Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra sighed and let her shoulders drop, seeing that Krest was finished behind Vulpesen and she smiled as she straightened up.

Her feet carried her over to vulpesen reaching up and moving to ruffle his hair if she could, smiling as she stood there and looked at his eyes. "Im bored now anyways fox brains, try not to tire yourself out too much. Just had to make sure Krest was telling the truth and that he was." She paused for a moment, looking at Vulp's face a few seconds longer before blinking and feeling something extremely familiar. A certain person walking up the stairs and appearing in her garden again, someone who did still remain in the tree even as Krest removed his portion.

Alexandra looked at the woman and for a moment her hand remained where it had been on Vulp's head but then it dropped and she smiled wide. What happened next was not remotely what one would expect from the grandmaster of a jedi order, but from Alexandra? Well, it was something anyone who knew her would see coming, including her target.

"Son of a queen..." Is all she said under her breath before letting her feet carry her over to [member="Minna"], turning into a run very quickly and as she reached Minna, she barely slowed down, crashing into her and hugging her, forgetting caution. Her arms squeezing the woman tight as she hugged her.

[member="Jairdain"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Krest"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"]
Abigail had done enough hiding by now. She had hoped that observing these people would answer her questions but she had found out that observing them only gave her more. She felt horribly out of place, yet it wasn't enough to stop her now.

So, after taking a deep breath, she wandered out of the bushes, trying to walk and act as casual as possible in the hopes that it would make her blend in, while in reality, it made her stand out quite a bit.

She didn't dare glance towards [member="Vulpesen"] , as she didn't know what the man was capable of in his current state of... emotional irrationality.

She intended to wander past the man, her mind set on getting towards the tree. She had heard a lot of talk about it, even through whispers in the wind. She didn't know what it was exactly they required of the tree, but Abigail was eager to find out for herself, so she continued to move forward.

[member="Alexandra Feanor"] seemed to have... tackled another person Abby had not yet seen here. At least that probably meant the path to the tree was clear. Clear-ish, anyway.
There were things at play here Abigail didn't understand, and she couldn't take that. She needed to know what this was all about. There was some odd feeling inside her, pushing her to... do something she had yet to understand.

[member="Jairdain"] [member="Krest"] [member="Minna"]
As Alex walked forward, Vulpesen didn't impede her, sensing that the threat had passed. "Not a complaint or worry you've ever voiced before." Despite his cheeky tone, he still grumbled a bit as she ruffled his hair, the locks having grown quite a bit longer since they had last met. Then, while Alex hadn't managed to so much as wrinkle his coat, there was a sudden presence that knocked him blindsided. Swirling around, He found himself faced to face with a ghost. "Minna..."

For a moment, he stood stunned. A moment, Alex used to leap forward and act for him, tackling Minna in a hug. Such was one of the options that was running through his mind. But with that course of action taken by another, he went with his other logical course. With Krest's mission done, and the information gained, Vulpesen approached without a weapon in hand. Stalking past Jair and ignoring any words from her mouth. Right now, he had one mission. To deliver a single right hook to the man's jaw. "Cruxi!"

[member="Abigail Meredydd"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Minna"] [member="Krest"] [member="Jairdain"]
The Zabrak had his eyes still closed, focused on his next task with removing Hel from [member="Alexandra Feanor"] once and for all. He had been preparing himself when the shadow fox stepped up beside him. There was a resounding smack as [member="Vulpesen"] 's fist connected with Krest's cheek. He had remained unmoving despite the warning signs from the Force around him screaming of danger. Krest had already said that once his task was complete he would accept any punishment deemed worthy of his crimes.

Though, it only being a punch caught him off guard. Asides from his head turning to the side from the impact he remained seated in his meditation, opening a single now blue eye to gaze at a fellow king. "Go to your wife Vulpesen. I'm going to remove Hel from h-" With his eye open he peered past the man to Alex as if to motion to her, only to see a woman he hadn't in years. His voice caught in his throat as he quickly tore his gaze away, and in a gentle whisper he spoke her name.


There was a swirl of emotion through him, guilt the most prevalent, but he had a task to do.

"Just, go to Alex. Leave me to my task." It wasn't a command, but a desperate plea from a man unwilling to show his tears to others.

[member="Jairdain"] [member="Minna"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"]
For much of things Jairdain had been nothing more than a simple observer and potential olive branch in things. She did have a purpose though and would support Krest in this matter. Not stopping the punch Vulps would give to him, she understood all too well why Krest was allowing the abuse from her friends. The two of them had already had their own confrontation when she brought him back from death.

Back then, Krest was still quite dark and Jairdain had to ensure he could no longer harm her. She had bound his will to her to an extent. Allowing him almost total freedom, but not so much that he could do anything else to her. After that night on Iridonia, they had separated until she was taken captive by Vanessa. Because of their connection, he could feel her distress and came to her rescue.

He released her after the rescue and she had returned to Commenor. Time passed and in that time, Krest had changed. Their reunion on Voss had proved to her he truly had changed. Hopefully that change would be clear to Vulps and Alex as well now. Along with the two observers she did not know yet.

Now they were no longer observers and made an appearance to the others. Jairdain's theory about the one they couldn't have sensed well was confirmed when Krest spoke her name. This single woman had been the cause of the violence that had been brought upon him. Such a great past intertwined them all together and Jairdain was one of the newest into that mix.

He had a task to do here now though and needed her help. Placing a hand of comfort on his shoulder, she gave him a slight squeeze. Connection or not, she was empathic above everything else. She felt his guilt along with that sudden mix of others. The distraction did not last long before he turned back to what he wanted to accomplish. Hoping Vulps did as Krest requested, she knew Alex was going to need all of their support very soon.

Focusing on Krest, she would attempt to empower him and reached out to Alex. She would be the bridge between the two of them. This was not something Krest himself knew how to do and Alex wouldn't allow him in even if he could.

There was nothing for her to say and did not allow anything to distract her.

[member="Krest"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Minna"]
Minna embraced her old friend warmly, looking past her to smile at [member="Vulpesen"] too. Only when Krest moved and saw her did she look more serious, but still offered him a warm look. What Krest needed to do was severe, and Minna was willing to help if it was for the greater good, yet she wanted there to be no ill-will or hostility here.

She flinched slightly as Vulpesen connected a punch with Krest's jaw, but the fact that he hadn't done much more yet stopped her from acting on it. Instead she reached out with the force, feeling her own essence inside the tree and merging with it. It had been so long since she had connected with this nexus, and even longer since they had all created it together.

"Let them help you, Alex." Minna smiled at her old master again, placing a comforting hand on her arm, whilst allowing the energy from the tree to flow through her from the other. With this calm and serene energy, she lended her power to aid [member="Jairdain"]'s and [member="Krest"]'s effort. All the while her eyes remained on Alex, holding her close and trying to ensure she was safe and calm. "You can trust us all."
Calling Alexandra his wife almost brought another blow to Krest's face, though he was spared as he seemed to at least partly correct himself. And the tone of his voice seemed to suggest that the strike might have been a bit much, given the sudden lessening in the severity of his crimes. Turning away from Krest, Vulpesen strode to Alex and [member="Minna"], and with one set task completed, focused on the other, wrapping once missing woman up in a tight hug. "By the stars, where the hell were you!?"

[member="Alexandra Feanor"]
[member="Abigail Meredydd"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra almost forgot the situation, having [member="Minna"] there after so many years, her student and friend. Someone she had missed and been without, suffering through that loneliness, the temple in disrepair Alexandra almost felt ashamed with Minna's return to its state. The Temple sure had a few working sections, but a larger portion of it was in disrepair and needed a great deal of maintainance and work to be considered remotely presentable.

It was her words that made Alexandra halt, even as she still hugged Minna. Let them, help. Them including Krest, her eyes darkened for a second but she still looked at Minna. Was this a trap... had Jairdain been used as nothing more than bait to trick Alexandra, was Minna meant to cause her guard to drop. Were they about to make things worse in her head and give control to Hel. What if Hel hurt Vulpesen while she was without control. With so many here, even Vulpesen would have troubles.

Alexandra swallowed, not sure if she could trust them for a moment and almost pulled away, but she didn't. In the end she did trust Jairdain, and Minna seemed right. And of all the people here, her mind focused on Vulpesen, her eyes closing as she knew he would be right there to help. So she opened her mind to [member="Jairdain"] and [member="Krest"], who when entering, would cause Alexandra's mind to retreat. Alex's body would go limp, even as Vulpesen turned to focus on Minna. Everything about Alexandra would remain ok, but she would not respond or wake until Krest and Jairdain were done.

[member="Vulpesen"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"]
She was close now, there it was. The tree, the one which was oddly one of the roots of the events playing in front of her eyes. Although she did know something about the tree itself, it's part in this odd display was still unknown to her. So too were most of the motives of the people around her. Hopefully the tree or [member="Alexandra Feanor"] could give her the answers, or at least some.

Abigail quickly looked to her side to see Alex interacting with [member="Minna"] . She didn't seem to pay Abigail any mind, so Abigail intended to just go straight to the tree. Just as she turned her head back, however, she noticed Alex make some strange movements out of the corner of her eye, causing Abigail to redirect her gaze towards her master again, only to find out that she had collapsed. A certain sense of fear crept up on Abigail as a shiver ran down her spine.

She immediately stopped walking towards the tree, only to quickly make her way over to Alex, while aying Minna so mind.
"Master Feanor?", she asked with the idiotic hope she could still hear her.
"Alexandra? Alex?!", she tried again as she quickly kneeled down next to her.
She placed her hands on both her shoulders as she felt a sense of dread.

[member="Vulpesen"] [member="Krest"] [member="Jairdain"]
The others had the luxury of catching up with [member="Minna"] , whereas Krest couldn't even look in her direction. His whole body tensed as he closed his eyes to shut out the rest around him to focus on the task he had given himself. With [member="Jairdain"] 's help he could touch [member="Alexandra Feanor"] 's mind to find the source of so much pain for her and [member="Vulpesen"] . A world of black surrounded he and the blind woman as they walked into the Grandmaster's mind space.

"Hel, show yourself already so we can get this done, yeah?"
Sensing the additional aid that came from Minna, she opened herself to the help and connected all of them together. Like an arrow, she guided Krest to his target. The dark being inside of Alex that was going to die today. Hel had been a part of Alex, caused so much trouble and issues and needed to be gone.

With Krest not being a mentalist, he needed her to get him there. After that she was going to have to maintain the connections between all of them. What she did not know was if Vulps was going to need the same help...

While she mentally walked along side Krest, another part of her reached out to beckon to Vulps. It might be felt as a mental tug or a pull on his arm, she did not know and was unaware of how the message would be felt. In her current state, the arrival of Abigail went unnoticed on the physical plain, but not through the Force.

There would be a sense of comfort from Jairdain to Abigail concerning Alex. Right now she was unable to reassure the other woman by any other means. Mentalist she might be, but even she had limits. While Jairdain was not at them yet, she did not want to push those boundaries until she needed to.

[member="Krest"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Minna"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"]
"After the Republic fell, I went into exile..." Minna continued to hold Alex, feeling her body go limp as they all connected to her. Holding her up slightly, she continued to look straight in her eyes, finding it hard not to glance aside to [member="Krest"] or even [member="Vulpesen"] out of curiosity. It had been so long since she had seen any of them, the knowledge that they were finally altogether and mostly well was something she had not let process fully yet. She had to put that aside and focus on helping Alex first. [member="Jairdain"] seemed to be doing a good job connecting everyone together through the force, as Minna felt their minds come together, feeling their presences close. She only hoped Vulpesen would lend his aid too.

"She's fine." Minna spoke to the girl who had rushed over, trying to calm her and ensure she didn't disturb Alex's healing. "If you can, lend your power to us. Together we can help her." She spoke softly and sounded impressively calm considering the task ahead. It was clear her time in exile had paid off. Minna had peace of mind in herself, and now only hoped to help Alexandra achieve that.
After his moment of peace, Vulpesen flicked an ear towards the brief conversations of the others. With all the excitement, it took him a moment to understand exactly what was on, but it all eventually dawned on him as Alexandra collapsed to the ground. Remove Hel. How often had he wanted just that? How many times had he threatened to dive into Alex's mind and drag that beast out, kicking and screaming. While Jairdain and Krest went in through one route, Vulpesen chose another, infusing his mind with the force as he travelled through the Ashlan link, make his way to Alex's consciousness through Ace and Daeda. Finally, it was time.

[member="Minna"] [member="Jairdain"] [member="Krest"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra's mind had gone dark, a scene that would greet [member="Jairdain"], [member="Krest"], and [member="Vulpesen"] when they took their individual paths into her mind. And within there was not Alexandra but a familiar dark-haired woman that rested at a desk, staring at the intrusion with more confusion than understanding. Her eyes turned to look for Alexandra but she was gone and then towards Daeda, who sat to the side, watching and observing what was happening. It was that woman, Hel, who witnessed the arrival of those three and that woman who leaned forward as she crossed her hands.

"Welcome. I must ask you to leave Alexandra's mind. I'm not quite sure how you were able to pacify her mind enough to get to me, but I doubt your being here is quite... welcome. So with that said, cease your intrusion and give peace to this woman's mind." Hel was calm, collected, and in no way seemed angry at those standing in front of her. She tapped a pen on the top of that desk she sat at, waiting for the intruders to go and quite honestly not recognizing them, with exception to Vulpesen who she smiled at.

"You I remember. Enjoyed those two years of freedom? Or are you doing this for her... how about you spare us both the time you are about to waste? You were a hindrance to Alexandra, held her back and you were the reason for her being strapped down. We already went over this though, you know I am the one that was there that day, and since leaving you Alexandra has grown stronger and found the light. You had kept her tied down and away from achieving what she could do... plus, what do you gain from 'helping' her." She paused, likely knowing Vulpesen would react in some way to those words, but in no way stop.

"Admit it. You don't care how this ends for her, or how she continues with life. You tossed her aside the first chance you got finally, the first chance that it didn't make you look like the bad guy. How long did it take for you to find a new one? Or to have fun with someone else? You use people and then when they have proven to become useless or a burden, you cast them aside. Funny how much like a Sith you are." She looked to Daeda, who looked back at her and the two shared a thought before Hel smiled again.

"Oh? You all came here to destroy me. Interesting. Problem is, to destroy me, is to destroy Alexandra. Although, something tells me that you traitors really don't care for her life. Do you?" Hel smiled and stood, her appearance shifting to that of Alexandra's old one. The woman that everyone except for Jairdain would recognize.

"I am her after all, just the emotions she wanted to cast out. She and I came to an understanding, during that time you had cast her out without thinking. And that understanding was that the two of us are one. And while she could not repair that rift she had formed so long ago, she did not want to destroy me because of the fact that I had my own reasons for existing and my own interests in this world... and now there is something a bit more I wish to retain. So I suggest leaving our mind, Alexandra may not be able to remove you from her thoughts, but I believe myself and Daeda are more than enough."

And like that, walls would form around everyone, each individual cut off from the other as a labyrinth took shape. It was a defense mechanism long since developed and strengthened but Hel and Daeda, the two working in tandem even if on opposing sides, wanting to preserve and protect the mind that those three now found themselves in.

And on the outside, Alexandra would remain limp, watched over by [member="Minna"] and [member="Abigail Meredydd"], cared for while the other three continued their way through Alexandra's mind and attempted to remove Hel.
"What do you mean she's fine?", Abigail asked confused. "She-She's just...lying here... blacked out or something. That's not fine!", she said towards the girl standing beside her. "We-We have do something!", she stuttered.

Then the girl asked to lend Abigail's power to her. To save Alex, as it sounded.
"Help her? Can I? I, yes, yes I will. I really want to, but, I don't think that I can. I'm not, powerful like her or like you", she admitted, a bit disappointed in her own incompetence so far.

She averted her gaze back to Alex, who was still out cold it appeared. She wondered what could've caused this, but she had to admit to herself that she didn't have the slightest clue. She feared that she was going to be able to do nothing except sit there and watch, but if she was going to, she wanted to at least know what it was that was going on.

"What is happening?", she asked nervously.

[member="Minna"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Krest"] [member="Jairdain"]
Krest's goal was ultimately very simple. Bash his way through the maze to Hel and bash her out of [member="Alexandra Feanor"] 's head to be finally dealt with. So, with as much Zabrak Gusto as he could muster, he'd begin to do just that, bash his way through the maze walls rather than follow it and risk getting lost.
With sight granted to her in this mind scape, Jairdain was able to look around. In separate but still within sight were the others. She knew she wasn't actually going to be of much use in this and took a seat on the floor. In this instance when she closed her eyes, the ever present and familiar darkness returned. This was the world she was familiar with and she welcomed its comforting embrace.

As she meditated, she reached out to Krest and Vulps to lead each of them aid in their respective quests.

My friends. Do what must be done. I will lend you strength. Allow me in and together this will get done so much easier. ​

Tendrils of the Force reached out to them. With Krest he had very little choice in the matter due to their connection, but she doubted he would have resisted even if he could have. It was up to Vulps if accepted or resisted. This was not something she would force on him.

I​ will be your guideline out of this mindscape. Give her hell.

[member="Krest"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"] [member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Vulpesen"] [member="Minna"]
Vulpesen twitch slightly as Hel berated him, his tail lashing out in frustration of the words. But he knew this woman. She knew her ways and how evil she was. As such, he refused to heed her words, simply letting them roll off of him as the maze rose around him. "No... to destroy you is to destroy you. Enough of your lies." Beside him, Ace appeared, no longer six inches tall, but rather, the size of a horse. The mind was an ashlan's domain, and in here, his companion had power. "Lets play a game, friend." He patted Ace's blue fur which shone brilliantly then... darted forward.

For years, he and Ace had tested each other. Dejarik, sabacc, all games wherein one had to hide his thoughts to win. They had learned to throw up barriers and mazes to prevent each other's progress. It made Vulpesen's mind nigh impenetrable to outside forces. But it also had another benefit. Vulpesen had learned to navigate mazes of the mind. Unburdened by physicality, the Valde flew through the maze, practiced skill bringing him closer and closer to the edge. Ace probed at Daeda and ALex's minds as best he could while Vulpesen reached out with the force to do the same, robbing them of any hint that might slip up to the surface of their thoughts and digging deeper if the surface gave him nothing.

[member="Alexandra Feanor"] [member="Jairdain"] [member="Minna"] [member="Krest"] [member="Abigail Meredydd"]
"Trust me," Minna now turned her attention to [member="Abigail Meredydd"], still providing the mental and energy-based support to the others, but physically looking to the girl to try and calm her. "You're more powerful than you think." She gestured for the girl to place a hand on Alex, keeping her calm smile as he did so. If she would comply, she would feel a large amount of energy; the pooling of all these masters powers. She might not have recognised or discerned each one, but the overall feeling was unavoidable. "Reach out to the force, let it calm you. Give yourself to it and it will help her." As Minna spoke she also acted, channelling herself more clearly into the force so that even Abigail would feel a shift in power.

"Now you." She smiled, glancing around for a moment to check on the others. They were all busy facing Hel inside the maze of Alexandra's mind, Minna could feel their struggle and efforts. Whilst her own mind was not submerged like theirs, her aura encompassed them inside, granting them the extra strength and peace of mind they might need to prevail. In the present though Minna would remain focused on Abigail, showing her how to lend her aid and keeping her calm to avoid disrupting Alexandra, or worse; Hel.
"But.. I don't think I can..", Abigail silently protested. "I've never... done this."

After listening to [member="Minna"] speak, she decided to follow what she said, and placed her hand on Alex. While she placed her hand on her master, the Force guided her, connecting her in way to that which she was supposed to feel. And while it took a second, she still eventually felt the overwhelming amount of energy. It was so strong that Abigail had almost pulled her hand back, but because of the girl next to her, she managed to keep her calm.

As Abigail felt yet another shift in energy, something inside her told her it originated from the girl beside her.
"Now...? I don't think I know how", she muttered. And it was true, she really didn't know how, but still she tried. Tried to listen to the girl her words, and tried to do whatever it was she needed to do.
If she did something right, the girl would tell her.. and the same was true for if she did something wrong.

But yet, there was something in the air.. something in the Force that made her uncomfortable, almost making her want to stop all of this. Strange.

[member="Alexandra Feanor"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Jairdain"] | [member="Vulpesen"]

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