. They were loud which was perfect. The chaos would give Vernis his shot and judging how he had handled the snipers at the Warehouse, he'd do just right.

"Remember Venris, get those defences turned and then we can come in and take the hutts!"

One last check and she nodded. Roaring off into the jungle...
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

Venris mounted his own speeder bike and took off after Vassara, only to split off from the group as they neared the target destination. He abandoned his bike and moved on foot after that, darting silently through the bushes and keeping wary of any traps or patrols that might be out past the perimeter wall. He finally spotted the perimeter wall while sliding into place behind a tree and analyzed it for proper hand holds and places where he could easily climb over without causing himself any trouble.

Seeking a better view, Venris climbed the tree and, while fixed to the trunk, analyzed the compound using his bird's eye view. He planted himself on a thick branc, carefully balancing on it while standing up and began to move closer towards the edge, preparing to leap through the air and propel himself over the wall when the time was right...

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